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9738369 No.9738369 [Reply] [Original]

1. Does it work?
2. If yes, then what is the chance for the child to be identical to the mother?
3. Have they tried this? Unethical?

-Genetics brainlet

>> No.9738382
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Fair assumption there lad will ask nafeth next time i see him

>> No.9738403

>that pic
His wife told him the baby was somehow the product of two female gametes?

>> No.9738436

1. no. the fetus would initially develop mostly normally, but would soon die due to the absence of the placenta.

nibba doesn't know about imprinting.

>> No.9738443

Why would the placenta be absent?

-Embryology brainlet

>> No.9738450

Would be identical to the mother in theory but you have epigenetic inheritance to account for. Expression patterns for some genes is sex dependant and only having DNA with one type can fuck you up.

PS. I just smoked a blunt and while I was typing this on my bed a spider landed on me. Fucking heart attack christ

>> No.9738458

>>9738436 this causes >>9738450 in part

>> No.9738459

Go back to r/science

Fucking ignorance
Maternal chromosome might give different alleles brainlet

-genetics brainlet

>> No.9738474

What are you talking about dumb cunt? Alleles are variations on a gene. And are irrelevant. Sure you have recessive traits become apparent but in theory if you find a donor with all the right genes u can give rise to a functional human. But genetics is about regulation of expression as much as the sequence itself. And if you have two maternally inherited chromosomes then they might be doubly expressed or imprinted when they aren't suppose to.

>> No.9738480
File: 42 KB, 600x451, about to deliver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

placenta development relies on genes that are maternally imprinted and paternally expressed.

they've actually tried this shit in mice.

>> No.9738482

1. Yes but you'd get a fucked up embryo that might not make it to adulthood and many even term.
2. None because expression patterns that are epigenetically inherited by sex exist
3. Idk. Ethics is a bullshit field. They have no understanding of the technique yet dictate what's moral