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/sci/ - Science & Math

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967811 No.967811 [Reply] [Original]

Where does /sci/ stand politically?

>> No.967818
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>> No.967822

postdeconstructionalist right wing liberal marxist

>> No.967825

Left but not that left.

>> No.967829

Down 70% left 60%

>> No.967839

Moderate Libertarian if we're talking about the Capitalist scale. Between Technocracy and Meritocracy if we're talking about Socialism.

>> No.967848
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1. Kill all the stupids
2. Install Scientist-kings
3. Decentralized, planned communities
4. ????

>> No.967856


But in real life I'm a libertarian.

>> No.967872


>> No.967877

techno-anarchy is the logical conclusion of libertarianism.

>> No.967885
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>> No.967887

>see this thread
>see +4 libertarians
>realize /sci/ is retarded

>> No.967888

Centrist economically, liberal on social issue. Support Obama over McCain.

>> No.967894

>implying you are not alsi retarded

>> No.967895

I am just going to assume you're a troll so your stupidity doesn't piss me off.

>> No.967898

Yes because we should all like have robots instead of people doing jobs right?
Hur dur derp derp

>> No.967903

>Implying Liberterian-Left isn't just an elitist way of saying 'left-wing / liberal'.

>> No.967905

I'm straight up centralist nigga. republicans and democrats are both crazy. Beats Karl Marx though. lolcommies

>> No.967909

liberal on economic issues.

ultra liberal on social issues.

>> No.967911

Its not
Its a way of saying you're an anarchist

>> No.967914

We don't live in post revolutionary France. The terms "left" and "right" no longer have consistent meaning. Please stop using them. The new terms are "Pinko Commie Faggot" and "Theocratic Psycho Anachronist" respectively. This has been a public service announcement.

>> No.967922

>>967903Implying Liberterian-Left isn't just an elitist way of saying 'left-wing / liberal'.

Except for the socialism part.

>> No.967923
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I support a government that keeps out of my bedroom and makes sure that they don't put pig shit in my ramen.

>> No.967928

>Implying i'm not right.
You see, politics are an illusion. An illusion that I cast upon people to laugh at them as they pitifully argue. There is only one right, and that is mine.


>> No.967939

>>967923and makes sure that they don't put pig shit in my ramen.

I think I've seen that flavor.

>> No.967942
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The logical conclusion of techno-anarchy is tyrannical Plutocracy unless :

1. Said "Techno" has eliminated resource scarcity

2. community planned economy

else, you get the richest (in money, resourses, technology, whatever) using their advantageous power to manipulate society like gods. Which makes it no better than the bullshit we have in the world today.

rampant Might-makes-right injustice is the natural result of any anarchic society where resourses are scarce. Some libertarians are libertarians only because they secretly want to be mob bosses.

>> No.967949

>see +4 libertarians
>realize /sci/ is retarded

To be fair the Libertarian party is fairly diverse. There are Libertarians that range from anarchists to just people that are pissed off that neither of the two main parties will promise to not invade Iran.

>> No.967960
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>> No.967962

Somewhere to the left.

>> No.968051

Fine then
If a democrat declares war on Iran I will take back what I said

>> No.968064
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>> No.968082

Hey fax machine you better keep doing your job or I'll replace you with a printing press

>> No.968126

Libertarian Socialist. Fuck currency.

>> No.968138


>> No.968157

Liberal to the core

>> No.968171


>> No.968175

Communism is good. Think about it... In Asia, the national test scores are higher than those in Europe and America. I am an American and just graduated as valedictorian of my class. However, if I were in Asia, China, for example, I know I would be equivalent to one of the below-average students there.

>> No.968188

I'd still like some source on that.

>> No.968203

I don't find it surprising
When people think of liberals they think of artists and stuff not scientists

>> No.968248

Highly liberal

>> No.968250


Even though scientists tend to be the most liberal of professionals next to teachers and reporters.

>> No.968262 [DELETED] 

Left-wing statist and nationalist.

