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File: 81 KB, 960x720, skysnicehereonthemoonbruh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9701644 No.9701644 [Reply] [Original]

>The space agency has reportedly canceled its Resource Prospector — a small rover that was designed to excavate materials such as hydrogen, oxygen, and water from the lunar poles.
>The main goal of Resource Prospector was to help NASA better understand what kind of materials are lurking at the Moon’s poles.
>That vital information could drastically change how we plan future lunar missions. Scientists have proposed the idea of mining the water ice at the poles, to turn it into drinking water or rocket fuel.

Who needs to know about polar water when you can spend a lot of money on boeing paper rockets? Public companies ain't gonna support themselves and we've got grants to chase too.
Oh and lets drop that talk about the larger upper stage on the SLS lets keep it real making the small one is hard enough and its all we need for science anyway... Also forget about Mars at least until the 2060's we've got no money for that.

What do you think about the pork program, /sci/?

>> No.9701659

>NASA cancels

Wow, what a surprise. The fraud agency too afraid to go to the 'moon' again. Spacecucks too blind to see they're being played.

>> No.9701668

The fuck did you expect? General population shits on science, space is effectively dead. NASA barely does anything and when it tries to go for something it get show down hard by suits and lack of funding, russians doesn't care for anything if it doesn't have military attached to it, chinese are still doing baby steps and it will take them decade or so to be a major space player, SpaceX is the only who really push and advertise space for mass appeal but it has it's own glaring problems and universally ridiculed everywhere.

>> No.9701674

Nothing of value was lost. This mission was a stillbirth from day one. Scientifically worth very little, it will not be missed.

>> No.9702692
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when I heard about this I almost cried. This mission was going to answer one of the most important questions about Lunar ISRU and even set the stage for Mars ISRU. In Situ Resource Utilization(ISRU) is absolutely necessary if we are ever going to live in space and this was going to be the first mission capable of doing something like ISRU.

The question of the nature of lunar volatile deposits is very important to the future of space travel. If Lunar volatile deposits actually are close to the surface and are in a form that can be mined, this changes everything. Lunar ice, if it can be mined, could become a valuable product for use for the satellite market HERE ON EARTH. While the delta V to/from the lunar surface might be higher than asteroids, the distance is less. This makes it easier to operate robots for a mining plant on the surface of the Moon than asteroids. Lag is a quite managable couple of seconds. In addition, delivery time to/from the moon is days instead of months, which allows for faster iteration and product delivery.

Lunar volatiles are very poorly understood, there is a pretty big scientific case for investigating them. The LCROSS mission crashed a rocket booster into the moon and we did find water in addition to some other volatiles. The nature of these volatiles is a very interesting scientific question. In addition LCROSS found some very unusual spectral lines that may indicate the presence of mercury or silver.

Volatiles might also tell us about the chemical nature of lunar impactors. This is good science to do just because, however, it might help us better understand our place in the universe. This can help us estimate just how much water asteroids and comets can deliver, which helps us understand why earth has water, which helps us understand how life started on earth. We have never sent a lander to the lunar poles, nor have we explored the dark craters of the moon.

>> No.9702700


>> No.9702822
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>> No.9702880

>This mission was going to answer one of the most important questions about Lunar ISRU
lol no
it was just another fucking billion dollar rover

>> No.9702893

>History of Interstellar Communities 1001
>Type (IV) civilizations:
>The humans were a highly stratified and violence prone society. Records indicate scattered small and mundane space efforts, as well as a claim they even landed on their moon, but there is no evidence to suggest this actually happened. They went extinct because of a virus outbreak and an inability to quarantine the effected populations, as the most humans chose to believe it was just the common cold, despite concerns from the more educated part of society claiming otherwise.
>The grognaks were...

>> No.9702901

NASA does not get the funding it needs to fulfill the role it is mandated with.
It's as simple as that.

>> No.9702928

*charters flights on 400 million dollar rockets*
*demands 2 billion dollars for a shitty electric buggy with some solar panels*

Please gib more money goyim

>> No.9702962
File: 136 KB, 930x1024, Grant Chaser's Cycle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grant Chasing like what NASA does isn't about results. It is about stringing things along for as long as humanly possible without getting fired or budget cut too hard. Do not listen to NASA on anything in the modern age. The private sector is the only thing that matters now.

>> No.9702967

Unfortunately, due to NASA being a government, and thus public, owned organization the majority of the money that goes into it just goes back to the government.

>> No.9703177


The way things are going right now, if we remotely manage to
the private sector will not do this mission any time soon. By doing this mission, we could make things a damn lot easier for the private sector. Answering the question of whether there is anything that can be practically mined at all removes is pretty goddamn important for private companies.

>> No.9703200

It isn't that, NASA gets more than enough money a year to get shit done. I wish they'd get more, but they have enough. The problem is that every 4 years they get a new president (NASA is part of the executive branch of the government), and often times it is a president with the complete opposite view of what the last guy wanted to do. So they have to constantly scrap projects and find ways to incorporate it into new projects.

