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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 243 KB, 1600x900, 200grandstarting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9691066 No.9691066 [Reply] [Original]

Computer Science is where the money is at guys..guy....s

>> No.9691070
File: 197 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180422-144457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy being poor, physics/fag/

>> No.9691073

>not having your own company as a CSfag or at the very least working at an actually good non-American European company where everyone is white.
This is where people quickly fail.

>> No.9691078
File: 38 KB, 485x443, CS anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me make mony. Me computa sconce. Me smard.

>> No.9691085

>father of CS was gay
>all jobs for CS are near San Francisco

Really makes you think.

>> No.9691134

Dude... that's absolutely nothing if you're living in SF. You have no idea how expensive shit is over there.

>> No.9691140

please, tell me how much the average EE fag earns kek

>> No.9691146

When you factor in COL that salary drops to about 80-90k. If that salary was in the South it would be a different story.

>> No.9691147

name a better job then kek
>m-muh intelligence!!!
>all cs jobs are near SF
imagine being this retarded

>> No.9691152
File: 186 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180422-152700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much more pathetic do you wanna get

>> No.9691163

>friend studies cs
>I study civil eng
>"m8, CS is the future, that's where the CASH is!"
>now he spends his days indoors as a codemonkey, copy pasting code from stack overflow and losing his job every time his company finishes that big project they had to hire extra people to work on
>I drink coffee at construction sites and chit chat
>I'm getting paid like 50% more than he does

>> No.9691167

>Getting a job in a bubble industry that will burst soon

>> No.9691170

>muh anecdotal evidence
how does it feel having a friend who failed to achieve a simple bachelors and working a literal blue collar job

>> No.9691175
File: 50 KB, 638x359, largescale-deep-learning-for-building-intelligent-computer-systems-a-keynote-presentation-from-google-9-638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i-its a bubble!!!

>> No.9691180

>Jobs that earn money require programming
>Therefore, pure CS is the way to go
>Not programming while also knowing engineering or statistics or physics or any other skill that's ridiculously powerful when combined with programming

This is what plebs actually believe.

>> No.9691190

>doing a completely different degree with no relation to the moneymaker at all and having to play catch up for the rest of your life
>doing a nice and chill cs degree and specialising in a moneymaker area like ML or big data while making 6 figures on the side

this is whag plebs actually believe

>> No.9691192

Yes it is. Modern techniques have already leveled off in terms of what is achievable, and the list of applications where some de facto solution doesn't exist is dwindling. Then you've got long term pipedreams like autonomous driving which will only take one or two more accidents before project managers realize that there are is a fundamental lack of provable guarantees for this technology. Investment will take a massive hit and the only jobs left will be for Pajeet to use standard library #63287 to optimize click output for website ad layouts -- really the only place you can ever trust these kinds of systems.

>> No.9691197
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holy fuck

>> No.9691204

200k starting for an extremely small subset of the top 10% of employees
the rest of us are sloppy seconds

>> No.9691209

Don't dash Sanjeesh's hopes of thinking he will earn $150,000 when he graduates from Meme State University where he cheated on all his exams.

>> No.9691221

>I go to a bad uni so everyone on this board must as well

>> No.9691222

I can just imagine the smell.

>> No.9691226

Literally every CS major goes to a shit uni.

>> No.9691250

Pajeets do codemonkey job for 1/10 of US minimum wage.

>> No.9691251

>Literally every CS major goes to a shit uni.

always surprising how much /sci/ knows about CS despite literally never even have written a line of code kek

>> No.9691253

>not Math/CS double major
CS to show your employer that you can use a computer, Math to show them that you have an IQ higher than 5.

>> No.9691256
File: 723 KB, 680x587, Pooed river.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Curry & Poo

>> No.9691258

oh so we talking about double majors now?
some more goalpost shifting is always welcome

>> No.9691262

>it's a bubble


>> No.9691266

>technological progress is a bubble
this is not fucking stock of a software company you retard

>> No.9691285

>will burst soon
Dream on, physishit.

