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9753924 No.9753924 [Reply] [Original]

How do I learn to write faster?
If I want to get my h-index up to the triple digits I'm going to need to write hundreds of papers.
But it takes me hours to write a single page of text.
I have some ideas, I have some data, I have some motivations/applications. But when it comes to actually being productive I just suck.

>> No.9753932
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This image

H-index is a popularity contest, some medal field get very low h-index but some guy write common undergraduate book gets over 100 h-index

>> No.9753934

>tfw trying to write proposal but have no idea how to organize everything so i just put it off

this thread has potential

>> No.9754192

Probably won't get many replies, there are so few actual /sci/entists on this forum now, it's just IQ experts from /pol/ spamming the same tired threads

So really what I'm having trouble with is a form of writer's block I guess

>> No.9754616

Idk about you but I have slow processing speed so it just takes me longer to get the same work done. Take more regular breaks than most people would see if that makes a difference

>> No.9754624


>> No.9754645

There is such a toxic culture in academia.
I just write GOOD papers, as quickly as I can.
I don't focus on pumping out piles of shit.

>> No.9754886
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I have similar issues. Love science, can write well, but don't like to write and it takes forever. Here are some random thoughts from a guy procrastinating on his prelim document...

Above all else, you need to be interested in what you are doing. It doesn't have to be your favorite subject, but it has to spark some interest or be relevant to your interests.

I think I don't like writing because I know it's going to take forever, and just starting can be daunting. But you'd be surprised at what you can accomplish with steady effort, even if you can't add much at a time.

Don't necessarily start on the intro, which may be the hardest part to write overall. Start on what seems easiest for you. Maybe start with the figures, or the theory.

I personally like explaining things to people in person. Try getting into that mindset when writing. Or actually call someone up and try to explain a concept to them, even if it's over their heads, and record the conversation.

The exercise of being able to concretely set down ideas is deceivingly hard, even ones you are familiar with, but it will make you realize gaps in your knowledge and make you more effective at communicating ideas.

I also remind myself how much I rely on other people's writing to learn. I want to give something back if I can.

Finally, don't worry if what you are writing sucks. Get our ideas down onto the page (even if it's bullet points). Preemptive optimization is the bane of both writing code and documents.

Good luck.

>> No.9754985

>Constructing a false dichotomy between quantity and quality
Clearly the op is interested in writing great papers. That's why he can't get anything onto the paper

>> No.9755000

H index means 'h' papers with 'h' citations.
So an h index of 100 implies 100 papers with 100 citations each.
That means those papers need to get into good journals and then actually be cited by others. You won't get 100 writing piles of shit unless you control some nefarious cabal of fake academics.

>> No.9755232

So, in addition to those books, what else constitutes a more comprehensive trivium-based education? Just daily practicing writing in all sorts of forms? Expository essays, poetry, rhetorical disputations, etc?

>> No.9755239

>You won't get 100 writing piles of shit unless you control some nefarious cabal of fake academics.

>> No.9755243

Treat yourself like a 1400s monk.

>> No.9755269

Why not a 1300s monk?

>> No.9755281

It's a bit early in the Renaissance.
My favorite era is more 1500s-1600s, you get an interesting mink of melee, naval and pike and shot.

>> No.9755528

>that list
what a waste of time

>> No.9755533

i find that the best way to write faster (no matter the subject) is to be more knowledgeable about the subject. if you know the subject like the back of your hand then you should be able to write pages on it as if it were nothing.

>> No.9755555

you need coffee, a quiet environment
also doing some sports helps
and you have to stay focused and logical and maintain a straight and clear mind

>> No.9756172

>I personally like explaining things to people in person. Try getting into that mindset when writing.
Thanks anon
this makes a lot of sense

>> No.9756886

>triple digits
You're not gonna get triple without some degree of luck. Most professors with really high quality research don't even have trips.