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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 78 KB, 400x545, kingbog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9690104 No.9690104 [Reply] [Original]

What next major scientific breakthrough would benefit humanity the most?

>> No.9690107

Cheap suicide pills.

>> No.9690145

A virus designed to kill niggers.

>> No.9690146

Sliced bread v2.0

>> No.9690149

this a million times not even kidding. maybe a nigger + religion combo virus

>> No.9690153
File: 182 KB, 1280x782, 1522955927069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my existence

>> No.9690158


>> No.9690163

we must first isolate the religion gene

>> No.9690246

Brain-machine interfaces that alter human physiology ran by AI

>> No.9691636


>> No.9691649

medicine and biology is really the last low hanging fruit in our current scientific paradigm.

>> No.9691653

Quantum Gender Fluid Mechanics

Where the Schrödinger cat can be a pussy and lion at same time.

>> No.9691671

>What next major scientific breakthrough would benefit humanity the most?

Gengineering, editing your genes for your own pleasure.

>> No.9691692
File: 42 KB, 480x342, Nekopara 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gengineering, editing your genes for your own pleasure.

Genetically Engineered Cat Girls for Domestic Ownership with CRISPR©



>> No.9691696
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>Genetically Engineered Cat Girls for Domestic Ownership with CRISPR©



>> No.9691703
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You'll destroy civilization as we know it
People will stop living their life and will just spend their time with cat girls at home
It will be like with cats now, but worse

>> No.9691710

Taking cash printing machines from fed, making them smaller and easy to replicate so that everybody gets one.

>> No.9691720
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>the loaf is now sliced HORIZONTALLY

>> No.9691745
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Better AI alignment theory

>> No.9691749

Unironically this. The US alone spends tens of billions of dollars per year babysitting people with sub-90 IQs, who have never built a working civilization in 10,000 years. Fedoras love to say that we'd be colonizing space if NASA had the budget of the military, but it's funny how you never hear them say what we'd accomplish if we stopped funding barely functional retards who do nothing but murder and leech off the functional parts of society.

>> No.9691755

Virus to eliminate whites, we don't need them.

>> No.9691763

division by zero

will unlock SO many doors
it's coming...

>> No.9691777
File: 2.50 MB, 292x376, Ebola AIDS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9690145 >>9690149 >>9691749 >>9691755
>A virus designed to kill niggers.

But virus that kill niggers already exist.

AIDS/HIV and Ebola.


>> No.9691780

3000 years* Mali lasted a bit but they had Islam which is kinda a cheat. It's like running on easy mode.

>> No.9691784
File: 737 KB, 770x768, space x feed africa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9691780 >>9691749 >>9690145

Leftards wanna feed dumb and lazy niggers
instead of funding Space exploration

>> No.9691789
File: 424 KB, 4128x2322, dc5x2Od.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does every thread on every board these days eventually devolve into pol-tier garbage?

>> No.9691803

what if they're not garbage, and niggers/ religion actually are poisonous?

think outside the box Carlos/ Pajeet/ devonte

>> No.9691815

>every board these days
its always been like this mongo
niggers being considered equal to others is the single worst conception in humanities history
atleast jews can build a stable society but niggers cant build a stable fucking house to live in without asking for help

>> No.9691832

Net gain fusion
Basically a final solution to the energy problem (in the long run).

>> No.9691836

>its always been like this
Why do /pol/tards like to gaslight so much? Do they think archives dont' exist?

>> No.9691837

t. unrest nigger
pls go

>> No.9691908

Whole Brain Emulation

>> No.9691914

be careful though, while niggers can't build a society, at least they are harmless. jews only undermine their host nation when it is anything other than Israel, making them much more dangerous

>> No.9691921


Because it's clear there are retards who know fuck all posting on this board. The create virus to kill "x" race has already been debated down in a number of threads. Considering the number of Blacks in question the population would eventually develop a partial immunity to it similar to the sickle cell trait that reduces the death rate of Malaria where it's prevalent. Also a virus can jump species to species and will probably do so via mosquito. So eventually it will spread to other human populations and infect them (like other viruses/diseases) because the genetic differences between blacks and other populations aren't great enough to stop the virus. Also the virus cannot be designed to stick to one race and cannot be designed to not mutate to prevent a species jump to jump via misquote because a virus needs mutation just to spread effectively and survive in the first place.


How about you kys it would be a much easier way to end your current plight then trying to bend the nature of viruses to satisfy your hate boner.

