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9675347 No.9675347 [Reply] [Original]

>build satellite with data storage
>launch it into geostationary orbit over your house
>build antenna for recieving and laser for sending data to it
>have literal secure "cloud" storage
why has no rich guy done this yet for shits and giggles

>> No.9675354
File: 15 KB, 578x385, piratebay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Piratebay wanted to do it to store Pirate Torrents.

But the Lawsuits & Persecution from Governments and Corporate Media blocked the plan.


Apparently PirateBay had the money funds to do it.

>> No.9675357

Piratebay thought that Space had no Jurisdiction.

But Governments and Corporations got in the way.
So the PirateBay satellite was cancelled

>> No.9675359

>broadcasting data to the entire world at all times 24/7
Anyone with an antenna nearby would pick it up. Of course you would have it encrypted, but why not just encrypt it and idk.. NOT broadcast it to the entire would 24/7? The point of cloud based data storage is remote access for when you are not at your house. If your satellite is just going to sit over your house, why not have it sit inside your house? That way the only way someone can gain access to your data is to get a warrant and break in, not park outside on the street with a long metal wire?

>> No.9675599

Lag and having your storage baked in space radiation does it no good. It's easier to store data offshore

>> No.9675602

latency of 200ms is irrelevant for a personal database
and you can seal it off from radiation

>> No.9675632

Satellites aren't real (in the sense of orbiting around the earth using gravitation).

>> No.9675642

This. I had a computer science professor in undergrad who worked with government satellites his whole career and he told us how poorly secure they are, he said if someone could figure out where the satellites were and had an appropriate receiver, they could aim the thing at it and pick up the bit-stream. they weren't even encrypted in the early days, but granted this wasn't sensitive information. What the other anon said is right, just having storage in your house would easily be more secure, not one could intercept it.

>> No.9675657

well, you solve the problem by encrypting dat shit 20 times with 1024 sha

>> No.9675668

>geostationary orbit over your house
You'd have to live on the equator

>> No.9675671

please don't come to the board

>> No.9675735

>> seal it off from radiation
With an impractical amount of shielding.

>> No.9675789

Given the fact the hundreds of terrabytes weigh only a few kg and a datatransmitter not much more a few cubesats are probably more than enough. Cost point for that would be <10 million.

>> No.9675800

nothing that is necessary is impractical

>> No.9675858

He's right, retard

>> No.9675871

Yea that does sound right actually

>> No.9675881

>A satelitte can only point down

>> No.9675948

Who are you quoting? A geostationary orbit can only be over the equator

>> No.9675958

>an object is over another object only when its directly above it

>> No.9675963

That's what geostationary means, sorry you don't like the definition

>> No.9675971

what are you even trying to say retard? that ops post wont work?

>> No.9675973

>Piratebay thought that Space had no Jurisdiction.

Not really relevant since every place on Earth DOES, and you have to build your shit, launch your shit and then send/receive data from somewhere.

>> No.9675978
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>> No.9675986
File: 2.21 MB, 350x233, face palm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Geosynchronous satellites can only communicate straight down.

>> No.9676003

Yes. "Over" is not "line of sight".

OP wanted that satellite directly above the house.

>> No.9676009

Same to you orbitcuck.

>> No.9676011

Why do this when you could have 100 different backups in completely different locations for far less money?

>> No.9676013

>tfw every time a plane flies over you, it doesnt because technically it cant theoretically fly directly above you
imagine being this retarded

>> No.9676026

Geostationary is not the same as geosynchronous. Geostationary means geosynchronous along the equator

>> No.9676036

>Something flying ~3,000 miles south of me is still technically over me.

>> No.9676047

>technically it cant theoretically fly directly above you

>> No.9676048

>something flying 42.000km and 3000miles south of me is still over me
yes retard

>> No.9676050

>thinking planes can only be seen when its directly above you

>> No.9676052
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>> No.9676057


>> No.9676058

What about 10,000 miles, is it still over you?

>> No.9676064

That wouldn't be geostationary

>> No.9676076

I thought we were talking about planes. No? That's fine. A geostationary satellite can never be 10,000 miles south of someone? Are you sure about that, retard?

>> No.9676097

At best, "over" can refer to anything in a cone of space above you, with angle somewhere between 45° and 60°.

If the satellite dish is pointing nearly horizontal, the satellite isn't over you.

>> No.9676106

no, unless youre fucking santa claus

>> No.9676112

it's never pointing more than 20 degrees faggot

>> No.9676115

>1. extending directly upward from.

>> No.9676179

the radius of the earth is only 6371km holy shit how more brainlet can you get

>> No.9676198

>magnets, literally like 50 letters long
>hundreds of terrabytes

>> No.9676203

You can still get into a lot of satellites, there's hacking powerpoints for presentations at conferences and shit about it.

For example you can spoof as a tv satellite and have the receiving signal broadcasted through it so you can pick it up anoynmously through an atenna.

>> No.9676212

it requires constant maintenance, the satellite has to constantly be adjusted, but it is totally possible

You can get one up there for as low as 20K now

>> No.9676246

ehhhh not really

>> No.9676561

If the satellite is so heavy and expensive compared to say storing ones encrypted data on multiple different servers in different countries here on Earth, why use a satellite?
Shits and giggles aren't necessary.

>> No.9676580

What is pi(r)^2?

>> No.9676581

>t. Flattard

>> No.9676593
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>> No.9676636

It can be at most ~6000

>> No.9676781

>Yes. "Over" is not "line of sight"

Over is "higher than." Line of sight is handy for the laser OP wants, though.

>OP wanted that satellite directly above the house.

OP did not say directly. The fact that YOU have to add it to make the phrase mean "directly over the house" indicates that, without the word "directly," it does not mean that.

>> No.9676784

Yes. It does not mean your house has to also be on the equator to communicate with it.

>> No.9676827

There was no reason for OP to say "over the house" if he just meant in geostationary orbit. It's redundant.

The only reason to specify it is if he meant directly above, per the actual definition of "over" >>9676115

>> No.9676950

>A geostationary satellite can never be 10,000 miles south of someone?
Yes, because geostationary sats are 22,000 miles away from Earth.

>> No.9676997

It's 22,000 miles up, that's in the vertical axis. There's also a longtitude and latitude component

>> No.9677001

yes, and that cant be more than than 6k because the furthest point where you can have acces to the satellite is one of the poles, which is exactly half the earths radius apart from the center.

>> No.9677016


>> No.9677026
File: 12 KB, 402x366, images (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many brainlets in this thread.

It feels good to know you're smarter than all of them

>> No.9677144

>why has no rich guy done this yet for shits and giggles

because it would cost millions of dollars for what you could easily replace with an external TB HDD connected to the internet.

Because it wouldn't really be secure at all because of data slurping.

Because it would be a maintenance nightmare if it needs servicing, upgrading of storage, etc...