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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 191 KB, 624x480, sleep2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9718283 No.9718283 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk sleep /sci/.
If we assume that the average person in most developed countries sleeps 8 hours a day, and that the average lifespan is ~75 years, then 25 years on average of every persons' life is spent unconscious. 25 years obviously a massive fucking amount of time, and its' wasted on biological and neurological processes that can be sped up.
If we were to artificially reduce that average amount of sleep needed without disturbing the cycles that sleep can perpetuate, just a 2 hour reduction would give people ~6.5 years of their life to be spent doing, well, anything really.
So how do we achieve this? Is it biologically possible to augment sleep patterns and sleeping conditions to condense deep sleep into a shorter period? And are we able to rejuvenate muscles in a shorter period of time than is normally required with drugs or better sleep patterns? Or how about simply inducing REM artificially to save efficiency?

>> No.9718707

this brings me in mind that episode from dr. who with that sleep pod or whatever it was.
5 minutes in ,then you slept like 8-9 hrs

>> No.9718712

The problem is that we don't really know why sleep is so crucial. We think it has to do mostly with repairing neurological damage accrued during the day, but we don't really know.

>> No.9718726

Is there a good source for following this research? Im woefully underread on neurology

>> No.9718733

I'm not going to comment much on OP but just a note. My mental clarity went through the roof once I started getting consistent sleep of ~9hrs a night.

consider it if you're not already

>> No.9718740

You can't use the program while it's updating.

>> No.9718782

The amount of waking hours is irrelevant. A few quality hours at peak performance are more valuable than an entire mediocre week. There are so many things to do, so much time to invest just to get in your peak physical and mental condition.

If you want to have more time you should start removing 4chan out of your life.

>> No.9718806

Maybe Buckminster Fuller could have an answer to that

>> No.9718815

6.5 years of more anime, sign me up

>> No.9718822

Except 4chan is not /b/, it pushes you to improve your life: /fit/, /pol/, /sci/ etc.

>> No.9718826

A scientist who studies sleep recommended a short power nap (in addition to enough sleep) to get back wakefulness during the day. Caffeine does nothing in that matter.

He also said: If you need a alarm clock to wake up you have already lost. You should wake naturally.

>> No.9718827

But I like sleep. It's my favourite thing to do

>> No.9718870

Even if that was true it would be an incredibly unfocused and ineffecient way of improving your life aka useless.

>> No.9718881

>If we assume that the average person in most developed countries sleeps 8 hours a day

I would give y left nut to get 8 hours of sleep a day.

Sleeping less, and going through your day beat to shit and groggy, does not make your life longer. It will make it SEEM longer, but not in a good way.

>> No.9719252

I always sleep for extreme amounts of time after bumping my head. Maybe youre right

>> No.9719271

pol is dumber than b and significantly more harmful to your life. But if you've made a post like this you're already hopelessly lost and hopelessly dumb.

>> No.9719273

you probably spend 2 and 1/2 years busting ye nuts to traps so you might wanna make that lest time wasting before you get high on 5 hour energy...

>> No.9719361

That's called being comatose, anon.

>> No.9719373

>he's never used linux

>> No.9719473

I don't regret it at all

>> No.9719477

when I sleep without an alarm clock, I sleep for like 10-16 hours though

what do

>> No.9719480

Isn’t it to help maintain homeostasis in the body? A car thats running 100% of the time isn’t gonna do so well compared to one that rests.

>> No.9719797

go to bed earlier until that number goes down again?

Apparently the brain remembers just how much sleep deficit you have accrued.

Try the sleep onset latency test during the day (like 10AM) to see how tired you really are.

>> No.9719799

Would have been a decent bait if you had cited a few more boards before /pol/. You put it there too soon. Ah well, good try.

>> No.9719881

Sleep outside, let the sun's sweet rays wake you up

>> No.9720021

Every minute im asleep is a minute saved of having to deal with the catastrophic bullshit that is modern society, why would I want to reduce that number.

>> No.9720433
File: 21 KB, 400x400, 1512501063159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wake me up

>> No.9720482

>Improving life
/pol/ is nothing but being edgy and raging. It's a downgrade to life because they see Jews and non-whites everywhere and can't relax and can't stop being angry.

>> No.9720722

You don't relax around blacks.

>> No.9722483

I like my sleep thank you very much