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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9682467 No.9682467 [Reply] [Original]

>prof starts telling a joke

>> No.9682480
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>prof starts to get political

>> No.9682496
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>Prof thinks he is a top

>> No.9682499
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>algebra prof puts on finite simple group of order 2

>> No.9682501

>prof spending 40 minutes on a integral to calculate it completely

>> No.9682506

>prof spending 30 minutes drawing the structure and never being able to complete a problem in class

>> No.9682509

>prof doesn't use the schools online assignment management system

>> No.9682511
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>prof smiles at you in a non classroom context

>> No.9682512

>prof never uses the internet and responds to emails a week after

>> No.9682524

>run into professor at the bar
>he buys you a drink

>> No.9682527
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>> No.9682566
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>prof you wanted to bang sees you on the street and is with her 7ft alpha husband and you know her well since you were her star pupil and went to her office hours often and met up for coffee with her that one time off campus so you can't just wave hi you have to get into a conversation at least for a little bit and it's fucking 9am and you haven't had your coffee and cigarette yet so you're pretty out of it and you're saying weird shit and her husband looks at you condescendingly and you think wtf has become of my life and why did I want to break my profs family apart and did I even have a chance to do so fucking christ.

>> No.9682573


>> No.9682579


>> No.9682631
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>prof suggests the class visit him during office hours

>> No.9682635

>prof makes it one of the required assignments to visit him during office hours

this is even worse

>> No.9682647

>office hours conflict with other courses

>> No.9682658

>prof calls you a brainlet

>> No.9682660

>prof's office hours are the 5 minutes after class ends, according to the syllabus

>> No.9682683

>go through college thinking you'll never be THAT GUY on group projects
>mismanage time and become THAT GUY

>> No.9682711

>proceed to ignore all texts and email from the group about the project. wait till a week before the month-long project is due to gather altogether to see what everyone else has done and hope for the best knowing you didn't do jack shit.

>> No.9682727

Couple weeks into calculus 1 now, doing well, already past the chain rule and beyond. Quotient rule was a joke. Product rule remains my specialty.

I ask my professor his thoughts on quantum mechanics and partial derivatives. He's impressed i know about the subject. We converse after class for some time, sharing mathematical insights; i can keep up. He tells me of great things ahead like series and laplacians. I tell him i already read about series on wikipedia. He is yet again impressed at my enthusiasm. What a joy it is to have your professor visibly brighten when he learns of your talents.

And now I sit here wondering what it must be like to be a brainlet, unable to engage your professor as an intellectual peer. All of the deep conversations you people must miss out on because you aren't able to overcome the intellectual IQ barrier that stands in the way of your academic success... it's so sad. My professor and I know each other on first name basis now, but i call him Dr. out of respect.

And yet here you brainlets sit, probably havent even made eye contact with yours out of fear that they will gauge your brainlet IQ levels.

A true shame, but just know it is because i was born special that i am special. I can't help being a genius, nor can my professor. Two of a kind is two flocks in a bush.

>> No.9682760
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>> No.9682828

i had a qt blonde young mother for a professor of a humanities class one time. i was in her office getting a quick rundown of a class i missed, and she happened to mention she thought the textbook was extremely leftist and i about came in my pants right there.

>> No.9682852

>every department has it's own system for assignments

>> No.9682855

What is it with americans and office hours?
What do you even do there?

>> No.9682858
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>Exercise contains jab on Trump

>> No.9682865

>have to pay to do the homework

>> No.9682867

too heavy-handed

>> No.9682868

ITT: Ultra turbo autists

>> No.9682875


>> No.9682882

I can't top that desu
Truly, the us is a land of most freedoms

>> No.9682886

nice pasta yum

>> No.9682889

>Prof spends the first five minutes derriving the proof for fermis golden rule writing as fast as he can, since "its all very obvious and intuitive"
>spends the last full 30 minutes explaining the phase differences in a mach zehnder interferometer as if it were super complicated shit
>bonus: wonders why people start to get restless and start leaving the room after 25 minutes of interferometer

>> No.9683356

I've got a professor from Russia that has huge tits. What do?,

>> No.9683369


>> No.9683374


>> No.9683379

>professor gets offended when somebody gets up to take a phone call
She always makes a big deal out of it

>> No.9683424


>> No.9683431

How do I get to that stage without becoming a sex offender?

>> No.9683435

>prof wakes you up by causing loud laughter with a joke about sleeping students

>> No.9683439

>prof. krustchev, may I motorboat you please?


thank you.

>> No.9683630

>prof mentions that he's sexist

>> No.9683772


>> No.9683864

"Я юб твю cиcьки"

>> No.9683897

pls stop

>> No.9683909
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>> No.9683913

Nigga you think I speak that?

>> No.9683933
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If you have questions about something during lecture or the classwork, you can stop by and get help.

Also it's good to introduce yourself and be more than just a random face in the lecture hall. You can also just shoot the shit with them and get to know each other, especially if you're interested in their research.

Feel it out though and don't be an autist.

