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9731001 No.9731001[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do women only see other women as competition, whereas men do so only when there is a specific thing to compete about?

Example: note how two women meet on the street, and act with a tension towards each other, whereas two men will be friendly or indifferent.

Those of you who have had jealous girlfriends for no reason know what I am talking about.
I just want to know why.

>> No.9731003


Because women steal men and men steal hearts.

>> No.9731011

I think you're just in denial about guys competitiveness. We're more competitive than them because of testosterone. With an ally you have a partner so you can relax with him but all the other guys in the room, you're judging and being judged.

So I think the real question is: Why can't women form allies who they don't compete with?

Probably because women are shit allies and everyone has that hardcoded in their DNA. They're weak and emotional and will take resources from you by themself and if they have a child or children.

Men can ally together and prosper, but women allying together and they get attacked by men, and if they get pregnant now they need to get even more resources, and one of them is basically incapable of helping the other.

>> No.9731013

>Why do women only see other women as competition

because they are

>> No.9731020

Gestation for humans is 9 months. Men do not have to carry this burden so it's advantageous to impregnate multiple women on their part. it's simply in a women's best interest to intimidate the competition. Preventing women from outside of their tribe from taking their sole provider keeps her gene pool alive long enough to reach reproductive age.

>> No.9731061

Surprise, women are different than men.

>> No.9731064

Men are in competition far more than women. Women universally play themselves down amongst other women, try and not stand out. It's the opposite with men.

>> No.9731068

Women need to compete with each other to be selected by Chad to be his sole cumsock.

>> No.9731122

somewhere deep down women know they have no value whatsoever. the only value they have is the value men place upon them. some girls know they have a value of 0. so when a woman comes in with a greater value their female brain can make that calculation really fast and it reminds them that they have no value.

>> No.9731142

We are the lucky ones

>> No.9731151

Why would you assume that I am competing with you, rather than looking at you as an incomplete person?

>> No.9731173

I think you missed the point, I was talking about when two women meet, they are more restrained than when two guys meet.

We're talking about either strangers or acquaintances, not family members or best friends obviously.

This observation was first made by Schoppenhauer, who was himself an incel. However, I have observed this many times myself. Women just generally seem to hate each other more than men do for no reason.

>> No.9731197

I think you are missing my point that the competition is more about still being immature.

As for strangers, they will always be sizing each other up. With men, much of this is threat detection, and starts with body language. And if we're not friendly, it's unlikely to mean indifference. It's more than likely some sign that there is a dominance hierarchy and we are not in the same caste or otherwise have no interests in common.

Women on the other hand will share tampons with complete strangers, while a guy is expected to change his own tire.

>> No.9731209

That's not what OPs getting at. Yes men are more competitive, but if you take a group of men and isolate from women, they're all of a sudden way more amicable. The jock doesn't pick on the nerd as much. There's less arguing and bravado. They're no need to be better then the other guy unless you're try harding for leader spot.
It's why things like men's whiskey bars, boy scouts, fraternities, sports locker rooms, etc were always great areas to form bonds and discuss ideas and grow with people you otherwise wouldn't ever talk with.

Oddly enough, you take a group of women and remove men, they form cliques, lose their femininity, and rip each other apart. All women businesses don't ever become great businesses. Too much time spent on HR issues. All girl schools teach girls to be tough. I didn't even know girls did spitting contests.

Sounds backwards, but it is what it is. OPs question is why? And that I don't know.

>> No.9731217


Exactly my point. I just wish there was more research on this. I'm glad you saw exactly what I was getting at.
Maybe it has to do with evolution, I dunno

>> No.9731218

But why?

Literally op asked why are we different, and you say "surprise were different"? I'm all of a sudden for that IQ requirement to post on this board.

>> No.9731222

You literally quoted the answer.

Men ally gladly because they know they can create resources and protect themselves.

Women won't ally gladly because women are a drain on resources and they'd be better off just finding a man. Now if both of them are trying to find a man, they're both competing for that man and all other men.

Men aren't competing for that man and all other men, they can survive with any man so long as he's competent. Men avoid the retard men as society shows, and gravitate to the successful.

>> No.9731226

Yeah man, I've seen no research either. I've noticed too that when I go to dinner or bars with my girlfriend and her friends I don't even think they like each other sometimes lol. I catch those evil stares at each other, or those subtle snarky tones every now and then. Almost like the friendliness is only skin deep and hatred is boiling right under.

>> No.9731231

That's.. not dumb.
I didn't even know I said that, or how you gathered that from my response, but it makes sense.

>> No.9731830

> All women businesses don't ever become great businesses
The Muse
look it up.
So you're wrong, your whole theory falls apart there

>> No.9732802


Not an all female business at all

>> No.9732810

My gf has never been jealous for no reason. Stop basing your theories of women on the handful of shit ones you associate with.

