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File: 213 KB, 900x900, physiognomy memes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9726061 No.9726061 [Reply] [Original]

Is physiognomy real?

>> No.9726317

to some extent it is and i think you could detect many things using face recognition and machine learning
less symmetrical face - less intelligent
more masculine face - more aggressive
prettier - richer

>> No.9726331

Is plastic surgery real?

>> No.9726559
File: 199 KB, 593x670, Screen-Shot-2013-11-21-at-12.55.07-AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To a certain extent, yes. In a face you can detect plenty of things that correlate with intelligence and personality. Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is the best example: It has been COMMON for thousands of years, it STRONGLY correlates with criminal behaviour, and you can EASILY detect it in the face. But it wasn't recognized as a medical condition until NINETEEN SEVENTY-THREE. Before that, you'd be called a physiognomist or a phrenologist for pointing it out.

>> No.9727535

center right looks like a very charming guy
no homo of course

>> No.9727627

But your pic related is a terrible example though

>> No.9727639

Not one of them has FAS, they all have ridged philtra.
>less symmetrical face - less intelligent
Generally speaking, it is really less resistent to infection. Though in turn I guess you could extrapolate this to mean generally lower IQ as well.

>> No.9727719
File: 38 KB, 564x836, 17ea410aaaa9a4473af633f4b4a5d73b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Note that one also needs to separate from directional to fluctuating asymmetry. Basically everyone has some degree of directional asymmetry.

>> No.9727754

Vid related, fluctuating asymmetry (though extreme)


>> No.9727796

gawd damn

>> No.9727808

She looks like a work of art, unfortunately that work is a Picasso.

>> No.9727871
File: 176 KB, 1166x842, idiot atheist poltards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9728691

Only valid thing here is the man on the right has micro/macrocephalia. It's not even physiognomy though.

>> No.9728747

I would say to some extent. Idk if you are familiar with the digit hand ratios, but a low ratio is correlated with wider faces while a high ratio is correlated with narrow faces on average.

>> No.9728797

the spiritual one looks like a basedboy.

>> No.9728800

only dicksonomy is real.
bigger dick == more of a man.

>> No.9728970

not if you had your foreskin cut off.

>> No.9729182

Isn't the ratio between your index and ring finger a good marker for IQ?

>> No.9729197
