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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9738596 No.9738596 [Reply] [Original]

post and try solving Raven's Matrices, no easy ones allowed

>> No.9738600


i have an 89 IQ and solved it instantly

>> No.9738605

this is considered and moderate or even a hard example, good job. you might have had experiences or your brain might be good at solving this specific one easily. how do you know you IQ is 89?

>> No.9738608

It's 2
Basically substract outside from inside: 3 - 7 = -4


>> No.9738612

Idk. I have a 150iq when tested any other way but fuck these

>> No.9738613

WAIS-IV back in 2013

>> No.9738623

actually this is the only one I have saved, I was hoping you would help me fill my folder with more interesting ones.
these are all that matters to determine heritable IQ, culturally unbiased IQ.
how old were you? do you feel like a brainlet? are you successful in life?

>> No.9738628
File: 35 KB, 510x237, hard matrices problem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9738643

89 iq here
i think it might be B? or C?

i think it's b because bottom left portion of each box rotates and the next one has to be 2 and 2 on top and bottom like in B
next i wrote down the patterns 2, 4, 3, 5 for the top left and saw that it goes + 2, -1, +2, -1 so the pattern in top left has to be a 4 which checks out

i tried the same with top right
3, 2, 4, 3 which goes -1, +2, -1, +2, so next should be 5

yeah i think it's B

>> No.9738648


Top left quadrant goes:
2, 4, 3, 5, so next is 4
Top right quadrant goes:
3, 2, 4, 3, so next is 5
Bottom left quadrant goes:
4, 4, 4, 4, so next is 4
Bottom right quadrant goes:
1, 3, 2, 4, so next is 3

>> No.9738649

I was 16 at the time. I do feel like a brainlet most days. I was a NEET for a while and I'm going back to school for Geology with 3 years left, so I'm not really successful.

>> No.9738651
File: 193 KB, 1024x896, colbert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuuuuck you beat me to it again
there's no way you're only 89 iq btw

>> No.9738654

i do I swear
then again I also have major depression that might have lowered it but I did in fact get an 89 in the composite IQ score on the WAIS-IV

>> No.9738660
File: 30 KB, 633x758, 1430453422386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an 89 IQ is smarter than me

>> No.9738665

to be fair my highest subscore was in matrix reasoning, which was like 90th percentile

>> No.9738672

Interesting. What did you score on other subtests?

>> No.9738679

Then you are high IQ, that's all that matters. you are probably a lazy autistic NEET as well and don't have much experience to solve well in other kind of tests.

>> No.9738683

I did so many of these in my teens because I had an obsession with IQ tests that I'm not sure I can ever get my IQ accurately assessed. Most of the harder problems usually involve some form of rotation, overlay and elimination. Once you've practiced enough of these, it's not hard to recognize which type of problem it is and find the solution.

>> No.9738686

i don't remember but I scored below average on vocab and information/knowledge, along with pretty much everything in having to do with memory like memorizing strings of numbers and naming them back or having to name them back backwards.
the worst was this test where you had to use pieces to make a pattern with a time limit. i was dogshit at that.

>> No.9738687
File: 13 KB, 800x479, m0528c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9738690

The RAVEN is actually one of the lowest g-loaded IQ tests. Vocabulary size is genuinely a better predictor of IQ, surprisingly.

>> No.9738694

/sci/ desperately trying to convince themselves that the 89 IQ doesn't have an 89 IQ

>> No.9738695

How well you score on online tests?

>> No.9738697

I'm the low IQ guy and I might just retake an IQ test one of these days.

>> No.9738699

Lowest IQ boards;

Highest IQ ones:

>> No.9738726

they're very popular on the internet and on /sci/ as well, those two examples

>> No.9738728

it's the first one
explanation coming

>> No.9738729

It's the first one from the left.

When the square picture count number is odd (1st, 3rd, 5th) the smallest rectangle stays at the bottom.

Every second picture bubbles must remain in the same position. So, the 5th picture will have bubbles of the 3rd picture plus two more. So, the answer is first one from the left.

