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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9705289 No.9705289[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Send our boys Thomas and friends to NASA for something great instead of losing because they're not black.
>>Go to link: https://opsparc.gsfc.nasa.gov/finalists-grades-9-12/
>>Scroll down the page until you see polling options
>>Select Thomas, Daniel, & Jimin Lee
>>Competition is the QUEENZ on the bottom
>>They're getting voted up because of a fucking tweet.

>> No.9705291


>Put a fuck load of research and work into your project
>Very promising and practical
>Sheboons copy shit off the internet and draw it on a whiteboard
>Subpar work across the board with little explanation
>Win because they're literally black
Their work has value and should get credit for it

>> No.9705299

I voted for the black girls

>> No.9705300


Now rearrange the initials....


They simply have to win

>> No.9705311

>Social justice is more important than science!
So close, yet so far away

>> No.9705315

>>Social justice is more important than science!
it is in this case. i hope the girls win just to piss all you small minded assholes off

>> No.9705319

Small minded how exactly?

>> No.9705322

reverse the situation and isnt it just flat out racism?

they are winning because of their gender and skin colour.

>> No.9705335

I don't care if these girls win or not based on race, merit, etc., but I can't blame you for interpreting me in that way when I gave too little for anyone to work with.

people will justify whatever course of action should be taken and they'll claim science told them so, or that they pretend science is the highest good when they don't realize that their politics is the highest good and science serves a subservient role to that good.

>> No.9705337

literally who cares... Why so triggered?

>> No.9705340

they should simply be invited win or lose.

do we want more women and minorities in science or not? dont talk about your bullshit meritocratic principles it changes nothing and this is about giving people an experience, not a job

>> No.9705344

>arguing for affirmative action


>> No.9705351

yes i am. this is an education setting.

>> No.9705375

i think its fair for the people who put more effort
and had a better presentation to win, don't you? is that a ludicrous idea?

>> No.9705386

And right now those young men are being educated that brown people will gang up on them and take what they earned and give it to someone who objectively deserves it less, simply because they're also brown, and society will applaud.

>> No.9705393

this is the problem. some people have more resources at hand from the start. who is to say who worked the hardest?
putting something like this to a public vote is a ridiculous idea in the first place.

>> No.9705396

>brown people will gang up on them
racist little fuck

>> No.9705402

Thats. Exactly. What's. Happening.
How can your head be so far up your ass you can't see it?

>> No.9705404

look at your language.


>> No.9705411

>it is in this case. i hope the girls win just to piss all you small minded assholes off
imagine believing this

>> No.9705412

So you can say fuck and I say ass and I'm the one who's more profane?
Lol what color is your hair?

>> No.9705414

you aren't too smart are you buddy. go browse /pol/ before you embarass yourself any further

>> No.9705415

>some people have more resources at hand from the start
what the hell are you talking about, by the looks of it this project doesnt require any resources at all. its like youre living in a complete different reality

>> No.9705417

>do we want more women and minorities in science or not?
If they don't want to be and/or just aren't cut out for it one way or another then no.

>> No.9705418
File: 491 KB, 1213x617, katherine_johnson_john_glenn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunch of science and history deniers here. NASA was at its height when black women controlled the numbers, people.

>> No.9705420

You haven't countered a single point, just tried to change the subject and insulted me. You have no arguments because you know I'm right. It must be very stressful.

You can give up the blue hair, you know. If you stretched out your ear piercings though, that's gonna take a bit of surgery.

>> No.9705423

Oh my, how very black she is indeed.

>> No.9705427

dont reply to bait

>> No.9705452

my argument is this:

i told you to look at your language. you took that to mean the swearing, i was talking about the VERY RACIST way you were talking about the subject.

not sure why you would assume i dress a certain way because i disagree with you. i am assuming you aren't even a scientist because of the highly unthinking way you spew your menace. you barely grasp simple prinicples.

>> No.9705454

there's every sign that they DO want to be and are being excluded by the system

>> No.9705470


Wow you seem exceptionally intelligent.