>> No.9691980

oh but there's a lot of me

>> No.9691993

The obsolescence of males.

>> No.9692033

do you mean wheel theory?

>> No.9692058

Non-meme fusion

>> No.9692082
File: 42 KB, 685x583, 1496308481424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meme fusion.
We'll fuse old memes with new ones.

Josh where are all my bases?

>> No.9692161

>meme fusion
Used to power mEMe drives.

>> No.9692867

Discovery of graviton and then the ability to shield from it.

>> No.9693095

Because social "science" has lead civilisation to this point. Purge this faux science and things will work themselves out.

>> No.9693101
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>> No.9693107
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The Lesson of Haiti


>> No.9693889

A way to process waste from nuclear power plants instead of sealing it up to wait for it to decompose

>> No.9693914

sadly they send sandniggers and other subhumans without any useful knowledge into europe, this is not realistic

>> No.9693925

so you're sure that's only matter of time
>but if you're waiting for a scientific breakthru, how you're already sure of that?

>> No.9693942
File: 127 KB, 736x839, 1422326209144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brain-machine interfaces that alter human physiology ran by AI
Personally, I'd rather we find out how to fine-tune the brain itself.
For instance, I'm awful at video games, bowling, pool, guitar etc because I have poor muscle memory.
Wouldn't it be beat to find out this is caused by a certain balance of neurotransmitter production, AND we could do something about it?
In the long rn though, while this would help individuals more than the species as a whole.
What if we could make the average person more capable of critical and analytical thought? Or less dependent on emotional crutches like religion, prejudice and political conservatism?
Wouldn't that be peachy?

>> No.9693959
File: 44 KB, 550x365, 2HLyKST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't the /pol/ containment thread, so I won't bother pointing out all the reasons you're wrong.
Just go to the catalog and search for "climate change" or "is race real".

>> No.9693966

>Discovery of graviton and then the ability to shield from it.
If we could control gravity/acceleration as well as we can electromagnetism, the universe would be ours.

>> No.9693970

Intelligence augmentation of human foetuses.

>> No.9693974

What does this have to do with anything? It's not the amount taken from an individual, it's that collective amount goong towards something that isn't valuable to society. Not arguing politics here, I just think your picture is stupid.

>> No.9693978

this but with jews. The rest will follow.

>> No.9694003
File: 240 KB, 540x2574, 1377639015437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Intelligence augmentation of human foetuses.
A smarter generation could fix the big problems with English spelling.
(Hint: It's the fucking vowels).

>> No.9694006

Letting women vote has ended Western Civilization. I'm not joking.

>> No.9694011
File: 266 KB, 540x558, uXJLsaQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>collective amount goong towards something that isn't valuable to society
Daily reminder that we fixed the "baby factory" style welfare was fixed back in the fucking 90's, but the hate-mongering still motivates self-entitled retards to vote Republitard, so conservatives keep throwing gas on a fire that's been out for decades.
Modern welfare mostly just lets Fortune-500 companies pay sub-starvation wages.

>> No.9694017

>actually believing this

>> No.9694023

translation machine.
can't wait to speak anime

>> No.9694032

Wow. One cherrypicked example.
Whatever will I do????
oh yeah... actually Google it.
>SNAP rules require all recipients meet work requirements unless they are exempt because of age or disability or another specific reason.

>> No.9694039
File: 436 KB, 651x506, migrant costs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the exact same argument as "illegals don't get welfare". Except they do. Most of them, in fact. You pretend rules are actually followed because it's convenient for your narrative to do so. Oh look, the 90s reforms have already been circumvented. How about that:

>> No.9694056
File: 237 KB, 750x491, Aquion_Energy%u2019s_‘alternative%u2019_saltwater_battery_to_power_off-grid_solar_system_in_Hawaii_750_491_s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically, cheap photovoltaics and better batteries.

>> No.9694101

Remember to sage and report.

>> No.9694116

Gene therapy. I think no one mentioned this.

>> No.9694175
File: 24 KB, 424x353, 1498160481993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like welfare is down to me.
>low-income families with disabled children
Wow, let's throw the handicapped kids under the bus. That'll make America "great" again.
...what a douchebag

>> No.9694626

You have an apple. You cut it 0 times. You still just have an apple.

>> No.9694824

Yeah, its the single most exciting prospect of modern physics and is the primary reason I majored physics.