>> No.9738739

Choice 1

>> No.9738743

black dot added to either the left side or right side in each frame. It alternates between adding to the right and left side from frame to frame. A green block is added to the left side in a horizontal position. Green blocks are added as necessary to keep the total number of elements on the right side at 4. Green blocks are added to the left side in ascending order of size. If a green block is placed back to the left side to keep the total number at 4, it is put back in the position it was in in the first frame. This is what I noticed, but I can't put it all together to find the answer.

>> No.9738748

Let's start at the very first picture.
On the left side you see a dot.
In the next picture one of the rectangles on the right will be moved over to this spot (sideways), leaving behind a dot in it's original location.
And in the picture after that, this rectangle will always be moved back.
So all you have to do is look at the dots on the left side, these will always be replaced by rectangles. And the rectangles which are on the left side will always just go back to their original place.

>> No.9738751

wow this is way easier to see

>> No.9738763
File: 17 KB, 542x457, specific.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in each frame, a new dot is added on the left side.

each dot is mapped one-to-one to a vertical rectangle with which it swaps position every frame.

thus on the 5th frame there should be 2 dots, 2 bars, and a new dot. and any rectangle on the left in frame 4 should now be on the right, and vice versa. thus the answer is #1.

>> No.9738770

as an example of the one to one mapping i mean , consider the top left dot mapped to the smallest rectangle on the right

>> No.9738836
File: 65 KB, 1000x800, frenn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a Raven's Matrice, but I came up with a sequence for you to solve instead:

43, 47, 54, 59, 68, 76, ?

>> No.9738844

literally infinite solutions

>> No.9738851

the dot that bounces from TL to BR spawns a new dot on the left (when bouncing to the right) or to the right (when bouncing to the left)

so the next pic should have a dot in the TL position, and 5 dots in total, 2 on the right, 2 on the left (besides the moving one)

the ones on the right replace a shape and teleport it to the left side, and after 1 pic the dots on the right move to a bigger shape, so the new pic should have a new dot on the top right shape, and the previous dot should've moved to the longest shape

i hate these tests, it clearly shows that it's all about statistics, either you guess the "correct", i.e. what the test-maker was thinking of when he designed the test, or your points are lowered

by this I want to emphasize the fact that IQ tests are predictors, they are not tests that can be used to say that you are 100% of low or high intelligence

i mean, this is clearly obvious when you think of all the factors that can influence these tests and yes, even cultural factors

this test is a lot easier for people who are used to read/write from left to right

so yeah, no cultural bias, amirite guys??

>> No.9738862

since they're good at being predictors, I wanted to say that there is a chance, i.e. it's possible that you did not think exactly of the abstract ideas the test maker was thinking of, so you solved the problem in your own way, but the tests are made in such a way that the solution the testmaker was thinking is "correct" is non-ambiguous enough such that brainlets are filtered by the process, but this does not entirely exclude blunders, different (but valid) mental models and solutions, etc.

>> No.9738863

you're supposed to find a pattern retard

you can't just answer "literally infinite solutions" on every question on a test like this:

that would result in you not having very high IQ

>> No.9738875

you clearly missed the point of these tests brainlet, and you're also definitely not studying anything related to STEM if you're telling us that an integer sequence has always only one valid "next number" if you are to stop it at some specific point


have fun, brainlet

>> No.9738882

43, 47, 54, 59, 68, 76, 89, 102, 121, 141

>> No.9738888


>> No.9738889

Am I correct?

>> No.9738894

Try again

>> No.9738898

don't do the flipping, piggot

>> No.9738899

>you clearly missed the point of these tests brainlet
And what point is that?
Your argument would make the IQ test I posted and others like it completely invalid, is that really what you're claiming? fucking retard
And it's not like I'm the one who came up with the concept of using sequences in IQ tests

>and you're also definitely not studying anything related to STEM if you're telling us that an integer sequence has always only one valid "next number"
I am.
It's about finding the simplest pattern, just like it is with the Raven Matrices.
You could make an autistic argument like "a Raven Matrice doesn't always have one valid answer" just as easily.
Pretty sure you're just upset cause you can't find the pattern.


>> No.9738901
File: 40 KB, 645x729, 1515046553741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the pattern I noticed seems to be the second number doubles, if 2 digits only 2nd number is added, and if the 1st number is either progressing or repeating itself, it the first number is repeating itself then plus 1 is added to the second one.
am I retarded?