>> No.968269


>> No.968276

liberal of course

>> No.968278

That because our parents doesn't accept us if we got only 3.7.
An exaggeration, of course, but you got the point.

>> No.968281

Librarian Party


>> No.968283

left of centre with a strong libertarian bias

>> No.968284

Socially liberal, not pussified though.
I claim to know nothing about the other aspects of political agendas.

>> No.968285


>> No.968286


most Teachers and Reporters are actually republican or conservative

>> No.968289



>> No.968299


>2% Conservative

I guess we're counting creation science as a legitimate science now?

>> No.968300
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Without government pure research would not happen. Government cannot dictate research (right-conservative) unless the survival of human kind is in jeopardy. Also, nothing is absolute and I can always change my mind.

>> No.968305


>> No.968307


>> No.968316

Creation "science" is not a fundamental tenet of conservatism.

>> No.968321


Most Christians consider themselves conservatives

>> No.968325

In times of crisis Monarchy is the only form of government that makes any sense (hence martial law). Otherwise, left libertarian anti-conservative.

>> No.968330

Jesus Christ was liberal. Go figure.

>> No.968335

I'm a liberal and I support this.

>> No.968336

very very left

>> No.968340
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>> No.968341

>Without government pure research would not happen

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.. Oh my. History not your thing is it? Rich dudes love donating to science research and ventures. Carnegie, Morgan, Rockefeller... people like that donated millions and millions to science research. Just look at today at people like Richard Branson. Bill Gates and all those rich fucks fund shitloads of research and ventures.

>> No.968342


pretty sure he was Jewish.

>> No.968344
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retarded graphs are retarded. They assume that extreme communism and capitalism have no bearing on personal freedom

Something like this would represent political ideology better, although not perfectly

>> No.968358

>Y axis labelled "libertarian"
>libertarian=classical liberal plus economically right

>> No.968359

That's even worse. You're an idiot.

>> No.968369

How do you read this graph? Or am I just retarded

>> No.968374

Sure is stupid libertarian in here.

>> No.968378

Left/ right = economics
up/down = social matters

>> No.968386

The problem with this is; I don't stand anywhere politically.
I wouldn't mind a dictatorship, with a good dictator.
I wouldn't mind a democratic socialism, with a good society.
I wouldn't mind a libertarian republic, that's representative and sticks to it's principles.
I wouldn't mind a robotocracy, with clever and benevolent robots.

Nothing ever works out perfectly forever though, they've all had some fatal flaw that was exploited, robotocracy not withstanding. That's why I find early America so fascinating, constantly changing politically, without actually sacrificing it's own core principles for a long time, but since it was compromised to begin with (slavery) it had to rewrite it's principles and now we have a partially democratic socialism.

Oh well, the only truly dangerous thing is a statism, because it always eventually arbitrates some sort of systematic discrimination.

>> No.968392

/sci/ is socialist

>> No.968401

Robotocracy is the way to go! All we have to do is make ONE perfect robot dictator, and duplicate that. Robots are never biased, and will never change until human programmers change them. The only problem will be getting people to agree one what a perfect robot is.

>> No.968402

I am a scientist therefore I am a Socialist.

Albert Einstein was a Socialist, here's a link to a famous article he wrote called: Why Socialism?


>> No.968407

Social democrat, you mean? Mixed economies are the way to go.

>> No.968411


Non-practicing anarchist. I vote blank.

>> No.968412

>I am a scientist therefore I am a Socialist.

I'm a scientist therefore I'm a capitalist.

>> No.968416

Anti-entitlement, creates dependence
Competition, hard work, and conflict is the only way we, as a society, can move closer to an utopia
Regulation to prevent monopolies/reduction of competition
Combination of Keynesian and Mellonomics to prevent economic busts and stabilize booms
Socially liberal, if it has a genetic backing (pro gay marriage)
Highly funded education to give every child a chance to compete

No clue where this stands politically

>> No.968417

Then you're stupid
You're screwing yourself over

>> No.968420


>> No.968421


>> No.968427


>> No.968435

Militantly liberal. I don't think conservatism has much of a place in the most forward thinking of all disciplines.