>> No.9694847

>You cut it 0 times
Cutting it one time gives two pieces, thus dividing by two.
Cutting it zero times gives one piece, thus dividing by one.
Cutting it -1 time gives you???
Also: Why is zero apparently grammatically plural?
"two times, one time, zero times"

>> No.9696540

made me think

>> No.9696751

Magnetic rotary power.

>> No.9696950

Major health problems like Cardiovascular Disease, Alzheimer's, Cancer are all very costly. Cures will make a tremendous difference to many lives.

>> No.9696963


>> No.9696975

lol look at ultra orthodox jews trying to undermine Israel and revisit this. Did my positing a multiverse to sci cause a pol raid or is this normal everywhere on 4chan?

>> No.9696982

can i post an unironic response?

the best benefit to humanity and the earth's other species would be: a solution to the energy problem

this would mean: alternative energy sources. most likely solar. which would mean the solution would also require much better energy storage, like better battery technology or some other kind of efficient and reliable energy storage technology (and by reliable I mean A. it doesn't spontaneously go unavailable for periods [like the "ski lift"/"pump water uphill" style storage where the motor can fail] or it can spontaneously lose its energy [like heating not-so-well insulated things up to store energy] -- or B. the storage doesn't lose its energy slowly over time, like e.g. a capacitor)

>> No.9697123

you lost hope in fusion?

>> No.9697284

Unironically a reactionless drive. Atmospheric and space propulsion require carrying heavy as fuck liquid fuel along with you as you go and is expensive.

>> No.9697304

Well my first thought would have been reusable rockets and cheap space travel but it looks like that is on the cards now so I think the next thing will be batteries, they only need to be maybe 2-3 times the capacity at a similar price for fucking everyone to buy them, tesla batteries are already at a price/performance point where I am seriously considering one. As a heads up when you see this kind of shit ready to go to market with a proven prototype, you should invest the fuck out of their stocks, you simply will not lose.

>> No.9697516
File: 98 KB, 486x548, 1524409962752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So instead of boomers living up to 100 they'll linger on drooling for another 30 odd years. Great idea!

>> No.9698784

Just make thin mini loaves. Each "slice" is actually a loaf.

>> No.9698800

Toxogencatgalplasma gondii. But if there's a cure for it... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.9698809


>> No.9698821

no, fusion is a solution, but ITER has fumbled it beyond the point of it coming in time to save the planet

if the science were keeping up then fusion would be a great solution, but evidently it will take far too long

>> No.9698832

Nuclear batteries with much longer lifespans and more energy output will become more mainstream and become cheaper and cheaper hopefully. Solar is becoming more and more popular and powerful, but I think nuclear would be good to have around even if not as renewable just due to the sheer output of it. Unfortunately it may take a while until most of the public is on board with nuclear energy.

>> No.9698845

the ARC/SPARC project is looking really promising for fusion, look it up, very cool stuff.

>> No.9698847

Fusion that actually works well.

However, this will not stop us from an eventual population collapse and destruction of most of the natural world

>> No.9698853

All optical based computing will be much faster than the computers today, which are coming close to quantum effects of electrons in transistor circuitry causing problems. Quantum computers are then even faster, then optical quantum unless another method is discovered somewhere between all of these steps. Laser, optics, photonics technology is still an ever increasing field that permeates throughout all of science in physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, etc. Even Earth to satellite communications are beginning to move towards lasers for more efficient/faster transmission

>> No.9698862
File: 302 KB, 1389x734, Professor-Haas-LiFi-Technologies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also forgot to mention fiber optics rolling out to residential, which is old news but hopefully becoming less expensive over time, as well as its wireless equivalent LiFi being developed which would combine lighting and data transmission into one light. Works off line of sight which can be bad, but at the same time localizes the transmission easily for more secure use or use in things like airplanes etc

>> No.9699095

being able to resolve cancers with gene therapy

>> No.9699110

summer has come early this year

>> No.9699113

>posting idiotic memes with blatant lies for information
you lefties have truly fallen apart

>> No.9699349

WiFi transmitted dna shredders

>> No.9699387


Lol at self driving cars and drones.

Teleportation will change everything. It will start slow. The technology will be huge and expensive. But 20 years later we will all have personal teleportation devices in our pockets

>> No.9699389

Lol at faster computing.

Think bigger brainlet

>> No.9699396

Fucking batteries? That is what you're excited about? That is what is going to change the world?

Lrn 2 imagine.