>> No.9684007
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>prof starts telling stories about his childhood on the farm

>> No.9684042


This is mostly non-sensical

>> No.9684070
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>went to lectures for Fourier analysis
>stayed for comfy stories and intriguing history lessons

>> No.9684178
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>first class
>"the textbook for this course is the one i wrote"

>> No.9684543

I want to wring your fucking neck you bastard

>> No.9684564

yeah, this. I hate my manlet algebra teacher
didnt happen to my, but i thought i saw my higchool teacherfu in my uni today, went to say hello and wasnt her

>> No.9684575
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>professor's mom dies
>he sends an email explaining the situation and why he can't make it to class today
>>>professor's mom dies at least once every semester

>> No.9684581

>he has the same professor every semester

>> No.9684595

>Doesn't go to a uni where the professor teaches the entire sequence of a subject

Having the same (good) professor for the entire calculus sequence was badass

>> No.9684599

someone did this in a group project of mine once. reported them. rest of the group agreed that person did nothing, and they got 0 on the project.

felt good man, especially watching him tear up like a little bitch when we told him

>> No.9684604

I'm not a mathfag anon, but I could see that being useful

>> No.9684612

Not every semester, but I learned through friends taking his class (after I had taken it) that he told the exact same story.
What's more, one senior I talked to mentioned it happened to him too.

but i mean, most people view that professor as if he were a hobo that somehow got into a teaching position, so his classes were p shitty (although sometimes fun)

>> No.9684614

>professor tells joke
>class average for tests sinks
>lectures are shit
>retain nothing
I've found that any professor that's remotely funny has shit lectures where the book helped more than notes

>> No.9684620

Absolutely this
Either that or the class is fuck off easy and a funny professor is welcome

>tfw the professor's assistants teach better than him

>> No.9684623
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>it's a professor trips over something episode

>> No.9684627
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>it's a professor makes a joke and no one gets it but you episode

>> No.9684637
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>Professor vocally questions if anyone gives a fuck about what he's teaching
genuinely sad

>> No.9684645
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>prof asks question and replies with "nope that's wrong anyone else?" when you give a long genuinely thought out answer.

>> No.9684648

>it's for some stupid core requirement in a subject that stops being useful the day after the final
Just give me and everyone else who doesn't want to be there a B+ and we can start having fun in class

>> No.9684667
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>Professor asks for volunteers
>"How about you in the back"

>> No.9684669
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>Exercise is a movie reference

>> No.9684678
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>professor asks if everyone can hear him from the back
>won't continue the lecture until someone answers him

>> No.9684683
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alright /sci/, it's time to tell you about the worst professor i've had the pleasure of meeting

>professor misses half his classes
>when he does go, he, instead of teaching, talks about women, football, politics and his life story
>is very unintuitive on the rare ocasions he does mention anything about what he's supposed to be teaching, "you have to learn how to think guys"
>day of the test, puts things that aren't even on the class' curriculum, lets us use the source material freely, still hard as fuck
>test lasts more than one day, skips class on the day he's supposed to give the other half of the test
>doesn't review students' tests, gives notes arbitrarily
>once, literally everyone on his class failed, even after final exams
>manages to singlehandedly make the course's national grade (something exclusive to the country, i think) drop one whole point
>departments fight over to NOT have him teach/be affiliated to them
>he doesn't even do any fucking research, he just teaches two of these shitty classes
>when asked why he's even a professor if his other job pays him much more, "because it's fun"

if someone from my university is reading this, AVOID THIS MAN

>> No.9684684
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>professor barely speaks English

>> No.9684693

>professor barely speaks english
>teaches a course with plenty of non-english words (i.e. math or anything science)
>even worse to understand

>> No.9684702

What did he teach anon, and what Uni

>> No.9684721

Never heard of a test being given over two days, that's brutal.

>gives notes arbitrarily

Assuming you're German? In English "Noten" is translated as "grades".

>> No.9684723

>60-70yo professor makes a linear algebra problem in the exam out of a tennis contest
>the name of the players are names of classmates (only includes men)
>next class a girl asks if he can write one of those but with women instead for the next exam
>"sure, I'll think of a cooking contest"
>everyone looks shocked, only I'm holding back laughter

>> No.9684727

kek that's awesome

>> No.9684729

Circuits I and II (basically deducing differential equations for arbitrary RLC circuits (sometimes with diodes and hidden transformers) on I, and triphasic circuits on II)

UFRGS (brazil, so it's harder to fire him)

i passed both first try, but it was a fucking filter/roadblock on 95% of students when i was on his class

>> No.9684732


>> No.9684772
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>prof starts telling a joke

>> No.9684782

Idk how many of these are real but I had a professor who bragged about leaving the NSA's "top position" to become a professor. He would bring it up almost class.

Whenever anyone in the class talked at the same time as him, he would slowly put his chalk down and sit at the desk staring blankly for 30seconds. And then he would go "I dont have to be here. I could make A LOT more money at my NSA position. You are here for you, to learn and have a future. If you arent going to quiet down and behave, Im not going to teach."

Its an okay lecture a few times but doing it 6 times a month really kills the impact it has and makes him seem like a snot

>> No.9684792 [DELETED] 
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>tfw you waited for 45 minutes and they didn’t show up

>> No.9684804

a good day for anon

>> No.9684846

>being reddit

>> No.9684854

>professor is the exact person that comes to mind when you see "Iamdevloper" because of his accent
peace be upon your Moroccan ass, Mr. tech teacher I can't remember

>> No.9684858


>> No.9684861
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>professor starts talking about when he worked with mainframes and teletypes
one time this guy's boss calculated some figures that management needed by hand, and they told him "that's all fine and dandy but we need the computer to give us the accurate numbers", so he just typed in the numbers and gave them some formatting and had the computer print them on green bar paper

>> No.9684889
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>the colloquium speaker makes gay jokes

>> No.9684903

>that indian TA
>speech is uninterpretable
>writes microscopically to fit everything on one whiteboard
>smells wierd

>> No.9684906

Not me, dude. T b h i'm not even in computer/energy/control&automation engineering, so i literally took tristão's class without knowing what i was getting myself into the first time. it was extracurricular, i did it on a whim the first time, the second time i said "what the hell, might as well finish it". thank god, never again.

since we're here, can i ask you if you know alceu? how bad is he?

