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File: 10 KB, 320x240, 6594.ngsversion.1509199314694.adapt.1900.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9728811 No.9728811 [Reply] [Original]

Given how massive the sun is, is there time dilation happening in the vicinity of the sun/around the sun or even inside the sun?

>> No.9728822

Yes, but not very much.

>> No.9728833

How much is not very much?

>> No.9728838

The sun is pretty big but on a universal scale it's not that massive at all

>> No.9728859

Even if time dilation is not that significant surely it must have an effect on things like the the rate of hydrogen burned on the surface and inside the sun, gravitational waves and stuff.

>> No.9728867

There is time dialation happening on earth, but its an incredibly small amount. We have measured it with atomic clocks.

>> No.9728873

The strength of the time dilation around the Sun can be found from the Schwarzschild metric. It will be strongest at the Sun's surface, since that's where the gravitational field is strongest (decreases as 1/r^2 outside, and is linear with r inside).

To get the exact value at the surface, first compute the Schwarzschild radius of the Sun: 2GM/c^2. This is 2953 meters, which is also the radius of a black hole the mass of the Sun. The Sun's actual radius is 6.96x10^8 meters, or 236,000 times its Schwarzschild radius. Invert that number, subtract it from one, and take the square root. That gives the time dilation at the surface relative to somewhere very far away. The number is 0.99999788, or about 2 parts in a million slower. In other words pretty small. For comparison, time dilation at Earth's surface is about 7 parts in 10 billion. And at twice the horizon radius of a black hole, it's slower by about 29% slower. Gravitational time dilation doesn't get really significant until you get very close to a very compact object like a black hole.

>> No.9729644
File: 71 KB, 850x400, Ether.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

space time fabric is a meme there is only the aether. Gravity is electromagnetism

>> No.9729665

Idk look up the equation for it.
Google works.

>> No.9729909

Visual representation of the aether and how matter forms (Bohmiam mechanics, pilot wave): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIyTZDHuarQ

>> No.9729910

The 19th century called, they want their shitty science back!