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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9707248 No.9707248 [Reply] [Original]

70-100 Haunted by delusions and the inability to think abstractly proficiently

100-110 Some semblance of rationality

110-120 Capable of understanding how the world works but unable to change it

120-130 Rationality at its peak with the ability to deduce any problem accurately using the scientific method

140-150 The gateway to scientific innovation

>> No.9707250

150 is hardly impressive. I'm 158 and not even that great in my field. The average IQ on /sci/ can't be lower than 130.

>> No.9707267

IQ has nothing to do with motivation, faggot.

>> No.9707272

You missed the 130-140 range.
Arent you the optimist?

>> No.9707289

Watson is a 130 IQ brainlet and he won a nobel.

>> No.9707454

TFW you have to have IQ 180 to be decent in any STEM field

>> No.9707480

>iq just three standard deviations from the mean is already very rare in the real world
>/sci/ is filled with retards and has been declining in quality for years
>iq threads are still filled with people unironically claiming iqs over 150

why would someone just go on the internet and tell lie about themselves anonymously

>> No.9707481


>> No.9707513

There are two nobel physics prize winners, one with a sub 130 IQ and one with an IQ below 135 that won Nobel prizes.

Must suck to be you, a bunch of losers with no accomplishments.

>> No.9707570

150+ Existential Depression and Suicide

>> No.9707603

it probably makes them feel good about themselves. the world doesnt have much validation in it. once you are past the toddler stage, mummy and daddy rarely care much about what the average joe does academically as long as its cash. no cash in your 20s? start talking about how clever you are. mummy and daddy still arent impressed though

>> No.9707630

>>9707570 Something you are incapable of knowing unless you yourself have an IQ 150+.

>> No.9707658

>tfw only 145 brainlet

>> No.9707679

Why do you think the average Iq of /sci/ is 130? I'm probably like 120-125.

>> No.9707690

I read the average american who has completed high school has an iq of 105 and the average college graduate has an iq of 115. Now does college increase your iq or do only above average people complete the full four years?

>> No.9707692

High IQ is useful, but in my experience above 120-130: orderliness, determination, self-discipline worth a lot more.
A guy i know claims to be 128, he is the most productive biologist i know, by far.

>> No.9707723

any good legit website to text for IQ ?

inb4 just google it

>> No.9707729

Wrong. Depression is for brainlets. Great achievements require huge effort from super smart guys. Depressed people don't have motivation even to leave the bed, much less something as solving poincare's conjecture...

Great thoughts produce much serotonin.

>> No.9707735

I maxed the test in 4th grade man its not like i fucking asked for a high iq?

>> No.9707738

>>iq just three standard deviations from the mean is already very rare in the real world
Scores 145 and up are 1.5 in a thousand. And IQ tests that claim to measure even that high are bullshit. They don't have adequate samples for that, nor are the people making the tests intelligent enough to judge one-in-a-thousand cases.

For practical purposes, IQ scores over 130 aren't meaningfully distinct from each other. That's well under 3% of the population. The testing isn't that good.

Between 70 and 130, the predictive usefulness of IQ is crippled by the requirement for the mean scores of the sexes to come out equal. This means as you get into the meat of the distribution, you have to find ways to avoid measuring things like spacial intelligence, which men are markedly superior in. Since the distributions don't have to be equal, only the mean, the upper end of the scale is allowed to be more honest about the differences in male and female intelligence.

All in all, IQ is a pretty shit metric. The midrange is approached dishonestly, the upper range is too hard to measure, and there are too many dimensions of intelligence for a single number to be very useful. In the lower range, they abandon the distribution and make it a rough percentage of normal mental function anyway (i.e. the original thing of "mental age/physical age * 100" which is why it's called a "quotient" in the first place, since the point was to gauge children's mental development and see if there's anything to do to help the ones developing slowly).

>> No.9707739

>Bro, I have an IQ near Einstein's
>It's not special or anything

You should just consider suicide. If you legitimately have an IQ of 158, and you're "not even that great," then you have other issues and should KYS.

>> No.9707740

>I maxed the test in 4th grade man
>I have a high iq

Why don't you take a IQ test NOW and show us what the results are.

>> No.9707741


Depends o the test. Different tests have different standards. The mos common ones go to 155 or 160

>> No.9707747

>The mos common ones go to 155 or 160
That doesn't mean 155 actually means "smarter than 140". It just means the numerical score goes that high. As I say, I don't think the people making them are smart enough to judge the difference, nor do they have enough data.

IQ only loosely correlates with success. I think real intelligence correlates much more strongly with success, and IQ is simply a poor measure.

