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9702564 No.9702564 [Reply] [Original]

What is the likelihood of private companies having their own astronauts acting in any capacity within the next two decades or so?

I had always dreamed of going to space, but I have minor health problems that mean I'd never meet NASA's specs.

>> No.9702582

Astronauts I don't know, but real LEO space tourism has a pretty high chance to happen in that time frame. Would probably cost >100k per person though.

>> No.9702594

"real LEO space tourism"
you're 16 years too late buddy

>> No.9702600
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wit the likes of spaceX about i'd say its almost a guarantee.

>> No.9702603

go back to r.e.d.d.i.t

>> No.9702609
File: 390 KB, 1200x1542, ULA-roadmap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The good news is that there is currently a lot of options on the table. Most people already know Musk is touting about the BFR and getting people to space. He isn't known for making deadlines but he's done a lot more then anyone thought he'd accomplish thus. Less crazy is the ULA's Cislunar economy, Where they basically plan to have 1000 people working and operating in space. Bigelow Aerospace is planning on leasing out private modules that can be inflated in space, So there is plenty of potential for that to be scarfed up.

Compared to the last decade there's gonna be a lot of options available so keep your eyes out.

>> No.9702670

SpaceX has already hired multiple ex-astornauts, and they are slowly forming an astronaut corps training group. It will happen in the next two years, maybe even earlier.

>> No.9702681

There's a ton of different companies all working on this shit, and dumping fucktons of money into it
we need only one of them to succeed

>> No.9702687

Why would a private company ever take on Person A, who is older and has health problems, over Person B, who is younger and does not have health problems?

Justify your position on a private company's shuttle.

>> No.9702694


Experience. Astronauts in general tend to be late 30s or 40s.

>> No.9702706

almost nil. A recent study was done on commercializing the ISS and it turns out you can't. Also turns out there's not much of a business case for commercial space stations and the business case that could work doesn't need humans. The report will come out soon. Second, robots are getting better everyday, obviating much of the need for humans
>>I have minor health problems that mean I'd never meet NASA's specs.
then unless you're fucking rich, you're fucked.

>> No.9702713

>commercializing the ISS
Well the ISS is super outdated junk that we're going to abandon in a few years. No idea why you'd even want to commercialize it.

>> No.9702725

there is also no business case for private space stations either....

>> No.9702754

> Experience.

You have astronaut experience? Do tell!

Unless you mean "LIFE EXPERIENCE", as in, "I made it to my late 30s/40s without dying."

Which is in the same spirit as people who put, "The school of hard knocks!!!!" on their Facebook profiles for where they went to university– pretty much meaningless, but I'm sure it makes them feel good.

No but seriously, you're never going to space being employed as an astronaut.
Better think "space tourist", my dude, and hope Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk can make it happen.

>> No.9703937

Yes there is. Orbital manufacturing, or even just as a way of training astronauts in space travel and docking before manned missions to the Moon to mine it for resources.

>> No.9703951

building the infrastructure in space, at least in the near future, will require hands. once the infrastructure is in place, then everything you said becomes valid

also don't discredit the market for leisure spacetravel. there will require people to operate the machines.

>> No.9703990

Zero, we've never been past low earth orbit.

>> No.9704000
File: 1.63 MB, 480x268, Rocket to Nowhere.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watch the moon landings with my family
>follow all the Apollo missions
>"the future is now!!"
>tfw growing up in the space age
>space shuttle gets built
>looks cool, but does literally fucking nothing at all
>NASA turns into nothing but grant chasing
>no landings anymore
>the technology actually gets dismantled lost (wat the absolute fuck?)
>funding cuts all across everything science or space related
>"the future is on hold"
>internet distopia arises
>4chan, Russian troll farms, google botnet, corporate world domination, flat earth, anti-science propaganda, Nietzsche's Last Man, age of Kali Yuga, twerking, and fidget spinners
>people turn into texting zombies
>no longer able to have conversations in crowds since everyone is looking at a phone or tablet
>SPACE X arrives
>oh fuck, holy shit this is awesome!
>landing rockets left and right
>fling a car into space
>too old to ever be considered for anything space related
>will be dead before anything really happens in space for humanity
>pass the time watching satellites being put in space

I probably won't even get to see us land on Mars. We should have been on Mars in the 1970s.

