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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9754185 No.9754185 [Reply] [Original]

There's a service called Gedmatch where you can upload your raw DNA data provided by 23andme and it then converts this into percentiles of population clusters your DNA is most similar to.

So a bunch of academics did a DNA test on monkeys and the monkey DNA was run through the same algorithm used on actual human DNA - the result? The monkey DNA had the greatest similarity to African human populations by far.


>> No.9754264

We all already knew that. Other groups migrated far away from ape ancestors, mixed with neanderthals and evolved in a different climate. It would be a totally bizarre finding that africans were further from apes than us.

>> No.9754285

that and other human crossbreeding (denisovan) would be the reason for the supposed iq differences if true

>> No.9754287

No shit, dumbass. Populations outside of Africa mixed with Neanderthals and Denisovans, and potentially other species. Go back to /pol/ if you’re trying to make a “nigger hate thread” on a science board.

>> No.9754288

Humans are apes. We’re not “further” from them than chimps, gorillas, or orangutans.

>> No.9754291

Woah, why did you assume this has anything to do with nigger hate. Stop projecting your racism onto others

>> No.9754295

>that and other human crossbreeding (denisovan) would be the reason for the supposed iq differences if true

>So a bunch of academics did a DNA test on monkeys and the monkey DNA was run through the same algorithm used on actual human DNA - the result? The monkey DNA had the greatest similarity to African human populations by far.

You are trying to make a “race realism” thread. Stop. The general rules explicitly state racism belongs on /b/.

>> No.9754297

first off i'm the guy who posted that
second off ultra reddit spacing
>if true

>> No.9754300

Again, stop projecting your racism. There are well-known iq differences between races. Also, neither of those quotes have any racism in them. I think you're just projecting your own racism onto them since I know even know what you're trying to imply is racism about those 2 quotes

>> No.9754301

>first off i'm the guy who posted that
I know, brainlet. That’s what I’m pointing out.

>second off ultra reddit spacing

Hur dur u put spaeces between ur points haha Reddit spacing so ur invalid. Really showing your /pol/ colors. You’d also say “MEME FLAG HAHA” if you could.

>>if true



>> No.9754304

>Again, stop projecting your racism

>There are well-known iq differences between races.

Yep. Troll. Knew it.

>> No.9754305

no you fucking idiot you don't understand anything of what i posted nor anything in this thread
you can't refute that africans didn't interbreed with neanderthals and denisovans like other areas of humans did. this would lead to more of a genetic divergence from africans. there's nothing racist about proven science you fucking moron

what the fuck is wrong with your brain god damn
stop being a little bitch and go back to pol

>> No.9754307

as well the guy you replied to wasn't me dumbshit
i get that you're a newfag from reddit but you can at least look at the lack of capitalization or perhaps that's too hard for your brain

>> No.9754308

>you can't refute that africans didn't interbreed with neanderthals and denisovans like other areas of humans did. this would lead to more of a genetic divergence from africans. there's nothing racist about proven science you fucking moron


Literally what I first said. JFC the state of /pol/gres

You start a literal “hey black people r closer 2 monkeys” thread and tell me to go back to /pol/. You are a troll.

>> No.9754309

please go back to red[math][/math]dit. you fit the ultra cray cray contrarian mindset like the other tards. we need a brainlet filter. amusingly you admitted to misunderstanding my post then
and again you think i'm somebody i'm not
is this your literal first time on 4chan?

>> No.9754310

Not a “newfag from Reddit”, sorry. I’m not going to examine differences in syntax and grammar because I don’t care.

>> No.9754311

Are you saying there aren't iq differences between races?

>> No.9754312

Ad hominem red herring post placed in trash.

>> No.9754313

uh huh. that's cool bro but reddit is not here

>> No.9754315

The general rules directly state racism is permitted only on /b/. Good day.
I was just pointing out the amazingly contradictory nature of your post.

>> No.9754316

>insults = ad hominem
wow bro when did you take your logic class? holy shit i'm surprised you even know what this website is brainlet
>not seeing the strawman mimicry you posted earlier

you're actually making me feel bad

>> No.9754317

“Haha I can’t defeat u but I can accuse you of being from Reddit that’s an argument”

>> No.9754320

m8 all you're doing is strawmanning
what else do you want people to reply to you with

>> No.9754321

>wow bro when did you take your logic class? holy shit i'm surprised you even know what this website is brainlet

Insults are a form of ad hominem. You’re just objectively wrong.

Delete your racism thread, please.

>> No.9754322

Saying that there's iq differences between races is not racist, retard. That's just the truth. Claiming that those iq differences mean that niggers are somehow inferior would be racist, which I'm not doing.

>> No.9754323

no they're not you fucking idiot
you called me a brainlet first of all and it's literally only ad hominem if you use it to disregard an argument if you were on 4chan for more than today you'd realized this

again with the newfaggery. i can't delete this post because i didn't make it dumbfuck. why is your brain so small

>> No.9754326

Everyone knows what is meant. When people say animal welfare does it confuse you?

>> No.9754328

Yes they are. That’s an ad hominem attack whereas dismissing arguments with them would be an ad hominem fallacy.

“A lower IQ is not inferior to a higher IQ”

Epitome of troll. Leaving this troll thread.

Anyone that wants to play with the /pol/troll, remember to sage and report.

>> No.9754330

I noticed that you forgot to answer the question

>> No.9754333

whatever bro bring up racism where it wasn't stated just for fun i guess. maybe it's a remnant of your bullied childhood where you imagine things where they aren't actually present

at least when i go to sleep tonight you won't be here tomorrow as you will probably go back to re[math][/math]ddit by the time i wake up

why even bring up sage if you bumped the thread. do you even know what a sage is or have you seen people say it and think if you put it in your post it'll not bump

>> No.9754337

A lower average iq is not inferior to a higher average iq because we don't know the cause. Maybe the cause of that lower iq is that niggers experience stereotype threat, or maybe because niggers are poorer on average which causes a lower iq, or maybe because niggers are oppressed which causes lower iq. There are plenty of reasons for a lower iq that would not suggest that niggers are inferior

>> No.9754341

It's pretty obvious yeah, but the people behind the SJW movement want us to see them as superior so that white women breed with them.

>> No.9754342

If you think lower iq automatically means inferior, then aren't you the racist one since blacks definitely do have the lowest iq of all the races? Or do you deny that there are iq differences between races?

>> No.9754384
File: 213 KB, 599x828, blacks-homicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stereotype threat

Thoroughly debunked pseudo science. Google "replication crisis in the social sciences".

Try harder sonny.

>> No.9754389
File: 40 KB, 350x438, Robert Mugabe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9754390 [DELETED] 
File: 514 KB, 600x600, Genus of ape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9754392
File: 8 KB, 348x145, Neotny and chimps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9754342 The only thing even remotely special about Humans is their advanced cognitive ability. Other than that, we are no different than any other ape on this planet.

>> No.9754395 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 368x453, Nigorilla warface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9754422

Failed biology did we? Failed statistics did we?