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9744512 No.9744512 [Reply] [Original]

>A fucking circle
What did Euler mean by this?

>> No.9744518

>I’ll have those high schoolers wanting to major in Pure Math for the next four hundred years or so

>> No.9744961

Why do people hold this identity with such high regard? It's pretty useless.

e^ix = cosx + isinx is much more useful and beautiful

>> No.9745182

It's because for the uninitiated it looks mysterious and awe-inspiring. It combines 5 important numbers in a succint equation.
After learning basic complex numbers though it does lose its charm a bit.

>> No.9745195

I still don't get why f(z) = ze^{iθ} rotates a point z by θ degrees

>> No.9745227

Because by Euler's identity, e^(ix) = cos(x) + i*sin(x), (use the power series of e^z + basic properties of analytic functions to prove this). If it's the elementary trigonometry that fucks you over, then you will never make it.

>> No.9745263
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Also, there is a problem with people trying to look better and smarter than other people but, at the end of the day, the essentially wrote 2+2=4 on their goddamn arms and called themselves a genius. This is what the cancer of pop sci does, it makes people feel smart but lazily writing down the most basic of the basic shit in the field. I wouldn't hate this equation so much if it wasn't tattooed on every brainlet that every tried to pass complex analysis.

>> No.9745582

Because it preserves the modulus, |f(z)|=|z||e^iθ|=|z| since e^iθ = cosθ + isinθ is a point on the unit circle. And it changes the angle by exactly θ (mod 2pi), arg(f(z))=arg(z)+arg(e^iθ)=arg(z)+θ.

>> No.9745701
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>e^ix = cosx + isinx
I thought I found a unique way to derive this in high school but now I can't remember what I did. It was about three pages handwritten. Most likely, I just used postulates from my trig textbook that actually relied on the identity and I didn't know it.

>> No.9745735
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The proof itself is fairly simple once you establish that exp(z) is analytic in C. Pic related.

>> No.9746358

Just define e^z as a series then use that to define trig functions