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9745816 No.9745816 [Reply] [Original]

Of this following list of technological achievements, which one do you think will happen? when? What do you think the consequences it will have on common people will be? What about when they are all combined?

-Strong AI
-Virtual reality undistinguishable from real life.
-Nanotech or biotech capable of manufacturing anything with little input from a human.
-Total control over biology, ability to regrow limbs and structurally modify all aspects of a living being.
-Biological inmortality
-Perfect antropomorphic androids
-Relatively cheap space travel

>> No.9745825

>-Virtual reality undistinguishable from real life.
This would require powerful quantum computers

>> No.9745826

You are just being way too optimistic or should I say futurist.

How about lithium air batteries five times better than current batteries? Or maybe reflow batteries which would be great for home power storage.

Better yet what about a cheap water filter that can filter ocean water into drinking water.

Or maybe a potato box that is fully automated and keeps spitting out potatoes every so many days.

>> No.9745830

All of these are meme options, but a general AI is the most likely to happen maybe in the next decade.

>> No.9745866
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Probably none of those within our lifetime. *Maybe* virtual reality indistinguishable from real life, on the individual level (unlike >>9745825 says, it's not that hard to fool one person all of the time), but that's not nearly as disruptive as virtual reality that's *better* than real life, and that's apt to come first - especially if this transcranial stimulation thing catches on, and gets refined enough to target pleasure centers.

Will see hints of all of them though - hell, have plenty of hints now. Good thing is most of them won't happen all at once, so we'll have some opportunity to adapt.

As for exact consequences - there's so many it's hard to speculate - though I think Altered Carbon briefly covers all of these, if you want a quick sci-fi world with all the above combined. Granted, with a very negative outlook, but I don't think we'll ever see a positive sci-fi like ST:TNG again.

>> No.9745879

>which one do you think will happen?
"Relatively cheap space travel". The rest will never happen.

>> No.9745888

>it's not that hard to fool one person all of the time
To make something totally undistinguishable at all levels of feeling, sight, hearing, touch texture, etc.. that sounds really hard and would be a huge game changer. Imagine spending your leisure time in a virtual reality in which you are brad pitt fucking angelina jolie

>> No.9745891

not even ai?

>> No.9745903

True, I was just thinking visual and sound... However, once we start adding neural stimulation (and folks are playing with that), being Brad Pitt fucking Angelina Jolie is going to look quaint by comparison, at best. I wouldn't be surprised to see some variants of it being illegal right quick.

>> No.9745911

Yeah probably as soon as its possible every fucking poor person will be flooding their brains with consequence free endorphines and social interactions will be an old sport practiced by the elite

>> No.9745958

>consequence free endorphines
Sadly, given the way neurotransmitters work - no such thing. (Though maybe that's actually a positive.)

>> No.9745986


>> No.9746701

freaky freaky shit, absolutely 100% of the things we hold important today wont even matter.

No one will have to work, all material needs will be met by AIs. Family, or even friends will become obsolete. you dont need your mothers reassurance when you can just delete fear and insecurity from your brain and have your own personal robowaifu with six cocks on its chest constantly come inside the pussies grafted on your back and get filled with endorphines, either physically real or in a simulated reality.

Thats worse case scenario, but even a reality in which everyone can have flawless body would be hugely different. Imagine how different society would be if no one were short, no one were ugly, people didnt get ugly with age. Imagine if that all dorky introverts who got beat up now had the body of a muscled chad, imagine if their mothers remained big titted stacies with juicy butts and juicy pussyes until age 150. Even that (which is a very small change compared to whats coming) would be tremendously disrupting

>> No.9746714
File: 436 KB, 1930x1276, HLAIpredictions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>which one do you think will happen? when?
Predictions for when AI will exceed human intelligence

>> No.9746718
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More AI predictions

>> No.9746720
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>What do you think the consequences it will have on common people will be?

>> No.9746723

Link to original paper:

>> No.9746730
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>> No.9746734

Do you have any actual arguments against the things he says in the articles/video linked previously?

>> No.9746750

I think augmented reality will play a bigger role in disrupting life than virtual reality.

Google really fucked up with how they released google glasses and it was only bought by basedboys who need a good punch to the face. They needed to be elite about it. Just gave the glasses to teachers, doctors, police, military, and make it into something highly respectable and used on the job

I think reality in general is what is going to be disrupted. The creation of that deep fake technology which is basically photoshop but for videos. Most of it was used to make porn of clebs, but you could fake almost anything. Maybe in the future the tech will advance and some autist with lots of time on his hands will create a perfect fake video. Its like you can just create fake reality. Another thing is recently google reveled their AI that can perfectly imitate a human voice on the phone. Okay, so now you can make fake video with a fake voice and the implications of that are insane when it comes to society and politics. You wont know whats real anymore.

