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9672988 No.9672988 [Reply] [Original]

> hurr lets just assume it works for the next step so it must work for every step
anons, why the fuck is this Deus ex machina allowed?

>> No.9672991

it's not an assumption, fucking retard

>> No.9672996

>hurr we've proven its true for the next step so it must be true for all steps

>> No.9673001

B-but anon, that’s how steps work...

>> No.9673003

>steps are always self similar and only go in one directionat all cases
imagine being this brainlet

>> No.9673005

you prove that it works for an arbitrary step. It's like a series of dominos, if you prove that if one piece falls, then the next piece will also fall for two dominos, and you prove that the first domino falls, you know every domino will fall.

>> No.9673007

>muh dominos
this is exactly whats retarded about it, what if there's a domino that is of a different material/larger than the others that wont fall?

>> No.9673009

Im not sure whats so fishy about it. If, for some arbitrary [math]i[/math], we have that [math]q_{i+1}[/math] holds true given that [math]i[/math] if [math]q[/math] holds true then obviously if [math]q_0[/math] holds true then does [math]q_1[/math] so n so forth..

>> No.9673011

then you're unable to prove that it works for all dominos.

>> No.9673012

Should be "holds true given that q holds true" without the "that i"..

>> No.9673016

>one horse has a color, therefor all horses of that group are of one color
>now lets assume that n horses have the same color
>lets make that a group of n+1 horses
now we can only look at the n horses and say there are of the same color, or look at the horses without the first one and they also will have the same color
>therefore, if n horses will have the same color, n+1 horses will also the same color
>thus, all horses must be of the same color

>> No.9673022
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>> No.9673023
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holy shit

>> No.9673025

tell me pls, whats wrong about my argument

>> No.9673027

your "proof" states that if you only expand your group of horses with the same color as every horse the group contains, then given a initial group of one horse every horse in that group will be of the same color.

>> No.9673029

yes, but thats how induction works

>> No.9673031

You assume the result. You use that every collection consisting of a single horse has the same color. That is, you first assume all horses have the same color.

>> No.9673032

but you draw the wrong conclusion because you do not consider that there is a constraint on how you increase group size.

>> No.9673034

thats literally how induction works
what constraint is there

>> No.9673035

Oh wait you obviously meant the collection to have the same color as each other.

This is the right answer. You can go from the base case to a pair of horses.

>> No.9673036

That you can only add a horse that matches the color of every horse in the group

>> No.9673037


Take one red horse and one blue horse. The red horse and blue horse each have the same color when considered as collections of a single horse, but that does not imply they have the same color as each other. They don't.

>> No.9673041

>when considered as collections of a single horse
exactl, but thats the premise of proof by induction

>> No.9673047

In strictly logical terms, what you want to prove is

∀n: p(n)

And you can do this by proving

∀(i): p(i) → p(i+1)
and p(1)

>> No.9673051

Then what's the smallest natural number at which the proof stops working?

>> No.9673052

54 nigga

>> No.9673054

Wrong. It works at 53 so it also works at 54.

>> No.9673057

Meant to quote this guy >>9673052

>> No.9673058

while proving n horse has the same color implies n+1 horses have the same color, you are assuming n>2. note your method of proving doesn't work for a group of two horses

>> No.9673059

why shouldnt it? if it works for one, then it should for two? isnt that how induction works?

>> No.9673065

it doesn't work for 2

>> No.9673066

your proof of n=>n+1 is wrong. proof doesn't work if n=2

>> No.9673068

>another millenial thinks he thought of something no one else has
part of induction is the assumption that the problem is of the type for which induction is valid

proof breaks immediately at n=2 because when you "look at the horses without the first one" you will be looking only at the single horse which was added.
the n+1=2nd horse can be purple with the n=1st horse being grey without violating the assumption that n horses have the same color.

>> No.9673084
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if you fags are gonna argue against faulty induction, at least know who induction works

>> No.9673088


>> No.9673100

So we are assuming k horses is a sub-group of k+n horses (the last k horses) and since k+1 falls between k and k+n all k+1 horses are the same color?

I don't really understand. It sort of makes sense in a way but not completely. I can't decide if that's a reasonable assumption or faulty logic so I'm leaning towards faulty.

>> No.9673105

You're creating two different groups with at least one horse in common. That's obviously impossible at n = 2

>> No.9673107

Consider two horses and try to divide the group in the same way as the picture.

>> No.9673108

you got me anons

>> No.9673111

but the induction in itself isnt faulty

>> No.9673259

>we've proven it's true for the next step from an arbirtary step
>therefore it's true for the step beyond that
>therefore it's true for all steps, because all steps are the "next step on" from another arbitrary step

>> No.9673276

>he's this far into the semester and still struggling with chapter 0 of sipser
you're fucked faggot

my turn to ask you a question since you "understand" induction: is the proof valid if we set the base case as n=2 ?

>> No.9673314

If you actually don't understand this you're a fucking brainlet and need to get out of STEM

>> No.9673417

>retards who are taiking the bait
ITT op demonstrated that he understands the concept of induction, how it works, and even jokingly brought up paradoxes associated with it. do you unironically believe he's struggling with it?

>> No.9673963

Every class that teaches induction as a part of its curriculum uses THIS. EXACT. EXAMPLE as a common error that retards commit when using induction for the first time. It doesn't work because if there are n horses on Earth total, then there aren't n+1 horses.
You think this is a """""""""""""""flaw""""""""""""""" because you are a retard.

>> No.9673968

Nothing succeeds like success

>> No.9674021
File: 161 KB, 1093x1079, LOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an axiom

>> No.9674034

>Damage controlling this hard
>Not answering the question

>> No.9674037

Oh I see. You happen to be a brainlet.
Don't sweat it, billions of humans suffer the same fate.

>> No.9674236
File: 27 KB, 435x440, 1504752900651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love threads like these
Thanks OP

>> No.9674302

Well ordering for natural numbers shouldn't cause that much controversy.

>> No.9674307

is this just induction or am i as dumb as a black person

>> No.9674782

Yes, because its a lot more likely he is actually that much of an idiot.

>> No.9674797

What are definitions by recursion?

>> No.9674805
File: 174 KB, 640x795, 8BEFB756-BFB7-4050-8C50-AB289E50B670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mathematical induction is the same as induction
>you can’t prove mathematical induction from axioms

>> No.9674839

You forgot the base case, nigger