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9729752 No.9729752 [Reply] [Original]

Why are people so uncomfortable with the idea that Dark Matter is just particles that don't interact electromagnetically even though it's a very simple solution and explains all our observations while the same can't be said about MOND and emergent gravity theories, which lack predictive power and require massive amounts of curve fitting to agree with our data?

Is it just anti-authoritarianism?

>> No.9729762

It’s a fine idea but nobody is going to be “comfortable” with it until we find a way to directly observe or at least infer its presence. As long as it’s totally invisible it’s easy to be incredulous.

>> No.9729769

"If I don't understand it, it can't be true. Those F***ing scientists think they're so smart!"

You see it all the time -- on any number of issues besides Dark Matter -- here on /sci/

>> No.9729785

see: the infinity thead right now

>> No.9729786

>explains all our observations
if it did explain all observations the question would be settled a log time ago you degenerate, but dark matter doesn't explain a lot of obervations, there's a thousand fucking problems with the theory, but it is still better than modified gravity

>> No.9729789

>until we find a way to directly observe or at least infer its presence
We can infer DM's presence, look up the bullet cluster or similar observations in similar clusters.

>> No.9729794

It can explain all our observations, but its hard to say that for sure until we know what it actually is and how it actually interacts.

>> No.9729795

I remember seeing a "things /sci/ denies post this morning."
others I don't recall.

>> No.9730119

>just particles that don't interact electromagnetically even though it's a very simple solution
>particles that don't interact electromagnetically
>very simple

>> No.9730137

You forgot to make this: .

>> No.9730612

>"If I don't understand it, it can't be true. Those F***ing scientists think they're so smart!"

>> No.9730640

Nobody has any idea what it is. Only it's effects.
It could be the effect of something outside the universe for all we know

>> No.9730654

it can't explain all of our observations.

>> No.9731012

If dark matter has gravity, then dark matter does interact with electromagnetic fields via gravity. We would except to see gravitational lensing from a region that otherwise should be empty space.

>> No.9731019

>it's a very simple solution and explains all our observations
Man, I want ot be able to create dark money in my bank account. You know, money that is not observable, and whenever I run out of money I just state I have more dark money.

>> No.9731026

In a real science, you actually abandon models that have no predictive validity instead of making up variables an order of magnitude larger than what can be observed to make the model fit.

>> No.9731031

>and whenever I run out of money I just state I have more dark money

Sound familiar?...at all?

>> No.9731133

That's exactly what we see. Just search for dark matter gravitational lensing, there's tons of examples.

>> No.9731148 [DELETED] 
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Dark matter is kikery bs, there is only the ether

>> No.9731150 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9731156

The fuck happened to that bird

>> No.9731169 [DELETED] 

prob slipped and its neck got caught all the blood is from trying to get out from its wings probably

>> No.9731178

So Tesla admits he can't prove anything, which proves that this "science" is not in fact science. Neat.

>> No.9731227 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9731298

is the birdo ok?

>> No.9731326

yeah, it's just hanging out

>> No.9731353

Non-baryonic matter is something predicted to exist well before we made observations that suggested it might exist in extraordinarily large quantities. Much like antimatter, it's something the current models suggest must exist (though unlike anti-matter, we ain't found it yet.)

It's mostly anti-intellectualism - these are the same folks who claim GR isn't real and such, despite being just about the most thoroughly tested thing around. People want reality to be intuitive to their daily experience, even when it's something no human has ever experienced. Essentially, they want the universe to work how they think it does, and get offended when someone suggests it does otherwise, and more so, when they can't understand the reasoning.

Similarly people tend to be under the mistaken impression that it can be "mathed away". There's huge irregular gravitational blobs that don't interact with anything floating about - you can't math that away. Something is definitely there, just a question as to what, and non-baryonic matter fits the profile. Mathing away dark energy might be another thing though - but that's another problem - folks tend to think dark matter and dark energy have something to do with each other, when it's just a side effect of scientists being shit at naming things. (Seriously, the scientific community in general really needs to work on this - walk over to the literature department once in awhile!)

On the other hand, it's called "dark" for a reason. It fits the observations, but despite all our efforts, we've not found it yet. There's still reason to doubt it's the answer, but not because "scientists are trying to salvage the standard model" or some similar conspiracy shit. Standard model's been flipped on its head four times in the last century alone - people win nobel prizes for doing that.

>> No.9731549

>It's mostly anti-intellectualism
No. It's because your model does not work. It does not correspond to observed reality.

>> No.9731564

> On the other hand, it's called "dark" for a reason. It fits the observations, but despite all our efforts, we've not found it yet.

The reason why it's called "dark matter" is even simpler. It's matter that doesn't interact with light. So it's dark.

>> No.9731566

Nah ur just retarded

>> No.9731571

I appreciate your post man but all your effort won’t budge the trolls. Or the true believers.

>> No.9731962

neutrinos called

>> No.9731964

only if you have another idea that is more promising, which there isnt because modified gravity is a total trainwreck

>> No.9731973

meanwhile the 23214151 examples of gravitational lensing in open void

>> No.9732022

this des.u

>> No.9732026

The bigger problem: What if Dark Matter is composed of particles that have no interaction with the weak force at all and can only be detected gravitationally? We'd be fucked.

>> No.9732027

>uncomfortable with the idea that Dark Matter

Because there is NO clear evidence of a Dark matter particle. Why not just say that the laws of gravity behave differently in different parts of the universe. Or that there are unseen multiple dimensions that influence gravity.
Dark matter is just saying that there is MAGIC stuff that behaves differently than anything we have ever observed. I do not like MAGIC as the solution!

>> No.9732068


>Dark matter is just saying that there is MAGIC stuff that behaves differently than anything we have ever observed.

Nope. We have already observed a very weakly interacting particles - they are called neutrinos. Dark matter is just a type of particle that interacts even more weakly. It is nothing out of the ordinary, just more of the same. And in fact new particles are predicted by vast majority of standard model extensions.

On the other hand, there is no theoretical basis for a modified gravity theory. If it exists, it would be entirely unexpected and unprecedented.

Occams razor favor dark matter over modified gravity theories.

>> No.9732074

Please get at least a general basic understanding of what you're talking about before making a fool of yourself. Even just reading the wikipedia page on dark matter should make it clear that what you're saying is total and utter nonsense.

>> No.9732079

>Even just reading the wikipedia page on dark matter
From the first fucking sentence!
Dark matter is a theorized form of matter

Magic JuJu beans are just as good a theory as Dark Matter!

>> No.9732155

> Only reads the first sentence.
> Ignores the ENTIRE SECTION on observational evidence


>> No.9732191

>> Ignores the ENTIRE SECTION on observational evidence

Lots and lots of undetected black holes or a fuck of a lot of undetected brown dwarfs also solve the problem and they do not require magic dark matter.

>> No.9732207

That was extensively researched twenty years ago. It doesn't work.

Why is it so hard for you to accept or admit that maybe professional scientists actually know what they're doing?

>> No.9732216

>maybe professional scientists actually know what they're doing?

Remember the Luminiferous aether?

>> No.9732451

nope. electromagnetism is already confirmed to be 100% different on the microscopic scale.

sorry, but you're simply too ignorant to contribute to this conversation

>> No.9732459

There are only two interpretations off this level of stupid
>Because something was wrong previously everything else is wrong now
>I used to take everything the scientific community held consensus on as gospel, but then one item broke my entire paradigm

Either way you are an absolute cretin, go back to your tendies and 9-5 minimum wage job.

>> No.9732470
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>> No.9732564
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>Implying dark matter exists