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File: 482 KB, 1600x988, lsd-blotter-e1457557968677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9734488 No.9734488[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone here tried LSD? How has it affected you? Did it make you a better person?

Has it given you useful insights about life?

>> No.9734489


>> No.9734490


>> No.9734496

Fucking niggers

>> No.9734504

It decreased my IQ, lowered my reaction time and fucked up my fine motor skill permanently.
>tfw can't play FPS games any longer because of LSD

>> No.9734507

LSD being a spiritual tool is a meme
if you trip properly you will have some good time and that's it
if you fuck something up you'll probably end up depressed af
that's it really

>> No.9734508

Have done LSD a few times over the years.
First time I did it I was a degenerate 16 year old hipster kid. I figured it’d be “fun”.
Let’s just say the following morning I was doing all the dishes in my house, mopping the floors, and calling my father sir.
I saw the errors of my ways. I do believe God, or whatever you’d like to call the totality of nature, was kind enough to shove my face in my own shit, then wipe it off and open my eyes to the beauty of all things, an ultimately the beauty of mathematics.

>> No.9734526

I feel like LSD and Psilocybin Mushrooms are the answer to Platos cave. They disrupt over trained neuro pathways allowing people to have thoughts that they've trained themselves to never have.

I've heard that micro dosing LSD is completely harmless and increases cognition and creativity. I wonder if we've been treating LSD and mushrooms the wrong way this whole time. Maybe there's a therapeutic dosage that people can take on a daily basis and still function normally.

>> No.9734528

What did you do when you took it? and how much did you take? I'm looking for a similar experience that could help me improve.

I understand that LSD is merely a tool and that you have to put in work yourself too.

>> No.9734532

Not sure of the dosage but it was fairly moderate. Very mild visuals.

What you do doesn’t matter too much, just do NOT be in a crowded environment. And if you do it with people, it must be people you trust.

I simply just do it and then sit down and stare at a painting or even just the wall. It begins to “breathe” and swirl and patterns emerge. Within those patterns I begin to see the pattern of all things. I realized that if I wanted what was best for the world and if I wanted happiness, I must act in accordance to these patterns.

>> No.9734565

With respect to Plato’s cave I’ve always thought the same thing.

What keeps people staring at the shadows on the wall is their inability to see the big picture. They don’t understand that the petty dramas they entertain themselves with are only imitations of the genuine drama of the universe.

If there’s anything lsd and shrooms do successfully, it is to, whether you like it or not, jam eternity into your perception. It shows you that the big picture is far more entertaining, and has much more drama, than anything in theaters.

>> No.9734567

I've taken it as well as mushrooms.
I only had a half of a tab. No lasting insights to be honest but maybe that's just me. LSD was fun but I'm glad I didn't take a full dose.
Mushrooms were yuck. You feel like your face us melting off, you feel like you've eaten poison and the horrible walnut taste last for days. The shifting patterns and spirals you see when you close your eyes are not pleasant like with LSD and they wont go away. It gets annoying.

I felt pretty great for the next few days after LSD.
The most profound moments I've had have been with MDMA. It's the best and probably the only one that gave lasting insight into myself and others.
I've taken it a lot and though it's been years since I messed around with drugs, it's the only one I'd consider taking again if it were given to me

>> No.9734606

Did it tons from 15 to 17ish, also mushrooms and other psychedelics. Changed me in many ways but not necessarily "good" ways. It's made me very incompatible with the vast majority of humanity and led to intense isolation and alienation.

>> No.9734619
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Not exactly LSD, but I have done 1p-LSD, ALD-52, and ETH-LAD.