NASA is a government institution, and like anything run by the government, it is fucking retarded, inefficient, and has little motivation to produce results since the people running it are more or less guaranteed a job (their underlings aren't however). Rapid changes in leadership is just one of the downsides of democracy that we have to live with.

>> No.9703206

But anon, we already know the Moon has ice on it. I'm sorry if it triggers an autism attack for you, but the Moon is just a big, dumb, dead rock. Until propulsion technology improves to the point that we can turn a profit mining the Moon for what little resources it probably has, there's no fucking reason to waste billions of dollars on a go-kart to go around and tell us "yep, I found some more dust!"

There are a thousand better things NASA could use that money on

>> No.9703215


>> No.9703223

Hmmmmm, considering there's literally an entire continent of it here on Earth, I'm going to go out on a limb and say: "NO." Stop throwing an autistic fit because your billion dollar dune buggy didn't get funded. NASA has better shit to do with that money, even if they found that in-situ resources on the Moon would be practical, so fucking what? Like I said before, what resources could the Moon possibly have that would be worthwhile to mine? How do you plan on getting those resources back to Earth at a profit? Does the Moon even have any valuable resources in such an abundance to fund an operation to set up a facility on the Moon (we're talking tens of billions of dollars right off the bat), extract it (more billions), get it off the surface of the Moon (biiiiiillllliiiioooonnnsss), and then send it back to Earth ($$$$$), all at a price point to make it economical?

You're acting like a child. The real world does not function based on your dreams and answering questions just for the sake of answering them. If the benefits do not outweigh the drawbacks, it isn't going to happen. Sorry, kid.

>> No.9703231

>> what resources

>> No.9703241

You mean that shit that covers 70% of the Earth and is in such abundance that I can turn on my tap and get gallons of it for a pittance? Yeah, let's build a $400 billion operation to get it from the Moon and ship it back to Earth instead for like $3,000 a gallon. Great idea Sherlock, I'm very happy that you aren't the dumbass playing with my tax dollars.

>> No.9703264

We cant use ocean water efficiently jackass. The entire planet can barely get eniugh of water. Just ask the jews, the middle east, india, and all of africa.
If the moon has water we could actually set up base there.

>> No.9703284

This is what happens when trump appoints someone as the head of nasa whos not qualifies.. same way he appointed carson. Why weren't you complaining when that happened?

This is going to be fucking hilarious.

China is shooting down satellites from earth, and gaining more tech...

And Nasa will continue to make unqualifies alt-right and far right hires into Nasa.

>> No.9703338

Trump's admin literally saved the mission from cancellation you retard:


>> No.9703418

The water on the Moon isn't going to be all that much better when it comes to being fit to drink.
Worse, as always, deorbiting payloads is not easy. The more mass you have reentering the more energy you have, and the more energy you have to get rid of before you can land without crashing.
Bringing large quantities of shit back to Earth just isn't feasible with current technologies. What we gather in space we will use in space or on low gravity bodies.

>> No.9703883

They didn't say that. Only that the INSTRUMENTS would move forward.

>> No.9703914

You don't ship the water back to earth, friend. You ship it to orbit, crack it into O2 and H2, and now you have an orbiting rocket fuel depot that you didn't have to haul out of Earth's gravity well.
Water is free on Earth, but in space it's worth thousands of dollars a kilo. On account of having to shoot it into orbit.

>> No.9703917


Your masterful use of Capslock has convinced me of your veracity.

>> No.9704030

Mining off Earth isn't viable financially to those staying on Earth. The goods mined out there should not be sent back to Earth. They are worth 1000x more if they stay out there in space where they can be used for building space infrastructures. The real money is the money saved on Earth by not sending supplies into space, which instead can be mined in space and used in space.

>> No.9704109

the bureaucratic shitshow of NASA is not a congressional or executive thing
It's a NASA culture thing, and it being too hard to fire government employees.

>> No.9704125

anyone talking about space mining has zero concept of the difficulties in mining on Earth, nor any idea of the actual price of bulk metals/materials

Anything that reduces launch costs to make space mining possible will also vastly reduce costs of shipping steel/aluminum/etc to orbit.

>> No.9704273

The instant you start mining shit like the moon you lose all "profits" when you ship it back to Earth. Shipping up mining equipment is far cheaper than shipping up enough mass to make an off-world colony. If you mine super rich asteroids and ship it back to Earth it becomes nearly worthless. That's great for industry that needs rare earth minerals and doesn't want to rely on China for their electronics manufacturing, but shit for the price of those resources on Earth. For everything else, it isn't worth it for anyone to be shipping shit to Earth from space.

>> No.9704707

You mine water ice for in the near term use as satellite propellant, which has value here on earth. Eventually it could be used for space tourism or supplying astronauts and shit. Making it so that commsats don't have to be launched with as much propellant means that we can put more electronics in them and get more money.

>> No.9704821

At the moment and in the near future whoever gets a methalox ISRU out of the well is going to make a fucking fortune, especially if BFR delivers. Why put the refueling station down another fucking well when there are shitloads of fuckhuge asteroids composed of mostly water ice?