>> No.9738904

I have no idea what you're saying

>> No.9738905


>> No.9738908

that confirm it then, I'm retarded. is 82 correct or not?

>> No.9738909

relax, turd-boy, don't overwork your nutsack-like brain, let me explain it to you in simpler terms such that you finally understand

IQ tests should have choices, because yes, there are a very large number of interpretations and possible solutions for tests that can contain permutations, different numbers, different positions, etc.

your question amounts to "what number am I thinking of?" which even a 6 year old child knows is an impossible joke question

but you're clearly not yet at the level of a 6yo, "genius"

in conclusion, brainlet piggot detected

>> No.9738913

you're an illiterate muck-dweller

by the way, this is the real test of intelligence, wait for it

>> No.9738915

oh no, I'm so sorry, I was too ambiguous for Mr Banana monkey man, let me be more specific

to add to >>9738909
you need choices so that you limit the possible answer set, so that you try to minimize the number of alternative / possible / valid / semi-valid answers to your question

your brainlet "test" amounts to, as I said, to "what number am I thinking of?"

you need to be more specific and to clearly specify what are the patterns that we need to analyze and choose from when we give our answers

>> No.9738917

>your question amounts to "what number am I thinking of?"
nope, it amounts to finding a very simple pattern in the sequence of numbers, to determine the next, it's really not that hard
nice try though

>> No.9738924

this is why I said that you clearly missed the point of these sets, windowlicker

these tests are not about "there is only one valid answer and it's the one in my head, high IQ means you're a mind-reader", these tests are about analyzing the population in such a way that high IQ people are the ones that usually (statistically speaking) pick the "valid" choices that can be found in the lists of possible answers for each question

or, if there is no answer set, you need to define a metric, some kind of distance function with which to calculate the distance between the answer that a high-IQ person is decided to be most likely to choose

if you go full retard and just go with "what number am I thinking of?" it clearly shows that you're either incredibly stupid, or you missed the point of IQ tests

either way you're a brainlet, if we follow the set of guidelines proposed by /sci/ with which we can decide when to call people brainlets

>> No.9738929


54 - 43 = 11
59 - 47 = 12
68 - 54 = 14
76 - 59 = 17

so we spot a pattern here

12 - 11 = 1, 14 - 12 = 2, 17 - 14 = 3, so then next in this series is 21 - 17 = 4.

so then, we need x - 68 = 21, which is 89

>> No.9738932

no, it amounts to "what number am I thinking of?" you incurable brainlet

why do you think IQ tests have sets of possible answers, or at least define metrics which calculate the distance from the chosen valid answer and the answer given by the user?

don't answer, I'm not interested in any answer that you'd be able to defecate, brainlet

>> No.9738937

so then, next number would be 76 + 26 = 102

and so on

>> No.9738941

alternatively, we see that

43, 47, 54, 59, 68, 76 corresponds to

+4, +7, +5, +9, +8
which corresponds to

+3, +2, -4, -1

so you add 5 and subtract 5 to the second sequence obtained

so then, next number in 2nd sequence is 11, which corresponds to 87 in the original sequence

>> No.9738944

It's late in the evening, I'm tired and my mind is anchored to my initial solution. So, I really can't be bothered to.

Here's my thought process, tell me how I'm wrong.

43 47 54 59 68 76 89
+4 +7 +5 +9 +8 +13
+3 -2 +4 -1 +5

>> No.9738946

idk I can't think of anything else. honestly i'm fucking stumped

>> No.9738949

fuck, meant -2
so then it would be +5 and still 89 not 87

pretty much what this guy said


>> No.9738950 [DELETED] 

but it's a pretty good pattern
so I will agree with you >>9738915 here, I should've provided multiple choice answers to prevent this

also wrong

>> No.9738952

but it's a pretty good pattern
so I will agree with you >>9738915 here, I should've provided multiple choice answers to prevent this

also wrong

>> No.9738953

none of the ones offered are wrong, they are just not the ones you have in mind

>> No.9738955

It's interesting the different ways people approach matrices problems. I thought of each piece as "shifting" to the other side and leaving a hole whenever they go, with the "goal" of covering up holes on the other side.

