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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 61 KB, 1200x1200, sir-isaac-newton-9422656-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9708606 No.9708606 [Reply] [Original]

Why did he waste his genius on alchemy and finding God?

>> No.9708661

Did you waste your time on /sci/ obsessing over your IQ?

>> No.9708662

He did both of those things in a scientific manner.

>> No.9708709


>> No.9708730

If you have enough genius, you can multi-task.

>> No.9708745

Cuz he wasted his time on the Realism meme.

>> No.9708768

Reminder for all /sci/fags who praise Humanities

Research in Humanities are a waste of time.

Newton wasted his precious last days with shitty Humanities bullshit.

Humanities advance at much slower pace.

Philosophy stagnated since Plato.

Socrates more than 2400 years ago said "I know that I know nothing" for 2 millennia later for Kant in his work "Critique of Pure Reason" reach the same dumb conclusion.

the greatest Philosophical question of all the time should be
"Why Humanities fags waste time with such bullshit"

>> No.9708800

A true scientist won't refuse to research paranormal just because it's paranormal.
Perhaps thanks to geniuses like him, one day it will be scientifically possible to prove God.
Remember, there was a time legitimate medicine was thought to be witchcraft and practicioners burned at the stake.

>> No.9708814

drugs and freemasonry


>> No.9708833

Searching for hidden messages in the Bible is the patrician whackjob activity

>> No.9708873

Alchemy/Chemistry is the superior science and the language of God. Why wouldn't he study it?

>> No.9708876

>implying his genius was wasted
He kick-started classical mechanics, what more could you ask for?

>> No.9708985

modern society is not conducive to generating philosophers

>> No.9708992


>> No.9709108

Can someone explain what he did with the bible and alchemy?

>> No.9709214

1. Newton was smarter than you could ever dream of being.
2. Newton piously believed in God, far more so than the mediocre "geniuses" of his time.
3. This gets atheists crotchless panties in a wad.
4. Suck it, you God-hating brainlet!

>> No.9709282

drinks mercury

>> No.9709300

Newton believed in the Great Architect, not your version of 'God'

He truly thought mathematics was the key to divine secrets

>> No.9709354

Because he was troubled. The guy had like 3 breakdowns and died a virgin. He was very smart no doubt, but a beta nonetheless.

>> No.9709372

Socrates and Kant were trying to figure out the most important questions. Trying to create a general system of how existance works.
>Naa dude don't worry about it it's all just elementary particles, atoms and void
Philosophy is on the same level as Math and Science. Science tells us fuck all about how things really work.
It's trying to find patterns in a reality that isn't real.

>> No.9709378

Newton was so fucking alpha he didn't even felt want of women.

Have you ever had an "intellectual orgasm"? Having such a deep insight when learning and exploring that is so pleasurable that can be compared to a orgasm, but far more sublime?

I suppose that yes.

Now imagine a man that feels this constantly, so involved in his work and exploration that he is.

If the orgasms of the mind are so far more sublime that those of the body, why would he go after women?

Now, for his alchemical explorations: occult literature puts focus on dominion of the mind over the body. Abstaining from sexual activity is one of the ways that this is promoted.

Remember Paul the Apostle: "It is good for a man to not have sex with a woman".

And according to Freud, it is the libido, or our sexual drive, that fuels creativity and creative endeavors. Abstaining from sexual activity is fuel for the intellect, if we walk that route.

There is so much to be learned from religion and alchemy. It is stupid to suppose that Newton was stupid to do so.

Newton's only stupidity was to carve a smaller hole for his cat's cubs, since the bigger one already sufficed.

>> No.9709386


how is failing to pass on one's genes a successful life?

>> No.9709385

Surely, science can solve moral dilemmas

>> No.9709389

Willingly abstaining from passing on one's own genes in order to pass on things of greater impact (i.e.: his theories) seems like a fair trade to me.

>> No.9709395

This the worst incel cope I've ever seen.

>> No.9709398

>Willingly abstaining from passing on one's own genes in order to pass on things of greater impact (i.e.: his theories) seems like a fair trade to me
For all you know, his offspring may have done something greater.
Additionally, passing on your genes does not negate performing a "greater impact" as given in your example.

>> No.9709412

passing on your genes is a biological endgoal
having a civilization and advanced intelligence frees us from such constraints and allows us to choose for ourselves

>> No.9709425

its the meaning of life and i would say it is immoral not to pass on those very best genes to help further society

>> No.9709432

lol I'm married

I just recognize that, were I single, I could be more productive.