>> No.9684926

I'm not Brazilian, I just have a Brazilian friend, he does simulations for weather and shit

>> No.9685111
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>Director of Diversity and Inclusion makes a "White people don't season their chicken" joke

>> No.9685129
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>Prof apologizes in advance for assuming there are two genders when doing a cartesian product problem.

>> No.9685165

Hey my group did that to me once, I asked some dudeos and they let me in last minute. Still failed though, it was half the grade.
I wasn't in a good place.

>> No.9685184

he meant grades, yes

>> No.9685186

Didn't reply to those posts on >>>/b/

>> No.9685238

Absolute mad man

>> No.9685244
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>> No.9685287
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>New English lit prof
>first thing she says is that rape is not okay in her class
>she uses the expressions "its like" and "you know" every two statements

>> No.9685302

>grad student gives seminar talk
>mentions differential something
>calls the nabla symbol nambla
>based female prof jokes about nambla after the talk
STEM professors are still free to have humor.

>> No.9685348


>> No.9685354

Damn, that is based

>> No.9685362
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>professor hands out candy to students who ask good questions

>> No.9685364
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>"Alright class I hope you are ready for your test that you can only take with your specialized student id verified led writing utensil, your custom carbon dated university edition scantron, and your ti-83x limited edition university calculator that only operates from your nid input wifi signal access. And good luck."

>> No.9685365

the funny thing is the company that makes all the shit isn't American, it's British (Pearson)

>> No.9685369

>Programming prof is a fucking weeb and puts anime references in his lectures
You can’t make this shit up

>> No.9685373

>those trips

I love how places like Modena and Paris are considered the epitome of gastronomic tradition, yet white cucks and anti-whites will say shit like this.

>> No.9685382

>manages to accurately throw it to the far end of lecture hall

>> No.9685449

>Prof is like 80 years old
>teaches infamously hard pchem class
he was alive when this stuff was made.jpg
>average on midterm is 35%
>very proof heavy lectures since he is based
>starts every proof with 'smart money says...'
>ends every proof with 'ooohh mama!'
>talks about how paul dirac was autistic and schroedinger was a pervert
>parents weekend a mom is sitting in class reading the newspaper
>yells "put that down you slut!'
>talks about his sexscapades in france during office hours
>talks about how his frat was kinky and they drank blood
>'anyone can do GR if they aren't a slob'

>> No.9685523

Being a tenured professor must be so based.

>> No.9685760

I once had a TA tell me about his experience of banging an ugly girl under a bridge in a foreign country bareback. He then described in detail how the first thing he did after was get his friends and take them to the spot so he could regale them with the tale.

>> No.9685899

>prof starts yelling about white genocide and cultural marxism and how the jews are out to get him

>> No.9685934

irl /pol/ leakage much?

>> No.9685938

>TA puts Monthy Python references in his lectures.

>> No.9686428

>prof spending 5 minutes on an integral he made up on the spot
>moves on to another more complicated integral that takes him 3 minutes to complete
>"it's really not that hard"

>> No.9686430

based. But it never happened

>> No.9686437

>professor passes around a box of tic tacs every class

>> No.9686457

That is a pretty decent pasta.

>> No.9686463

I have week long nightmares and constant anxiety attacks if I ever answer a question wrong.

>> No.9686464

>not dropping the class immediately if the Professor isn't a white male (or an autistic white female)

>> No.9686465
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>prof buys you beer and pizza cause he wants to be known as the cool prof

>> No.9686475

>Professor starts cooking sausages in class, hands them out to students and uses them to demonstrate stress.

>> No.9686478

you don't

>> No.9686486

homework help plus ass-kissing for good rec letters later

>> No.9686552

"plz gib milkies :DD"

>> No.9686581

So THIS is The chad professor

>> No.9686791

> professor uses age of empires 2 as an example, including several screenshots

>> No.9686807

>minor recurring program course about teamwork etc includes blatant psuedoscience from "power CEO" type lecturer
>female departement head responsible for booking the CEO has blatant chemistry with him

>> No.9686837

women were a mistake

>> No.9686904

There were a lot of other bullshit in that course, so it wasn't all because of chad

Or her course in microbiology where the assigned reading for the exam was 70% of the 900 page book
> tfw passed on a reexam I never even attended
I made sure to not mention that fact to the ex military muscle man in my class who happened to share my first name, just in case

>> No.9686936

>professor has an ounce of weed taped to the back

>> No.9687453
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>professor forces us to sit through "Big Bang Theory Funny Moments"
I'm thankful that all the work is online

>> No.9687484

It's so fucking awkward. I've had it happen once in an intro class. Never again. Poor French prof.

>> No.9687490
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>professor burbs in class

>> No.9687502

>prof has desktop set to 800x600 resolution

>> No.9687509

>prof jumps on tables and screams at people

>> No.9687534

>professor who was your undergrad supervisor says hi
>asks you what you are studying
>have to reveal you didn't go into his field
He looked a bit disappointed desu

>> No.9687543

>german assistant professor wants you to do your bachelors thesis in swedish instead of english just so he can practice his horrible swedish skills

>> No.9687549
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This hits a little too close to home senpai

>> No.9687563

based, hope he has tenure

>> No.9687582

>prof, or any professional type person for that matter, says "touch base" when they talk about meeting up with someone

>> No.9687639

>would anyone like to explain how they got their answer?
>how about (You)

>> No.9687867
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you sweet summer child

>> No.9687872
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>when your faculty director ends up banging one of the grad student while married and ends up marrying that student after a nasty divorce

>> No.9688015

nigga half the european countries plus then the other half of rest of the world say notes too

>> No.9688022
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>TA cute as fuck
>slowly over the semester learn more and more about his lifestyle
>there's no doubt, he's a flaming gay, yoga avocado toast and everything
>warm up to him in office hours and start to talk like we're old friends
>pull out some flirting once in a while, he's into it and flirting back
>getting ready to ask him to go out for dinner or something
>one day we're doing a problem on the board in his office, he starts talking about his apartment and how it's organized
>holy fuck i guess i'm about to see it huh
>"yeah now that my girlfriend is moving in, i've had to clean my shit up"
>fucking girlfriend
>"y-yeah i know how it is dude"
i dont know how it is

>> No.9688029

nigga that's GAY

>> No.9688053
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>How many UC Berkeley graduates does it take to make a decaf latte?