>> No.9691302

deep learning =/= machine learning

>> No.9691309

>complex analysis =/= analysis

>> No.9691310

>if I'm a pedantic faggot maybe then they will believe me

>> No.9691324

>muh numbas
why are mathfags so bothered by CS?

>> No.9691325

>Doing anything useful in math/physics/engineering/statistics without ever programming

If you do this you've been memed.

>> No.9691335

what are you even trying to say with that graph?
I'm not even saying it is a bubble, but that graph shows a pretty typical growth rate for something that's a bubble.

>> No.9691340

>increasing usage of something means its a bubble
you're literally like faggots of the 80s when someone shows them computer sales graphs and says: "meh its probably a bubble. why should I learn this... what did you say, programming?"

>> No.9691377

CS grads that are not in the top 5% are doomed to work for startups, with abysmal pay, no benefits, javascript basedboy code artisan coworkers that will have you fired for not wearing lgbt bracelets and blacked.com headbands and will be forever depressed.

the top 5% will work for Google or some shit. $300K starting and they will be fucking super models at their mansion.

the same applies to (real) stem fags but the lowest 95% will work at mcdonalds because their scuffed knowledge and cheating exam marks wont count for nuffin.

A thread died for this btw

>> No.9691388

Average salaries literally tell an opposite story

>> No.9691423

what I'm saying is that the graph you posted in no way disproves that it is a bubble.
in fact almost exponential growth of something is pretty typical for something that is a bubble.
all I'm saying is posting that graph like it somehow disproves the post you were responding to is pretty retarded

>you're literally like faggots of the 80s when someone shows them computer sales graphs and says: "meh its probably a bubble. why should I learn this... what did you say, programming?"
I literally said in my post that I don't think it's a bubble you illiterate retard

>> No.9691427

>exponential growth of technological advancement always means its a bubble
then what is the point of your fucking post if you agree with me

>> No.9691436

I think you need to double read posts before responding to them. are you on drugs?

>> No.9691444

He's clearly ESL.

>> No.9691539

then explain what you meant
>hurr posting a graph irrelevant to the concept of a "bubble" means its a bubble because thats what bubble graphs look like

>> No.9691541

deep learning == machine learning

>> No.9691547

If you have a Master's then yes that's a reasonable starting salary. Otherwise it's probably a bit less than 80k depending on where you live.

>> No.9691552

Hey asshat. SF is basically Switzerland in price of living. That salary is relatively OK but not amazing

>> No.9691555

>ignoring the response to the first posters who spouted this retarded statement
why dont you just stop being such a condescending faggot and name a better paying profession then

>> No.9691814

I already did, all you have to do is read

>> No.9691823

>your graph looks like a bubble
pathetic, even for /sci/

>> No.9691861

What happens when they program computers to program themselves?

>> No.9691877

>implying we dont

>> No.9691896

Dont forget that the person you are arguing with is in CS.

>> No.9691939

I'd rather be poor than live in San Fransisco.

>> No.9692155

it's not proof that it isn't, retard

>> No.9692162

Well if you do CS, you'll be poor AND live in SF.

>> No.9692167

please keep thinking that
keeps the retards out
actually please dont accept any cs related jobs, it only hurts your career

>> No.9692250

I make six figures and generous benefits as a blue collar union skilled laborer. Less than a year of formal training culmilative.

>> No.9692256

Hepatitis on the Streets, Feces at feet, nothing to eat, because this place is liberal sheeit

>> No.9692295

Cout<<"Hello World";
D-did I do it?

>> No.9692308

>200k starting
Maybe if you get a job in Silicone Valley, where it'll only just cover your living expenses.

>> No.9692314
File: 203 KB, 1280x960, pick one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are more important things in life than money, like Truth.

