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File: 764 KB, 750x563, reservoir-types.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9678135 No.9678135 [Reply] [Original]

If oil comes from dead things, why is it under so much rock? How would it even get there? Don't tell me underground dead lizard people.
I'll tell you the truth. God put oil underground to start industrialization.

>> No.9678138

You realize we find roman architecture 6 meters underground? Now imagine the sediment after millions of years.

>> No.9678165

Dead things go in the ground, OP. Where else would they go?

>> No.9678172

The world is but millions of years old. Romans burried their architecture.

Well how they get so deep?

>> No.9678180

Delete this retarted thread please OP.
This board deserves better trolls than what it has.

>> No.9678205

Not believing what anyone tells you does not make you a troll.

>> No.9678251

No, but presenting arguments from ignorance as valid does.

>> No.9678258

good work anon, you're restoring my faith in /sci/ by not falling for this w e a k b a i t. I expected to see a pseud with a wall of text detailing sedimentation processes and hydrocarbon chemistry by now.

>> No.9678269

wrong, that'd be the gay aliens

>> No.9678291
File: 121 KB, 728x546, plate-movements-ppt-9-728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9678296
File: 524 KB, 1280x1324, billions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>world is but millions of years old


>> No.9678885

>Romans burried their architecture

>> No.9678956

While that is true God did put the oil there. He did so by having billions of years worth of life buried over time

>> No.9680477

It's really underground dead lizard people, I shit you not.

>> No.9680518

When plants first evolved there were no microorganisms to break them down, so the trees just kinda sat there and new ones grew around them and then they died and new ones grew etc. until the whole mess got covered with dirt, and then it opened the door and got on the floor, and everyone did the dinosaur

>> No.9680519
File: 7 KB, 207x243, 1505782589030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this mean that Earth is getting larger?

>> No.9680521

>I don't know therefore God did it
Fucking christfags

>> No.9680556

Through meteorite accretion, yes. Also, the air eventually settles to earth and the upper layers are replenished by the sun, and it's prinmarily through this effect that the moon is being pushed further from the earth, due to the increase in mass. If the moon had an atmosphere it would get bigger too, and would stay the same distance from earth, because the earth only grows at roughly 1/2 inch per year. You know how the moon was once part of Earth? However many inches there are between Earth and the Moon, that's how many years the Moon has been orbiting us. Checkmate flat earthers.

>> No.9680563

Actually thinking about this, it's pretty cool because eventually the Moon will smash into Venus and soak up a bunch of its atmosphere. If we can do some precise calculations, we should be able to nudge the moon the right amount to make sure it hits during a new moon, when the moon is the coldest, so it soaks up a bunch of heat too. Then the dust and atmosphere will trap the heat underground whrere we can easily tap it for geothermal heating. Or venereothermal, sorry. Anyways Venus gets larger faster because it's closer to the sun, so that works in our favor obviously.

>> No.9680769

If oil comes from their bodies what is the origin of gas?

>> No.9680783

Lrn2geophysics fgt pls

>> No.9681395

Go back to /x/

>> No.9681915

Dude I'm so glad thiests are making their way back into science. No useful discoveries have been made under the athiest era 1970's to now.

>> No.9682537


>> No.9682554

Where is all the dirt coming from? How can the Romans be 6m underground? Do cosmic winds carry that much dust? If matter cannot be created or destroyed how come the earth is getting burried alive.

>> No.9682987

>we find roman architecture 6 meters underground
how come the Pantheon isn't underground then?

>> No.9683021
File: 93 KB, 770x430, colosseum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was used more often and probably maintained better, like the Colosseum for example. look at the height difference of the surrounding buildings

>> No.9683395

Rome isn't flat. The parts that went underground are abandoned buildings in lower terrains.
Most notable buildings were located on top of the hills instead, for better view.