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9736296 No.9736296[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do we allow women in academia, again?

>> No.9736301

Nothing wrong with that statement.

The problem is with what constitutes harassment.

>> No.9736305

This. The post itself is fine, what raises a problem is the definition and misuse of 'harassment' as a legal term

>> No.9736314

>misuse of 'harassment' as a legal term
The courts decide everyone goes home unhappy, this is how it works.

>> No.9736349

We need more women in academia, not less.

>> No.9736360

Ask any scientist worth half a beer whether they'd prefer more women in science or more grant money, they'll pick grant money every time - even if they're not guaranteed to get it

>> No.9736364

(Naturally, an argument could be made that women follow the grant money anyways and very few of them would stick around if you took the money away)

>> No.9736376

Alpha fucks, beta grant money

>> No.9736397

that's the stupidest false dichotomy i've seen in years

>> No.9736398

Isn't harassment already considered misconduct?
What's the point of adding the adjective 'scientific' to the misconduct?
I thought scientific misconduct was reserved for falsifying data.
Being a bad person and doing bad work are two different things.

>> No.9736419

fuck off roastie

>> No.9736424

No brainlet there are naturally more men than women in STEM (if you're not talking STEM idc). Once the numbers are equal you're hiring dumb women

>> No.9736433
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really makes u think

>> No.9736463

If there's an actual "need", it's for people in the field to get jobs regardless of their pant parts

>> No.9736477

This is true because if an unattractive guy talks to a woman, some women would call it harassment. If an attractive guy practically molests a woman in public without knowing her, she may not do anything in any type of way.

Not all women are this way, but this does happen and its probably the biggest problem. Worth mentioning though, you shouldn't touch women without permission period attractive or unattractive.

>> No.9736481

When a financial manager harasses, it should count as embezzlement.

>> No.9736482
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>you shouldn't touch women without permission period attractive or unattractive.

>> No.9736505
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I would take 1 pioneering, alpha Isaac Newton who happened to chase skirts over 100 feminist-ally mustard-watching basedboys. So would the skirts, by the way.

>> No.9736506

s o y boys. What is this wordfilter shit

>> No.9736510

seems valid, different genetics could influence trials. the majority of drug trials are done on middle aged white men, and not everyone has the same makeup as them obviously

forced diversity in this case actually isn't a bad thing, although it usually is

>> No.9736536

affirmative action and memetics from the social left
kill yourselves, whores

>> No.9736549

You have to keep in mind that Nature is the vice news of scientific journals. Science is the most patrician journal.

>> No.9736559

"Defining harassment as misconduct provides more ways of deterring it. For example, the AGU has developed processes for investigating allegations, including for addressing concerns that might not rise to the level of a formal complaint. Sanctions might include being barred from meetings or publishing in society journals, or the denial of an award."

That seems to be the reason for wanting to define it as misconduct.

"To be clear, when talking about harassment, I am not referring to socially awkward interactions but to well-defined and documented behaviours — such as unwanted groping and requests for sexual favours — that create a hostile work environment."

"Courses in responsible research conduct, currently a requirement for trainees, should cover how to prevent and respond to harassment and bullying."

This part I don't get. Why should anti harassment training be a part of research conduct training?

>> No.9736569

> All these cucks saying she is right

Scientific misconduct isnt workplace misconduct, it refers to intentionaly poor work such hiding results, lying on publication etc. Things likely to produce bad science.

Being mean to fellow workers has nothing to do with that, im sure many researchers of historical significance were 'toxic' to their workers. More worrying is the likely intention of this author. By applying a social dimension to whether something is good science or not she is trying to open the door to being able to disregard scientists and published work on a personal basis using something as nebulous as 'harrassment'.

Publish a paper on different alleles between races? The scientists responsible are bigots who no doubt made all women and brown people on the team uncomfortable. Study doesn't count.

>> No.9736727

We also need more men in academia, not less.

>> No.9736753

Isaac Newton was about as far from skirt-chasing as you could get. He was a volcel autist. Probably a fag too.

