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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 65 KB, 601x601, rage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9748068 No.9748068[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>that one fucker on your course that manages to get 90%+ in every exam but at the same time is so helpful and likeable you have no excuse to hate them
>tfw you will never be this person

>> No.9748070

Just bee yourself

>> No.9748094

Third year chemist, my "nice genius" got perfect scores in his physical and organic chemistry exams but still has the time to be socially well-adjusted to a scary degree (charismatic, plays sports, has had the same girlfriend since first year). I know a few autists that eat breath and shit chemistry at the cost of their social lives, but they can't even touch him in exams or tutorials. Bit sad really :^(

>> No.9748238

these people feel so unreal to me its like fiction

>> No.9748268

You just dont manage your time well

>> No.9748306
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Thats ok anon not everyone can be popular. You do you

>> No.9750178

>tfw you are this person
Feels incredible man

>> No.9750194
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>hating people because you are inferior to them

>> No.9750224


>> No.9750263
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I want to believe this is what real high-IQ people are like, instead of the "nerdy social autist" stereotype.
I'd argue the typical /sci/ and /g/ types are just slightly above average maladapted autists who are basically compensating for their general mediocrity with heavy studying, while actually talented people are well-adjusted and competent in most aspects of life - academic, social, romantic etc.

>> No.9750268

*asocial autist, made a typo.

>> No.9750272

I still hated that fucker. Spread rumors about him being a piece of shit every single day.

>> No.9750278

Im pedantic in class but when I speak to people personally im very charming and helpful and always do my best to help when asked.
So people have a mixed view of me and its funny.
Also, try to learn from those who do better than you, envy is a powerful ally of failure.

>> No.9750279

Basically. The autist science or cs student is equivalent to the “chad” football player who is strong and fit but gets a D in college algebra. Both are pigeonholed into their safe little world with the blinders on. The actual top of the top, whether it’s by IQ or some other metric (if it can be measured) excel in everything they do - sports, academics, music, etc.

>> No.9750281

I'm getting a PhD at the #1 school in the world for my field, and you're pretty much on the money with the latter part of your post. Pretty much everyone in my cohort is a genuinely great and well-adjusted person, as well as obviously being very intelligent.

It would seriously surprise you (as it did me) how normal we all are.

>> No.9750288 [DELETED] 

Being nice is a liabilty tho, if you want to be part of the elite you've to be adjusted but forget about ethics completely.

>> No.9750342

>t. weirdo weeb

>> No.9750345
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Why, just because you aren't as good as someone else doesn't mean you should be a dick about it! you should want others to succeed in your field and have people like that who can help you get there. Don't be such a petty faggot, science isn't about one person being the smartest, god this board is such fucking cancer with you fucking faggots crying about classes and being "better" than other people.

>> No.9750351
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you are all fucking retarded autistic spergs who don't have a simple good quality and just major and study science to feel good about how small your dicks are and to rub it in people's faces with your "above average" IQ

>> No.9750374
File: 13 KB, 500x236, smugg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw am exactly this person

>> No.9750760

how do you do that

>> No.9750786

me too! Feels quite good except I'm still pretty empty inside...

>> No.9750803

Comes down to time management. I don’t watch TV and don’t spend much time here either. I’m either working out, studying/homework, partying somewhere, or sleeping. People waste half their time then act like they were never given enough. As if. The smarter you are the easier it is because your time spent on studying etc. will be significantly reduced and you’ll have better self-control (hopefully).

>> No.9750813

>People waste half their time then act like they were never given enough. As if.
Gee, you're stupid. If you were a decent person and had things you wanted to do other than those in your pathetic schedule, you wouldn't have enough time to do it. Don't act like there's enough time in the day just because a worthless narcissistic sheep like you is only interested in doing things which raise your status in the eyes of other sheep.

>> No.9750820

Rather than complaining about it, get better at the subject.

There will always be people in the world who are better at something than you are, so don’t whine about it whenever you run into one of those people. Instead, work tirelessly to become one of those people. Be the person that other people aspire to be because they’re so good at something.

>> No.9750827

That's stupid, by the time you succeed all the good years of life are over. Luck is the only thing that matters.

>> No.9750830

You can improve that.So you're doing now is being filthy as f

>> No.9750834

This is sjw tumblrina logic.

I started out a brainlet and now I’m going to Stanford for physics. You can do it.

>> No.9750841

I’m this guy >>9750834

Also, I should mention this >>9750827 is how losers justify their failures.

>> No.9750900

> real high-IQ people are like
IQ doesn't tell you much about intelligence. At least from a research perspective
>nerdy social autist
There are brilliant people that never make something of themselves because they don't have the drive

>> No.9750905

>on 4chan procrostinating
okay anon.
time management is important, but thats the sort of lesson you learn your freshman year of college
Research is hard. There's a lot of luck involved in terms of having natural intelligence, and avoiding rabbit holes

>> No.9750946

What does this have to do with science or math?

>> No.9750964

Most things on /sci/ don’t anymore.

>> No.9750977

If you think there's a single important factor in life other than luck, you're an idiot. End of story.

>> No.9750984

usually the "Aces everything without studying" people are visiting the material for the second time

>> No.9750992

>the "nerdy social autist" stereotype.
They way is promulgate this stereotype on TV, with Sheldon etc, is as offensive to me as I image having some other show about the black father who is a ghetto ass hood rat that sucks his teeth all day when he's not smoking crack or robbing people.

>> No.9750999

If you honestly believe this just because you’ve noticed some people are smarter than you, then you don’t even deserve to be in STEM and should drop out immediately. Then when you’re 40 years old and haven’t moved up from the same wagecuck job you’ve been working at since you left school, you can use this continue to use this lame, bullshit excuse to keep yourself from having to admit that you just were too much of a pussy to try harder and be better.

Man up you piece of shit. Stop acting like life’s bitch and start acting like life’s abusive alcoholic father.

>> No.9751009

>I know a few autists that eat breath and shit chemistry at the cost of their social lives, but they can't even touch him in exams or tutorials
i dont know why this would be surprising

>> No.9751012

What makes you think smart people are not well-adjusted and competent?
Part of the definition of IQ is essentially doing good, solving the problem fast and thinking clearly.

>> No.9751039

That’s my buddy
>4.0 GPA
>works while going to school
>now works for a professor
>is in fantastic shape (hits the gym, rock climbs, mountain bikes)
>has a beautiful finance
>tall and handsome
>very likable and respectful even though he has every reason to be cocky
>scored a 94 on an exam where the average was 53
On top of everything he smokes weed every day. Don’t know how he does it. Good dude though

>> No.9751048
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>breeze through and ace all exams
>only have difficulty with lab work because it involves other people and they make me nervous
>desperately want to be this guy
>hate him at the time
The worst is when these affable bastards use their high social intelligence realizing you're singled out and try to help you out of sympathy or something. He showers you in pity all without missing a beat.

>> No.9751053

this desu

>> No.9751140

i genuinely can't imagine being this angry at an anonymous stranger for being successful

>> No.9751178

Nice blog retards.

>> No.9751372

Hey Taleb, hows it going?

>> No.9751913

>aces exams, lots of spare time
checks out

>> No.9751944

Maybe going to uni just appeals to people who can maintain a good social life?
If I look at my class, people who get good or bad grades, all have social lives.
Uni is just majority "normies", therefore one might think being high IQ = good social skills, romantic skills etc.

>> No.9751976

Think about it like this, the dude is giving you an opportunity to work on your social weaknesses, just take it in the ass and be better tomorrow.