>> No.9707749

Iq (as a tool to measure raw intelligence in the context youre trying to use it) is a meme by friend.
It increases with exposure to intellectual stimuly.
Take my anecdotal case as an example.
I first got my iq tested in highschool and. Got a 116. I was 17 at the time.
Firts year university i got a second test (the test giver was the same as the first time) and got a 121.
Last time I did it was about 3 months ago and got a wopping 135. Im 20 now.
The difference? In highschool I had no exposure to any real abstract thinking, once I entered college and started studying for real and developing problem solving skills for programming, math, physics, my thinking skills skyrocketed. hence the increase in score.
This happens because iq was designed to test when someone is below the average and the test does that incredibly well, thats why a population with under-average iq almost always is also poor and overrun with crime and a population with average+ iq almost always is doing well.
The reason its not some /pol/ "niggers are retards" non-sense, is that iq is an indicator of education.
for anything above average or as a real intellegince gauging tool it has little to no use.

>> No.9707750

Is tests on children are or accurate because they dont take Into account learned things. If this serves as any sort of ethos, I taught myself algebra in 4th grade because i was allowed to take the standardized test for the 5th graders because they wanted to see if I could move up a grade. I figured out the square root of two two two decimal places by realizing that 14×14=196 And thus 1.4*1.4=1.96. I won a national award in highschool for academic decathlon and went to an ivy league school for math and physics in a program tied for 3rd in the national of minimal effort in highschool. I hate to say it but I am very smart

>> No.9707755

You're right.

>> No.9707768

I have a high IQ but have amounted to little due to mental illness.

I guess the gas vans are headed my way?

>> No.9707770

get this iq meme off this board

terrible metric for intelligence

>> No.9707773

What he says:
>Take my anecdotal case as an example.
What he seems to mean:
>Take my anecdotal case as sufficient data to form conclusions, and don't bother with actual data.
What he *actually* means:
>Take this case I made up to prove what I want to believe as proof of my point.

>iq is an indicator of education
It isn't though. IQ is an indicator of likely educational attainment. It predicts how far you'll go in education before you get an education. IQ scores are normally fairly stable through education. They do wander somewhat as people age, and can sometime rise dramatically with the treatment of a cognitively-impairing health problem (or fall dramatically with the development of one), but the testers do their absolute best to test stuff that doesn't get better with training, and they do alright at that.

And I'm saying this as someone who posted this stuff about how I think IQ is a shit metric:

>> No.9707785

>For practical purposes, IQ scores over 130 aren't meaningfully distinct from each other.
This isn't true. I'm a mere 133 IQ brainlet and I've had the chance to meet a few 150+ IQ people in the past couple years. They are so much more brilliant than me in every possible way that they might as well be a different species. The speed in which they can draw conclusions from information or find connections between many seemingly unrelated concepts is frightening. A pattern recognition puzzle that might take you an hour to figure out will come to them in seconds. You could have a conversation with them about a topic you've studied extensively and they'll form a deeper understanding of it on the fly than you did in weeks, and have the verbal skills to show it. I'd give anything to experience for myself what it must feel like to have a brain like that for just one day. I don't believe for a second anyone who claims IQ stops being meaningful after the 130 mark. I'd go so far as to say that every IQ point matters even more at that level. The difference between 110 and 130 is nothing. 130 and 150 however, we are all just stupid apes to them.

>> No.9707787

>I've had the chance to meet a few 150+ IQ people
How do you know they're 150+ IQ people? What context is this, where you hear their IQ scores?

>> No.9707802

Cliche aside, does having a high iq really carry increase risk to mental illness? If so, at what IQ do we see a increase in mental illness?

>> No.9707805

i have thought about this a lot.

there's two things that really stick out

1. being self-aware leads to suffering (Kierkegard)

2. being self-aware also leads to being able to fix a problem you know you have in many cases (treatment, medication, etc)

DESU im not sure the net result is any different from normal or that high IQ even helps you be self-realised about your illness at a greater rate!

>> No.9707807

sorry bit sleepy i didnt exactly answer your Q

i dont believe there has ever been a study showing high IQ increases a risk of mental illness

>> No.9707840

I'm talking about being so smart that you already have everything figured out and realize that it's all pointless so you just don't try.

>> No.9707842


>> No.9707848

One of them told me, another I heard from somebody else. Others the topic never came up but I suspect their IQ is somewhere around the high 150s. They sure don't have an IQ as low as mine anyway, that much is certain.

>> No.9707852

So most of your perceived evidence is actually just your presumption.

>> No.9707861

You can see how badly he fails at logical, rational thought just listening to his various interviews
Still good enough for a nobel
What matters is being in the office every day, taking data, putting in work, and a little luck to happen to be looking at the right thing at the right time

>> No.9707867

No. Like I said, there are two whose IQ I know, and a few more whose IQ I can only guess, but I have no reason to believe it's anything less than in the range of 145-160+. Unless you think 130 IQ brainlets get skipped multiple grades as children.