>> No.9736819

Walter Lewin was unpersoned by MIT and any trace of his contribution as a professor was erased simply because he allegedly "harassed" a woman online by asking for nudes, which even if it did happen would not constitute harassment since she doesn't even deny to having consented.

>> No.9736832

>The problem is with what constitutes harassment.
no shit now fuck off faggot

>> No.9736861

onions as fuck

>> No.9736864
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filters s o y to onions
filters s o y b o y to basedboy
mods == gods

>> No.9736878

We need more woman in garbage collecting, mining, plumbing and welding too. They aren't exactly lining up.

>> No.9736881

a professor hitting on a student is bad for the same reason that a guard hitting on an inmate is bad. the power dynamic fucks things up.
and not like it was mere allegations either. MIT was given the Facebook records proving it.

>> No.9736883

wtf these are both true

>> No.9736887

Why shouldn't you touch a woman without clearance? Are they so special and delicate that they must not be touched? Will you catch germs?
Should we wrap them in garbage bags like they do in Islamic countries?

>> No.9736889

What fucking power dynamic? Does watching pewdiepie create a power dynamic between us?

>> No.9736895

Some people at /g/ laughed at a mods hipster keyboard and called it soi. Not even kidding

>> No.9736899

But race is a social construct

>> No.9736911

Though I personally disagree and do not believe she was pressured into doing anything since she was taking a mere online course as leisure, I don't think it would be unreasonable for him to be terminated on those grounds. However, removing his videos and completely disassociating him from MIT and acting like he wasn't a good educator (he was and still is an excellent teacher) is going too far. He was treated like some serial rapist when he didn't even do anything illegal.

>> No.9736999

you're saying that professors don't have power over their students?

confirmed for GED reject :^)

>> No.9737122
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>Nature is the vice news of scientific journals
nigger you fucking what lmao

>> No.9737139

The responses to this post really show who actually use this board for something somewhat constructive vs those using it for just another platform to jerk themselves off

>> No.9737175

As long as we don't discount legitimate research because the researcher is an asshole.

>> No.9737179

A good scientist knows the conduct a scientist must maintain in order to provide a reliable source for the scientific data as well as back up any kind of experiments conducted by said scientist. The conduct to follow could be considered "Scientific Misconduct". Just some food for thought. I'm no scientist, so I wouldn't truly know if scientists have this same thought process.

>> No.9737198

Science raped #metoo

>> No.9737204

No, we should separate social conduct from scientific rigor.
Would you have a brilliant researcher's work discredited because he grabbed his assistants ass? That makes no sense.

>> No.9737224
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>blaming women for Intersectional Marxism

Fuck off >>>/pol/

>> No.9737242

Is that the unit circle?

>> No.9737246

fucking kys social leftist, moralfag scum

>> No.9737434
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Woman already outnumber men in acedamia. The problem is the majority are lining up for fluff brain junk courses that are not much more than a Marxist indoctrination. Basically anything that ends in "studies".

>> No.9737438
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>Intersectional Marxism
that's an oxymoron, like "jumbo shrimp" or "engineering mathematics"

>> No.9737494

The peer-reviewed articles are great, it's the other shit that's leftist garbage. Every single week they have some opinion piece that has the format "[minority / women] should [do something related to science]." That's why it's like vice news.

>> No.9737498

kys roastie

>> No.9737610

Why should scientists get off scot-free?

>> No.9737613

It covers their tracks in case it escalates. If he did this online then who knows what may have occurred online or irl in the past.

>> No.9737619

And that article says he did.

>> No.9737629

It's not a "power dynamic," it's a total lack of professionalism. You make it sound like the only reason a professor shouldn't use his class as his personal dating service is that he might give them a bad grade at the end.

>> No.9737658

Explain why we "need" more women in academia.

>> No.9737799

Fuck you for agreeing with it, you know that's not the issue.

>> No.9737813

who says he wouldn't have repurccusions? Those repurcussions simply wouldn't have an effect on the validity of his scientific research.

>> No.9737833

Having medicine being tested on a limited population isn't a good idea. Especially in a country with wide demographics

>> No.9737859
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Wrong. The biggest problem these days is sharing medical technology for free with people who didn't discover it, and will go on to abuse it. Pic related.

