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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9750064 No.9750064 [Reply] [Original]

>Biology major calls himself a STEM major

>> No.9750165

>Biology is the natural science that involves the study of life and living organisms, including their physical structure, chemical composition, function, development and evolution.

>> No.9750169
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>STEM snobbism
You are no better off than other scientists.

>> No.9750170

>biology and chemistry majors think they are smart

>> No.9750182

Why all the hate against biology and other non-math intensive fields?

It's almost if you think maths helped deliver your arrogant ass into this world, vaccinate you against shit diseases so you don't turn out crippled, retarded, or dead, and keep you healthy with safe food so you can continue to spend the rest of your life staring at a white board or paper only to make minuscule contributions to an already overwhelmed field and spend your free time on 4chan dissing other fields while everyone else is enjoying their personal endeavors, life, and socializing outside Internet image boards.

>> No.9750659

t. brainlet too dumb to understand "all those complicated numbers and symbols!!!!!"

>> No.9750670

too bad they didnt have a vaccine to give him for autism.

>> No.9750671

Faggot here who recently graduated with degrees in physics, mathematics (pure) and astronomy, going to grad school for condensed matter physics. Not even biophysics.

Stop shitting on other sciences to make yourself feel superior. Actually contribute to your field rather than jerking yourself off to the deluded fantasy that you’re better than other scientists because you read a different textbook than they did. You’re the cancer that’s preventing further progress in the sciences.

Sorry for the humblebrag, I only mention my background to prove my point that you’re a fucking shithead.

>> No.9750688

>Some frogposter on /sci/ cares about who calls themselves a STEM major
concerned person.gif

>> No.9750691

> Math didn't contribute to modern medicine or agriculture

You physically could not be more retarded.

>> No.9750702

Math did. But so did a whole variety of other fields. If you can’t see that, then you are the retarded fuck.

>> No.9750730
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C'mon, I'm sure you don't understand "all those complicated numbers and symbols" either. I'm as much of a mathfag as most of /sci/ is, but to say that the study of natural sciences, social sciences and humanities isn't as important as mathematics and it's related fields, is pretty fucking stupid.

>> No.9750744

Thank you.
The amount of arrogant mathfags on this board is over 9000.

>> No.9750762

>reddit joke
as expected from bio faggots

>> No.9750777

>biology major

>> No.9750779
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>social sciences and humanities
stopped reading there

>> No.9751103

Don't confuse important social sciences and humanities that have real merit in this world with postmodernist feminism bullshit and other such garbage.

You do realize that there are important fields fields covered under that descriptor, you know - economics, geography, anthropology, archeology, linguistics, history, psychology, public health, and sociology. All of which have importance in this world.

Only on a website such as this would you be able to find such unenlightened individuals (who I suspect are mostly uncultured undergraduate neck-beards) who think we can have only maths and its related branches, engineering, etc without other important aspects of human knowledge.

Science improves our lives and allows us to make huge technological leaps forward, but without other aspects of human knowledge - what's the point?

>4chan, a place of unenlightened, bigoted, uncultured, autists who think 'muh maths' is the only thing worth living for

>> No.9751145

Hmm. I did research biology for a while. Some of the statistical analysis used to piss me off.

>> No.9751147
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>> No.9751157

most of them are american, and therefore failed high school science. don't be too hard on them. let them dream.

>> No.9751163

Did you just compare biology to social sciences you brainlet fag?

>> No.9751177

>did you just compare a social science to a social science

>> No.9751180
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>physics and compsci are the only real sciences

>> No.9751189

physics is basically just applied comp sci at this point

>> No.9751190
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>math is the only real science

>> No.9751414

>physics uses computers, therefore it’s applied computer science
Is computer science just applied keyboard typing?
Is math just applied chalkboard writing?
Is architecture just applied stone masonry?

I can’t wait to tell my astronomy friends that they’re all just applied telescope users and my culinary arts friends that they’re applied metallurgists because they fucking use knives.

>> No.9751896

Imagine being this insecure about your field of study.

>> No.9751907

>STEM major lives with parents

>> No.9751912


>> No.9751948

Biology is the ultimate science, it needs skills in all fields to be properly understood.

>> No.9751966

you forgot didactics, medicine, and law, and why the fuck do you list programming when you list informatics

>> No.9751981

Someone could memorize the krebs cycle in a few hours and that's toted as being ZOMGSOHARD in biochemistry. Now think about how long it would take to master the most difficult math concepts.

>> No.9752104

go back to solving equations, nerd

>> No.9752117

>Now think about how long it would take to master the most difficult math concepts

you're still in high school aren't you?

>> No.9752286
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>mfw geologists are smarter than biologists

>> No.9752462

Bio graduate. And I got C+ in calc 1 and 2 in uni, which is the only math I took. So basically, yeah.

>> No.9752528

Kreb's cycle doesn't crack a top 5 of difficult biological pathways. Even glycolysis is more difficult imo