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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9688232 No.9688232 [Reply] [Original]

If IQ is a myth how do you know if you're smart or not? I like to think I'm smart because all my opinions are better than everyone else, but even obviously retarded people still think all their opinions are proven facts. Am I actually just as retarded as the people who look retarded to me?

>> No.9688233

>If IQ is a myth
It's not.

>> No.9688234

If you can pass a course in Real Analysis you're smarter than 99.99% of the population.

>> No.9688243

Nah, maybe 95%

>> No.9688258

>I'm I smart or silly?
Anon, I hate to break it to you...

>> No.9688266
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It was a typo, stfu and leave me alone?

>> No.9688436

A true measure of intelligence is the ability to use what you have to accomplish what you want.
so for example
that qt3.14 you want?
if you are intelligent you can get her
That degree you want?
If you are smart you can get it
To argue otherwise is to live in denial that you are a dumb shit

>> No.9688502

Could be.

See even high IQ people can be idiots in some ways. They can hold absolutely shit opinions and not acknowledge anything that disproves those ideas. They can think they can do anything and others will not be able to stop them as they are so fucking smart.

IQ is part of being smart but it isn't everything.

>> No.9688545


this is what's so funny about /sci/. they'll argue endlessly that racial differences in iq are due mostly to environmental factors

but if someone has a high iq and holds what /sci/ feels are "shit opinions", then they must not be "smart".

if someone has high iq and still has shitty opinions opinions, then don't you think that *this* is the case where environmental changes are necessary?

>> No.9688564


it's because of blatant hypocrisy like this that i find it hard to respect SJWs and their mission-from-god.

>> No.9688575

>If IQ is a myth how do you know if you're smart or not?
The question is
what will you do with the answer?

>> No.9688624


or perhaps i should call them social engineers. most of them probably know full well what they're doing.

>> No.9688820

Maybe IQ is incomplete, but it does measure something that can be useful for problem solving and can be considered as intelligence.

>> No.9688841

>Am I actually just as retarded as the people who look retarded to me?

>> No.9689672

IQ does have some accuracy, but it's definitely overrated

It shows how good you are at learning overall, plus minus 40 points

And the different parts tested could be different, and you can train to be good at iq like tasks specifically

The last three times I took and iq test around 154, 82 and 142 and most Internet tests set me around 123-138 so don't take it too seriously

>> No.9689684

>I like to think I'm smart
Just like every basic bitch thinks she's at least a 7.
Don't concern yourself with stupid shit and do something productive.

>> No.9690734

To be honest, I've always thought smart people are these people that know what's going on in the world, have logical political views, don't believe in conspiracy theories, know geography and history, write and talk correctly, have a hobby, like music, are not influenced by pop culture and can hold an argument. I've been browsing /sci/ for a few weeks now and I think the majority thinks if you know math then you're smart and if you don't you're a brainlet.

t. a brainlet

>> No.9690765

What you are describing is an intellectual. Any given intellectual may be intelligent in general or in some domains but they do not have a monopoly on being smart. It's entirely possible for a person to be largely ignorant, untraveled, unread, stubborn and yet be a genius or savant at whatever it is they give their time to.