>> No.9688066

rude, please specify "non-EECS uc berkeley students" next time

>> No.9688067

are you the 'why the homophobia' faggot?

please stop that

>> No.9688078

Also, based on what you've said, I think your TA is still probably gay, despite "having a girlfriend".

You probably should have showed him your dick right then and there. Isn't that how faggots court one another?

>> No.9688337

>rape is not okay in her class
I'd be worried if that wasn't the case

>> No.9689048

wtf is your problem

>> No.9689564

I'm uncultured swine. All my german friends make this mistake though so I jumped to conclusions.

>> No.9690333
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i'm not that shithead
but also you know i have to do it now, right?
Why the homophobia?

i mean maybe, but since she was moving in it's not really rectifiable
some people are just flaming homos while still being literally straight around here
in any case, after that i started noticing things about him which annoyed me since the rose tinted glasses came off. so it wouldn't matter anyway.

>> No.9690771

>>9689048 sweet summer child

>> No.9690825
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>calc 3 prof randomly goes on for the next 10mins talking about p vs np problem.

>> No.9690833

>needs a last panel saying "snek"

>> No.9690834

summer has started early this year I see

>> No.9690838
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>general chem 1
>prof wants us to locate sigma/pi bonds on a molecule
>uses Viagra molecule

>> No.9690869

It's true though

>> No.9690874

lol only among whites, no one outside of white populations goes to Paris for the food you faggot

>> No.9692360
File: 8 KB, 147x190, FB_IMG_1508374680437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a professor looking visibly confused at their computer until they give in and reluctantly call up the college IT department to send someone over episode

>> No.9692372
File: 92 KB, 866x1300, 2346648-A-Black-man-in-a-Army-jacket-with-a-gun-isolated-on-a-white-background--Stock-Photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one student who asks dumb questions during lectures instead of vising the prof during office hours or looking up the answer themselves

>> No.9692374

>manages to singlehandedly make the course's national grade (something exclusive to the country, i think) drop one whole point

what an absolute chad

>> No.9692415
File: 17 KB, 479x490, yall mind if i enforce lebensraum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prof at my uni doesn't give out course schedules or exam dates
>doesn't tell us what the readings are
>gives in-class exams on nonsensical shit like what his favourite 90's rap albums are
>constantly goes off the curriculum to talk smack about the students in his own class
>one lecture had two chinese exchange students sitting at the back of the class
>prof goes off on a 40-minute tangent to talk about the tienanmen square protests and the south china sea disputes
>visit him during office hours
>surrounded by unfinished work (we're talking stacks of paper the height of a whole person), just sits on his ass watching football
>doesn't even have an email address for students/faculty to contact him, gives out his phone number instead
>said to the class out loud that he can get away with whatever he wants because he's a senior professor on the verge of retirement that's had tenure for almost 40 years and he could bring down the whole damn department with him at a moment's notice if he wished

>> No.9692717 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 418x359, 8bitpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prof is easily 80+
>starts with hard examples to explain things
>thought the superbowl was on a Wednesday
>can't comprehend the questions that the retarded kids throw at him
>kid behind me got [math]3x^{2}[/math] when he tried to differentiate [math]\frac{1}{3}x^3
>no car door to slam my head in

>> No.9692720 [DELETED] 

>prof is easily 80+
>starts with hard examples to explain things
>thought the superbowl was on a Wednesday
>can't comprehend the questions that the retarded kids throw at him
>kid behind me got 3x2 when he tried to differentiate [math]\frac{1}{3}x^3[/math]
>no car door to slam my head in

>> No.9692731
File: 17 KB, 418x359, 8bitpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prof is easily 80+
>starts with hard examples to explain things
>thought the superbowl was on a Wednesday
>can't comprehend the questions that the retarded kids throw at him
>kid behind me got [math]3x^{2}[/math] when he tried to differentiate [math]\frac{1}{3}x^3[/math]
>no car door to slam my head in

>> No.9692771

everyone knows french cuisine is good you literal nigger

>> No.9692792

what class
>that guy who acts like he's better than everyone else but still goes to the lectures

>> No.9692803

My computer science professor does this almost every fucking day, lol I stopped coming cause he was such an annoying cunt

>> No.9692831

Do you have a good proof of Fermi's golden rule? I've been looking for one that isn't the sinc density function. It seems super sketchy.

>> No.9692851

> Computer logic design
> Prof misses classes
> Doesn't know how to solve the problems
> Makes us grade eachother's tests during class

>> No.9692870

Maybe he has trauma over the event, man youre an asshole.

>> No.9692909

>in any case, after that i started noticing things about him which annoyed me since the rose tinted glasses came off. so it wouldn't matter anyway.

>> No.9692927
File: 92 KB, 384x313, 532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a 400-level politics class, just doing it for my minor. Plus the guy doesn't even use moodle or computers at all. Last week, i went to visit him during office hours to get my final course grade, but he lost the course grades so I just got a piece of paper with "92%, A-" scribbled on it (which I'm fairly sure he just made up on the spot) before being abruptly told to get out of his office because the Arsenal game was about to start

>> No.9692936
File: 39 KB, 620x682, #TonyLad watches another boat sink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prof shows a youtube video to the class
>forgets to turn off autoplay
>whole class begins a crescendo as the timer gets closer to the next video
>TA leaps out of her seat like some kind of bomb disposal expert and stops the timer right before it ends

lucky cunt

>> No.9692944


>> No.9692951

>>starts every proof with 'smart money says...'
>>ends every proof with 'ooohh mama!'