>> No.9707872

This smells like horseshit.

>> No.9707878

>The average IQ on /sci/ can't be lower than 130.

Based on the posts I've seen, the average IQ here is closer to 180. It makes sense considering that even Einstein was estimated to have an IQ of 160 and it took him quite a while to come up with General Relativity.

>> No.9707884

150 to 170 is probably closer to the gateway, if you look at the Anne Roe study. 170+ is the gateway to deep insight into math and theoretical physics, but a lot of people at this level have been poorly socialized due to a lack of accelerated learning as kids.

>> No.9707887

>130 is brainlet


>> No.9707893

>there are two whose IQ I know
No, two whose IQ scores you heard. People don't have IQs, they get an IQ score on a particular test, on a particular day. One second-hand, and the other self-reported, both likely reported only because they were very high.

>a few more whose IQ I can only guess
You're equating intelligence with IQ in order to defend your equation of intelligence with IQ. Your chain of reasoning goes: "I got an IQ score of 133 on one test. I've met people who were significantly more intelligent than me. Therefore, I assume that they would also get IQ scores significantly higher than me. Therefore, IQ scores higher than 130 are consistently predictive and accurately rank degrees of very high intelligence relative to each other."

In fact, you only have one reliable data point: your own score. And you've only mentioned two other data points, which are subject to strong selection bias and dubious in origin.

>> No.9707902

this guys speaks science i like it

>> No.9707908

There is nothing more inspiring to me than the idea that a brainlet can achieve success at the highest level (however unlikely).

>> No.9707910

Yo don't feel too bad I had crippling social anxiety and clinical depression and it really hindered me. The only thing that matters is that you hop back on the horse and try. You are limiting yourself by not trying!! How selfish of people to restrict themselves to a perfectly rational mindset of wanting to live an average life. Honestly though the genius without goals cliche makes perfect fucking sense

>> No.9707915

ah the old "you can get better if you want to" meme lol

>> No.9707917

I speak from a position of privilege and I know that. I'm sorry my experiences dont pertain to your life. I hope you can still achieve what you want to

>> No.9707919

So it's just a coincidence that two highly intelligent and academically successful people also have an IQ that puts them in the 99.999th percentile?

>> No.9707927

Tfw 130 and knowing you would be 160 back in 1900 because of the Flynn effect.

I want to go back in time.

>> No.9707932

ah thats very kind of you. hey its nice to hear of people like yourself climbing out of the hole.

>> No.9707941

Honestly for a long time it was talent. At the ivy league I realized the difference between success and failure was not talent, it was motivation. That's why I had to adapt if I wanted to make it out alive in this world. Honestly it was out of survival. Happiness doesnt exist anymore lol

>> No.9707955

Honestly though please start working on something dont waste your gift

>> No.9707959
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>when his IQ starts with 1

>> No.9707962

The only is tests going over 199 have very limited data and dont mean much you fucking moron

>> No.9707964

their well above average IQ makes them highly intelligent and academically successful, but you only perceive them as EXTREMELY intelligent because you know their IQ score is 150. If you didn't know their IQ score, you might've just seen them as "pretty damn smart"

>> No.9707976

My IQ is 165. That's why I eschew science and became a creationist. Once you hit a certain level of intellect you realize that God is the only real truth of the world.

>> No.9707980


>> No.9707989
File: 15 KB, 130x148, 1515716169906-sci-1-1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

greater than 120: Shit encrusted autists

100-119: Fucking faggots

80-99: Capable of not drowning in the shower

50-79: Normal human beings

30-49: Real gentlemen

10-29: True niggas

Less than 10: The forbidden beings

>> No.9708497

>What is said "take my anecdotal case as an example"
>What I meant: exactly what I said.
I mean exactly what I say, stop projecting.

The main reason iq is not being used as an intelligence gauger Is exactly because of what I said, it increases with exposure to stimuli.
Why do you think people that go to college have a higher iq than people that dont?
Most people that dont go, dont go because they lack resources, not because theyre too stupid to graduate from any degree.

>> No.9708520

based kindposter, please never change

>> No.9708589

Suppose I'm trying to hire an engineer/computer programmer/<insert cerebral profession here>. I feel like it'd be a pretty safe bet to set a generous threshold of 115 or so, discarding all lower-scoring candidates. Am I wrong?

>> No.9708594

Let us hear you speak.

>> No.9708597

Sounds like an autistic fantasy.
I've been around Oxford level scientists in STEM.