>> No.9692320
File: 55 KB, 1170x714, Pxjq6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Factor in taxes from federal and cali state, as well as cost of living in SF (Rent especially), you're maybe at $80k a year

>> No.9692327

oh no only 80k after expenses
I guess I have to move to texas

>> No.9692329

>anyone speaking bad of cs couldn't have possibly have studied it

You guys are so delusional.

>> No.9692342

csfags wouldnt claim retarded shit like "cs is bad in all unis" unless they are
a) not cs fags
b) go to a shit uni

>> No.9692367

CS is at the very least bad at all universities and outright terrible at some universities.

>but we got jerbs making apps

Doesn't matter.

>> No.9692380
File: 376 KB, 473x400, (You).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

template<class You, typename = std::enable_if<std::is_same<std::decay<You>::type, FAGGOT>::value>::type>
constexpr auto dangle(You&& you) -> decltype(auto) { return std::forward<You>(you); }

>> No.9692383

well lets test my theory
are you a csfag, and if yes what uni do you go to

>> No.9692819

But what if I want a fun job
Also as a Texan please dear god nobody come to Texas this state FUCKING sucks unless you want unbelievable humidity and triple digit heat and fucking tons of traffic and bad drivers

>> No.9692826

nobody working out of a cubicle is making anywhere close to even $60 grand a year lmfao

>> No.9692964

Is the University of Michigan a shit uni?

>> No.9693298

>I just got a C in 203 and now need people on the internet to tell me my school is good so I don’t have to feel bad about it

>> No.9693345
File: 191 KB, 1000x847, PYQsTA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


//Forgot to use these beforehand, kek:

using namespace std;

>> No.9693389

That isn't that much in SF. A shithole apartment costs 3k. Most people with those jobs have roommates into their 30s.

>> No.9693616

You dumb retard that's exactly what a bubble looks like

>> No.9693667

>three years

>> No.9693688
File: 131 KB, 1510x1014, Moores_Law.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking brainlets who can't discern between technology and stock

>> No.9693693

Most likely their bf since this is San Fran.

>> No.9695191

The same way engineers with a PE license get mad at software engineers.

>> No.9695271
File: 4 KB, 216x216, hookem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel, I commute to pic related every day.

>> No.9695277
File: 53 KB, 600x636, Tech support boss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9695627

I think you meant #include
>Enough autism to correct the obvious
>Not enough autism to do it right

>> No.9695778

>Salary is relatively okay but not amazing
You do realize for Bay Area engineers beyond entry level, their salary is probably half of their income, right? RSUs , performance bonuses, six figure signing bonuses, recurring bonuses, long term incentive plans, etc...

I'd be willing to bet any dev earning 150k base salary in the area is bringing home 250k+ taxable income a year.

>> No.9695790

college station, i assume

>> No.9695795
File: 67 KB, 602x187, main-qimg-fa7a7f85271b1690ea949c6b9bc8fc0b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you
fucking math grads ruining threads
dont you have to flip some burgers at McDonald's?

>> No.9695800

Yeah, CS pays because the average person thinks computers are 'magic'

the market is broken, but you might as well be on the winning side right?

Funny tho, how most of you are socially retarded neck bearded virgins.

>> No.9695805

>Yeah, CS pays because the average person thinks computers are 'magic'
>the market is broken, but you might as well be on the winning side right?
how does it feel to not understand simple supply and demand

>> No.9695808

There are currently way too few good programmers. You'd expect the trained ones to get good money for their hard work!

>> No.9695814

it is

demand is based on the market

the market is driven by morons

>> No.9695817

>90% of the world runs on computer programs
"hurr it's because people are too retarded to use PCs"

>> No.9695819

>the market is driven by morons

If they're morons, why do companies continue to make good money by hiring programmers. The average person isn't hiring, they're buying. And programmers buy similar software to the average person's.

>> No.9695826

it's because anon is a salty mathfag and thinks he deserves more money just because he considers his degree more difficult

>> No.9695830

maybe he just sees himself as intellectually elite, but he insults those who he thinks are below him

>> No.9695837


Just trying to bond over the fact that the general public is retarded.

why are you guys so serious?