>> No.9693130

i fucking love when this happens, it's so funny

>> No.9693476
File: 40 KB, 570x574, 1494115561967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds good, enjoy those classes anon.

>> No.9693493

so what were his favorite 90s rap albums? I sure hope it was the infamous

>> No.9693494


No you dumb cum colored snow nigger, no one outside of the white meme upper class cares about Paris or its food

>> No.9693511

BBBBBBBBBUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRBBBBBBBBBBB snnnnniiiiiiffffffffffff...oh yes my dear....sssnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff....quite pungent indeed...is that....dare I say....sssssssnniff...eggs I smell?......sniff sniff....hmmm...yes...quite so my darling....sniff....quite pungent eggs yes very much so .....ssssssssssssssnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiffffff....ah yes...and also....a hint of....sniff....cheese.....quite wet my dear....sniff...but of yes...this will do nicely....sniff.....please my dear....another if you please....nice a big now.... BBBBBBUUUUUUURRRRRRRBBBBBBBBBBBBBBUUUUUUURRRRRRRBBBBBBB Oh yes...very good!....very sloppy and wet my dear....hmmmmm...is that a drop of nugget I see on the rim?...hmmmm.....let me.....let me just have a little taste before the sniff my darling.......hmmmmm....hmm..yes....that is a delicate bit of chocolate my dear....ah yes....let me guess...curry for dinner?....oh quite right I am....aren't I?....ok....time for sniff.....sssssnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff.....hmmm...hhhmmmmm I see...yes....yes indeed as well curry......hmmm....that fragrance is quite noticeable....yes.....onion and garlic chutney I take it my dear?.....hmmmmm....yes quite..... BBBBBBUUUUUUUURRRRRRBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Oh I was not expecting that…that little gust my dear….you caught me off guard…yes…so gentle it was though…hmmmm…let me taste this little one…just one small sniff…..sniff…ah….ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffffff…and yet…so strong…yes…the odor….sniff sniff…hmmm….is that….sniff….hmmm….I can almost taste it my dear…..yes….just…sniff….a little whiff more if you please…..ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffff…ah yes I have it now….yes quite….hhhhmmmm…delectable my dear…..quite exquisite yes…..I dare say…sniff….the most pungent one yet my dear….ssssnnnnniiiifffffffffffffffffffffff….yes….

>> No.9693674

Hello Texan!

>> No.9693772

>professor makes a movie reference
>gets upset when nobody gets it
>I got it

>> No.9693773
File: 7 KB, 198x198, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"so wrong that i don't understand what are you talking about, anyone else?"
just want to kys myself that day
but it didn't killed my confidence and another profs praised me in the other classes later

>> No.9693915


>> No.9694798

so how do you get into a jordan peterson class

>> No.9694829

is Kramer your professor?

>> No.9694952
File: 29 KB, 308x308, bismark smug cup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reading English Lit

Anon, what the fuck did you expect?

>> No.9694955
File: 1.40 MB, 320x303, Blow... this outta Proportion.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9694956

I always had a list of maccie jobs if they wern't listening

>> No.9694977
File: 24 KB, 447x365, 1508519432389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a professor starts cursing in lecture for no reason episode
>student curses as well
>professor chucks the student out of lecture

>> No.9694990

>rape is not okay in her class
>jokes on her, i've already raped three people before class

Gotta love sylli week.

>> No.9695005

objectively false fagoid

>> No.9695118

Why the homophobia?

>> No.9695156

What the fuck do you talk with your old professors about anyways?

>> No.9695377

sounds like a joy

>> No.9695400
File: 73 KB, 1080x1080, 1476932123477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I was in love with my smug intro to chemistry teacher in freshman year
>always banter in the lab
>go to her office hours pretending to care about the lab reports
>responded a few quizzes with poems. she never said anything
>something like this happened to me a few months ago

>> No.9695417
File: 351 KB, 1200x900, 1518443080411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>responded a few quizzes with poems.

>> No.9695479

>Prof starts calling us communist

>> No.9695484
File: 849 KB, 1242x1235, EDB9E72F-9CB4-4B4E-B208-833C6D379B4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Obese physics TA stinks up entire lab

>> No.9695571

>be me, in intro to programming class
>young female c++ prof
>foreign, looks like natalie portman
>would giggle and sit next to me when I had problems with projects and help me
>started my love for c++

Feels good man

>> No.9695575
File: 58 KB, 500x480, NERVOUS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>responded a few quizes with poems

>> No.9695584

If it's this easy maybe I should become a professor

>> No.9695594

needs to be a little bit more subtle

>> No.9695630

>all these faggots who don't know about the calculus 1 pasta
Where the fuck do you come from

>> No.9695663
File: 1014 KB, 500x281, 1472495874441.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Professor stops for a moment after he mixes up the work hes done on a problem with another problem
>says it must have been all the acid he did back in the day
state colleges are fun

>> No.9695673
File: 204 KB, 600x449, 1464110872140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ochem 1
>russian professor
>finds a way to bring up vodka or drinking in just about every example of alcohols

>> No.9695730

Fuck man this hits home

>> No.9695744
File: 120 KB, 338x314, 1499234241356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that professor who sounds like kermit the frog

>> No.9695803

That picture looks like a composite of every textbook cover in existence.

