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9725503 No.9725503 [Reply] [Original]

as a mad scientist, what is the best way to destroy the earth?

>> No.9725505

Stay the course, don't change anything. We don't need your help.

>> No.9725515

Define "best."

I'd think a true MAD!!!! Scientist would place a lot of value on creepiness and novelty, while a Mad SCIENTIST!!!! might define "best" as "most efficient."

>> No.9725519

Stealing nuclear warheads,then using them to goad the world powers into a nuclear war has always been popular.

>> No.9725546

are you a mad scientist as in disgruntled, mad as in you're eccentric, or mad as in psychotic, or mad as in M.A.D as in mutually assured destruction scientist?

>> No.9725552

Tow a meteor. It's also the only way.

>> No.9725553
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>> No.9725561

What about sharks with frickin' laser beams on their frickin' heads?

>> No.9725588


>> No.9725734

>most efficient
Wouldn't that be from a mad engineer?

>> No.9725737

HA! Never thought of that. Cool!

>> No.9725745

Feed Africa

>> No.9725750

mini black hole for sure

>> No.9725754

create a time machine and give it to cern

>> No.9725775

Highly contagious virus with few noticeable symptoms that makes everyone sterile. People won't catch on until it's too late. Society would start to collapse after the first five years as our demographics get all messed up, and things would quickly accelerate from there.

>> No.9726077

>invests all money into immortality research
Nothing personel kid..

>> No.9726126

>best way to destroy the earth?

>> No.9726131

Mark Sugarmountain's doubly cushioned seat, that's for sure

>> No.9726143

Give women the right to vote

>> No.9726148

>Anonymous 05/08/18(Tue)08:14:35 No.9725503>>9725505 >>9725515 >>9725519 >>9725546 >>9725552 >>9726126as a mad scientist, what is the best way to destroy the earth?
just let nature take it's course

>> No.9726156

Red Alert

>> No.9726182

nobody has built a death ray or taken over the world before so he is testing a hypothesis

>> No.9726263

start out by killing yourself

>> No.9726293

Someone just watched Children of Men

>> No.9726297

best one so far, it would be spectacular

>> No.9726372
File: 84 KB, 410x480, 1523328789466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All my ideas came from when I was a kid.
Like early middle, late elementary.

Heads up for stupid.
One of them was build a Graviton "cannon". A laser of sorts that would somehow be able to pull the gravitons from matter (fuck if I know) and focus them on to another piece of matter.
So the Graviton beam would be aimed at the moon. Then used to focus all the gravitons on to the side facing the Earth. Thus simulating a more massive moon.
This would destabilize our planet causing all sorts of disasters and eventually send the moon into our planet.

I remember telling someone my plan, they pretty told me it was crazy because I would die as well. That was the fucking point.

>> No.9726508

i can see what you did there anon

>> No.9726517

The best, as in the most realistic, way would be to engineer a virus that has the same symptoms as the flu and let it out at different points of the globe

>> No.9726574

>A virus with the same symptoms as the flu
So just the Flu?

>> No.9727623

It wouldn't destroy the earth, it would save it.

>> No.9728965

go watch rick&morty

>> No.9728969
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It's how I'd do it.

>> No.9728979

Stirring op nuclear war would do the trick

Other options are figuring out how to ignite the atmosphere, releasing a plague, producing a butt load of a fast, painful chemical and strategically shooting it into the atmosphere, letting global warming do it's thing and then there's always shooting a butt load of nuclear reactors with lasers into space and melting the earth's surface at strategic points

>> No.9729032

Invent agriculture

>> No.9729112

Get Trump elected for a second term.

>> No.9729157

He literally did nothing in his first term...

>> No.9729353

Being a mad scientist myself I already gave this a lot of thought, and I can pinpoint the difficulties.

It takes a lot of time, and a sizable enough asteroid to cause such damage wouldn't go unnoticed, well before becoming a danger it would be stopped.

Micro black holes form all the time and aren't dangerous at all. A black hole big enough to engulf earth would take all the energy we produce on earth for years.

A large scale nuclear war would cause a lot of deaths, but it's not an extinction level event.

>> No.9729364

Change its orbit so it crashes into the Sun.
Change the orbit of another plant like Mars and smash it into Earth.

Nothing else will destroy it.

>> No.9729386

>Define "best."
Most entropy created per second among everything technologically possible as of 05/09/2018.

>> No.9730218

giant Tesla's resonator + Yellowstone caldera

>> No.9730291

Make the population restless by weakening their ability to cope with boredom , give them an easily exploitable platform to anger eachother and watch as the contempt grows.

Itll take awhile but eventually we'll tear ourselves appart. Also its probably irreversible

>> No.9730322





>> No.9730329
File: 147 KB, 600x1094, black_mage_by_jedi_art_trick-d4smmpk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cast the scientific equivilant of Meteor, which ironically is an actual meteor.
Looks like when you scale up science past a certain point it touches base with magic...

>> No.9730347

Extract all remaining trans-uranium elements to produce as many Tsar (without the lead rod) bombas as possible. Spread them evenly over earths solid surface area. Detonate in sync. RIP humans and most other forms of life.

