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File: 505 KB, 1200x1800, 1200px-Daniel_Dennett_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9742230 No.9742230 [Reply] [Original]

>The experience of consciousness you are having is simply an illusion
>The experience... you are having...
oh fugg

>> No.9742241

imagine being a rationalist talking about phenomenology

>> No.9742718

how about you morons stop strawmanning dennett by equating consciousness and experience.

>> No.9742886

>optical illusions exist, therefore consciousness doesn't
great job dennett-san

>> No.9742887

>By definition, an illusion has to be tricking something
>But the something that's being tricked is an illusion
>The illusion is tricking itself

>> No.9743514


>> No.9743524

Is he claiming he’s a philosophical zombie, or....?

>> No.9743528

i don't understand what the confusion people have about this is.
I think it's because the detractors of this observations are simply too small minded and dimwitted to construct any meaningful criticism, as evidence by this thread.

>> No.9743531

not science or math

>> No.9743542
File: 105 KB, 600x800, CFtKOrNUIAIqmPJ[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to consciously define consciousness as nothing more than an illusion. No doctor, I don't require medication for psychosis, I'm an intellectual (an illusory one).

>> No.9743549

I'm going to unconsciously arrive at the conclusion that my perceived experience of consciousness is illusory. No doctor, I don't require medication for psychosis [comma splice] I'm an intellectual (an illusory one).

>> No.9743551
File: 146 KB, 600x800, 1526417706801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9743567

If his consciousness isn’t real according to him, doesn’t that mean he has the moral value of, like, a rock?

>> No.9743572

Reminder that if you're from pol you aren't smart enough to have opinions on this subject or any other. And no, spamming memes, strawmanning and lying doesn't count as arguments outside of your inbred hugbox.

>> No.9743574
File: 749 KB, 1290x900, daniel_dennett_1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an illusion, you can't see me *does John Cena hand shake*

>> No.9743576

>moral value

>> No.9743584

you lack self awareness

>> No.9743585

As implied by my first post, you're way too stupid to have any meaningful ideas on who does or doesn't have self-awareness. You need to go back to your containment board, you site-ruining disease.

>> No.9743587

t. virgin non-bicameral brainthinker

>> No.9743591

take your pills and don't ever reply to me again, you silky smooth mini-mind

>> No.9743592

Subjectively speaking. Why should a philosophical zombie be conferred moral value in any ethics system?

>> No.9743599

you're deceiving yourself as to what morals are. they are heuristics constructed by individuals and collectives to describe how best to operate in the world. they are heuristics designed for and by people who lack any significant understanding.

you lack the agency to confer anyone or anything "moral value."

I don't think you know what you're trying to argue.

>> No.9743600
File: 487 KB, 576x355, cantseeme.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't see me (John Cena)

>> No.9743634

I’m interested only in ethics systems that satisfy my conscious and I’m comfortable with. I don’t care about how morals are just a result of being social animals that all have some degree of inhibitions.

>> No.9743641

Go eat babies, Mr. Moral Nihilism

>> No.9743655

I expected this kind of pea-brained answer.

you're understandably making emotional requirements of your "moral systems." if you want to make decisions based on your emotions, just use your emotions. don't confuse yourself by trying to think about it AND feel about it.

>> No.9743657

dennet is a mumbling idiot end of story.
close this thread

>> No.9743671
File: 85 KB, 1582x802, dennettism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's a smart guy, but damned if he doesn't say some middle school level shit sometimes.

>> No.9743686

I’m interested only in ethics systems that satisfy my conscious and I’m comfortable with. I don’t care about how morals are just a result of being social animals that all have some degree of inhibitions. Because when I multiply the integral into the product of y+ 2, I can hyptothetically arrange the atoms into the equation of the physical field of quantum atoms. As implied by my first post, you're understanding here doesn't have any meaningful ideas on who does or doesn't have self-awareness. You need to reconfigure the objective hypothesis of algebraic functioning. Subjectively speaking only, why should a philosophically confined individual be conferred immoral value in any non-ethically arranged ethics system? You're construing yourself as to what lateral distributions are. When in fact, they are neurotics constructed by individuals and thoerists to describe how to optimally operate in the world. They are also and as well as being are heuristics designed for and by people who are people who do so in a way actually lack any significant understanding of the ideas proposed by the theory such presented to them as that. This is why the experience is wrong and the idea that theories regarding the subject being objective to the proposed thoeries, can in fact, counterintuitively conflict with ideas that have been set against those in that such way. I sincerely regard the way thought of as of today to be the one of which I should choose to have in mind, and so, I choose that as the that.