>> No.9695954


>> No.9696170
File: 596 KB, 2048x1152, 2b9d0cf8-edac-11e6-930f-061b01e23655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9696191
File: 316 KB, 473x314, Westwood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>professor forgets how to solve a problem and starts stuttering while the whole auditorium sits in awkward silence

>> No.9696224
File: 19 KB, 231x218, 429FBC64-766D-41FB-AF13-68352C0CE0C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>professor begins writing on board with expo marker
>complains about how bad the expo markers are
>throws one of them

>> No.9696257

Shut up, faggot.

>> No.9696260
File: 7 KB, 250x206, 1487194759108s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prof starts smoking a fag

>> No.9696281


>> No.9696292
File: 1.92 MB, 255x160, 1524154277565.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>responded a few quizzes with poems.

>> No.9696327
File: 727 KB, 500x281, 1486341351409.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Prof is extremely old
>Grabs his chest while doing a difficult problem

>> No.9696366

Should we dump all our textbooks into the Boston Harbor as protest?

>> No.9697547

Joke's on you. I had to follow a few courses from the medical department of uni and we had to fucking pay for the fucking syllabus. Based in the Netherlands

>> No.9698085
File: 43 KB, 515x324, nerdy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I was in love with my smug intro to chemistry teacher in freshman year

>> No.9698116

I've jerked it to this picture before no joke

>> No.9698118

Genetics prof tries to get people to rally the government and protest Trump’s climate change.....in Canada...

>> No.9698120

>>manages to singlehandedly make the course's national grade (something exclusive to the country, i think) drop one whole point

>> No.9698126

>professor really loves the subject and teaching in general but can't speak english
>professor almost breaks down crying trying to teach a single concept

>> No.9698142

my macroeconomics professor back in 2014 said global warming is a chinese scam to undermine the us economy

>> No.9698148

>but you manage to not catch it

>> No.9698155

It certainly fucked with the Canadian one.

>> No.9698162

David Suzuki liked the young girls at the uni a little too much if you catch my drift.

>> No.9698170

Association with other memories can help you recall information. One way to make this work for yourself is by causing yourself pain every time you try and memorize something and you'll recall it easier.

Maybe telling a joke can have the same effect.

>> No.9698181

>prof knows that your semi-autistic and can't communicate for shit
>still willingly meets with you and helps you to develop a greater interest in the subject
>gets you into a lab and still sometimes meets with you even when you're no longer in her class

>> No.9698252

>im not sexist but *jab at the women in class*
>every single day
>nobody says anything all class because the prof is awkward as fuck

Even the clearly right wing students cringe.

>> No.9698437

are all pchem professors substantially red shifted in the brain? is that a pre requisite

>> No.9698464

my ochem professor referred to the pka of primary alcohols as "the drinking age" early and often when justifying deprotonations etc

>> No.9698471

atleast once a semester, often cross maps into the garbage without missing a beat

>> No.9699462

Isn't step 1 of "how to chose a class", looking if the professor is white or not?

>> No.9699668
File: 376 KB, 1000x1000, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I had a guy from China like this. I felt so bad for him

>> No.9699676

I look at gender first

>> No.9699681

I had exactly one female professor and she was pretty good.
I am also convinced that she has legitimate autism, but she obviously knew what she was talking about and could teach reasonably well.

>> No.9699683
File: 109 KB, 750x542, U0VE2ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>responded a few quizzes with poems.
What the actual fuck, Anon?

>> No.9699695

Put me in the screenshot faggot

>> No.9699696


>> No.9699713

>prof makes an uncalled for derogatory statement about women,
Engineering was fun

>> No.9699729

>why is everyone normal but me

>> No.9699751

>professor shows up to class drunk
>same professor shows up to the society of physics students meeting to give a talk on his research
>puts ten dixie cups on the desk in front of him
>pours mezcal into each one
>"I want you guys to really pay attention and get engaged in my talk and it's Friday, so every time somebody asks a good question, I'll take a shot"
>everyone looks at each other unsure if he's fucking with us
>drinks them all in an hour
Alcoholics are wild

>> No.9699794

poor fucker

>> No.9699800
File: 10 KB, 306x172, umm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I was in love with my smug intro to chemistry teacher
>responded a few quizzes with poems

>> No.9699802
File: 145 KB, 337x439, worst hina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>responded a few quizzes with poems.

>> No.9699809


>> No.9699825
File: 17 KB, 280x180, 1521595781481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolute madman

more stories from this alchy prof?

>> No.9699848

>his professors don't have a TA with them whose only job is to set up the professor's laptop

>> No.9699855

>Never heard of a test being given over two days, that's brutal.
It doesn't actually last long, it's just one exam split up in multiple smaller ones. It's usually a convenience for the students since they don't have to learn everything at the same time

>> No.9699864

This happened to me in half of my statistics classes and basically all of machine learning

>> No.9699882

>third year pharma
>female teacher proceeds to explain with excruciating detail the process by which some protozoa buries itself in nigger children and makes their livers inflamed to ridiculous sizes, with a grin from ear to ear
>this was basically every class
I never dared go to her office alone.

>> No.9699917

>like 5 hypothesis testing problems throughout the semester involving a gender pay gap
>null hypothesis is never rejected
>prof cracks a grin whenever we get to the conclusion

>> No.9699936

"Ya yoob tvyoo siski"
You would sound like a fucking retard if you said this, it literally isn't even words.

>> No.9699939

Exactly my experience, I had a the same prof for calculus 3 and a course called Topics in Geometry that was mostly going through Euclid's Elements. Prof was incredible, very funny man, but I didn't learn shit in his calc lectures. The geometry course was rad as hell though, super easy and fun with him.

>> No.9699941
File: 26 KB, 463x491, 1524183214949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prof walks in with his mom

>> No.9699968

I've had this happen before, I stopped going to class and read the other prof's lecture notes instead afterward.

But Monty Python is good.

