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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9705847 No.9705847 [Reply] [Original]

>human organized religion spreads all over the Galaxy after mankind masters spaceflight.

And there's nothing wrong with that.

>> No.9705858

If dubs it's Christianity

>> No.9705860


>> No.9705862

if dubs it's islam

>> No.9705864 [DELETED] 

if dubs it's (((judaism)))

>> No.9705867

>be Blorg, living on some planet somewhere in the milky way
>One day alien spaceships come to visit my planet
>Everyone is thrilled, people have imagined that we were not alone in the universe and this is finally happenning
>A delegation is formed withour leader, world famous artists, most primed scientist and other important people to meet them in their landing site
'Greeting travalers, it is a honour-'
>Suprisingly enough, aliens turn out to be even dumber than the warmongers pictured in my planet hollywood
>People submit, most of us fall down in an apathic state while some nutjobs seize the occasion and get appointed as our new leaders as to enforce aliens'religion

>> No.9705881
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>master interstellar spaceflight

Keep dreaming, meatbag.

>> No.9705885

If dubs, or higher, it is Judaism.

>> No.9706006

Rolling for Jesus

>> No.9706023

Most of the world is already Atheist and Secular and there's nothing you skydaddy idiots can do about it.

How does it feel being on the wrong side of history?

>> No.9706025

>>master interstellar spaceflight
It's not that hard, it just takes a long time

>> No.9706028

shit dying meme, it won't survive the next hundred years

>> No.9706030

Which is a problem. Seeing how we don't don't really last a long time on the grand scale of things. If it "wasn't that hard" we'd be doing it already.

>> No.9706033

Never underestimate human stupidity

>> No.9706055

At that point we'll probably worship a superintelligent AI overlord that actually exists and helps us, so no problem.

>> No.9706624
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If digits, its Freemasonry

>> No.9706686

If dubs, some edgy LARP paganism.

Unless you manage to increase the average IQ by quite a few points you can forget about that.

>> No.9706691

If dubs it's Hinduism.

>> No.9706768

If dubs OP didn't suck cocks today

>> No.9706789

dubs for buddha

>> No.9706806

if dubs, pantheism

>> No.9706823

dubs for the imperial cult

>> No.9706870

chaos undivided here we go

>> No.9707019


If dubs, shintoism.

>> No.9707025

infrastructure takes time to develop
can't wave a magic wand and get orbital fleetyards and asteroid mines, those need to be built

>> No.9707042

If dubs, Catholicism

>> No.9707051

If dubs it's Mormonism.

>> No.9707064

It dubs its cyber-christianity

>> No.9707083

dubs for discordianism

>> No.9707087

If digits it will be a reunified cyber-christian church with a new apastolic succession and Jesus Christ himself as our God-Emperor.

>> No.9707090


>> No.9707190

>orbital fleetyards

Stop reading shitty space opera.

Spacecraft aren't ships. They will never BE ships.

>> No.9707234


>> No.9707326

humans are going to need to have something to stay on while they travel between the planets

what better place to build that something than a shipyard

quit being a mong, we aren't going to stay on earth jacking off and send only shitty ass probes until humanities dies off

>> No.9707349

go suck jesus cock more, faggot

>> No.9707359

We sure as hell aren't getting to another solar system.

>> No.9707360

If dubs its a religion worshiping me.

>> No.9707366
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All hail The God Emperor.

>> No.9707379

Hory shit

>> No.9707465


>> No.9707519

Not bad if is one of many religions, as always. But be realistic, it will be no surprise.

Wll done m8.

Btw, if dubs we all worship Cthulhu.

>> No.9707546

not at all, faggot

>> No.9707580

zensunni plz

>> No.9707614

that satisfied feeling of being above the masses when on an internet science board, /sci fags regurgitate atheist rhetoric which has literally been programmed into their minds and the minds of their parents by religious groups over the last 1.5 centuries so as to diminish their sense of identity and motivation so as to enable that particular religious group to more easily economically and psychologically enslave them to a physical and mental plantation, above which those same religious folk are the slave masters.

Tfw when every major relevant discovery in mathematics, physics, and chemistry was made by highly religious individuals, all prior to circa 1900, and now science wannabes on an internet forum that have not made any great discoveries or contributions parrot atheist opinions which would have made them the laughing stock of any educated, free, thinking man for the history of eternity. tfwhen atheists do not even realize that their atheism is a religion in itself which has recently been invented and promulgated by a religious group with economic interests which successfully warped the meaning of life through their eyes so as to enslave them to corporate and carnal interests and desires such that they do not disrupt the global political and economic system since they are apathetic.

tldr; idiots

>> No.9707628

>getting so buthurt by one word

>> No.9707631

the only AI i fear is an atheistic one

>> No.9707726

Some kind of humanistic Buddhism and I'd be down with that. Abrahamism is shit though. It fosters self-shame, restriction of science/tech rendering them fragile and narrow, and traitorousness.

>> No.9707756

being religious was virtually mandatory to being able to operate in society, your point proves nothing.

also. when you say "athiesm" is a religion, you are redifining what the word means! athiesm does not mean devoid of belief, it means devoid of organised religious belief.

i am surprised to find such a low-brow comment on here to be honest

>> No.9707757

>Most of the world is already Atheist and Secular
Are you joking?

>> No.9707949

>Most of the world is already Atheist and Secular
weak bait 0/10

>> No.9708016
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Found the fedora

>> No.9708021

>Most of the world is already Atheist and Secular and there's nothing you skydaddy idiots can do about it.
tfw you haven't left the basement in years

>> No.9708046

Don't forget it also fosters subservience. Literally the easiest religion to co-opt.

>> No.9708062
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Trips and it's Communism.

>> No.9708072

I'm a man of science and facts but what ever keeps the dumb skulls in space from killing each other is fine by my as long as the spice keeps flowing.

>> No.9708851

Positive atheism means "I believe that there is no God."

Negative atheism means "I do not believe in God."

Positive atheism entails negative atheism.

When people discuss atheism, they are generally referring to positive atheism since it would be impractical not to.

Note that neither of the above definitions refer to organized religion at all. That is not the focus of atheism.

>> No.9708867

>atheist rhetoric which has literally been programmed into their minds and the minds of their parents by religious groups over the last 1.5 centuries so as to diminish their sense of identity and motivation so as to enable that particular religious group to more easily economically and psychologically enslave them to a physical and mental plantation, above which those same religious folk are the slave masters.

I remember when this type of thing could only be seen here as satire mocking neo-nazis, and now you morons legitimately run around spouting this shit off and you're dead serious. Truly amazing.

>Tfw when every major relevant discovery in mathematics, physics, and chemistry was made by highly religious individuals, all prior to circa 1900

Oh wow, all discoveries were made by religious people when the church ran all the educational institutions and everyone was either religion or forced to pretend they were. Again, a comment so stupid it looks exactly like satire.

>> No.9708868

If dubs it's buddhism

>> No.9708872


>> No.9708905

>he said as the smell of cheeto dust wafted through the basement

>> No.9708926

>a nazi unironically saying this
get some self-awareness

>> No.9708945

>a nazi

>> No.9708993

if dubs it's mormons

>> No.9708998
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>> No.9709013

Reroll my brother

>> No.9710249
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atheist logic

>> No.9710251

>everyone was either religion or forced to pretend they were

>> No.9711198

if dubs its a rape-neoclassical music cult based on psilocybin, starcraft and electro-minimalist jazz fusion