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File: 49 KB, 624x268, rnd-systems-bulletin-telomeres.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9688703 No.9688703 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody here heard of telomerase ? Why isn't everybody talking about it?

>> No.9688707

Everyone has, it's a meme.

>> No.9688712


>> No.9688769

Because (((they))) don't want you to live forever
Only the elite are permitted
You thought Barbara Bush died? Lol

>> No.9688830

We’re getting real damn close to immortal people and super soldiers. I’m glad I work on plants so I won’t ever have to deal with the ethical issues.

>> No.9688853

Not all cells keep shortening the telomeres until they reach the Hayflick limit.
They're called "cancers".

Apparently, there's a trade-off between aging and not being eaten by tumors.
People SHOULD be talking about elephants.

>> No.9688980

kek but I'm a nigger living in a far island somewhere in the ocean actually, who would care about a shitskin living forever ? I can help them if they needed anyway...

>> No.9689058

Good ol' p53

>> No.9689110

What if we just had every successive generation engineered with longer fucking telomeres? Seems to me that while aging sucks, and so do tumors, being able to keep one relative "youth" even into the "age" of say 50 or 60, seems like a good way to work forward. I'm sure governments around the world might be happier knowing a populace could work until they're 140 before retiring, thats a fuckload more months of income taxes. Living longer may also make people not have such a rush to have children before they "feel old", again. It would constrain economic growth, meaning fewer smaller changes, but wouldn't lessen it much.
(Devil's bargain: ones senior years would also be extended, making pension payments stretch on for more years until ones death.)

>> No.9689277


>> No.9689318

Gracias, doctor!

>> No.9689344

It doesn't make you live forever you fucking highschooler it increases your chances of getting cancer.

>> No.9689418


>> No.9689488

I'm a PhD chemist, kill yourself idiot

>> No.9689495
File: 40 KB, 247x271, peter_griffin_goomba_by_allthestuffilike94-d51tvx3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

explain this image then

>> No.9689507

I won't, Don't tell em what to do.

>> No.9689509


>> No.9689692


>> No.9689751


>> No.9689988


>> No.9690002
File: 295 KB, 640x855, AGW_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can't even cure the cold or migraine headaches. We're not hitting immortality anytime soon.

>> No.9690016

If we think about it, the idea of death would be much scarier if immortality was possible.

>> No.9690020

If a cell can't die you get cancer

>> No.9690021

Like in a "why am I missing out if I don't have to?" or like an awareness trapped in a decomposing body feeling pain-type scenario?

>> No.9690045

dont be so mean i never did nothing to yu dude have a good day

>> No.9690136

You don't generally die from colds or migraine headaches.
Discomfort can be lived with, death can't be.

>> No.9690166

>Anybody here heard of telomerase

Yes, since the discovery of telomeres in 1933. Fuck I hate it when normies come here thinking they've discovered some amazing truth.

>> No.9690173

No, cancers generally happen for cells that reproduce, like skin cells.

Heart cells don't reproduce, which is why heart cancers are rare.

>> No.9690258
File: 56 KB, 960x640, anitfafu (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Immortality with migraines is far worse than any ancient definition of hell.

The point is, you really think that we'll learn to run the four minute mile as far as human life goes before we learn to crawl?

>> No.9690877


>> No.9690889

you mean 1980? kys
>this guys great grand father
We can't even travel to the deep of the ocean we won't be flying anytime soon.

>> No.9690986


>> No.9690994

>implying aging is caused by telomeres shortening.
>implying u know shit about mol bio
>implying that this is anywhere near as interesting as IPS cells

>> No.9690996

aging is more complex than telomeres

>> No.9690997


>> No.9692485


>> No.9693291

Doesn't solve ROS accumulation.
Doesn't solve organ-scale degradation.
The time that this *could* buy you, will be spent in an hospital ward, incapacitated and riddled with cancers.
I'd rather live a good life than a long one.

>> No.9693297

Then anon, you should probably kys. We want less niggers, not more.

>> No.9693620

To lengthen telomeres?

>> No.9693647

What about growing a copy of yourself in a lab then proceeding to a brain transplant? This seems easily achievable...

>> No.9694420

Good luck correctly attaching literally billions of nerve connections.

>> No.9694433

No you can't. Eventually you will get in a accident and die horribley. It's inevitable.

>> No.9694437

>Why bother living for 600 years instead of 80?
Hmm I wonder.

>> No.9694446

Nothing like working for eternity because you can never retire.

>> No.9694455

You really think people are going to have 9-5 jobs 600 years from now? Unless some major roadblock fucks technological development, it seems unlikely.

>> No.9694457

It's fine, you can go ahead and die. I've got stuff I want to do though.

>> No.9694472

Oooo 600 years of Netflix and jerking off. You aren't doing shit. Except being a complete pussy about reality.

>> No.9694482

Stopping telomere degradation doesn’t stop senescence, you fucking idiot. It will add a few decades, but that’s it.

>> No.9695369

but plants can feel pain
Ever ate some beans and then your ass is making fire? Thats plants being hurt

>> No.9695775

More like good luck doing it in time.

>> No.9695788

The CEO of BioViva has undergone a procedure to lengthen her telomeres.

Most people predict she we get multiple kinds of cancer in a few years because this process will likely interfere with the natural process of programmed cell death required to kill and remove defective cells.

>> No.9695789


that's a satisfying amount of jerkin off

>> No.9695995

immortal life is more precious so many people will bunker up and live in basements using pcs to work and spend free time or something

>> No.9696000

she also got myostatin inhibition going on so shell turn into hulk anytime soon

>> No.9696028

conflicting evidence on this but calorie restriction + tolemerase lengthening would avoid the extra cancer risk

>> No.9696175
File: 51 KB, 1280x720, why-aubrey-de-grey-takes-an-inte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9697709

dom neg mutations in p53 may cause cancer too nibba, maybe you don't want 7 copies