>> No.9699984
File: 106 KB, 554x439, 1431130427170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk sounds like a legit manga setting
i would have stuck around to see if any shenanigans would ensue

>> No.9700023

My friend is an undergrad that works in his lab and when they went to a conference in LA, the prof and one of his grad students (a very cool guy) got drunk and heckled my friend's presentation, sitting in the back and giggling the whole time. They all went out after and he basically had to take care of them both.
The prof recently got tenure (AFTER the drunk teaching and presenting with shots) and I went to his celebration dinner because I do work for him sometimes. I'm still only 20 but he convinced me to split a pitcher of margaritas with him at a public restaurant.
He is truly a madman.

>> No.9700038
File: 5 KB, 100x100, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>introductory course handles questions etc through piazza
>things are going well throughout the year
>exam day comes
>ok some questions are a bit weird I suppose
>come later that day on piazza
>people ranting about every question and pointing out various interpretations under which they might have answered correctly
>this shitstorm goes on for a week before dying down with little or no resolution

this happens every year with at least two of the courses using piazza I have taken

>> No.9700063

To be fair I've had a few professors that are absolutely awful at writing questions to the point that you have no idea how to answer them, but we always just bring it up during the test

>> No.9700097

Kek this is why I love econometrics

>> No.9700156


> Makes us grade eachother's tests during class
lmao what.

my friend however told me about math prof giving students derivative computation problems which he could not do himself. Sometimes one person would stand in front of the blackboard for half of the class because of the complexity of the function some error would slip in and none would actually care to look it up. Why he did not have anwsers is something i do not understand.

>> No.9700276

>algebra teacher

Either you're underaged or retarded.

>> No.9700292
File: 187 KB, 1242x1540, mjcbzd0w4au01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based professor.

>> No.9700305

This just seems like a good way to get fucked over by administration.

>> No.9700310


>> No.9700314


>in highschool
>ask chem teacher what's on the next test
>he blurts out a random Monty Python quote

>in college
>chem professor always spends entire lecture going off on tangents
>about physics, science history, and other random crap that's not on the next exam

>> No.9700331

>tenured professor
>scared of administration
pick one my man

>> No.9700332

only in degenerate burgerland

>> No.9700334

I hate these types of professors

>> No.9700546

>implying tenure means shit anymore
He doesn't get fired but the student gets bumped up to a free pass

>> No.9700592

>never attended class
>obviously doesn't understand shit because he failed the course so didn't study or try to work on it
There should be no debate here.

>> No.9700609
File: 20 KB, 456x297, soniamdissapoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>responded a few quizzes with poems. she never said anything

>> No.9700640

>be in 7th grade bio class
>hot 30 yo blonde teacher with huge bonkers
>catches me staring at em because holy shit it’s like ecup
>look away and blushes because I’m embarrassed but she smiles at me
>that night jack off thinking about her face and massive tits

>> No.9700683

Youre a faggot?

>> No.9700688
File: 27 KB, 414x508, 1520956421243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reponded to a few quizes with poems
>"Guys why im I a virgin??? Women are a fucking meme man"

>> No.9700698

As expected from autistic agathafags

>> No.9700770



>> No.9700782
File: 124 KB, 327x327, 1493576755045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have qt colleague
>be at bar talking
>make sure he has no gf, coast is clear
>invite him over to taste my home cooking
>he enthusiastically agrees
>never mention this to him afterwards
Holy shit why am I like this?

>> No.9700793
File: 9 KB, 259x205, 1471020050909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>responded a few quizzes with poems

>> No.9700915

I fucking love my country

>> No.9700919

Why the hell would she state that? Maybe someone got raped in her class??? Are you Indian or middle eastern???

>> No.9700925

>Linear algebra prof is a star wars enthusiast
>Writes"may the force be with you" in the top of every test

>> No.9700927

wow I think the normies have given me brain damage.... read that over twice as New english prof is lit and thought you were praising her. Guess the only solution now is to go to lab tomorrow and eat a bottle of dodecylamine

>> No.9700967

>Be american and my highschool history teacher is a fucking tankie

>> No.9700980
File: 5 KB, 645x773, 1390630719448[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the textbook is free

>> No.9700984

>multivariable calculus prof puts gurren lagann reference into test review
I know you're here you awkward asian

>> No.9700986
File: 42 KB, 515x348, erdos and terrence tao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the raging newfags not knowing how old this pasta is

All of you need to LEAVE WHILE YOU STILL CAN

>> No.9700987

Wait, i thought it was a theorem by einstein that the only finite simple group was not obtainable by rational thought???

>> No.9701005


>> No.9701007

It's pretty crazy how many gays there are at my school actually. It's just that you can never tell because most of them are fucking autists as well and are used to keeping their power level under the hood.
why the homophobia :)
this makes me physically sick, i'm sorry anon
>tfw i'll have a kitchen next year
i can't wait to learn to cook and invite boys over to have food

>> No.9701008

This. I have mixed feelings about Asian profs, though. Indians are an instant drop. Russians and Eastern Europeans are usually pretty based.

>> No.9701012
File: 232 KB, 854x480, Screenshot_2018-04-26-23-26-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, my new geology teacher wants me (bad)
Should I?

>> No.9701018
File: 908 KB, 200x200, 1515710624748.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>responded a few quizzes with poems. she never said anything


>> No.9701022

(read it backwards)

>> No.9701654
File: 21 KB, 300x276, d0de92870895f69cf06b70ec15dd6d3d89b0fef62144a2c0743102d8e11755bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This gave me a giggle for some reason. Sounds like badass professor.

>> No.9701663
File: 448 KB, 576x720, noob_noob_by_neetsfagging322297-dbtx1fs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Totally based professor.

>> No.9701748

No, rock fetishists are terrible people.