>> No.9705471

The absolute state of /sci/

>> No.9705474

Give me one concrete example of this happening.

>> No.9705484
File: 45 KB, 640x630, 1523745554551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do we want more women and minorities in science

>> No.9705498

>look at black girls experiment
>it's just a filtration system changing H2NO to H2O with a single sketch that look like it was made in 10 minutes

>look at white guys experiment
>how algae is harmful but also how it can be utilized to our advantage for our food
>multiple highly detailed graphics

Say it with me /sci/

>> No.9705511

Clearly posted by the boys or their friends in order to enrage the low-IQ anti-SJW little white bois into voting for them

>> No.9705515

3 black females are in a vote to visit NASA

>> No.9705518

>>multiple highly detailed graphics
daddy's pockets are deep

>> No.9705520


>> No.9705527

They're handdrawn m8

>> No.9705535


>> No.9705574

>>look at white guys experiment
The algae experiment is made entirely by Asians btw. White bois CAN'T compete.

>> No.9705630

Oh I'm sorry I should have used the VERY SCIENTIST way of saying People of Color which is not at all like saying colored people, which is obviously VERY RACIST.

What do you think about Kaczynski's theories on leftists?

>> No.9705646

I'd want to check the sources on the algae one but damn they look like they've put a lot into that.

>> No.9705649
File: 365 KB, 573x773, 1524969727898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from the black girls

>> No.9705665

NASA was at it's height when Von Braun and his group was running it.

>> No.9705666


>> No.9705673

>do we want more women and minorities in science or not?
Couldnt care less about the ratio of women to men in STEM, all anyone who isnt an idiot cares about is merit, interest, and if the people want to be there. Academia is not systemically sexist because in order to get into academia you need to go to school and the primary motivator for admissions is profit. So at best you are arguing our economic system is sexist which it might well be but that isnt going to change and no one cares to change it regardless.

>> No.9705674

Why do girls write different than boys?

>> No.9705677


I just spent two minutes trying to work out how you could fit a two hydrogens and an oxygen around a nitrogen.

>> No.9705678

i want more competent people in stem and less people who watched too much magic school bus

i do not give a single fuck if youre a nigger

>> No.9705679

Because the same people voting based on them being black are paying taxes and voting in elections that determine how you are allowed to live your life.

>> No.9705685

>voting in elections that determine how you are allowed to live your life.
Elaborate. The view of letting everyone live as they choose is typically a liberal thing.

>> No.9705688

how am i supposed to explain this...
/sci/ believes in more people that believe in science and advancing human tech = a better world.
blacks are known to fucking hate science and math, large amount of them drop out of school because STEM is too hard for them. these black girls are showing interest in something their race arent known to love. with them going to NASA, this could encourage more blacks to be interested in STEM and make the world a better place.

Fucking kill yourselves btw you dumbfucking retarded ethnostate pricks. If you want a country where only whites get all the good shit go to fucking eastern europe. They put whites first more than anything.

>> No.9705692

>do we want more women and minorities in science or not? dont talk about your bullshit meritocratic principles it changes nothing and this is about giving people an experience, not a job

You're a retarded nigger who can't do basic shit like calc 1, go back to your brainlet containment center >>>>/lgbt/

>> No.9705693

What's even the purpose of the fan?
Wouldn't it just mix the metals into the water more? Surely you would be better off just having the jar so that the metals can sink to the bottom and the water flows out from half way up.

>> No.9705695

Niggers have a retard level IQ you kike.

>> No.9705700

michelle obama is a harvard graduate.

>> No.9705703

Outliers exist you brainlet.

>> No.9705704

I voted for the girls. The girls have to win. More blacks in STEM, less crime and criminal thugs in the streets. They all need to get jobs.

>> No.9705707

There's a clear reason for this. People got fed up with the far left and responded by going further and further right. Then it became 'cool' to start hating on black and Jewish people. It's an over reaction to seeing idiocy on the left. The sad thing is that these people who are making themselves look retarded are doing so because they're mad at other idiots.