>> No.9704857

Basically, the mission was in low-priority limbo and struggled to find a launcher causing it to slip into the 2020's. Therefore, Bridenstine decided to cancel it and move the Rover's instruments onto commercial landers that are currently being
developed; such as Moon Express's MX-1 which is aimed to fly this year.


>> No.9705182


What difference does it make? Suppose we're interested in space industry, and it turns out there's no ice on the moon. We're not going to cancel space and stay on Earth forever. We know, roughly speaking, that there are plenty of resources out there. It's not that important whether one particular location has a certain resource or not. We'll find out about the Moon's water in due course.

>> No.9705257

don't worry anon China will do it.
Also very informative post, I will tell about it my Chinese gf, she loves that kind of stuff along me droning about my workplace(aerospace sector). She's such a nerd lol :P

>> No.9705328

>> and it turns out there's no ice on the moon.
anon, we know there is ice there, the question is in what form and how practical it is to mine.

>> No.9705779


Well then it's even less pressing to answer. You're acting as if we need to urgently get answers about mining the moon otherwise the conquest of the solar system is cancelled. We'll get there in time, don't worry about it.

>> No.9705808

I recall a interview with the guy who created the mail order CRISPr kit, in which he stated they would purposefully not work on anything, for long periods of time which is why he left to go start his biotech startup.

So no, this doesnt surprise me either.

>> No.9705856

China will dominate the space soon. .

>> No.9706001

>mostly ice
No co2 and the icy ones are far away because there might be something close to the earth heating them up too much. Asteroid memestering is normalfag idiocy born from the total misunderstanding how difficult getting to distant airless rocks is and the idea that solid gold bars float around in space just waiting to be caught with a net saving all the mining and transportation difficulties (weightless in space - can move tons of gold by hand holy shit!).

>> No.9706398

So you're trying to tell me that desalination plants are less efficient than harvesting water from the Moon, 240,000 miles away, when it costs us about $10,000 per pound to put something in orbit.

Congratulations, this is officially the stupidest fucking thing I will read all year, and it's only April.

>> No.9706403

>anyone talking about space mining has zero concept of the difficulties in mining on Earth
No shit, half of these faggots have never worked a fucking day in their life, they're NEETs who take all their ideas from Reddit and pop-sci garbage where Neil the Mechanical Engineering Guy tells them about all the cool space gadgets they'll use while they're living on Mars. Mining is one of the most hazardous jobs on Earth, I can't imagine the casualty rate in outer space.

>> No.9706549

Casualty rate will be zero for the foreseable future. It's too expensive to mine using humans, you have to use robots

>> No.9707099


>Thinking you would mine the moon's resources to send back to Earth.

>Says the poster is throwing an autistic fit and acting like a child. Calls the poster a kid.

To think we have to share the world with these brain dead fucks. When we can find a way to automatically delete these wastes of space from existence then finally there will be hope for the future of Humanity.

>> No.9707102


>Yeah, let's build a $400 billion operation to get it from the Moon and ship it back to Earth instead for like $3,000 a gallon.
Ignore this fuck, he is too dense to understand anything, let alone this topic.

>> No.9707113


Just stop. Your immense ignorance and stupidity is just too cringe worthy. You do not ship it back to Earth, you immense fucking retard.

>> No.9707169


protip this is being done to save money for it's martian equivalent

at any rate if you check the fine print NASA is privatizing these missions so what's the point? They'll happen anyway just in a completely different form

>> No.9707174

ITT: retards who don't realize that this is NASA's plan to keep SpaceX going after the ISS is deorbited

Killing a mobile rover allows NASA to do 10+ stationary probes on private contracts with private contractors for the same price.

>> No.9707176

>I almost cried

>> No.9707186


>China is shooting down satellites from earth, and gaining more tech...

So they'll have tech America had by the mid 1970s? What do you think SDI (era 1983) was about?

ffs just look at XS-1 or the Stratolaunch, China doesn't have either. China doesn't have SLS either, for as much as people online hate on it it's still the biggest rocket being built at the moment.

>> No.9707860

yeah right. They're probably gonna try to launch it on the SLS and everything.

>> No.9709545
File: 2.94 MB, 486x360, wiresapollo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9709549
File: 2.78 MB, 884x552, onstring.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9709555
File: 2.95 MB, 1280x720, harnesses.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9709559
File: 2.95 MB, 1280x720, ohfuck.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9709561

I wouldn't be surprised if they faked all the footage from inside the ISS

>> No.9709562
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>> No.9709566

how is her hair floating up?

>> No.9709567
File: 2.79 MB, 1280x720, grabbity.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You bet they did. They use "zero-g" planes plus harnesses.

>> No.9709569
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>> No.9709574
File: 2.88 MB, 1280x720, gravitypull.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9709578
File: 1.55 MB, 720x576, shower.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9709581

You're retarded then, there's 1000s of hours of footage.

That's not how hairspray works, have you ever seen hairspray in your life?

Explain how water works here, if it's all fake

>> No.9709584

any youtuber or w/e can produce thousands of hours of footage

>> No.9709588

>Explain how water works here, if it's all fake

It's called a zero-g plane. I'm not sure exactly what NASA use but they probably have some specially made craft for it.

