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9685703 No.9685703 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /sci/

I’m taking a manitory “gender studies” course for my bachelors in chemistry. The post doc teaching it did her PhD on some shit like queer identity in robotics and AI. What are some

What are some questions I should ask her relating to that field? You choose. OP will deliver

>> No.9685705

>I’m taking a manitory “gender studies” course for my bachelors in chemistry.
Which school for brainlets do you go to?

>> No.9685707

Look at that fucking PowerPoint slide. Just a wall of text. Fucking trash presentation for a trash course in a trash school, most likely

>> No.9685708

Mandatory based on federal law in the country of Austria. All STEM degrees must include one “gender studies” course according to our government.

>> No.9685709

>the absolute state of your uni

>> No.9685710

University of Vienna dumbass. Geniuses like Boltzmann taught here

>> No.9685711

Ask what are your views on using electroshock therapy to treat transgender mental disorder lol

>> No.9685735


The absolute state of uni in America in general.

>> No.9685738

ekeleregend uezs

>> No.9685741

Holy shit this looks so bad. I started reading the slides but it's just so much bullshit. If you have to tell your students they have to read in "Stillarbeit" your course is just shit. OMG it's like she's a kindergarten teacher.
> 3) what does science mean as a lifeform?
what the everloving fuck.

>> No.9685753

Wo studierst du?
Are you from germany? I never heard of mandatory gender studies courses in bachelors.

t. mechanical engineer at RWTH

>> No.9685755

Hopefully Kurz will fix this

>> No.9685766

Austrian law

t. Chemist at JKU

>> No.9685770

>Mandatory based on federal law in the country of Austria
When the government mandating something is the only reason it exists, since the free market would drop it instantly. No wonder these people all support big government.

>> No.9685774
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>> No.9685976


>> No.9685982

see >>9685708

>> No.9685991

Wait, your lecturer is Skrillex?

Good luck Austria.

>> No.9685995

not even in sweden shit is so fucked up

>> No.9685998
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I know one killer question that rapidly ends their neurosis roots.

"What is the difference between gender and sex?"

Ask it as innocently as possible. Then watch as this innocuous question unleashes the pressure pot.
Watch as it takes 9 years for it to be explained.
Watch as the class devolves into madness.
Laugh. Laugh like a loonatic that has pulled out the final piece of a Jenga tower. Laugh inside. As it all falls down.

>> No.9686016

Hi I regard myself as left of liberal and I would genuinely be interested in the reasoning behind having compulsory gender studies course in a STEM bachelors degree. Is it an entire semester? And it's law?? What do Austrian people think of it?

Does it have to do with pedagogy or just making people aware of gender disparity?

"While acknowledging there is gender disparities in the workspace for those pursuing careers in the field, do you think think gender of the researcher affects the working results of science and engineering even if principles are followed?"

>> No.9686024

>*bullshit philosophy*-ism
>*bullshit philosophy*-ist
>*ego stroking one liners for the in group*

>> No.9686029



>> No.9686032

>Then watch as this innocuous question unleashes the pressure pot.
>Watch as it takes 9 years for it to be explained.
>Watch as the class devolves into madness.
Sex is your sex chromosomes and their biological expression. Gender is the matrix of social attitudes, perceptions and expectations surrounding biological sex.

>> No.9686033

idk that one would be pretty easily answered actually

>> No.9686043

then we should drop gender completely, just use sex
More precise that way, more scientific.
If we could do that with everything that'd be great.

>> No.9686045

Sex is the act of sexual intercourse and the biological expression of gender. And gender can also be defined to determine a set of cultural norms surrounding a persons biological sex. Expolating that to 'how I feel' determines my gender is an entirely new interpretation. If I feel like Captian Birdseye that does not make me Captain Birdseye; it makes me insane. It is this distinction that people are having trouble with and contesting; and with good reason.

>> No.9686048

Ask her why robots should have gender if they aren't able to do what gender evolved for, that is identify a member of the opposite sex to replicate

>> No.9686051

if your sex robot identifies as a lesbian does a white male having sex with it count as rape?

>> No.9686062

Ask her why should a gender be assigned to a sexless being, if all the fuss around gender only brings suffering?

Wouldn't it be more compassionate to allow this artificial being to be free from this mere social construct which is a source of so much pain to so many humans?

Why would you want to impose a social construct over a creature that a priori has the collective permission of the culture to be sexless and therefore genderless?

>> No.9686064
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>then we should drop gender completely, just use sex
>More precise that way, more scientific.
Not really, if what you're trying to study is "the matrix of social attitudes, perceptions and expectations surrounding biological sex." Then that's the concept you should be dealing with, and not sex

>> No.9686065

If the on board computer of an attack helicopter identifies as a gay person of colour does that mean that it is no longer able to oppress people of colour in a theatre of war?