>> No.968440

That makes no sense.

>> No.968441
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Oh here we go again

>> No.968446

ure reasoning?

>> No.968450

Kieth Olbermann is on. GO! RUN!

>> No.968459

The government is the one that pays for most of the research
If we lived in a Libertarian society like you guys claim, you'd have to rely on charity

>> No.968461
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>Competition, hard work, and conflict is the only way we, as a society, can move closer to an utopia

>Combination of Keynesian and Mellonomics to prevent economic busts and stabilize booms
You fail economics forever

>No clue where this stands politically
you sound like the average retarded centrist who knows nothing about the implications of their hodgepodge of nonsensical policy stances

>> No.968463

socially ultra-liberal, economically moderately left, democrat and internationalist.

>> No.968468


stop being such jackasses

>> No.968469
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I'm a liberal anarchist communist conservative

>> No.968475

I'm mostly libertarian but the more I read about them the more I see a pattern in their logic. Every time there's a problem with big business, it's because of government interference in the first place. Not only is it an excuse, but most importantly it's not a solution.

>> No.968476

but that's wrong you fucking retard

>> No.968481

Let the /free market/ decide whether exploring Mars is more important than putting that extra /pop!/ in Fizzlypop Soda!

>> No.968483

>The government is the one that pays for most of the research

Not where I live. It's those rich guys you hate so much.

>> No.968488

Libertarians are lazy because their solution is to do nothing. No rules, no regulations, don't fill in loopholes. Doing nothing will fix everything!

>> No.968489
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>> No.968492


>> No.968493

I supposed those rich guys would of funded NASA and the LHC as well right?

>> No.968495 [DELETED] 


Evolutionary biologist here:

I write about 50 grants year, and of those only 3-4 are from private donors, the rest are from the government.

tl;dr: all my money comes from government

>> No.968501

We already know the free market would decide NOT to explore mars. The United States government has already put three rovers on mars we can control with a remote. It will be a long time before pure private enterprise tops that.

>> No.968502


Evolutionary biologist here:

I write about 50 grants a year, and of those only 3-4 are from private donors, the rest are from the government.

tl;dr: all my money comes from government

>> No.968509

herp derp name calling durr no facts hurr durr I'm retarted

>> No.968513
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PROTIP: Sir Richard is a raving lunatic. His extra-orbital adventures to not in any way reflect the interests or good humor of the average capitalist.

Most enterpruners and VC's can't see 5 feet in front of their face let alone 50 years into the future

>> No.968515


good point, but people see Evolution and get all hurr and durr.

>> No.968517


>> No.968518
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ITT:liberal scientists vs retards

>> No.968519


Grow the fuck up, politics is for retards who enjoy wasting everyone's time and fucking with science.

>> No.968521


>> No.968522


People get the same way about just about everything related to science.


>> No.968528

>>968521 Space tourism

>> No.968529

That's not funding science
That's hiring aerospace engineers to design cool ships so you can make more money

>> No.968540


>> No.968543
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>> No.968544

He's making space travel much cheaper. Something NASA and other government programs aren't doing.

>> No.968553
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He's using technology developed by NASA scientists

>> No.968554


Yeah actually NASA is trying to make space travel cheaper, as mandated by their steadily shrinking budget.

It's also only science by convenience. Obviously discoveries have to be found when you go out in space, because virtually nothing at all has been discovered out there. Making the discoveries top priority and not "wouldn't space be so cool" is supposed to be the idea. You make discoveries faster.

>> No.968555

A unity between private and public enterprise for science is good. NASA buys plenty of equipment from private companies. But when it comes to funding big projects, like rovers on Mars, corporations are going to continue to be useless.