You could splice your favorite waifu into a hardcore porn and make her say "i love you anon"

What is a world where every house has a 3d printer? You could print out some solar panales and not have to pay a light bill anymore. You could print a gun. You could print out toys, im sure toy fags will be happy

Facial recognition, micro drones, exoskeletons, self driving cars, smart cities.

All of these things have major implications on privacy and reality itself.

The other day Henry kissinger wrote an op ed saying the rise of AI might lead to the end of liberal enlightenment

>> No.9746765

>You wont know whats real anymore.
that is already happening
>What is a world where every house has a 3d printer?
the whole 3d printing is magic has some clear disadvantages when you look at it closely, but something equivalent to what you say could be possible, it would be more similar to a super robust economy entirely ran by robots where you can get most things for free but for some specific reasons it wouldnt make sense that each house has the capability to manufacture everything.

>> No.9746870

>Virtual reality undistinguishable from real life.
Instead of that, I wonder if there would be circumstance where a child was to be born with some physical handicap that would severely limit their quality of life. And instead of termination, we create some form of virtual reality that is all the individual ever knows.

Sort of along the lines of the Matrix, as more aspects of our lives become automated, it doesn't seem outside the realm of possibility to me that the VR this person lives in couldn't also train and track the development of this person and companies could 'hire' them to do general intelligence tasks that don't require physical presence.

Plus, since it's VR, monitoring widget output in real life could be abstracted out as whatever we wanted it to be in the virtual world. If we understand the individuals wants, it could seem like they were evaluating clay pottery before it goes to the kiln, or whatever, they wouldn't know the difference anyways.

>> No.9746883

if you have that kind of vr technology chances are you can fix almost every illness, cause that imply an extremely fine understanding and manipulation of nerves

>> No.9746888


I should have clarified, I didn't mean the Matrix in terms of visual fidelity, I meant it more as the thing the brain interacts with.

Much like the allegory of the cave, your VR world could look like super mario 64 levels of detail, if that's all the individual ever knows, it's reality enough for them.

>> No.9746892

i wouldnt mind as long as its pleaseant. And youd really have to be a son of a bitch not to give a pleasant experience filled with big titted girls(even if they are 64 bits) to a poor cancer kid

>> No.9746897

None of them are remotely plausible except maybe the first depending on your definition of "strong".
I would argue that the majority of human labour is already obsolete and only still employed through a combination of structural inertia and the fact that automation hasn't reached them yet.
Short of pure entertainment professions I don't know what else will be beyond the reach of computers to do in 20 years or so.

>> No.9746916

Relatively cheap space travel, which would still mean that going to the moon is about the cost of a small house.

>> No.9747036

>None of them are remotely plausible except maybe the first depending on your definition of "strong".
Please explain why virtual reality undistinguishable from real life is impossible?

Nerves are cables. Everything about them is very rough and big. The impulses take a lot of time to travel, even the smallest nerves are orders of magnitude bigger than our smallest wire or chip filament. Any super computer today has faar more computing power than a human brain.

nig its just a matter of time before they figure out how to plug into nerves and feed them info.

>> No.9747618

>-Strong AI
>-Virtual reality undistinguishable from real life.
>-Nanotech or biotech capable of manufacturing anything with little input from a human.
>-Total control over biology, ability to regrow limbs and structurally modify all aspects of a living being.
>-Biological inmortality
>-Perfect antropomorphic androids
You watch to many movies.
>-Relatively cheap space travel

>> No.9747620

because if virtual reality was undistinguishable from reality (real life), it would become reality.

therefore virtual reality can't exist. it's a paradox

>> No.9747660
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Kill yourself :)

>> No.9747982

That's the least likely to happen out of all of them.

>> No.9748079

>>-Virtual reality undistinguishable from real life.
why not?
>>-Total control over biology, ability to regrow limbs and structurally modify all aspects of a living being.
why not?
>>-Biological inmortality
why not?
>>-Perfect antropomorphic androids
>You watch to many movies.
Moon exploration was once stuff of movie now its proven to be real

>> No.9748477

Not an argument

>> No.9749269

not him but with immortality imho its about dna deterioration?