>> No.9705712
File: 1.00 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180429-005107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lads, something is up

>> No.9705717

Petty fucking bullshit, sad to think probably over half of you people are grown men. I agree her tweet was a bit unreasonable, but this thread is absolutely disgusting. You should have just left it.

These are children by the fucking way.

>> No.9705718

Democratic agency is provided through the vote, votes determine either directly or indirectly what becomes legislation and what doesnt. Legislation determines the bounds in which you are allowed to live your life.

>> No.9705719

Nigger twitter started it by voting the shittiest project up just because it was made by blacks

>> No.9705725

we did it /pol/! less blacks in science and technology! now there will be even more unemployed niggers that end up as criminals and reproduce like rabbits, creating more criminal niggers. MAGA. im so redpilled right now.

>> No.9705726 [DELETED] 

If I saw you in real life you would be dead. If I saw that woman in real life, I would delete her twitter at most.

>> No.9705730

That's not true at all. Liberals generally want MORE government oversite. They think the government should control our health care, as well as our rights to own guns etc. Those we'e just 2 quick examples, but you're absolutely wrong. The left (see the UK) wants a nanny state. They don't want everyone to be able to do what they want. That's a conservative value.

>> No.9705734

>You should have just accepted racial injustice because you're an adult
That was your argument? I don't think you get this stupid by accident. Your mother must have tried to strangle you. I don't blame her.

>> No.9705742

You're right we should have a ethnostate, no niggers and spiccs.

>> No.9705743

ukraine and poland are 99.8% white. fuck off there.

>> No.9705753

Who gives a shit? More worthless chimps that'll get hanged on the day of the rope.

>> No.9705754

>not having niggers
Poland is based though.

>> No.9705755

I like the aerophonics one more, its mroe practical and has actual merit behind it:

The thomas, daniel, and jimin one is impractical, wont work in practice, and (pun intended) holds no water.

>> No.9705761

I'm voting for who I see talent and a good expression of ideas, not someone I'm told to to help or hurt a side. I don't give a shit about giving someone an "experience" I care about giving someone who could actually get through the program since resume building since that's so damn important nowadays.

>> No.9705767

They're Asians though. Whose talking about white people?

>> No.9705780

>The view of letting everyone live as they choose is typically a liberal thing.
I got a good chuckle, thanks.

>> No.9705819

>be NASA
>have to pick which dummy seems smartest
>people will be butthurt no matter whom you choose
>leave the decision up to a poll
>dodge responsibility in order to dodge criticism

I'm guessing that an online poll was a woman's idea.

>> No.9705822

>bunch of petty people in social media become involved in a trip to see NASA that is nothing more than "GO TO SPACE CAMP"
>let's be petty too and vote out the children we don't like

Board full of overgrown kids

>> No.9705827

I genuinely don't understand why people argue against meritocracy. Let the most qualified people do the job.>>9705344

>> No.9705829

I know you're just being a contrarian for the sake of being a contrarian, but come on. The person who first tweeted to vote for the black girls did the same exact thing. She asked for a vote because of their skin color, not by the merit of their work. It wasn't "these three women with a great presentation deserve to win. The first sentence was literally about race. Don't be daft and stop being counter/pol/ doe the sake of being counter/pol/. You're just as dumb as they are for not seeing the folly in your argument.

>> No.9705836

>actually thinking anyone here had a hand in it
You're probably fresh in from reddit thinking all boards have old /b/ culture.

>> No.9705838

about 7 hours ago there were 95k votes. now theres 81k. wtf did you guys do? now we cany tell if the chinks are winning

>> No.9705839

>these people are being so petty and focusing on race when they shouldn't
>so we should do the same
You're the one being daft.It's a competition for children to get a silly fun reward, rallying people to get involved on the basis of some political shit is wrong regardless of who is doing it, and outside of the scope of this board which is to discuss science and math and not be social activists. Grow up.

