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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9679010 No.9679010 [Reply] [Original]

>spend your entire life and most of your energy into a field of research
>still remain subservient to your masters and lords who control funding and resources

people in industry trade their energy for power and money

what are you guys trading yours for?

serious question

>> No.9679736

Honestly I'd rather do math and nerdy shit than try to run the world. That sounds stressful

>> No.9679741
File: 76 KB, 470x264, Way ahead of you now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should have got a blue collar job and raised children.

>wasted youth

>> No.9679750

I thought that math was pure. I bought into the memehype. Now I am 35, assistant prof at a mediocre state school (the only job available to fucking white males unless they are like top 100 smartest people on earth). I beg for money I know I won't get, writing long applications for grants where they specifically ask me to prove how much I promote diversity and stupid roasties trying to steal the one field that has thus far sheltered me from their bullshit. Every day I think about killing myself, but then I remember my life is not as bad as the literally thousands of 18 year old retards at my school who do not know how to find a common denominator, not even exaggerating.

I hope we get to hire someone else soon, but I am afraid if we hire some one it will have to be a roastie or negroid.

>> No.9680083
File: 63 KB, 312x456, WarIsHell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>assistant prof
ahhh ok, anon. I know sarah is also a math professor at "generic high school name" but she isn't an assistant.

what did you say? assistant at the university? Ok but that's just professor but for adults?

you say it's more than that? geez anon you're so boring, if you wanted to teach why didn't you just do like Sarah??
never forget sarah is better than you, anon.