>> No.968556
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>> No.968566

Yeah what a shame that NASA is trying to find life in other planets, finding ways for astronauts to survive long space travels and gathering information about our universe instead of trying to find ways to make cheap space flights

>> No.968567

i think everybody whos iq is over 120 should be at least liberal/socialist

>> No.968573

Yeah he probably does. So what? That's how science works dumb ass, we build on previous discoveries and technology.

>> No.968578




>> No.968579

You need to learn the difference between science and engineering

>> No.968583

Who's complaining about fucking NASA?

>> No.968585

I mentioned both science and engineering in the post.

>> No.968588

>He's making space travel much cheaper. Something NASA and other government programs aren't doing.
>Something NASA and other government programs aren't doing.

>> No.968592

These are "enterpruners" in a Keynesian corporatist society where there is no accountability, and competition is purely short term economic gain, which is antithetical to the typical capitalist market.

>> No.968605

Yes. That doesn't make NASA bad. They do good work too, but the private space programs are the ones making the future of manned space travel.

>> No.968615

They're not
They're doing something Russians did 60 years ago

>> No.968617


Just what the universe needs: private, for profit business trying to expand its horizons.

Case Study: See Africa, most notably the Congo Free State.

>> No.968619

well then the contemporary US economy is/ was-destroyed-by "Keynesian corporatist society where there is no accountability, and competition is purely short term"

but I don't hear anyone arguing that. So my if we infer then, that "Keynesian corporatist society where there is no accountability, and competition is purely short term" is the ultimate end point of a mixed economy, then yes, capitalism fails at providing enough science

>> No.968620

Now, they aren't blowing up. Sorry. They are making it CHEAPER. STREAMLINING. Can you understand that? You are going to be able to go into space because of their efforts dumb ass.

>> No.968632

That was conquest and slavery by a king. These are space programs. You are the dumbest mother fucker ever.

>> No.968636
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>Now, they aren't blowing up. Sorry

-Apollo 1
-Apollo 13

>> No.968638

Took http://www.okcupid.com/politics, got:

You are a

Social Liberal
(85% permissive)

and an...

Economic Moderate
(55% permissive)

You are best described as a:

Strong Democrat

>> No.968642

Those were missions my private space programs.. news to me. I thought it was NASA. Anyway the soviets exploded much more than NASA.

>> No.968643

obamunist bushite

>> No.968653

Corporations supplying NASA with ships/equipment is a good idea, but those corporations aren't going to fund the bulk of space exploration. We need both public and private space programs.

>> No.968654

I don't think you understand what I'm trying to say
If it wasn't for NASA we would not go into space

>> No.968656

Where don't you hear anyone arguing that? It makes sense that when the people who profit from, and make the most important decisions in a business aren't held financially or legally responsible for the actions of business, you're going to have abuses, as we see from every single corporation.

Also you superfluously called corporatism capitalism, which it is clearly not, despite borrowing many of the features.

>> No.968662

USSR went to space before NASA. And yes we would have without USSR space program or NASA, it would have took longer but it's was going to happen.

>> No.968681

Right because private corporations would have spent billions of dollars for research

>> No.968684

I like me my Socialism.

>> No.968702


>> No.968908
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Quasi National Socialist, I would modify it a bit but the foundational principles are the same.

>> No.968939


>> No.968947
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>> No.968957

I avoid any sort of ideology. If anyone successfully pins me to an ideology I immediately seek to lose it.

That said, I unfortunately have liberal sensibilities. I blame Star Trek.

>> No.968964

What with multinats, we are getting there. I can't wait for the off-world pseudo slave labor camps.

>> No.968967


>> No.968974

Libertarian right

>> No.968978

Democratic socialist.
falling off the left side of the spectrum

>> No.968981
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>> No.968992

I myself am a collectivist-anarchist.

>> No.969005

ideology = not science

You should all be ashamed of yourselves.

>> No.969011

i believe this is a discussion of political science

>> No.969014

I don't know how anyone could say they are X-anarchist, because saying you are X kind of means there is an order that can have characteristics, which wouldn't be an anarchy.

