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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9690068 No.9690068 [Reply] [Original]

If there was a "most participants of this board are in college" it would be this one.

Im graduating this spring with a degree in computer science but one of my last classes is a geology lab to meet a requirement. We had a second test and 1/3 of the class failed it. Its a 100 level course. I dont see how is this possible and no, its not the teacher. My teacher didnt get it either. She asked what she could do to help and suggestions and stuff and people said crazy shit like "Im a history major so I dont really need to know this stuff. (We went over the scientific method which should really be known no matter what) and the teacher called her out on that. Another said that the lab was harder than it needed to and was for math majors despite it only using simple arithmetic. Ive never seen a more entitled ignorant freshman class in my life. What the hell happened?

How does this happen? Do you guys have any similar experiences?

>> No.9690077


>> No.9690078

Similar experience with me. Took required freshman biology my last semester for Mech E. Our professor went over a lot of material during class but it wasn't stuff that was all too complicated as long as you paid attention (and I consider myself kinda a brainlet). One dumb freshman even had the gall to yell at the professor about his teaching style RIGHT BEFORE we were about to take the easy multiple choice final.

I know the feel bro

>> No.9690090
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Yes OP, I certainly know this feel.

And then you overhear the female students getting extended due dates by flirty eyes and dishonest machinations

>> No.9690100

Cringe af

>> No.9690103

Ive had females ask me to help them with the class after i revealed that i got a 86 on the test. Im not even trying in the class. I studied for 30 minutes right before the test. I dont know how anyone scores so low. Most of the material is review since I went to elementary school.

>> No.9690110
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their are different tiers of education in most large universities

their are degrees the college is happy to give out in exchange for arranging tuition payments

and their are degrees that require actually knowing things like how to do math

this dove tails neatly into the common complaint that a lot of graduates with the former sort of degree struggle to secure employment post graduation.

>> No.9690120

only thing making me cringe is they all would have had 95%+ in each if significant portions of the grades were not dependent on group projects & labs...


>> No.9690121

Well something is clearly going on. She showed us the graph with all the grades on it except all the F's are bundled so its hard to see but it was clearly bimodal.

Are there just 2 distinct groups of students?

>> No.9691238

i had a b+ in physical geology. we were doing the metamorphic/igneous rock id exam, that morning i certainly did the eras & epoch test to the t., and the teacher said, on the other half of the room (there were two test samples), which i had never been on, that someone didn't put the rocks back, and if it happens again he's going to deduct everyone's grade. it happened on the other side of the class again. i had enough of that shit. i turned in my paper and as i walked out of the room said "I won't be back, I worked hard in this class." dropped the class :(
it's ok tho because the rest of the class was just maps & shit. Come the rapture the only thing that matters in that class will be the rock id exams. i had actually bought a bunch of rocks & minerals so i could study them on my own in addition to driving 30 minutes each way 2 extra times a week to get in with the rocks & minerals in the stem center

>> No.9691242

I would have been going out of the exam with an a- or a.