>> No.9701753
File: 46 KB, 900x900, 1519336174067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be sophomore me
>Switch my major from Microbio to Biochem with a Micro minor
>Get a new adviser who says I need to take QR even though I'm in Calc II
>Start spring semester, go into QR on a Tuesday
>Turns out my Calc II prof is also the QR prof
>Prof is mid 40's chink who seemed pretty chill in Calc, even if he looked and sounded like a total caricature
>He and his wife even ran a fucking dry cleaners
>Class is full of gender studies dykes, fratters and sorority girls, niggers from the nearby inner city who got in on affirmative action, and legitimate retards riding on sperg scholarships
>Feel like I'm in Stand and Deliver
>He walks in, looking both annoyed and repulsed
>"You have quiz. Take then give to me."
>Quiz was over gradeschool arithmetic, mean median and mode shit, and perimeter and area
>Calculator is even allowed
>What the fuck
>Skelegirl with neon green hair in the back has panic attack and starts sobbing uncontrollably
>Trying to hold back the keks as I hand in my quiz
>He's totally chill again on Wednesday for Calc, then Thursday comes back around
>Anorexic Joker is not there, probably dropped
>Prof walks in with the quizzes, slams them on the desk
>"They in arphabetica orda, come get them." he says
>Writes the average on the board. 60%. Fucking dumbfounding.
>"This unforgivabuh! You got to use cacurators! How there only tree A's out of trenty one students?!?"
>A dyke in the front says, "This is the class for people who aren't mathematically inclined."
>"No, this Jiansu crass! Stupid!"
>Later found out Jiansu literally translates to retard
>Two fellow dykes back her up, telling the prof that he's being insensitive to people of lesser ability
>Dykes pipe up like that.
>Proceed to discuss simplifying fractions
>MFW I knew this would be a goldmine of antics

>> No.9701769

holy shit this

>> No.9701771

fucking child. turn your phone off. Seriously grow up. A mere 10 years ago you'd have to wait till you got home to talk to someone. That's right, for hundreds off years university students got by without checking their phone.
>mah emergency
what are you going to do if it is an emergency? any real emergency they would have called 911 not your man-child ass

>> No.9701782

and you fags claim there arnt women in STIM because women are dumb /not/ because it is a hostile environment. fuck off assholes

>> No.9701802
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Please tell me this actually happened.

>> No.9701804


>> No.9701805

Reminder that calc 2 is also a Jiansu class.

>> No.9701813

>the textbook turns out to be printed at the college bookstore
>sell it for $20
>it's actually well made and informative

Best textbook I ever had.

>> No.9701830
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>professor talks about troubled childhood

>> No.9701895

Literally me. Sometimes I wish I could kick my ass.

>> No.9701896


>> No.9701933

are you stupid

>> No.9702033

i've had a group of 5 people working on a 3 month project before
somehow and i still don't understand what happened, 2 of them stopped coming to all classes altogether (they were in all my other course), 1 of them just kept saying "yeah i'll work on it" and then did nothing, and then the last one dropped out the day groups were assigned
had to do literally everything myself and the professor gave me a C

>> No.9702034

should mention that those 2 people that stopped coming to class didn't drop out, i saw them this semester

>> No.9702045

>A mere 10 years ago you'd have to wait till you got home to talk to someone
you're clearly underage. cellphones were pretty common already in late 90s. I had my first one in 2001 and landline disconnected in 2005, and I live in Eastern Europe. stop calling out others on acting immature while you're a literal child

>> No.9702098
File: 101 KB, 1280x720, 07ECE19C-DB2F-49FE-A9E4-F991D7C49A23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prof has rack

>> No.9702100
File: 58 KB, 604x516, DE200DF9-5749-4E0B-90AF-BA19F789D075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prof brings pet to class

>> No.9702129

>Modena and Paris
indistinguishable from Africa at this point

>> No.9702330

>some people are flaming homos while still being straight

Yup, can confirm that statement, as it describes me pretty much. However, I don't act like on, I just look like one because outside of uni I play guitar in a band, so I have the whole tight pants + nice hair deal going on. I get hit on by more dudes than girls but I don't blame the dudes or mind whatsoever, but yeah I definitely come across as gay bait.

I do have a question for you though: Are most straight dudes so unkempt that you can tell immediately that they're straight? I'm not into dudes so I don't notice these things, and I take pride in looking the best I can be?

Also kek'd at the avocado toast thing

>> No.9702390

>is a chad that fucks all the female TAs

>> No.9702407

Holy shit, when I go to grad school I hope to god the professor I work with is like this guy. We would get along very well.

>> No.9702467
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>"This unforgivabuh! You got to use cacurators! How there only tree A's out of trenty one students?!?"


You don't even have to ask anon, shit yes you should post moar!

>> No.9702475


Also, why isn't Calc II considered a QR? At my uni it is.

Like is this one of those "Mathematics for Liberal Arts" classes I've heard about?

>> No.9702494
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>wait about 12 hours near his office because his appointment time was too vague and no one else seems to know how to exactly meet him
>he appears at the very last second before anon gives up
>two other colleagues pop out of nowhere to meet him too at this same time
I must be a fucking brainlet. Good thing it all worked out fine in the end.

>> No.9702502

thank goodness I've managed to never completely fall on this one yet

>> No.9702513
File: 48 KB, 603x603, 1488375713387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I tell him i already read about series on wikipedia
Ruined, not subtle enough.

>> No.9702535

Fucking knew it, anãozinho.
I can totally see this happening, only maybe minus the national one point drop thing.

>> No.9702545

Just buy or ask to lend the fucking calculator from someone, anon.

>> No.9702839

The Superbowl is on Wednesday though... In Australia.

>> No.9702971

crikey mate