>> No.9708602

My IQ is 165 and all I can think about is fucking Emma Watson in the ass

>> No.9708610

You're a brainlet. Average IQ of /pol/ is 200. This board is just 150. And you're marginally not a brainlet

>> No.9708685


>best predictor of success in life
>it’s a shit metric

My guy

>> No.9708698

>>best predictor of success in life
Wrong. Money is the best indicator of success.
There are 85 IQ rich guys and 200 IQ PhDs who are only middle class.

>> No.9708720

>anon didn't learn algebra in the second grade
I'm not even joking. You were behind.

>> No.9708721

and are therefore dead

>> No.9708727

dude, you kidding?
this is like, 18-year-old-I-give-everything-a-superficial-analysis-tier

>> No.9708731

>what is inheritance

>> No.9708752

>tfw 99 IQ

>> No.9708769

Another indicator of genes that gave your ancestors success

>> No.9708790
File: 14 KB, 480x452, FB_IMG_1525011407603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The higher IQ the better you learn. Knowlege and understanding goes hand in hand. And then it's how deep you can think abstractly and concrete. Then you have visualization, imagination, intuition and creativity. And then how fast until equillibrium it. Einstein talked alot about this.

>> No.9708812

>winning the lottery is success
You a fatalist?

>> No.9708816

if this is true im probably a 110

>> No.9708818

meh.. 107 more like
there is so much i dont understand

>> No.9708820

>Imagine being so dumb you dont understand the basics of experimentation but still forming conclusions

>> No.9708823

like, why would anyone care what my iq is. because of course they wouldnt. yet i posted this anyways. which is kinda stupid


>> No.9708831

now im choking on a potato chip... 105
also i laught when i watch the big bang theory...

>> No.9708835

rampant typos and frequent spelling mistakes... 97

im just going to stop now before i feel dumber

>> No.9708886

If they manage to not piss away the money. Then they deserve winning the lottery

>> No.9708899

I was only trying to come up with a nonexample. I have to really contrive the situation to do so, and I have one, but I tend to agree that money is probably the best indicator we have readily available. IQ most certainly isn't lol

>> No.9708950

Yeah as long as success means money.

>> No.9709142
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The lowest IQ's here are at least 170, average is probably 190. This isn't reddit kid ;)

>> No.9709293

Wait, seriously? When did /sci/ start allowing sub-200s? This place really has gone to shit.

>> No.9709370
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People who really are intelligent don't constantly talk about it online.

>> No.9709410

Realistically, the /sci/ average is 160.

>> No.9709436

Lol, nowhere fucking near. More like 115 or 120.

>> No.9709473

What these fucking Jordan Peterson type psychometricists should do is to team up with geneticists.
The easiest way to measure someone's true IQ(potential for succes/impact on the world) would be to sample the genome of babies, better yet, embryos, from families with a comparable income. Follow the kids trough their lives and take notes of academical performance, health, social status and choice of profession. By comparing the genome of, say, all the kids who made it as physicists, you couls isolate the aleles and genes responsible for it by looking for types that occur often.

>> No.9709480

Spotted the 165 IQ brainlet. The true average here is 200, as proven by legitiqtest.wordpress.india

>> No.9709572
File: 58 KB, 385x456, 1474928976634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

200 IQ reporting in Faglords!!1111!!11!1!

>> No.9709620

>70-100 Haunted by delusions and the inability to think abstractly proficiently

Reporting in

>> No.9709638
File: 1.03 MB, 935x767, quintero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually believing people that post their IQ on 4chan

>> No.9709725

I'm not talking about self-proclaimed IQ levels. I'm talking about the level of intelligence that I've witnessed in the posts. /sci/ is just an elite board, where even the usual shitposters sit comfortably in the 180s. And every now and then, a lurker a mid-200 IQ will reveal himself and essentially end a thread with his knowledge and understanding.

>> No.9709737

>Rationality at its peak with the ability to deduce any problem accurately using the scientific method
fair enough

>> No.9709741

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you - how the world looks when you're dumb as shit.

>> No.9709747

lmao dude you should get some meds/neurons. 180 is 99.9999951684% to 99.9999712895% percentile, considering the amount of people here, that is almost imposible

>> No.9709755

It is 1 in 20 million rarity. Consigering the world has 7000 millions, only 350 millions have 180+ iq. It is not impossible, but...

>> No.9709781

Since when /sci/tards are hyper obsessed with the IQ meme?

A random memeful test on Google showed me that my IQ is of 124 - 128
It's not the result of a genius, but based of the IQ images showed here, I'm well.

>> No.9710002

>on /sci/
>cant into elementary school level probabilities
7500000000/20000000=375 you raging brainlet

>> No.9710134

>this thread circlejerking about IQ
Fucking brainlets get off my board