>> No.9709591
File: 40 KB, 1289x733, NASA-Budget-Federal-Line.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wonder how many planets would be colonized if these lines were reversed?

>> No.9709594

Probably just a C-130 or some other millitary hand out

NASA could just as easily waste 100 billion a year

>> No.9709596


>> No.9709598

>NASA could just as easily waste 100 billion a year

yeah but instead of supporting welfare queens in the services and killing people all around the globe we could be colonizing other worlds and pushing the limits of science and technology...

>> No.9709599

Mankind will never leave this earth. We were born here and we will die here, alone in the dark.

>> No.9709602

1000x as many as we have currently colonized (zero)

>> No.9709603

this. its a good plan that actually saved the rover. one step back, three steps forward.

>> No.9709606
File: 1.99 MB, 380x300, taJtuTe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The actual zero-g part only lasts 30 seconds in a plane

footage where there's no gravity

>> No.9709607


Maybe 1 a little bit (Mars)? I mean the planets in our solar system are all shitholes.

>> No.9709614

Probably something like that.

I'm sure they're able to devise a way to get longer than that, 30 seconds is only for the pleb public who pay ridiculous money for it.

You'll notice that they use a mixture of harnesses and zero-g + CGI to create the effect. The harnesses will provide the illusion they're still floating when the zero-g plane isn't active.

>> No.9709618

Sympathy for your feels bro. This is big implications stuff and seeing it get canned hurts, massive potential scientific and economic impact is being dismissed.

>> No.9709622

>I'm sure they're able to devise a way
>hurrr durr it's all fake, they're using some secret tech to make it
fuck off

>> No.9709633

Actually, yeah you're right. They're not faking anything. Glad someone talked me out of this. Looking forward to the next trip to the moon and beyond! Go NASA!

>> No.9709652

We dont know a lot about the moon, what little we know suggest the might be useful stuff there. Maybe. Getting a proper idea of what the fuck is up there and how much has a massive potential impact on the future of space everything.

With that knowledge, we might plan and implement a moonbase/mining operation that could make everything else massively easier. From cheap ass satellites to invading mars with an automated legion of construction bots.

>> No.9709715

It might not even be a solid object.

>> No.9710553


Chad geniuses watch these and conclude NASA are full of shit and cannot be trusted.

Virgin sci-fi brainlets watch these and conclude that NASA are completely trustworthy because star wars is cool.

>> No.9710567

are you fucking retarded? just by looking at their clothes and hair you can tell they're in 0g, have you ever seen clothes or hair in real life?

>> No.9710580

Read that in Trump voice and you know how the decision had been made.

>> No.9710587

lmao wh*toid monkeys can't even send a basic moon probe to moon


>> No.9710593

>I'm sure they're able to devise a way to get longer than that, 30 seconds is only for the pleb public who pay ridiculous money for it.
They have. The "zero g plane rides" you hear about work by travelling in a parabolic arc, which the duration of freefall determined by the hight of the arc. There's a limit to how high the 747s can go, and so a limit on the freefall duration. But if you're able to move faster than just a 747, you can extend that freefall period slightly by exploiting the curvature of the Earth underneath you. If you're able to send the passengers REALLY fast, you can extend the time in freefall to an arbitrarily long length.

>> No.9710610

>are you fucking retarded? just by looking at their clothes and hair you can tell they're in 0g, have you ever seen clothes or hair in real life?

Monumental retard detected. 0g doesn't mean they're in space, and the women's hair look fucking dumb, they wouldn't stick up like that.

>> No.9710611


>> No.9710612

>exploiting the curvature of the Earth underneath you

Globecuck detected. An even easier way is just to drop parts of the ISS from a very high altitude on a parachute that falls at 9.8ms/s

>> No.9710613

Ok, that one is very fucking suspicious.
Unless there are 10 km/h air turbulences inside the ISS, force just doesn't work like this.

>> No.9710614

what about the live from space stream that has been running for fucking years? all faked right?
and the 100s of thousands of people who would have to be in on it? not a single whistle blower? you gather fucking 10 people and tell them, you'll have at least 1 whistle blower


>> No.9710617

>force just doesn't work like this.
What, specifically, do you have a problem with in that video? Because other than the terrible editing it looks fine to me.

>> No.9710619

What is cheaper:
1. go to space
2. just pretend you are in space

>> No.9710622

>faking years of space footage
>faking monthly or more rocket launches
>paying off hundreds of thousands of people
at this point, going to space by far

>> No.9710626

Of course it's fake brainlet. The footage likely comes from a high altitude weather balloon/plane, which is then distorted by a curved lens, they've been caught out so many times faking the footage.

>> No.9710628

>I don't understand how "gravity" should work on the ISS if it's actually up there

>> No.9710630

The little gnome thing starts acting like force is being exerted upon it.
When you "let go" of a thing in true microgravity, it doesn't change direction, speed, or spin.

