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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 1.15 MB, 2560x2048, Black hole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9732919 No.9732919 [Reply] [Original]

What happens here?

>> No.9732924

Nothing, as they don't exist.

>> No.9732977

Eh we have observed them indirectly, no different really from saying we know air exists because we can see and feel the effect it has in wind.

>> No.9732998

full of interdimensional bookshelves

>> No.9733051

u mom there

>> No.9733282

*that's ur mom's pussy in space

>> No.9733290

I’m sure you’ll provide evidence that black holes don’t exist. Your bare assertion has truly obliterated over fifty years of science.

>> No.9733368

Makise Chris said that the black hole can actually be made with a microwave oven.
That's why I thought.
Actually, it seems that micro black holes are overflowing in our daily lives.
And calculated.

Firstly, the classical electronic radius is replaced with the value of the Napier number, and as the Schwarzschild radius, the mass that is required at that time is calculated.

http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=(2.71828182846*10%5E(-15))%3D(2*(6.674*10%5E(-11))x)%2F((299792458) % 5E2)

The required mass x = 1.83029 * 10 ^ 12.

Next, it divided by the static mass of electrons.


Since mass was divided by mass, some coefficient should come out.

It was a value of 2.00923584 ... * 10 ^ 42.

I paid attention to the coefficients of 1/2 and 1/4 that often appear in the formulation of quantum mechanics and relativity theory, I thought that this world may be 1/8.
So, it was assumed by the wormhole of ER = EPR hypothesis that the black hole is connected to 8 spaces.

So I decided to calculate the 8th root of the above value.


The value that came out is 1.94034 × 10 ^ 5.

This value appeared to me as the energy of electrons.
Heat energy was calculated by assuming similar values as thermal energy.

http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=(1%2F2)(9.10938356*10%5E(-31))*(v%5E2)%EF%BC%9D(3%2F2)(1.38064852 * 10% 5E (-23)) (1.94034 * 10% 5E 5)

The exercise speed v of the emerging electrons was 2.97027 × 10 ^ 6.
This is about 1/100 of the speed of light.

http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=(2.97027*10%5E6)% 5E (1% 2F8)

And I calculated the 8th root, it was 6.44317.

It seems that these numbers are telling us something.

>> No.9733381

What excludes black holes from just being a mass that's translucent, eg a transparent planet

>> No.9733400

......They’re black holes, as in light doesn’t escape, and thus can’t be “translucent’.

>> No.9733403

light could become translucent

>> No.9733409

....What? Something that is translucent is something that allows photons to penetrate it. “Light” can’t be translucent.

>> No.9733411

No mechanism known to man can support that much mass in that small a place (3 solar masses in a space the size of the moon is about the limit), and non-baryonic matter self-annihilates when you pack it that tight.

Plus, some of these "planets" are several dozen times the size of the entire solar system.

>> No.9733413

Why can't light be translucent

>> No.9733415

thanks it's a thought experiment, the other guy seems to think it's a personal attack

So those planets don't draw light to them correct? Despite their large size

>> No.9733433

Hawking cosmic radiation disagrees with you

>> No.9733659

The terrible thing as the eschatologist was saying did not happen at LHC.
There is much higher energy cosmic rays falling on the earth than dealing with LHC, but it does not appear to be forming black holes by reacting with particles in the atmosphere.

In other words, the micro black hole should be a common phenomenon on a daily basis.

>> No.9733686 [DELETED] 

that is where la creatura spawns

>> No.9733738

hawking radiation doesn't escape the black hole. It's created outside the event horizon

>> No.9733751

it's so black, it's stealing everything. Even light.
yet it claims that it din du nuffin

>> No.9733758
File: 192 KB, 630x468, 1510100485838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stealing your genes

>> No.9734011
File: 5 KB, 244x206, tesla52345235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Einstein's relativity work is a magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors. The theory is like a beggar clothed in purple whom ignorant people take for a king... its exponents are brilliant men but they are metaphysicists rather than scientists." Nikola Tesla

>> No.9734016

>some engineer trying to make a point about science

>> No.9734075
File: 32 KB, 636x480, bohmian-mechanics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Large massive bodies in space go through various stages. 1.) planet,2.) gas giant 3.)star 4.) black hole.

The conventional models were intentionally made to prevent scientists from figuring out how a star works. Stars are heavily electromagnetic and are composed of the same heavy elements as every other massive body in its core. If you want to understand how heat transitions to electric: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_FxTricy0c

For an experiment that validates electric sun model check out the SAFIRE project: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeVdzSjPx0g

Black holes are basically large massive bodies with extremely strong gravity, not rips in space/time.

>> No.9734077

>le Tesla meme

>> No.9734122


>> No.9734153

Ironic how a deterministic and empirical point of view is shunned by Einstein supporters. Black holes and time travel is science fiction. Fantasy is what belongs in /x.

>> No.9734164

La luz extinguido...

>> No.9734180

>moron thinks relativity = time travel
>ignores all observational evidence for black holes just because
It's obvious now why you worship Tesla, you don't understand shit.

>> No.9734188
File: 188 KB, 296x1600, f0f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It spawns

>> No.9734234

>time travel isn't in relativity

You evidently don't understand relativity. lol

>> No.9734271

The Succ.

>> No.9734405
File: 53 KB, 605x467, boneHub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[math] \displaystyle
\text{Mass} && M \\
\text{Radius} && R &= M \cdot \frac{2G}{c^2} \\
\text{Surface area} && A &= M^2 \cdot \frac{16 \pi G^2}{c^4} \\
\text{Surface gravity} && \kappa &= \frac{1}{M} \cdot \frac{c^4}{4G} \\
\text{Surface tides} && d \kappa_R &= \frac{1}{M^2} \cdot \frac{c^6}{4G^2} \\
\text{Entropy} && S &= M^2 \cdot \frac{4 \pi G }{ \hbar c \; ln10} \\
\text{Temperature} && T &= \frac{1}{M} \cdot \frac{ \hbar c^3 }{8k \pi G} \\
\text{Luminosity} && L &= \frac{1}{M^2} \cdot \frac{ \hbar c^6}{15360 \pi G^2} \\
\text{Lifetime} && t &= M^3 \cdot \frac{5120 \pi G^2}{ \hbar c^4} \\

>> No.9734969
File: 624 KB, 1052x797, 4995385-2786111284-48320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The next dimension.

>> No.9734978

We dont know

>> No.9735029

The massive gravity of it crushes you down to your atoms and you die a seemingly slow, painful death that actually lasts .5 nanoseconds.

>> No.9735054

Why do you not understand what translucent means.

>> No.9735056

Spacetime ceases to exist

>> No.9735061

Imagine the size of the neighborhood of one of these supermassive blackholes. Makes you think there's probably life out there orbiting around one of these monsters.

>> No.9735264

People dont actually think this is valid do they?

>> No.9735645

Replaced the word with invisible if that helps your literalist autism

>> No.9735646

So anyway they're stars made of invisible material that turns what touches them invisible

>> No.9735894
File: 264 KB, 1600x1000, Quasar 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except, in addition to the fact that they're not, they are attracting and warping everything around them, and occasionally pull in and compress matter in such a way as to create the brightest objects in the observable universe.

Either way, they're pretty much the most visible things around.

Might be worth noting that Einstein didn't think these things could possibly exist. He assumed there must be some other heretofore unknown force that prevented the collapse, even if he could never find one himself. It wasn't until after his death that we started observing gravitational masses that had no other explanation and the related neutron stars. Eventually we just found so many of these gravitational collapses that there was no use in denying it anymore. Get too much shit in one place and eventually, it'll just implode.