>> No.9709437

He was a genius, and he also happened to be a nut
The two go hand in hand pretty often, every famous scientist has stories about them being a bit daffy in one way or another, usually in harmless, kind of endearing ways. An old, old professor in the physics department at my uni tells a story sometimes about how he met Paul Dirac. Dirac's wife wanted the professor to go with him on his daily walk around a pond because Dirac was old and she was afraid he'd fall in the pond. Dirac agreed to let him come, but said "Only if you do not say a single word to me the entire time." They walked around the pond for like an hour in complete silence, then Dirac said it was a very pleasant time and told him goodbye. They never saw each other again.

>> No.9709619

When was the last time a genius' son ever did something of worth? Bach had like 30 kids and they didn't accomplish shit.

>> No.9709662

>muh genetics automatically implies muh intelligence

>> No.9709663
File: 26 KB, 481x506, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>philosophy is on the same level as math and science

>> No.9709673
File: 616 KB, 1836x2448, 1419938706955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>/reddit/ is that way

>> No.9709676

It is. Without philosophy, you cannot actually do science (before you create science, you need to philosophise) and without philosophy science is pretty pointless.
Why do you want to do science? To create a better world? That's a philosophical proposition.
Do you want to do just do it for the fun of it? That's still in the realm of philosophy. You will never escape philosophy, it's always there. Time to accept it and pay your dues.

>> No.9709681

as >>9709662 said,

An unintelligent men would never choose to abstain from passing on his genes. That is not to say that an intelligent men would necessarily choose so, but he knows there's a trade he can make: either he trades his time in exchange for building a family and taking care of children, or he trades his time in exchange for intellectual exploration. It's a play of time: how will you use it? Will you nurture the world of feeling, or will you sacrifice feeling so that you can cather to mind?

To the unintelligent man, the probability that he would CHOOSE to not marry or have kids in order to explore the world of mind is quite unlikely. He would probably choose to have kids so that he isn't alone, or to fill the void in his life, or for narcissistic reasons, you name it. Intellectual exploration, to him, seems like a thing from another world.

>> No.9709685

>Somebody smarter than me.
>Interested in things I am not interested in.
>Obviously that means something is wrong with him.

>> No.9709916

nice b8

>> No.9709928

while you make an excellent point, I think it's also fair to admit in retrospect we can say that on some counts his pursuits were misguided.
Every man, no matter how great, falls for some of the memes of his time.

>> No.9709930

nice dubs, something like pascal's wager which shows that from a game theoretic perspective it is a better strategy to believe in god

>> No.9709945

i highly doubt newton was a freemason

he used both experiment and mathematics and was very well rounded as a thinker.

>> No.9709955

We know in hindsight that it was a waste of time BECAUSE he """"wasted"""" his time on it. Have some fucking respect.

>> No.9709956

yeah, but the freemasons, who shined most bright during Newton's time, believed in mathematics, mainly geometry, as means to understand God.

Freemansons nowadays are pretty much diluted, and turned into mere circlejerking bald men fleeing from their wives.

>> No.9710079

Waste it on finding God? You have much to learn. Newton developed wisdom from an early age. You'll find that wisdom is the only true intelligence. It provides clarity with the world. Just because you can do math fast doesn't mean you're smart. It's all about wisdom.

>> No.9710084

Every scientist from 0 to 1960 saw math and particularly geometry as a divine calling they were hardy special in that.

>> No.9711591

>pascal's wager
>game theoretic perspective
Keep yourself safe.

>> No.9711595

should have used his genius to slay pussy

>> No.9711605

>questioning Newton
Shut your fucking mouth, peasant.

>> No.9711827

>Science tells us fuck all about how things really work.
>It's trying to find patterns in a reality that isn't real.
Are you fucking high?

>> No.9712943

>Why did he waste his genius on alchemy and finding God?
Because it gave him personal fulfillment and during his time it wasn't known that alchemy isn't real.

>> No.9713029

>it wasn't known that alchemy isn't real.
Alchemy is just ye old chemistry, it was very real. Though there are some things which aren't real, like the Philosopher's Stone.

>> No.9713043

>Have you ever had an "intellectual orgasm"? Having such a deep insight when learning and exploring that is so pleasurable that can be compared to a orgasm, but far more sublime?
Tips fedora.

>> No.9713054

You are of course right.

>> No.9713061

Because the development of your soul is far more important than ephemeral material knowledge.

>> No.9713079

>. Though there are some things which aren't real, like the Philosopher's Stone
Pffft not collecting people soul's IRL to give yourself immortality

>> No.9713188

>Investigated everything to the point where he kickstarted physics