>> No.9710633

fucking moron won't even look at it, probably too scared to have his retarded beliefs shattered

>> No.9710636

You need to realise astronauts are part of the secret society known as "The Explorers Club", most of them are also from a military background so good at keeping a secret and will have signed an oath of secrecy.

>> No.9710638

They don't need to fake it all. But you do agree that faking some is cheaper huh

>> No.9710641
File: 1.24 MB, 1282x670, 1525112835002[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've watched all of it you lil' space bitch. It's the same clips over and over again, with manipulation on display.

>> No.9710643

faking what? rocket launches that are witnessed by thousands? how do they fake that? must be some hallucinogen

>> No.9710644

>put small with satellite with camera into orbit
>add CGI ISS

Not that hard.

>> No.9710645

you can see the guy on a space walk moving the camera around, and filming himself too

>> No.9710647

No one denies they send a rocket up, what happens to that rocket afterwards however is up for debate. Most likely just drop into the sea.

>> No.9710649

Fucking moronic.
Why would they do that?

>> No.9710652
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>the private sector will not do this mission any time soon.

Yes it will. And for a lot less money than NASA.


>> No.9710653
File: 58 KB, 640x451, large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they're a military wing of the government, they're just a front to missile manufacturing. Look at the quote on We

>> No.9710655

The actual military wing already has shitloads of ICBMs, and they get 100x the funding NASA has in the first place.

>> No.9710657
File: 185 KB, 1180x817, DOzI8e0UMAANP0c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a professional 3D artist.
Photo realistic CGI generated through accurate physical simulation of light (a.k.a. PBR rendering) is consumer tech at this point.

>> No.9710660

you're a professional retard, and should kill yourself

>> No.9710665

Nice argument.
I'm not saying that space is fake. I'm just saying that the US government is full of shit.

>> No.9710671


>> No.9710673

>When you "let go" of a thing in true microgravity, it doesn't change direction, speed, or spin.
It does if it's still in an an atmosphere.

>The little gnome thing starts acting like force is being exerted upon it.
Force IS being exerted on it. The reason it travels in a curved path is because it's spinning, producing "sideways" drag.
If she spun it the other way it would curve down instead of up.

>> No.9710679

Doesn't matter brainlet, the rockets ain't going to space.

>> No.9710682

I'm sure NASA with their 52 million a day can afford it.

>> No.9710696

not like they have to pay for anything else, like paying off hundreds of thousands of people into not talking about the "secret"

>> No.9710759

How long can they fake their space shit?

>> No.9710761

In your retarded mind, until you pay for a ticket and go to space to see for yourself.

>> No.9710767

> paying off hundreds of thousands of people

Where did you get that number from brainlet?

>> No.9710776

Obviously the moon landing was faked.

>> No.9710789

And all the space launches, from all countries, gotta pay off all the Chinese, Indians, Europeans, Russians, Japanese, Canadians who did launches to space, or send people to space, or else just one single guy from any of those places can whisleblow and fuck up the entire "secret"

>> No.9710810

Yeah and most of them are dead now, only a few at the top needed to know, it's called compartmentalisation.

>> No.9710815

Only 500 astronauts have been to "space", that's not many at all. As I've said, they are members of "The Explorers Club" secret society, as is Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, etc.

>> No.9710816

Like I said, some of the stuff is true, like Satellites, and some isn't

>> No.9710884

sterilize all flat earthers

>> No.9710900

Space doesn't exist. You retarded /pol/fag

>> No.9710910

>flatard calling others retarded /pol/
HAH, you're the retarded /pol/fag, tinfoil conspiracy nut

>> No.9710916
File: 111 KB, 1200x750, interstellar3-1200x750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for real though whats with the push from the bots and trolls trying to convince people the earth is flat? Is it some kind of joke, or a controlled spy opp to make people dumb?

>> No.9710933

>controlled spy opp to make people dumb
This, or some flatard forum encouraging users to shitpost here

>> No.9710960

Sterilize globecucks, you've had 500 years to come up with your shitty model and it fucking sucks. Time to let real science take over.

>> No.9710962

Its a combination of pissing people of and genuine loonies getting an outlet. Flat Earth retards are a genuine thing, but my money is that only 1/100 posts on /sci/ is from them, the rest are just trolls making shitposts.

>> No.9710966


Stop watching Star Trek.

>> No.9710970
File: 35 KB, 700x400, jg3gxsbz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9710973


Or maybe, just maybe, it's true? Stop being a paranoid schizophrenic.

>> No.9710975

You're the only paranoid schizophrenic here, flatard tinfoil conspiracy nut.

>> No.9710976

That whole image is wrong brainlet. The earth is an infinite plane and planets are not solid objects, just electromagnetic frequencies.

>> No.9710978

You're in a globe cult and you don't even know it. Snap out of it you brainwashed imbecile.

>> No.9710981
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Me and all telecommunications companies, governments, space agencies, and other companies related with space, so hundreds of thousands of people at least.

>> No.9710988
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>> No.9710999

The whole world has been brainwashed since birth.

me and ur mom last night

>> No.9711009

>the whole world is insane
>i'm the only sane one
yeah buddy, sure

>> No.9711021

>me and ur mom last night
so you were the ones who made me miss band practice?