>> No.9732811

Let me guess, the handful of dudes on that page do all the work while the rest of them gossip on their phones and spread rumors about each other

>> No.9732812

Sounds like your gf has good reason to be jealous of other women then

>> No.9732817

>Why do women only see other women as competition

not true

>> No.9732819

>All female business
>44% male

>> No.9732821

but why questions don't make sense here because men and women are different by definition

>> No.9732823 [DELETED] 

idk, but i have to purposefully dumb myself down to a significant degree in the workplace so i don't ruffle feathers

if there's anything people hate, especially those that are more prone to emotional response and intellectual dishonesty, is feeling stupid

no one likes the dude that barely gives a shit about his job yet manages to produce more and to a higher standard

>> No.9732825

Have you considered that you associate with shitty women?

I work for a small business and it's 5:3 female to male and I have experienced none of this. Although I have certainly encountered women acting in the way you describe, I have never assumed anything beyond "what a cunt" and made no attempt to associate with her.

You admit that there is no research regarding this, so you should consider not taking your anecdotal experiences not so seriously and focus on things that that matter and not focusing on attributing characteristics noticed from individuals to large groups of people

>> No.9732826

But hey maybe you're right and that is the general scheme. Who knows. Unless you're going to start your own research project, I wouldn't give it much thought.

>> No.9732829
File: 136 KB, 960x835, anecdotal evidence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9732830

Have you considered you find it difficult to pick up social cues and can't tell when women are being passive aggressive towards each other?

>> No.9732832

I have a little pet hypothesis I want to test: how many of you also like super sentai, mahou shojou, giant monsters, or mechs?

>> No.9732849
File: 1.16 MB, 1957x1296, futureofwomen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women will soon have to compete with artificial wombs and sexbots.

>> No.9732853


>> No.9732898

I like giant monsters but I cant remember the last time I actively went out to consume media involving them. I just like the idea of them.

I dont care for the rest.

>> No.9732906

wouldn't doubt that in the least

>> No.9732914 [DELETED] 
File: 400 KB, 1920x1920, kjQBYFd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we need another swimsuit edition

>> No.9732916

Insecurity due to systemic oppression

>> No.9732954

Literally the Le 56% woman meme k e k

>> No.9732956

Because women are emotionally selfish and only care about themselves and want to be liked by everyone and have everyone on their side. When you have an entire group of people like this none of them will get along because everyone wants to be right and and feel like they are the most important in the group. With men they are physically selfish with resources such as food or money or women. Groups like this can get along because sometimes working together can achieve these goals that otherwise can't be done alone. They can also not get along when these resources are limited and only a few of the group can have some.

>> No.9732986

to all the good responses, where would you place homosexuality and all in that question ?

I won't reply to all good comments, but I hope you'll know if it was one.

>> No.9733007

I dont understand your question

>> No.9733029

are other homosexuals competitive like men or like women, same thing about lesbians, etc.

>> No.9733033

monogamy is normal for humans


>> No.9733046

What is this bullshit?

>> No.9733123

I don't really believe this. As a male, I've always gotten along with women better especially as co-workers and friends. Guys are ALWAYS trying to one up you. If I tell a woman a story, she responds, asks questions etc. When I tell a story to a guy it's always "Oh yeah bro? Well this one time......" It's frustrating. Maybe it's just me, and I've got bros that I bro out with and do bro stuff with but in general every day conversation, women are more pleasant to talk to 90% of the time. I'm not talking to people just to hear myself talk. I want conversation, not a constant circle of oneupsmanship.

>> No.9733162

You are in the minority, and need to find more intelligent friends. Most women are just trying to figure you out and most men, who are not total betas, want to have a good discussion. Be more eccentric with your friends and literally say anything that comes to mind, they will hate it. If you do this to enough people you are eventually going to find some people who are not total fucking normal fags, which your friends sound like. GL.

>> No.9733185

It's not just friends, it's the majority of my interactions. I'm not talking a passing hello or anything, but actual conversations. It's a byproduct of a stereotype. Men are "fixers" women are "understanders". When presented with a problem women respond "OMG that's so horrible, I can't imagine how you feel." etc. Men always try to fix the problem. They do this by using personal experience, which in turn leads to "Well this is what I did." They're generally 2 different types of interactions. In my day to day life I'm not looking for advice on all things at all points in time. Sometimes I literally just want to know people's opinions. Stereotypes exist for a reason. I'm not saying everyone falls under them, but "mansplaining" is a thing that happens. Guys do it all the time, even if it's not necessarily explaining something. We feel the need to always express our opinions on something, even if they add nothing to the conversation. Like, mother fucker I will ask you a question if I value your opinion on it. I don't need an affirmation or retort to everything that I say.

>> No.9733208

>I literally just want to know people's opinion
>We feel the need to always express our opinions
>I will ask you a question if I value your opinion on it
You seem overly touchy on it. I usually mention some similar experience I have to try and relate or keep the conversation going into other topics. I usually avoid getting close to people that just want to be heard because there's nothing that bothers me more than being talked at instead of talked to.

>> No.9733218

Which is fair, and it may simply be in our difference of perception. To me when guys go "Yeah, but bro...." it's an indication they weren't listening at all. They were simply waiting for me to stop talking so they could throw their opinion in there, even if it wasn't warranted. I wouldn't say I'm touchy on in, I'm actually fascinated by the difference of interactions based on gender. Especially because as you said, I am one of the outliers and I know this. It also doesn't help that I cannot stand any type of masculinity for the sake of show, right out of the gate there are only certain guys I can get along with.