>> No.9730365
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Most brash /mad/sci/ way: Cast Meteor.

Most subtle /mad/sci/ way: Etymological Fractal Shattering.

Most badass /mad/sci/ way: Unleash a horde of sentient and self aware/concious abhumans. I.E (genetically engineered monsters/furries/catgirls/other races)
Then watch as humans and religions tear each other apart trying to explain it/subdue it/intergrate them.

Most idiotic /madsci/ way: Create a portal over the span of 1000 grueling years of collecting materials and open the portal in hell to unleash demons on earth.

Funnest /madsci/ way: Trick the normies with advanced science that you pawn off as magic. Then once they believe you are their Emperor obliterate this sorry planet in an act of betrayal that would make Slaneesh say "Damn kid, slow down."

My favorite though is Operation Miasma.

>> No.9730384


Wouldn't that be Tzeench?

>> No.9730449
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>Release everyones browsing history all at once.
>Make it publically available.

>> No.9730457

By having an IQ so massive it develops a black hole and swallows the whole planet.

>> No.9730644

Engineer a super-virus that will wipe out the entire human population. With such a global world it would be a swift end.

>> No.9730666
File: 275 KB, 540x960, kanna01_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wait 100 years and let (((them))) do it.

>> No.9730672

did nothing good.
did plenty bad.

>> No.9730721


Causing the extinction of the human species is not the same thing as causing the destruction of the planet earth. Be less dumb. Even George Carlin understood this.

>> No.9730726

Self replicating robots which tear apart the earth piece by piece. It's the most reasonable method we have for actually destroying the earth using technology that isn't too far off.

>> No.9730735
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antimatter charges set up in strategic symmetrical locations on the surface of the planet.

>> No.9731032

I wonder how much antimatter you'd need to cause a sufficiently bad explosion.
Maybe in the future we'll have the ability to produce to much of it that a single guy in a remote location could patiently generate and accumulate tons of antimatter for years and finally unleash it all at the same time in a final blast of glory.
There are people sufficiently crazy to do that, I don't know if we will ever have the tech though.

>> No.9731036

Don't think to hard about it. We're already destroying ourselves

>> No.9731108

Large amounts of LSD In all major water supplies.

>> No.9731117

Billions upon billions of those little oxygen absorber sachets, they'll lower the oxygen levels in the air to the point that human life can no longer be sustained and pave the way for the rise of earth's true masters.

>> No.9731246

>destroy the earth
>harder than you may have been led to believe

>> No.9731255
File: 479 KB, 576x768, 1522523112240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>acquire large amounts of high yield nuclear bombs - 100 megatons at least
>move them to Mercury using rockets
>dig a shaft somewhere around the equator (must coincide with the orbital plane of the planet)
>detonate a single bomb inside the shaft and thus "dig" a large crater - name it Nozzle
>detonate the other bombs inside the nozzle when it is facing the right direction for retro propulsion
>Mercury's periapsis will be lowered causing it to crash into the Sun initiating a catastrophic chain reaction that will annihilate the Solar System and most of its planets
>the Sun will be massively disrupted, but more importantly its atmosphere will expand dragging on the nearest planets among all the other things it will do to them, causing them to decelerate as well, fall, and feed the cycle even further with apocalyptic consequences even for the distant gas giants

>> No.9731430
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I even think the panda bear could soon be extinct and everybody still eat meat, how could humanity survive?
Please Gaia forgive us, we're not worthy.

>> No.9731432


>> No.9731437

I think you are both severely underestimating how many nukes it would take to move Mercury (especially since it has no atmosphere), and overestimating how much of an impact it would have on the sun.

Now, magically removing Mercury would fsk with orbits no end, but I think if you have to wait a few hundred million years for the results, you've kinda failed.

>> No.9731448
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, the-potential-threat-of-vacuum-d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trigger a vacuum decay event.


Cuz why just end the Earth, when you can end the whole universe?

Maybe if you set up some giant solar panel arrays in orbit with some very accurate lasers and kugelblitz a series of black holes together at just the right spin you could figure it out. Might need to build a particle accelerator the size of the moon to measure the top particle first. Suffice to say, with less than this ability you could wipe out the planet, but hey, dream big!

>> No.9731460

Well, you wouldn't get the whole universe, just the local galactic cluster. The event would only expand at the speed of light, and space is expanding such that the blue shifted galaxies will have accelerated to safety by the time it expands that far, and forever remain beyond its grasp.

On the plus side, this means if some super-tech aliens in another galaxy figure a way to go full omnicidal in this fashion, we'll probably be safe... I knew there had to be some positive side to accelerating expansion!

>> No.9731760

Create the Flood from Halo.

>> No.9732589

First, you must take out Madagaskar.

>> No.9733125

Easy, just gravity-assist the earth into the sun.

>> No.9733213

I fantasize about this every night before I go to sleep.

>> No.9733231

AI singularity

>> No.9733335 [DELETED] 


>> No.9734696

fuck you, it's hot enough already