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File: 33 KB, 800x450, Adderall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9689826 No.9689826 [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically speaking, what do you guys think would be worse for you drinking a 6 pack(binge) once every two weeks or popping 30-45mg of adderall once every two weeks?

>> No.9689840

depends on if you stick to that schedule and never increase it. adderall is well tolerated by your body and isn't too neurotoxic at the doses you mentioned (the prescribed doses are where it's not neurotoxic) assuming no tolerance. alcohol is in general very shit for your body and brain and since it's a gaba drug it has proven neurotoxicity in at least constant abuse. i'd say the 6 pack is worse because of the above reasons + the calories than the adderall assuming you get sleep. but both of these things on that schedule seem fine if you're fine with your dopamine receptors getting downregulated a bit from the adderall

>> No.9689847

i mentioned the sticking to that schedule because adderall is very addictive compared to alcohol and you will probably want to do it more often

>> No.9689848

Drugs are degenerate, alcohol is degenerate. Live life without a crutch.

>> No.9689859

Live a little nerd

>> No.9689867

Are benzos also neurotoxic then? But yeah I figured alcohol was the worse one. What do you mean by
"dopamine receptors getting downregulated"

I tend to drink a six pack recreationally every two weeks. But honestly 30-45mg adderall is much more fun and bit more mind expanding at least. I tend to have good self-control so I definitely am able to stick to the schedule

>> No.9689873

indeed. benzos have been documented to be the most neurotoxic because it was daily abuse. ghb and barbiturates fall into this category as well
This meta-analysis found that long-term use of benzodiazepines was associated with moderate to large adverse effects on all areas of cognition, with visuospatial memory being the most commonly detected impairment.

it's a fancy way of saying desensitization because i wasn't thinking when i wrote it. your dopamine receptors just desensitize for a short time after you take it but they should stabilize back to normal after a bit. as long as you can sleep the night of taking adderall you should be fine. this is speculation on my part but the buildup of homocysteine is strongly correlated with heart disease and sleeping is the thing that gets rid of homocysteine.

>> No.9689890

Being an addict isn't living, they ruin their lives and it take years for them to dig out of it.

>> No.9689893

he specifically proposed his schedule that was from experience. why would you assume he's doing them every day like an actual addict

>> No.9689900
File: 32 KB, 722x420, Drug_danger_and_dependence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying doing drugs means you are addicted to them
>implying psychedelics like LSD and shrooms are addictive

>> No.9690004

You gotta understand not everybody who does drugs recreationally is an addict. If I am a responsible adult in society working and/or in college and I want to do a couple adderalls once every 2 weeks on a friday night just reading, playing guitar and playing video games whats the harm in that? Drugs use is not black and white. There are plenty of responsible adults who contribute to society and use drugs recreationally responsibly and moderately

>> No.9690290

Massive and regular alcohol consumption has been normal for all of human history.
These drugs have only been around since just before the dramatic increase in autism diagnosis.

>> No.9690294

t. <23 year old

>> No.9690891

not an argument faggot