>> No.9743718

big brained post. i really like it.

do you mind if i send this to my friends?

>> No.9743723

thanks im practicing "stream of consiousness" writing (wanted to make someone cringe at it)

>> No.9743789

>morals are very important
>as long as they agree with my feelings

>> No.9743850

>don't confuse yourself by trying to think about it AND feel about it.

Thank you! God! People get so defensive about their fabricated morality systems. Stop trying to make things "objective," or "universal," or "rational," or "consistent."

You know what is right and what is wrong. Let it be inconsistent, irrational, and subjective.

>> No.9743869


>> No.9744022

Illusion is a bad word for it.
The idea is that qualia in particular aren't actually magical non-physical phantoms that appear to you. It's sufficient for the brain to just get you behaving around the idea that's what's happening. It's the same sort of way a robot behaving in response to information from a mounted camera would work. You could have the robot report audibly about what it's "seeing," but as its creator you'd know it wasn't really "seeing" things so much as responding to stimuli with reports and adjustments in how it moves.
Basically this:

>> No.9744045

to be clear, im not an illusionist fan. but morons who make fun of dennett should be shot to death. i bet they take descartes seriously unironically.

>> No.9744103

If illusion is a bad word for it then Dennet shouldn't be using it. People "misunderstand" what he means by illusion because he's using the word incorrectly; rather than saying that consciousness is an illusion, he should be saying that consciousness lacks certain qualities that are often attributed to it – that those qualities are illusory, not that consciousness itself is.

>> No.9744119
File: 15 KB, 604x288, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is it's a subtler situation than you're either willing or able to deal with.
We're talking about our own cognition, if you took an extra few seconds to reflect on the implications you'd realize this means language itself will be deeply impacted by how our cognition operates.
Saying "illusion" needs to involve someone having qualia isn't proof qualia exists, it's proof the way we're led to operate in terms of the idea of qualia has predictably left a mark on how we use language, much like how the word "sunrise" isn't proof for geocentrism, it's proof the way the *belief* in geocentrism left a mark on how we use language.
In any event you CAN technically use the word "illusion" in a way that doesn't require asserting the literal reality of "qualia." Google's third definition ("a false idea or belief") for example could work just fine without taking any stance on "qualia" one way or the other.
I personally prefer not to use that word because of people like you, but that doesn't mean it's even necessarily "wrong" to use it in that way. It's just something apt to cause confusion and annoying semantics arguments, that's all.

>> No.9744317

>Saying "illusion" needs to involve someone having qualia isn't proof qualia exists
Yes it is and the analogy that follows is a false equivalence.

>> No.9744332

>argument by assertion

>> No.9744345

>Saying "illusion" needs to involve someone having qualia isn't proof qualia exists
Never said that illusion needs to involve qualia, but it does need to involve consciousness.
>I personally prefer not to use that word because of people like you, but that doesn't mean it's even necessarily "wrong" to use it in that way.
No, it's absolutely wrong.
Consider a tribe of people who believe that raindrops are the cloud god's tears. Their belief that this is what raindrops actually are is false and could be called an illusion under your definition, but raindrops themselves could not be called an illusion in any sense because they plainly do exist.
Similarly, if consciousness exists but lacks certain qualities that people believe it has, then the illusion is not consciousness itself but rather the false belief that it possesses those traits.

>> No.9744840

Raindrops exist? In what sense? Already there's a problem here because our brains conveniently package phenomena into such categorizations. We don't for instance talk about the phenomenon in terms of fluid dynamics, molecules or fundamental particles. We just invent some idea thats not very close to base reality, but good enough for our limited perceptions.

>> No.9744894

the state of qualia believers.