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File: 56 KB, 728x546, Weight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9674998 No.9674998 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't we have a biological weight limit?

Is it just because hunter/gathers basically couldn't get huge?

Like how come after say 200lbs for a 5' 8" male we don't just fail to absorb extra food we eat?

How can we get this adapted into our genes?

>> No.9675010

*taps tummy*
looks flat to me

>> No.9675013
File: 359 KB, 1024x795, Fat Balance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9675015

people didn't have the opportunity to get fat for most of humanity so they didn't, there was no need for a weight limit

>> No.9675031

hunter gatherers probably didn't have enough individuals getting fat for it to be a trait selected against

>> No.9675062

>people didn't have the opportunity
That is total garbage.
Hunter-gatherers could easily 'bulk', they had/have way more resources than they could ever need. (Hence humanity spending 95% of their history foraging. There was never a need to adapt.) Carrying around a bulk of muscles and/or fat is detrimental as a hunter-gatherer.

>> No.9675063

Hunter gatherers didn’t have Coca-Cola, cake, and acces to refined sugars.
The body has only had 50 years to adjust, not enough time to evolve

>> No.9675064

Deer meet, berries, nuts and vegetables keep you full longer than McDonald’s

>> No.9675080

even if that were true (it isn't), it's still hard to get obese when you live an active lifestyle like hunter/gatherers were and eating fresh meat/berries/etc. people are obese now because they drink 1500 calories of soda a day and their only exercise is getting up from their desk to take a shit.

>> No.9675126

Well we do, after about 300kg you die.

>> No.9675141

What exactly is not supposed to be true? That hunter-gatherers don't have an abundance of food? That humanity spent the vast majority of its their history hunting and gathering? Or that 'bulking' isn't energy efficient in a foraging lifestyle?
Because all three are facts that you would know if you spent more than 2 minutes researching actual hunter-gatherer societies

The claim that hunter-gatherers aren't fat because they don't have soda on the other hand, or that it's impossible for them to generate a caloric surplus, you pulled that out of your ass.

>it's still hard to get obese when you live an active lifestyle like hunter/gatherers
Foragers are active for an average of 3-4 hours a day and spend the rest of the day eating and lying around. Granted, those are contemporary hunter-gatherers such as the Maniq or the Piraha, and there is a chance that foragers in the past that lead much more active lifestyles. Nonetheless, the claim that they aren't fat because they live active lifestyles is plain wrong.

>> No.9675490
File: 43 KB, 640x656, 1478480154564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fatty detected. Stop eating for a few weeks

>> No.9675506

We do have such a limit, anon : once you're fat enough, you die. The solution you give would be food waste, and that's not something humanity could allow until really recently.

>> No.9675507

>tfw when I've had roughly 800 calories in the last 48 hours.
I'll out last all of you fat asses when the world goes to shit.

>> No.9675529
File: 47 KB, 570x570, il_570xN.1271234594_obiz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>what is the scientific reason for x
>oh wow a low hanging fruit thread that I can post a shitty evolution answer on
>something something natural selection

>> No.9677832

>What is energy
It's not plain wrong, fuck off.

Also you should visit a gym for once