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9691414 No.9691414 [Reply] [Original]

I've been doing some research and people said using nutrition to stimulate the nerve growth factor and neuroplasticity to grow new brain cells in order to substitute dead ones is the best way. Is there a better way? Does the previously mentioned way even work? Is there any way to fully recover from brain damage at all?

>> No.9691457

No way to really replace lost neurons, but what exactly are you trying to achieve?

>> No.9691463

I'm literally just wondering. I've taken many blows to the head as a child and am scared that I will not have enough intelligence if I want to get a degree to avoid living in poverty. Now that you're telling me there's no way to replace lost cells/neurons, despite what I've researched. I don't know what to believe, and now feel misinformed and mislead.

>> No.9691471

considering you don't type like a monkey you are probably intelligent enough to succeed in life. also protip: you don't need a degree to not be impoverished

>> No.9691477

I hope you're right.

>> No.9691493


You can recover. Not fully, but 90% maybe.

The younger you are easier is to recover,
but Omega 3 helps people in any age to recover.

Physiotherapy helps to regain body movements.

>> No.9691495

I havem ore brain damage than all of you make sure you guys get proper seep and dont be malnutrioned lole! SXD!!!

(Powerade helps me think better and not fall asleep!)

>> No.9691500

children can recover from brain damage.
saw a video the other day of some kid who was almost a vegetable from a serious car crash and went to looking and acting pretty normal a few years later.
don't remember what the video was called but it was some feel good video about him and his helper dog

>> No.9691503

First of all don't be offended, but it doesn't seem to me like you really researched anything, probably just looked some few things up. Second, you need to deal with the fact that you only got what you were born with and if you lose it, you lost it. Third, your "intelligence" or whatever, that you're referring to, is probably just your own personal insecurities that only you can deal with.
But if you wanna talk science, i've been asking myself the very same questions for months now, and i only managed to find that omega-3 fatty acids are good for depression episodes in bipolar disorders, and vit.B complexes are good for remyelination in various diseases where it's compromised, but otherwise no nutrient can "boost" your mental capacities in a way that we'd like them to. And that kinda sucks in a way

>> No.9691521

Aww fuck.

>> No.9691624

How to refer to nutrition to recover from TBI





How to gain extra neurons.





Conclusion: rely on nutrition and exercise to maximize neuron development and production. You are surrounded by retards OP. Good thing there are people like us still lurking these fucking desolate boards. God save the queen.

>> No.9691634

Do a controlled fast and your brain could fully heal.

>> No.9691652

Sure. Tell the clueless anon to fucking starve himself when he's in need of as much fuel for repair as possible you dumbass.

>> No.9691666

Lol no.

Lack of nutrients will damage the brain further.

>> No.9691714

Inject stem cells into damaged brain region.

>> No.9691731

>Inject stem cells into damaged brain region.
This. It works in mice.


But doctors did not test in Humans yet.

>> No.9691732

Moravec Transfer

>> No.9692599

>OP wonders if he's a retard
It's too late, you already fell for the "degree or poverty" meme.

Trades are where the money's at, enjoy your debt though.

>> No.9692629

Does coding count as a trade?

>> No.9693228

Don't listen to him, damaged brain cells not being replaced is a myth that has been debunked, we now know the brain repairs itself over time through a process known as neurogenesis.

>> No.9693229

Make sure it's your own stem cells.

>> No.9693311

What happens if they're not your own?

>> No.9693752

Probably rejection due to an autoimmune response

>> No.9693781

Yes. Poor OP was right and these idiots tried to prove him wrong. Nutrients DO promote Neurogenesis by strengthening the neuro plasticity and Nerve Growth Factor. One of the anons above have already posted multiple links proving this. So it's really only a surprise that these guys don't know it yet.

>> No.9693903

How young were you? Te brains of young children undergo neurogenesis. It stops when when they get a couple years old, and obviously in adulthood

>> No.9694091

>stops when they get a couple years old and obviously in adulthood.
Fuckin' retard. OP, don't answer this guy's question. He knows nothing of neurogenesis or the NGF.

>> No.9694095

Neurogenesis stops when you reach adulthood? How high are you there bud? If that were the case, everyone would be much dumber. Check yourself before you wreck yourself bud, ya goof.

>> No.9695427
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Top kek.

>> No.9696537

Someone failed their degree