>> No.9711033

>mail order CRISPr kit

>> No.9711041

Feels good right? Being the only one who knows the "real TRUTH", you're like a God walking among mortals, and didn't even have to put any effort into it.

>> No.9711046

There are millions who know the earth is flat now you dumbshits. I'm just trying to push you stubborn fucks in the right direction.

>> No.9711049

Yeah happening again tonight as well.

>> No.9711050

There are lots of people on the very low end of the IQ bell curve, what's your point exactly again?

>> No.9711066

>millions who know the earth is flat
and they're all wrong

>> No.9711124

Of course you've fallen for the IQ meme if you also believe the earth is a spinning ball.

Nope, we're not, and its glorious. New scientific revolution is incoming.

>> No.9711159
File: 45 KB, 320x202, not-sure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>New scientific revolution is incoming.

more like a second dark age of superstition and ignorance.

i dont know if youve ever seen the movie idiocracy but I'm convinced civilization is headed in that direction.

>> No.9711176

The globe model is what contributes to an idiocracy. Stick with your dark matter and fraudulent space agencies if you want, but it's a complete waste of time.

>> No.9711460


Didn't you know anon? Now you can modify E. colli in your house!

No need of those pesky transformation procedures with restrictases, quick, clean and easy for only 159,99!

>> No.9711659

1 with high probability of turning 0 because we'd be very busy starving.

>> No.9711752

>NASA does not get the funding it needs to fulfill the role it is mandated with.
>It's as simple as that.

How then is musk able to deliver 70 tons to LEO with a reusable rocket for 200 million but nasa has already spent 40 thousand million on a rocket that will in about 8 years and 20 thousand million dollars more be able to do the same but expendable?

>> No.9711762

Because faking low earth orbit stuff is way easier than faking a moon mission.

>> No.9711782


Because being a private company, he can own the whole production process of the rocket instead of just issuing contracts to other companies and just assembling the components, that decreases the cost quite a bit.

Also, NASA had the space shuttle, which is almost literally the same but more versatile, also more expensive and of course, NASA was investigating a thousand ways to make reusable rockets and wasn't the only one(check energia 2) but being a public company with dwindling founds and dependent on the US public opinion, right now they are not able to take that many projects into space(for example: The essential projects about refuelling in orbit, ISRU and asteroid prospection and mining).

Meanwhile SpaceX, being a private company could take the risk... to create a platform for sending small satelites into LEO that is profitable, surely, do not expect it to fund the equivalent of the Constellation project but works wonders for what SpaceX does and only for that(which is still quite the achivement)

SpaceX only comes to proves what everybody says, if NASA got more funding and could actually greenlight projects beyond the design stage to the actual testing we could get people to Europa in 2030 and Mars in 2025, there is no new technology required only the experience that comes with actually building and using the stuff in the drawboard.

>> No.9711799

Meanwhile trump shot 200 million dollars worth of missile's into Syria for no reason.
America loves to waste money. That includes NASA.
Nice fraud space agencies.
Imagine what the world could do with 40000 million dollars that go to waste faking space missions.

>> No.9711843
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>> No.9711862

what of the fact that you can literally see the ISS in the sky with a telescope, communicate with it using a Ham radio, and definitively measure its altitude using a directional antenna?

>> No.9711880

Guess it's true then and all the flatards are fucking retarded, not that i ever disagreed with that point.

>> No.9711895

Thee telescope, the radio and the antenna is in on the conspiracy, ofc. The illuminati has unlimited power, as you well know

>> No.9712498

Fake and gay. The real ISS stream is on ustream not youtube

>> No.9713860

How does any of that prove that:

A) There's actually people in the "ISS"
B) That it is a physical object and not a hologram
C) That it is orbiting a spherical earth using gravity

Weak kid, weak.

>> No.9714444

Enjoy your zoomy boomy teslas in space and diapers while I track ssbn's at depths of greater than 600ft from space civvy gay boi.

>> No.9714508

Didn't you hear? No one won the lunar X-prize. The private sector failed. These companies are living on borrowed time. It's only a matter of time before the investors lose interest entirely.

>> No.9714711

Yes, you're fucking retarded.

>> No.9715744

prospecting for resources!

>> No.9715746

Faking space missions is expensive

>> No.9715770


>if NASA got more funding

Just stop. NASA receives many times the funding of SpaceX and yet has not managed to decrease launch costs at all. NASA problem is not money. It is gross inefficiency, corruption, political interference, and so on. But certainly not the budget. In fact giving them even more money would do nothing but incentivize their wasteful ways.

Humanity will never sustainably expand into space as long as $ countless billions are required.

>> No.9715783

>Expanding into something that doesn't exist
Humans never went into space. And they never will. You brainlet patriot

>> No.9715811

This. Wake up and snap out of it you fucking thickos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dwae38404uU

>> No.9715814

the psy ops guys are back, have an easy work day guys

>> No.9715817
File: 1.50 MB, 300x192, abandon thread.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>curvature of the Earth

Oh boy, NOW you've done it.