>> No.969025

>democratic socialism
>highest living standard in the world
>scandinavia fuck yeah

>> No.969027

No it isn't, This is a thread where people state what their ideology is. If one is actually discussing "political science" then one cannot claim to hold any sort of ideology such as "libertarian" or "collectivist".

>> No.969031

China? They have elections don't they? They may only have one party to vote for but they still have elections.

>> No.969033

same. was an anarchist, but have lost faith in it ever succeeding in the real world.

>> No.969043

>doesn't know what democratic socialism means

>> No.969057

Doesn't democratic socialism mean... democratic... socialism?

>> No.969069

Somewhat, albiet in a very pro-free speech, anti-authoritarian way, with a substantial libertarian twinge as well.

>> No.969088

right, but democracy is about more than 1 group being allowed elections, it's about the people choosing their government freely. China isn't really "socialist" either, more elitist and exploitative of its workers with fascistic tendencies in the integration of corporate and state power.

>> No.969093

If by "socialist" you mean in favor of societal engineering or seeing society as a system to be tuned for optimal performance... than yes, I believe so.

>> No.969095

Nobody on 4chan is anywhere but the green corner of the political compass test.

>> No.969096


>> No.969106

>but democracy is about more than 1 group being allowed elections
Didn't I mention that? I thought I mentioned that.

>China isn't really "socialist" either, more elitist and exploitative of its workers with fascistic tendencies in the integration of corporate and state power.
Couldn't the same be said about the USSR? No true Scotsman?

>> No.969111

science has no political agenda

>> No.969114
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What if I am pro-Imperium of Man?

>> No.969116

Very very very very very pro-free speech and anti-gun control. Far beyond US and most European standards.

Many Euro countries have it against the law to say "I don't believe that the holocaust happened." While that may be retarded, it shouldn't be illegal to say. In the US, the FCC and FTC make it illegal to swear on the radio. That censorship is unacceptable. The UK is just laughable in their censorship.

For fiscal issues...I support local socialism but libertarianism from a broader perspective. To explain: towns and states and small areas should be free to be socialist or communistic if they want, but a country the size of the US wouldn't be able to handle socialist policies.

>> No.969127

But it is important to keep humanity around a long time to do as much science as possible before the universe goes all Heat Death on us, and that is affected by what political system we choose.

>> No.969154

Eh, fair enough. It's just a bad type of socialism.

>> No.969167

Agreed on free speech mang. Though I think a sufficiently transparent and respectful socialist state could work, your method of localized voluntary leftism is quite appealing to my ex-anarchist sensibilities.

>> No.969170

>fair enough
Someone who doesn't doggedly stick to whatever they espouse? What site is this?

>> No.969175

I simply distrust governments that have control over large areas, especially when speech and business gets brought into it. Too much room for corruption and too hard to fix it. When on a small scale, it's easier to correct and easier for everyone to get along. Those that don't like it can move to another town much easier than, say, moving to another country.

>> No.969195

Agreed. Fellow Social Democrat here.

>> No.969204

A society is not only judged by political corruption.

>> No.969213

That's the point of Anonymous. You're not afraid to back down (ideally), because there's no reputation at stake.

>> No.969222

Empirically the opposite is often the case.

>> No.969249

communist manifesto sucked. repeated arguments about how the bourgeoisie is bad and how the proletariat should unite and overthrow them but it doesn't address at all how things should be run and how we can avoid starting up a new bourgeoisie. of course this is what happened, just under the name of communism.

>> No.969261

To briefly lapse into colloquialism...


>> No.969264

I personally find anything that isn't about mustard to be irrelevant.
Hence thread is irrelevant.

>> No.969291

I suppose its good that that's not the only thing Marx & Engels wrote then.

>> No.969294


>> No.969320
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My entire belief system is represented by this dot on this graph. If your dot is elsewhere you are an idiot.

>> No.969358
