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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9689687 No.9689687 [Reply] [Original]

>Actually have diagnosed dyscalculia
>Tumblrinas claim it if they struggle even once with math class
>turn word into meaningless tumblrism

>> No.9689716
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>> No.9689717

What's the difference between dyscalcula and being bad at maths?

>> No.9689726

Being bad at math means you didn't study; dyscalcula means 2-digit IQ.

>> No.9689730

It's psychology, so the only real claim they can do is that it's a separate disorder (because it doesn't correlate with IQ or other learning disabilities), but there are like a million interpretations that cannot be tested.

>> No.9689869

>Dyscalculia can occur in people from across the whole IQ range – often higher than average

>> No.9690117

Wait I think I may have this or some nature of it. It'd explain why I'm so mediocre in math and absolutely hopeless at computation despite really enjoying and putting time into it

>> No.9690131

>Actually have diagnosed dyscalculia
What problems do you have with math?

>> No.9690165

OP said that he can't read numbers. No bullying pls.

>> No.9690176

>implying Wikipedia is infallible
That's exactly why you don't cite a Wikipedia article. Look at the references 5 and 6; they don't even mention IQ.

>> No.9690197

>actually have depression
>tumblrinas claim it if they break up with their bf
>turn word into meaningless tumblrism

>> No.9690207

Why do you just assume that they don't actually have it?

>> No.9690245

Azad's Math Better Explained
Huston's Think Like A Mathematician
lotsa practice and not skipping ahead
not sure what response you want

>> No.9690772


its like dyslexia for numbers
dsyxliec pepole itnrepert wrods dffierntly its hrader for tehm i.e. tiher brian cnat tlel the dfifrecne bteewen 'b' and 'd'
people with dyscalculia cant tell which number is bigger between 981258 and 971825 easily for example

>> No.9690780

I'd imagine that dyslexia is one of those problems that are going to become more bearable thanks to automation (e.g. voice-recognition software, outsourcing document-parsing to machines), and that the same would apply to dyscalculia.
Though this assumes that OP is in, or will eventually join, the workforce. If OP is NEET (not implausible given the accompanying image) then he can still enjoy the benefits of VR, but his dyscalculia will be less of an impediment, simply because there won't be that many obstacles in his life anyway.

>> No.9690814

Theres more types of dyscalculia. The basic thing is that you cant really learn math much, you have problems reading it, visualising it, counting and doing basic operations. With dyscalculia you can still learn math but it is impossible to get rid of these problems. So nomatter the time you spent doing math problems you will still be unable to for example visualise it. It is a lot more compelx than this but I cant be bothered because /sci/ doesnt believe in anything that is psychology related (even though IQ is psych) so I dont bother.

>> No.9690817

is occasional number flipping a mild case or does everyone do that
I also have difficulty maintaining accuracy and focus in long algebraic manipulations