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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 644 KB, 995x1000, Tesla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9737652 No.9737652 [Reply] [Original]

Is the price of brilliance your emotions? I have always been able to absorb information given to me and I love seeking out as much as I can get. I am only 19 and I already have a vast understanding of science engineering and mathematics. I love solving difficult problems that should be way beyond my level but I have this burning drive deep inside me that calls me to find the answer. Not only that but I am also a very talented musician, I play mainly Jazz guitar and piano, but I can learn any instrument to at least an intermediate level within a week of practice due to my knowledge of music theory. Music helps me think. Its like I get a ringing in my head that punishes me if I don't solve them. But my major flaw is that I am very cold, calculated, and robotic. Its like I don't have much human in me. Is this a common thing for people who are really smart?

>> No.9737668

I can absorb information extremely well but I usually don't seek it out and I have emotions. Sometimes when I am bored I will try to solve math problems. I think you just have autism

>> No.9737682

no, this is a common thing for people who *think* they are really smart :>

>> No.9737685

It seems as though he is using his perceived intellect to stroke his ego

>> No.9737702


>> No.9737703


>> No.9737705

Nah dog
You're pretty much a stereotype at this point, to where I'm like 60% sure this is bait. If it's not, then you're pretty much the opposite of unique, and being smart doesn't mean you have to be a robot.

>> No.9737728

Emotions are stupid and should be deleted.

>> No.9737732
File: 997 KB, 927x634, Brainiac1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this you?

>> No.9737734

t. chink

>> No.9737745

True this is just called chink mode but really most people hardly have any emotions like if you're really smart you probably have like deep feelings about shit just because you think deeply. I think having some humour and art makes you human, having a heart kinda makes you retarded though fuck bitches get money

>> No.9737748

r/iamverysmart would be very sympathetic.

>> No.9737762

It goes many ways.

Autismo with no emotion that is good at math.
Autismo with no emotion that is bad at math.
Emotional reck fueled by vengeance that became good at math through sheer hate.
Emotional reck that stayed bad at math.

>> No.9737765

Thanks. I wish I was more like the machine.

>> No.9737767
File: 7 KB, 859x103, Atheist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this you?

>> No.9737776

No I would never be seen on reddit.

>> No.9737780

OK guys OP here. I did some research on myself and found that I am a decendant of a group of humans that were experimented on and engineered for greatness by a scientists from a class 3 civilization on the kardashev scale. I had a dormat gene that was activated later on in life. I am an alpha level mutant.

>> No.9737784

makes more sense desu

>> No.9737795

Dunning krugger kid.

>> No.9737822

No, im smart and confident as fuck. I am not a little bitch like most people in stem. I am Tony Stark from the 2008 iron man movie before he made and character development.

>> No.9738316

>I can follow youtube instrumental guides, therefore I am very, very smart.

Learning the basics of any instrument is literally piss easy.

>> No.9738618
File: 105 KB, 683x642, 6E42AE2A-6E9E-47EE-878C-6CAFAAE1FB67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put away the katana you absolute loser. No matter how hard you try to deny it, emotional intelligence is just as important as quantitative. Even if you’re the most brilliant man to ever step foot on Earth, if you are unable to understand, let alone successfully practice, any form of sympathy, then you are doomed to carry out the rest of your miserable existence perplexed as to why your “vast understanding” was ignored and your presence dismissed. Step off that high horse before you fall and break your fucking neck. God have mercy on your vile soul.

>> No.9738874
File: 272 KB, 480x508, 1501520149069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are an idiot

>> No.9738906

I play jazz too. was listning to steve coleman 1997 album earlier it's like afro cuban stuff mixed with jazz and odd meter... Fun to play, i liked parker, trane, miles, duke, you know all the 'good' stuff
never went pro. ANd I found a lot of the guys that do go pro are pretty fucking stupid anyways.

>> No.9739051

Why Tesla? Tesla felt a lot more emotions than most scientists now.

>> No.9739663

You're right OP, that's the price you pay for knowledge.

Let's say you love watching movies. Then you hang around an elitist movie forum that is hyper critical. You will now be able to see all the flaws and find it hard to enjoy. Your innocence is lost.

You need to decide when you don't want to know things. Take psychology for instance, you don't want to shatter the illusion of social pair bonding do you?

Do you really want to take the red pill? You'll be miserable.

>> No.9740141

I show emotions, I'm just really cold and cruel.

>> No.9740187
File: 81 KB, 379x496, empathyfoundandcured.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emotions are for the weak. Being a psychopathic genius is a good thing.

>> No.9740191

Glad you agree with me.

>> No.9741126