>> No.9738962

okay, I agree with you
this one >>9738929 is simple enough of a pattern to be considered correct
I should've made it multiple choice

>> No.9738969

If you're just going to yell wrong without explaining, I'm just going to assume you're bullshitting.

The patterns for 89 are perfectly sound. And the pattern being sound is enough for the answer 89 to be correct since you haven't given us multiple choice answers to limit our logic in solving this sequence.

At least, give us a multiple choice answer, or I'm just going to assume you just sperged out that your "hard" pattern (hard in your tiny mind) was solved almost instantly.

>> No.9738975

Complete :

81 ; 73 ; 54 ; 46 ; ...

>> No.9738977

calm down, brainlet

>> No.9738981

Okay fine, I'll give you the answer:
Each step add the biggest digit in the number to the number.
So it's 83.

>> No.9738983

it's always the dumb one that are hard

>> No.9738984
File: 40 KB, 482x427, 1496107366518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw attempting some alternations of multiplications of 11 and 12 since 11*4 = 44 - 1 = 43, 12 *4 = 48 - 1 = 47, 11 * 5 = 55 - 1 = 54, 12 * 5 = 60 -1 =59.. etc

>it was this simple

god damn it

>> No.9738987

>didn't even see the pattern with the +4, +7, +5, written out

behold. i told you guys I had an 89 IQ

>> No.9738990
File: 21 KB, 211x220, 1479495785671 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's another "sci brainlets overcomplicate an easy problem" episode

>> No.9738992


>> No.9738995

Yeah, this one is too short to see any pattern more reasonable than -8, - 19, - 8, - 19...

>> No.9738997

yes ! bravo guys

>> No.9739000

got one. saw it on an IQ test

1, 1, 2, 8, 12, 27, 45, 60

>> No.9739014

70, 88, 99 ?

Also I was wondering : are you allowed to use pen and paper while doing these series ? Using notes to analyze a series is much easier

>> No.9739015

>70, 88, 99
I'm curious what your reasoning is?

>> No.9739031

1*1 = 1
1*1 = 1
2*1 = 2
2*4 = 8
3*4 = 12
3*9 = 27
5*9 = 45

Looking at it now, it's pretty sketchy. I would have rather said 5*16 = 90 as the next number

>> No.9739038


>> No.9739041

i just typed random numbers honestly

>> No.9739044

It looks significant lmao. All of them have pretty simple prime divisors and the 8 and 27 make it seem like cubes are involved.

>> No.9739048
File: 124 KB, 633x758, -.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you lmao
I've been staring at it since you posted it

>> No.9739052

That's how IQ tests are created though.

>> No.9739060


>> No.9739072

Yeah maybe get a good night sleep kiddo

>> No.9739078

stupid fuck

>> No.9739080

So it's like prime number * square of a natural number

>> No.9739109

Work downwards, think of outside as being negative numbers and inside as being positive numbers.
Actually working left to right is also fine.

>no easy ones allowed
You broke your own rule.

>> No.9739116

That image was posted here a couple days ago. He probably saw it and the arguments for the solution.

>> No.9739141

the first one is so easy, i'd believe an 89 IQ solving it

>> No.9739146

Yeah, the first one was super easy. It took me less than a minute.

>> No.9739160

or maybe he solved it
christ these aren't hard

>> No.9739404


>> No.9739624

solution posted

>> No.9739731

leaning more towards 5 than 2
138-142iq on mensa test

>> No.9739771

Post moar matrices

>> No.9739781

well the answer is 2

>> No.9739801

Took me a depressingly long time to figure out the stupidly simple trick.

One word will spoil it:

>> No.9740265

5? it follows the pattern from the first one where you have inner dots left after you subtract the two squares.

>> No.9740279

Mensa confirmed worthless.

>> No.9740284

Not subtraction.
Positive (inside) and negative (outside) numbers.
All you do is addition.
-4 5 1
-3 -2 -5
-7 3 ?
Left to right
-4 + 5 = 1
-3 + -2 = -5
-7 + 3 = -4
Top to bottom
-4 + -3 = -7
5 + -2 = 3
1 + -5 = -4

The answer is -4, so four dots on the outside.

>> No.9740286

Should also mention you could even have positive as outside dots and negative as inside dots, it makes no difference.