>> No.9695856

anon, are trying to say that half of the fortune 500 companies are retarded for paying programmers and software designers too much?

>> No.9695865


i guess i'm saying i'm stoned and making a comment on how a vast majority of our economy is driven by vapid impulsive dumb-asses just waiting to be taken advantage of.

I see how that didn't come across in previous posts

you CS guys are really defensive

>> No.9695870

>guess i'm saying i'm stoned and making a comment on how a vast majority of our economy is driven by vapid impulsive dumb-asses just waiting to be taken advantage of
yes but this doesn't apply to CS faggot, since it's, yknow, valuable
and we're not defensive, we just don't like retardation

>> No.9695877

thanks bud

I used to be a programmer, then I became a scientist

I guess I traded monetary value for life quality and meaning.

I don't like retardation either. Some of the stupidest people I’ve ever met have PhD's in natural science, but they've got nothing not the some the fuckin neck beards I met in CS.

Happy now faggot?

>> No.9695882
File: 8 KB, 250x202, 1516003050252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CS is not a science
>ML experts are stupid

>> No.9695884

What science do you do that you find more enjoyable than programming?

>> No.9695888

>>CS is not a science
>>ML experts are stupid
also correct.

>> No.9695893

now I really want to know what """science""" you're doing

>> No.9695900
File: 5 KB, 178x250, 1512959618792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hurr durr my stem is better than your stem durr

>> No.9695901

Most of it

Particularity particle physics, radiochemistry, and nanoscience.

>> No.9695903

for clarification

these are not the same people

i'm this guy

>> No.9695915

>Get a mere Bachelor of Information Technology
>3-years of piss-easy work which requires no study nor any real effort to ace
>Graduated 4 years ago and I'm already on 130k with a cushy laid-back sysadmin job where I spend 20% of the day fucking around on 4chan. I'm financially secure and will never have to put any real effort in

But keep getting those math/physics/CS/engineering degrees you guys.

>> No.9695916

If you really love your job and not just the money
then good for you anon

if you are only happy because of the money... then i feel sorry for you

>> No.9695932

do you even need a bachelors to be a sysadmin? i always thought it was just a couple CISCO certs

>> No.9695933

Can you be get a sysadmin job with a CS degree?

>> No.9695955

why the fuck just sysadmin
specialise in a trendy direction and you'll make up 30-50k more in per year

>> No.9695962

It sounded comfy. Maybe it's depressing IRL.

>> No.9695967

never heard sysadmin stories?
but sure, if it's only about the money and being a lazy faggot for the test of your life, then go for it
or do an area where you actually have a chance of making a contribution to the field even if you are not genius tier, like ML or big data

>> No.9695970

This. Every time I have to deal with my sysadmin at work, he's just a grumpy bitter faggot that is mad someone made him get off his lazy ass to do something. The new guy is pretty cool, but I can tell the job wears on you.

>> No.9695972

>contribution to the field
Either that or try to get a cushy job. Does it make sense to work your butt off just so you can make minor contributions that you don't know if anyone will even use?

>> No.9697362

CS is basically math++, i.e. a CS graduate is considered elite, capable of mastering in 1 year what math graduates do in 2 years. Deal with it!

World's elite universities will tell you right away that as their CS student you are considered the best group they have and that math students go slower than you are, and increase your load to crazy levels As a CS student, you are expected to master (continuous) calculus, discrete calculus (discrete math proofs, hypercubes for parallel algorithms), optimization (machine/deep learning, compilers), category theory (functional programming), logic (up to automated proofs, i.e. including set theory), differential equations, topology (computational geometry, distributed algorithms), probability and statistics (reinforcement learning, queueing), number theory (cryptology), graph theory (almost everywhere)... There is no functional analysis needed yet, but it's heavily used for PhD degrees anyway. You need to know all this down to the level of proving theorems if you want to achieve anything in CS.