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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 394 KB, 2496x1872, elon-musk-had-a-hilarious-response-when-his-cousin-asked-for-a-tesla-discount.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9682767 No.9682767 [Reply] [Original]

Physicist or engineer /sci/? Elon Musk thinks the engineer wins every time.

>> No.9682773

Elon Musk is also retarded and knows nothing about both of those professions

>> No.9682777
File: 31 KB, 270x360, 1523072961918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More arrogance from autist boy wonder

>> No.9682787

Engineers are arrogant douche bags, but this is why people like them better:

Engineer: I build shit
General Public: Oooo I like shit

Scientist: I investigate reality
General Public: Can you make me something?
Scientist: I don't know yet
General Public: This is a waste of tax payers money because I don't understand.

>> No.9682800

There's no reason for a scientist not to learn how to apply their research to "make stuff".

>> No.9682807

So fuck fundamental science and only fund applied science?

If we do not understand a system and how it functions then how can you know what to do with it?

Thank you for being an example of how people do not understand science

>> No.9682808

>Engineer: I build shit
>General Public: Oooo I like shit


>> No.9682817
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Why this hostility between theoreticians and practitioners?

>> No.9682826

We still love you and acknowledge your value :3

t. Your best friends, the engineers

>> No.9682837


Thanks dude

Let's go build some shit that might not work.
I make nanoparticles... want some?

>> No.9682844
File: 5 KB, 241x209, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny, he says that even though he has a Physics degree and not an Engineering one

>> No.9682904

From an engineer's perspective:

Engineer: I build this niche item
Public: How does this affect me?
Engineer: It could be in consumer item x in the future
Public: mite b cool

Scientist: I hypothesize about this niche topic.
Public: How does this affect me?
Scientist: I am literally incapable of applying my work to the real world.
Public: That's nice.

>> No.9682908

Swole Everytime

>> No.9682920

No. I'm saying in an instance where it can be applied there's no reason a scientist cannot apply it them selves.
Calm your autism.

>> No.9682992

This. Musk is a businessman.

>> No.9682999

Kys 9fag

>> No.9683000

physicists are not scientists

>> No.9683123

you're really clueless aren't you

>> No.9683231
File: 50 KB, 500x553, tumblr_o7gu3nu9uj1u09zgwo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw all these asshurt physicucks
I'll order a #2 with fries, and make it quick.

>> No.9683239
File: 85 KB, 707x500, 1510042820129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you shut your mouth

>> No.9683245

Musk is a hack. His job isn't science or space, his job is to convince everyone capitalism is amazing and flawless despite the fact if it wasn't for government gibs he'd be out of a job.

>> No.9683274
File: 271 KB, 1600x1200, Bezmenov_subversion_chart_redrawn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything I don't like is because of capitalism

Absolutely subversive.

You are against freedom for those you perceive to be below you.

>> No.9683289

Physicist here. OP is a faggot.
I hate teaching physics to engineers who won't even bother learning how to use vectors properly.

>> No.9683330

Mathematician here.
I hate teaching math to physishits who won't even bother to use vectors properly.

>> No.9683340

there are theorems in algebraic topology and category theory that have immediate real world applications, so don't go "hurr it's fundamental sciende" on me. It's just that physicists are all brainlets.

>> No.9683387

He's a retarded fag, what did you expect from a retarded fag?

>> No.9683398
File: 235 KB, 465x700, 1522885278009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because he is literally a brainlet. No advanced studies, no carrer, no scientific comprehension of what he does.

>> No.9684490

Engineers: I make shit
General public: Ooo cool

Physicist: I study shit
General public: Should we care?
Physicist: .. yes (not really)
General public: ... ok

Physics research being fruitful is VERY rare. Engineering, by its nature, is useful to somebody.

>> No.9684511

Societal collapse. Who would you rather have?

>> No.9684531

>all physics is particle physics with colliders
does he even know anything about physics

>> No.9684676

>Physics research being fruitful is VERY rare

>> No.9684682

a mix between both

>> No.9684796

He's on point though, if physics want to advance it will need the engineering capable of giving us machines to see beyond our current vision.

>> No.9684825

Physics are low skilled (aka brainlet) pretentious engineers

>> No.9684834

>I don't know yet
>implying they ever will
hahahah fuck off see>>9684825
I would say the good phycist are the matemeticians and the engineeers

>> No.9684877

Engineering student here. I hate all of my peers but I can't tell if that's because they're majoring in engineering or because my autism makes me hate everyone.

>> No.9684967

I'm a math student and I'd kill to fucking hang with engineers. These people are so far up their own ass.

Damn i'm probably a normie.

>> No.9685170

>not doing both