>> No.9705845

if only the sjws on twitter saw it the same way you do
the negress started it. there are middle aged negroes with children who want to hijack a children's art contest

>> No.9705848

they already have diversity hire. either way qualified people will be turned down to make room for dindus. and you are perfectly okay with that

>> No.9705849
File: 224 KB, 1200x900, IMG_6767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Von Braun gave us the Saturn 5
>Affirmative action gave us the SLS

This is the present and future of NASA, it'll continue to get worse exponentially when a democrat next gets elected as president; atleast we have SpaceX now.

>> No.9705850

What? This isn't a "silly fun reward" do you know what kind of deal this is for a college applicant? Especially if this is their field of interest? This isn't just a week at space camp, this is something that could decide scholarships, admittance into certain programs etc. No body should win based on their race, but if they're going to load it in favor of a group because they're black, you bet your ass I'm going to fight that injustice. I don't believe they should win because of their skin color, and fuck you for pretending their skin color has any academic merit. Idiot.

>> No.9705872

They probably found that a lot of people were coming from a single referrer to vote for a particular candidate and disqualified all those votes.

>> No.9705876

It's a pretty small factor even for college admissions, as a look at the quality of this posters already suggests. Being a "winner" vs a "finalist" at a Glog project. Getting involved to make the people your color win isn't fighting injustice, it's playing the same silly game. You just find it less outrageous when your camp is doing it because you're obtuse.

Enjoy your silly thread, you are no better than whatever middle aged Twitter mom decided to campaign for black girls. Moron.

>> No.9705877

So you don't think they should win because of their skin color? That is racist.

>> No.9705882

They're Asian. They're not "my color" you retard.

>> No.9705886

>implying nogs can into science

>> No.9705897

Women have a 2:1 hiring preference in stem dipshit

>> No.9705902

>do we want more women and minorities in science or not?
fuck no

>> No.9705904

Oh yeah, they're interested so we should totally let them in. Merit is totally irrelevant. More blacks in science is totally objectively a good thing.
It's not like those asian boys worked hard on their better project and would do a lot more to advance science than the black girls with their mediocre experiment.

Anti meritocratic racial identitarians need to be launched into the sun

>> No.9705906

NAXALT falacy

>> No.9705907

Not jobs in stem. Don't send us your low IQ trash. We don't want science stagnating.

>> No.9705916

Science is not a social upward mobility program you absolute mongoloid. I actually want people who will advance science, not a bunch of untalented kangz who get paid and produce no results.
If you want social mobility tell them to enlist in the military.

>> No.9705953

>I genuinely don't understand why people argue against meritocracy

Because deep down inside, they know that they are inferior, and realize that they would never survive in a world that actually demanded even a speck of competency from them. They are literally prey animals.

>> No.9705964

Meritocracy is not a bad concept, but in america it does'nt truely exist due to tribalism and other dumbassery

>> No.9705969

Voted for the girls, stay mad :)

>> No.9705985

Made 1000 bots vote for the boys, stay mad :)

>> No.9705988

Well, they're still going to lose, but I guess it's your loss now as well

>> No.9705996

Diversity is the only solution to confirmation bias so I don't see anything wrong with this.

>> No.9705999

1.- you don't know what confirmation bias is
2.- the onus would be on you to demonstrate that there's bias against blacks in STEM

>> No.9706004

>they're still going to lose

>> No.9706009

Why? Because there's only one truth (the government nanny's) and additionally to all explicit laws, you also have the implicit law to not piss off your dictator?

>> No.9706010

At this point you racists just need to be taken out back and shot desu senpai

Skin color is not the end all be all.

>> No.9706019

why do cunts like you never answer straight when asked what your point is, you just tell people to 'look at themselves' as if its obvious

>> No.9706038

Get off our board, /pol/. It's very easy to tell who's actually a regular /sci/ poster and who isn't.
Stop trying to blame this brigading shit on/sci/.

>> No.9706039

Fuck off gay boy I'll post where I choose

>> No.9706048
File: 6 KB, 211x239, wee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure it gives you some semblance of power in your shit tier McDonald's worker life.
Guess that means the rest of us will have to wait a bit longer for your inevitable suicide.