>> No.9704007


Thanks global undo.

>> No.9704043

>infinite cosmos to explore
>99.9% of people are content to just stay on this dying grain of sand and argue about petty nonsense
I really hate humanity sometimes.

>> No.9704149

It probably won't be legal in any way or form. The Astronaut corps need a job.

>> No.9704158

>not ironically shilling anti-spacex propaganda just to entertain yourself and enjoy their successes or failures even more

>> No.9704166
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>> No.9704183

Onboard till the nonsense about texting zombies. Normies have been shit long before texting existed and I doubt you would have got a meaningful conversation out of any of them before phones got big. Someone worth talking to will put their phone down, get better friends

>> No.9704200

Okay, tell me. How does wanting us to move beyond this tiny, tiny piece of the universe equate to being a fedoralord?

>> No.9704208
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If space was actually real, there'd be commercial space tourism right now, AT LEAST low earth "orbit" trips.

>> No.9704220

There has been. Some rich guys paid the Russians ~$20 million for a trip to the ISS.

>> No.9704279

I can tell you were born in the late 1980s or early 1990s. Conversations with your neighboring diners, people in line with you, passing by on the street, etc where a HUGE fucking deal back before then. Sometimes, you could sit around and talk with people for way too long when you just stopped in for a bite to eat. The whole face-to-face social dynamic has been completely up ended.

>> No.9704284
File: 545 KB, 960x2048, Hissel Honk Attack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Source of wealth:

>Video games
>Performance art
>Desktop software
>VoIP software
>Internet security certificates

>> No.9704290

By commercial, I mean the general public have access to space.

Notice in the "terminology" section, none of them want to be considered "space tourists" but rather part of the mission. Which is the mission to deceive you about space.

>> No.9704296

If they're part of the mission, why did they have to pay to do it?

Do you also think people who get "knighted" at Renaissance fairs are actually knights now?

>> No.9704305
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How do you know they paid for anything? It was likely the other way around.

>> No.9704309
File: 296 KB, 606x664, Space Tourists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>part of the mission

That's just marketing gimmick shit. I'm surethey got trained and they were allowed to monkey around with some stuff to feel like they have had the full astronaut NASA employee package and not just some Joe Public riding around on Space Mountain. Because, "tourist," is a no-no word in tourism marketing. Evidenly, "adventurist" or "pioneer" or "astronaut" is has more prestige than "tourist".

>> No.9704310

How do you know I'm not actually a knight? Medieval Times says I am.

>> No.9704334
File: 2.94 MB, 480x360, SCA Heavy Combat.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You can become a knight right now if you wish. Just look up your local kingdom and join the SCA.

>> No.9704349
File: 1.26 MB, 635x351, scuba.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you believe they were actually in space?

>> No.9704430

I really don't care about conspiracy theories. This is /sci/ not /x/.

>> No.9704491

SpaceX will need to have their own astronauts if they want to fly crews on their BFR. NASA are so risk adverse these days that SpaceX will likely have to fly dozens of BFR missions crewed by their own personnel to convince NASA to buy tickets.

>> No.9704600

Congress won't allow NASA to touch the bfr even if spacex somehow manages to build it (doubtful). Top brass at NASA won't be thrilled about startup company taking away the crown of spaceflight too.

>> No.9704651

But they're just dandy with having to ask Russia every time they want to catch a ride?

>> No.9704663

International cooperation is good.

>> No.9704842

NASA is literally irrelevant and if congress starts to fuck with SpaceX development and launching to a serious degree, they will simply relocate to another country that is friendly to them and laugh when congress begs them to come back.