>> No.9715819

>a parachute that falls at 9.8ms/s
>falls at 9.8ms/s

Why would you need a parachute?

>> No.9715831
File: 17 KB, 480x360, goalposts move 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In your retarded mind, until you pay for a ticket and go to space to see for yourself.

I doubt that would work. You can now pay for a ticket to go to the South Pole -- not just to the fringes of Antarctica, the actual by-God South Pole -- and look at how the sun behaves and all that.

But retards still say you can't go there, and besides it's all fake, and the goalposts still move faster than the mind can follow.

True conspiritards will never abandon their delusions. And trolls will always troll.

>> No.9715833

Assertions without evidence. Why am I not surprised?

>> No.9715836

Sure kid.

>> No.9715841

Sure kid.

>> No.9715844

Sure, kid.

>> No.9715887

I'm sorry I'm not from around here. Is there a reason you people don't say 'billion'?

>> No.9715921

Sounds more than 40 billion

>> No.9715926
File: 1.00 MB, 530x326, sexyrub.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The globe has been a 500+ year long psy-op.

Yes, brainlets please leave.

>> No.9715928

Show me a flight I can book to do that you lying toad.

>> No.9715933


just google it you moran, multiple companies offer trips to the poles and many people go every year

>> No.9715936

iirc, Brits use a different terminology.

My guess is that they think "billion" sounds French or something -- the Brits will absolutely mangle their own language to avoid sounding French.

>> No.9715939


I expectantly await your shifting of the goalposts.

>> No.9715950

How do we prevent contaminating Mars, /sci/?
I think we need to talk about this because various private enterprises are endangering an entire planet and a whole planet worth of science that could answer fundamental questions for all of us. Not to mention endangering the very Earth with the chance of bringing a dangerous disease...
I'm scared reason will take a step back and great mistakes and crimes will be committed like what the europeans did to the Native Americans.

>> No.9715956

They're overpriced heavily restricted tours, fuck that shit. Let people explore freely and work out what the fuck is going on.

>> No.9715963

Where's the trip to go beyond the south pole to the other side of the earth bitch? Thousands of people would want to do that.

>> No.9716001
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>> No.9716019

What ?
1 billion = 1000 million
We don't even use billion in french, but million means the exact same thing in both languages. He simply got his units wrong.

>> No.9716118

It's NASA anon....expect 90% of projects to be cancelled due to lack of funds

TPF never 4get

>> No.9716143

Mining is already a back-breaker on Earth, considering Lunar Gravity do you realize the gazillion flaws which could occur? The granules could fuck up the entire mechanics of your mining vehicle within seconds.

The again the mission is about prospecting, ISRU is not possible right now.

>> No.9716159

Also aren't they planning for a Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resource Utilization Experiment in 2020? Maybe that is something more important to look forward to.

scroll down a bit for MOXIE

>> No.9716173
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>yfw brainlets think Mars is a physical object you can land on

>> No.9716271

It's just a red light.

The earth is pyramid shaped

>> No.9716326
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>> No.9716352

Polaris is only a temporary North star, in a couple thousand years it will have changed position. Human lifespans are just too pathetic to perceive the motion.

>> No.9716367
File: 47 KB, 500x452, 1525326417839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek that's hilarious. You actually think there's a star out there waiting to become our new north star? Are they in a queue? Oh and what a surprise, we will never see it ourselves but trust us, it will happen. Really scientific.

>> No.9716370

Don't even bother dude. They're retarded and probably hate trump too.

>> No.9716374

>The moving of Polaris towards and, in the future, away from the celestial pole, is due to the precession of the equinoxes. The celestial pole will move away from α UMi after the 21st century, passing close by Gamma Cephei by about the 41st century, moving towards Deneb by about the 91st century. Historically, the celestial pole was close to Thuban around 2750 BC, and during classical antiquity it was closer to Kochab (β UMi) than to Polaris. It was about the same angular distance from β UMi as to α UMi by the end of late antiquity. The Greek navigator Pytheas in ca. 320 BC described the celestial pole as devoid of stars. However, as one of the brighter stars close to the celestial pole, Polaris was used for navigation at least from late antiquity, and described as ἀεί φανής (aei phanēs) "always visible" by Stobaeus (5th century), and it could reasonably be described as stella polaris from about the High Middle Ages.

i know i'm responding to either a really devout troll or a proper nutcase, so not sure why i even bother.

>> No.9716386

Yes, I too do not understand how autofocus works. That makes us smarter than other people.

>> No.9716389

You fulfilled my expectant waiting.

>> No.9716390

Real scientists are open to challenge.

All you've done is regurgitate complete conjecture. None of this has any scientific backing. You also have to believe that there is a star that will become our new north star in a couple thousand years, just by complete coincidence? Come on...

>> No.9716434

A physical object wouldn't look like that unfocused in the first place, all focusing does is condense the light to a smaller point, that doesn't mean it's a physical thing.

Why are there no direct flights from Australia or New Zealand to Antarctica? Why's it always from South America?