>> No.9737873

>How dare those Western doctors go into impoverished nations and try to save other human beings from the ravages of deadly diseases?
>said the neckbeard who's never produced anything of value

>> No.9737883

>Go to shithole
>Treat people that would have died for free
>Suddenly overpopulation
>Send free food
>Small amount of producers can't compete with free and go bankruptupt
>need increases
>Desperation causes more environmental destruction
>Send more free shit
>Continues till area is unlivible
>Accept people as refugees
I never go this whole process

I live in Africa and have seen this first hand, I try to help then in a better way with small loans (and almost no interest, like 2% a year) , helping them set up small businesses and shit, but then a group of retards comes into town and gives away free shit and the people I helped can't sell the food they grew and now cant pay back the loan (which I expect in most cases). Other countries should just fuck off and it should be iligal to help or donate anything unless you live amount them to first hand see how you are fucking up the entire system. Also, STOP FUCKING SENDING FOOD IN PLASTIC WRAPPERS HOLY SHIT YOU TJINK THEY HAVE A FUCKTIONAING RECYCLING PROGRAMM MY ENRIRE LAWN IS COVETED WITH FOOD RATION WRAPPERS USE PAPER LIKE A COMETENT ORGINIZATION You FUCK WITS

>> No.9737903

>Western doctors go into impoverished nations
It would be better if they did, desu. Then they could see the consequences of their actions. Where I live in India the local doctors will give you antibiotics for a skinned knee, and I know people who take them every day like some kind of multivitamin. Sharing your technology with us was a mistake.
t. rajanon

>> No.9737907

The west wants to make africa into an aquarium, an artificial habitat that serves no purpose besides pleasing the eye of any observer, and that will collapse the moment food and water are no longer brought in from the outside.
The aim should be to turn it into a lake, a healthy ecosystem that can thrive even without outside interference.

>> No.9737917

Harassment is general misconduct, not scientific misconduct. When you include it as such, you'll get things like actual plain bullshit being peddled as legitimate science due to some association of it with sex/gender (like the researchers sexes/genders, or the content going against political correctness and being dismantled despite being perfectly scientific).

>> No.9737924

>will you catch germs

It is not about you, it is about them.

Perhaps they will catch germs from your cheeto-stained oily fat-fuck autistic hands, you troglodyte.

>> No.9737925

>I know people who take them every day like some kind of multivitamin.

I am horrified.

Thanks for your input Indiabro

>> No.9737929

Disgusting circle

>> No.9737948

>implying industrialists don´t spend more of their time working than 9-5-workers
>implying industrialists aren´t more creative - and thus more deserving of wealth - than the average worker bee
The person who made that picture is a banal, double-digit IQ marxist troglodyte.

>> No.9737983

Fuck off, STEM are the only fields where sob stories should not play any role in admission process.

In these fields, advancement is of utmost importance since innovation here has the most impact on the world. So we should not dilute the field with people who got the short end of a stick, even if that was out of their control.

It's sort of like feeling sorry for a low IQ mathematician wannabe but at some point you have to draw the line.

>> No.9738003

>I would take 1 dick up the ass over 100 vaginas
...aaand that's the way it is.

>> No.9738010

>Why do we allow
What do you mean by "we", Peasant?

>> No.9738293

>being this much of a faggot

>> No.9738304
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This is now a Communist Revolution thread

>> No.9738326

weak godless men gave into their whining bc they thought it would get them sum pucc

>> No.9738329

wrong, they need to be mostly kept out of STEM because they bring all their sexual/emotional baggage and GET IN THE FUCKING WAY. But I agree their should be some kind of system to recognize and accept the truly RARE female geniuses a la Marie Curie, Emmy Noether, etc.

>> No.9738335


>> No.9738430
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>letting people drop dead of curable diseases is the only way to stop overpopulation
have you ever heard of contraception? shame your mother didn't use some.

(look at India. 50 years ago, the fertility rate was 6 births per woman. now it's 2.4, just slightly above replacement. fertility rates are falling in sub-Saharan Africa as well, as the continent modernizes.)