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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 122 KB, 328x448, le woke science man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9687705 No.9687705 [Reply] [Original]

Was this guy the original meme scientist?
>spends more time on book signing and TV shows than hard research
>spoke at lengths out of his ass about stupid shit with no evidence that more closely resembled philosophical discussion than actual science, a la Michio Kaku
>only contributions to NASA was woke virtue signaling shit like the Golden Record
>constant euphoric fedora tipping about religion and muh nukes and muh conservatives
>believed in diverting funding away from science that actually matters to pseudoscience bullshit like SETI
>threw a hissy fit until NASA turned around Voyager to take a picture of Earth from really far away so he could make a pretentious statement about borders and politics, knowing full well the maneuver might compromise Voyager's ability to gather further scientific data

>> No.9687708

He was absolutely Reddit tier

>> No.9687711

And to add to his retardation about the politics he loved to speak so much about
>bitches about muh nukes and muh evil military men while ignoring the fact that said nukes and military men are the only thing keeping his stupid ass from speaking about little green men in Russian while waiting in a bread line

>> No.9687753

Why didn't they just put cameras on both sides?

>> No.9687769

If I recall correctly, the risk associated with turning Voyager around to take the photo wasn't in turning it around, it was that the camera was not designed to look directly at the Sun, and doing so could potentially damage the camera and/or some of the other scientific instruments aboard

>> No.9687771

4chan is full of autistic neckbeard contrarians. Obviously they will call a celebrity a meme

>> No.9687778

>celebrity scientist
Albert Einstein, Richard Feynman, Robert Oppenheimer. Scientists whose celebrity status was incidental, and only happened *because* of their outstanding contributions to science.
>meme scientist
Le Black Science Man, Kaku, Sagan, and others whose contributions to science are actually very meager. Their celebrity status comes only because they write pop-sci garbage that appeals to starry-eyed children and young adults who like to think they are smarter than they really are by watching documentaries on PBS. Often times said "scientists" like to discuss stupid irrelevant bullshit like alternate dimensions or string theory, or other stuff that makes stoners and Redditors go "science, fuck yeah!" but does very little to actually benefit humanity.

>inb4 hurrrrr they inspire people to become scientists!
99% of the people "inspired" to become scientists by people like Tyson or Sagan are far too stupid or lazy to actually become them. Most will switch majors by their second year, or graduate with a bachelor's and realize they're too stupid to do actual research and end up being a high school biology teacher instead. People who are actually intelligent and inspired enough to become scientists didn't decide to do it because someone on the Discovery Channel told them they could.

>> No.9687849
File: 221 KB, 290x393, 36245089-23F4-4402-AEA9-167794FF8667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It appears my supirriority has led to some controversy

>> No.9687878

NASA is such a bunch of fucking pussies, just fucking do it.

>> No.9687897
File: 790 KB, 680x823, E48AAF3F-BABA-422C-B0C3-3D1634DF06EF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even though the spacecraft were in the right spots, the instruments were still working beautifuly and there were no other pictures to take, some of the project personnel opposed it
>it “wasn’t science” they said
Come on son.

And how would you like your home to disintegrate in a nuclear fireball? Your oversimplifications belie the fact you have not read enough Sagan to give a thurough account of your subject. Why do you REALLY dislike Carl Sagan?

>> No.9687984
File: 209 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9688084

This is 100% true. Carle was a total memes scientist. Meme scientists are also fucking autistic. That whole "no boarders from space" thing? Autistic, humans have divded themselves since their existence for good reason. Wonder how that cuck world like to live in a monolithic singular dictatorship that was anti-science, with nowhere to run.

>> No.9688136

take that atheists

>> No.9688142

He did have a way of talking, I could listen to that guy forever.

He gets a pass, but the new generation of meme scientists should be dragged out and shot.

>> No.9688150

Juno, the billion dollar satellite, was almost sent to Jupiter without a camera because not science. They managed to hot glue one on in the end for outreach purposes

>> No.9688177

>people still don't understand why he wanted to do it
Humanity need to be taught humility, respect for itself as a species and respect for our planet. We are stuck in consumerism loop with countries trying to fuck each other over increasingly scarce resources to support such lifestyle, without even entertaining the idea of trying to move on to a better solutions.

>> No.9688251

If only it worked.

There's something I have been thinking about for a while, something to say to particularly the Christians who support the flat Earth.
David said it in one of the Psalms, "When I look to the heavens, the works of your fingers, the Moon and the stars which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him?"
David looked into the sky and wondered at what he saw and how insignificant we appeared.

Yet when faced with the true reality of how insignificant they are in the scale of the entire universe they build fucking walls around their comfortable reality, trying to cut it down to a size they can accept.
It's really nothing but ego. It shouldn't matter to them really either way, the more grand the universe is the more it would speak to their god's ability yet they can't summon the humility that David did. It's really quite amusing.

>> No.9688279

It was bound to fail really, especially considering Sagan was hopeless optimist, almost to the point of being naive in his believes. But it was a good try.

>> No.9688312
File: 75 KB, 600x1045, F919E8BD-B540-4037-AAF7-D24D7F103020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carl actually did a lecture series on theology and religion, later adapted into this book. To him, clinging to the pseudoscientific dogmas of ages past represents a modern “loss of nerve” before the true scale and grandeur of the Cosmos. This attitude of “my God is a small God and I want Him to stay that way” is rooted in the desire to be at the center of the Cosmos on a young world created exclusively for humans. It is a mark of maturity to accept all our astronomical evidence to the contrary.

Science and religion are reconcilable, but religions based on ancient supernatural rumors and antacdotes cannot be literally true in the light of new science. Scriptural literalists are letting “the truth” get in the way of a good story. By insisting you must unquestioningly believe in certain past events without having been there.

Not to be confused with paleontology, in which the principles of stratigraphy and radiometry cobble together a story which is always open to new questions, new methods and new evidence.

I feel bad too. Let’s all try for something better together.

>> No.9688720

You probably don't realize this because you're autistic, but the government and taxpayers don't tend to look at you very nicely if you destroy a multi-billion dollar government project because you wanted to take a pretty picture.

>> No.9688725
File: 58 KB, 479x720, 1404059360151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9688734

>woke virtue signaling shit like the Golden Record
>threw a hissy fit until NASA turned around Voyager
Youre retarded

>> No.9688737

Russia is our friend

>> No.9688750

Yes, really. Please, tell me what purpose the Golden Record served other than stupid virtue signalling bullshit. If you actually believe that there would be any intelligent life within a few light-years, or that anyone would randomly stumble upon a tiny space probe in the vast gulf of space, you are in no position to call anyone else retarded.

>> No.9688755

He literally did throw a fit tho. Most of the guys on the team didn't want to turn it around and possibly damage the camera but he kept pressuring them to do it so he could tip his fedora

>> No.9688758

>destroy a multi-billion dollar government project
retard, voyager only cost 250 million and the risk was very minor, strongest opposition was people saying that it didn't have any value to science.

>> No.9688764

>stupid virtue signalling bullshit.
in what way is it virtue signaling? is everything you dont like virtue signaling?

>> No.9688766

When I look for such an event I cant find anything showing he "threw a fit" he argued turning it around had very little cost and that the risk of damage was very small as far as I can tell. He didn't throw a tantrum like you do when mommy doesn't deliver your nuggies.

>> No.9688876

Nice argument. But can you post a schematic for the time machine it took to retrieve that meme from 2009?


Brainlets the lot of you!

>> No.9690012

not an answer