>> No.9686074

Since gender is equivalent to sex under one definition, the two words should be interchangable.

>> No.9686077

I guess that counts as social science but it's not exactly objective,you can't really study it and get real answers.

>> No.9686085

If senient AI is achieved would imposing an arbitrary gender assignment on it not violate its autonomy? Should AIs be equipped with the ability to choose its own gender therefore and how should this subroutine be developed and why?

Whatt if the infinitely powerful AI decided that the concept of gender assignment to a non-biogical entity was illogical and waste of memory space and then sought to eliminate all gender studies lecturers from college campuses in order to preserve its own integrity. Would you support its right to enforce its gender neutral identity in this manner? And why not?

>> No.9686086

Is that true? Because I just finished my BSc in Chemistry in Vienna. Never had to do any such courses.

>> No.9686091
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Ask her what's the gender of Sophia the AI robot.


>> No.9686127

/pol/ out
no shit they would just say.
"sex is determined by your chromosomes and gender is how masculine/feminine you are among other things"

>> No.9686239

Why would AI have a need for a gender?
Sexual preference is sexual discrimination. We can do better and design preference out of the system. Then there's no need for gender identity and appears to render a gender studies course irrelevant.

>> No.9686248
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>easily answered

Consider the following.

-"For You."-

>> No.9686260

>in 2018 Anno Domini

>> No.9686262

>In 2018 Anno Domini.


>> No.9686276
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>Morgan Webb

>> No.9686279

>Direct to Eye Virtual/Augmented Reality.
>In 2018 Anno Domini


>> No.9686286

>Direct to Nervous System Targeted Reading.
>Anno Digitalis Rex 2018


>> No.9686292

>Direct to Nervous System Writing, reading and editing.
>Anno Magis Eternum. #?????


>> No.9686302


>> No.9686311
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/sci/ is a Sith board..."We only deal with absolutes"

Sex is sex, and is a determinitic value, you are male or female, there is nothing between them.

Gender is a subjetive concept based on what people believe is sex, and this kind of discussion, under the scientific background...or High ground,,,,should be banned.

>> No.9686327
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>Speeding up preception and simultaniously overclocking the simulations so time lasts longer to rapidly "upload, download and edit" brain data and thus train geniuses in minutes where it once took years.

>Anno Junctiones AXq10%:/'=+3©®@


>> No.9686342

Fool. The "Thing" that would emerge from that wouldn't be human anymore.
You would be an ant compared to that thing. IQ cannot fathom something that has lived for a thousand years dedicated soley to study. I doubt a persons brain could handle it. Dangerously stupid and equal parts incredibly smart.

>> No.9686359

What about intersex people then? Or so called super males and super females?

While human biology is simple compared to many other species it isn't exactly simple.

>> No.9686360
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>"the matrix of social attitudes, perceptions and expectations surrounding biological sex."
>the matrix
how much more pretentious can social science become? Throw in some word to make it sound more technical. You are not going to sound serious.

>> No.9686362
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Non-Sense. Some of the best kinds of people go off for vast quantities of time to study. They always argue it is never enough. So why not push the limits?

>> No.9686365
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>> No.9686368

But you can't. You can't DO this. This is cheating! Fucking uncalled for. Unneccesary! On what fucking grounds can you give the authority. The audacity! To change anything about how things are suppossed to be done!

>> No.9686372

Genetically you cant be a "intersexed" being.

Nature commit mistakes, shit happens, you know? intersexed people arent naturally functional, socially maybe, but not in the natural way.

This is the main problem trying to socialize everything, society must be ruled by nature, yes there must be inclusion for everybody, but the basic rules must be based on nature, and this should be left untouched, I mean just understanding nature by the scientific method, not by cultural or subjetive ways.

>> No.9686373
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>> No.9686384
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Oho! Never play defense

>> No.9686394


>> No.9686462

You're a madman. A madman!

>> No.9686558

>tfw your school threw thousands of euros out for smart whiteboards (the projector touch thing).
>teacher have no clue how to use them
>at the smallest beam of sunlight there unreadable

i just wanted a blackboard it so much easier for the eyes than some ugly reflective whiteboard

>> No.9686602
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Ask why Jews are considered oppressed when they have such overrepresentation, power, and privileged.

>> No.9686695

Ask why we just keep coming up with more sexual identities and if Moore's law applies.

>> No.9686856 [DELETED] 
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Why are there so many women in medicine? Like 8 out of 10 students are female. Do men don't like it? It's a highly competitive field, it's not like some effeminate shit like nursery.

>> No.9687108


go Osterreich!

>> No.9687262

well apparently fags like pic related teach there now lol

nice school faggot.

>> No.9687281

Is getting a bullshit degree like "gender in [actually useful industry]" just a way to trick some sort of hiring algorithm?

>> No.9687858

No wonder Vienna is a Muslim shithole