>> No.9716441

Are these shitposts made by mods

>> No.9716455
File: 105 KB, 1199x835, 1525326884641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these shitposts made by shills?

>> No.9716489


How much fucking hair spray did they put in her hair? Jesus Christ.

>> No.9716504
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>> No.9716542


>oh no, he's in a plane on a parabolic trajectory
planes are turbulent because they move through the atmosphere, and any turbulence would be instantly noticeable
also the 0g part would be very short in an airplane


>> No.9716714

How are you missing the multiple cuts in that first video? Notice how at 1:30 onwards he keeps looking off set, probably because there's a countdown to when the plane isn't simulating weightlessness.

In the second video it's so obvious he's on a harness in front of a green screen, notice how he barely makes any movement like he does in the first video, very stiff. Constantly spinning the microphone to keep up the illusion he's in zero gravity. The microphone and other props just being plastic shell casings filled with helium/hydrogen to a point where the objects float in the air.

>> No.9716971
File: 655 KB, 1284x959, resource-prospector-mission.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lander cannot perform the same mission as a rover.
>>“The instruments themselves are only important if they’re on a rover that can drill one or two meters down,” Phil Metzger, a planetary physicist at the University of Central Florida who was part of the science team for Resource Prospector

The only way we can do the same science as the resource prospector is to have something that moves. Pic related details this. There are constraints on how fucking small something that moves, drills, and bakes in a dark fucking crater can be and private companies currently cannot land something on the Moon with as much mass as the Resource Prospector.

>> No.9717279

again, the plane ride is extremely turbulent because it's moving through the atmosphere, there's no turbulence at all in the ISS video

also, you can see from his puffy face and clothes he's in 0g, blood gathers more in the head with no gravity to pull it down

>> No.9717369

>lunar water isru
>implying wasting valuable and scarce lunar resource won't cause outrage over ethics and aesthethics

>> No.9717484

>again, the plane ride is extremely turbulent because it's moving through the atmosphere, there's no turbulence at all in the ISS video

A) He's on a harness
B) We don't know what they are actually using to simulate weightlessness. No doubt they have the money to develop something better than the vomit comet.

>also, you can see from his puffy face and clothes he's in 0g, blood gathers more in the head with no gravity to pull it down

The exact same thing would happen in simulated weightlessness.

>> No.9717500

>He's on a harness
>simulated weightlessness
>secret unknown tech
>I'll make up literally anything as long as I can keep believing it's all fake
sure thing buddy

>> No.9717512

>fooled by fraud on a harness in front of a green screen. Utterly embarrassing.

>> No.9717525

That's called an orbit silly.

>> No.9717531

>I'd rather live in a simple fantasy world than try to understand a complex reality

also, strange green screen you can just go through

>> No.9717535

Nah they're all just a combination of topic prompt + joke or parody

>> No.9717878

If they fill the area with a dense gas + oxygen they won't have to fly as fast downwards to simulate weightlessness. This is all a game of buoyancy brainlet.

>> No.9717907

>>I'll make up literally anything as long as I can keep believing my retarded fantasy

>> No.9717938
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>a multi-billion space agency can't devise a way to mimic weightlessness for longish periods of time

You're the only one living in a fantasy land, along with other sci-fi cultists.

>> No.9717948

>>>I'll make up literally anything as long as I can keep believing my retarded fantasy

>> No.9717962

I've seen all the propaganda videos brainlet, they've made way too many mistakes to be taken seriously any more.

>> No.9718859
File: 3.85 MB, 480x270, 1egs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

North American Space Actors (NASA)

>> No.9718863

Tfw i'll never have a chineese spy as a gf

>> No.9718938
File: 66 KB, 639x480, Screenshot2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See pic.


>> No.9719389
File: 623 KB, 1024x698, lunar ice microwaver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't know how scarce it is.
the water is contained in dark craters, this won't noticeably change the view of the moon.

You seem to believe that lunar dust is basically acid that destroys absolutely everything. This is not the case. Mining volatiles such as water may in fact be easier than mining other materials. One way of mining water ice, is to heat up the soil with microwaves, suck up and chill anything that comes out. This has been demonstrated in the lab.
The paper below is absolutely worth reading if not only for the test setup made from a microwave oven:
That's what the lil' guy here is doing: >>9702692
Pic related is an unrealistic depiction of a microwave miner.
This also details how lunar ice might be mined

>> No.9719776
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>you can now bio-engineer weapons at home

>> No.9719902

who are you quoting

>> No.9721384

yeah no.

>> No.9721430

You don't even realize what is being said do you? You are agreeing with him.

>> No.9721452
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It is to undermine western society and make people distrust persons in power. It is typical pysops. The internet is the new battleground.

>> No.9721459

>All you've done is regurgitate complete conjecture.

Seems to be the same thing you are doing, only your sources and laughable at best.

>> No.9722054

you're a faggot who doesn't care about actual science you just want to walk on marzzzzz

>> No.9722306

(((they))) are behind it.

>> No.9722468

NASA is part of the entertainment industry.

>> No.9723163

maybe I should just let this thread die and make a new one.