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9672437 No.9672437 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Euler Oiler if Euclid is not Oiclid?

>> No.9672443

bratwurst isn't feta

>> No.9672445 [DELETED] 


>> No.9672447

One's a greek name and one's a swiss name.

>> No.9672549 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9672551

Euler is eww-lar. Swiss german pronounce it eu different than germans, and jewlar was Swiss.

>> No.9672555

amerifat detected

>> No.9672558

https://wikitravel.org/en/Swiss-German_phrasebook everyone repeats their "facts" without further verifying their knowledge. Pseuds everywhere.

>> No.9672567

>eu is pronounced like ä + u
fuck off retard, I live in bavaria, I think I know my german and swissgerman

>> No.9672576

http://eldrid.ch/advanced.htm it's in all the references I can get.

>> No.9672584

But Euklid is Oiklid

>> No.9672587

your pronounce most words with a long ü sound but not euler

>> No.9672588


>> No.9672743

jesus christ, that's retarded
(and also incorrect)

>> No.9672747


>> No.9672782

>amerifat trying to argue with germans over the correct pronounciation of a german accent

>> No.9672794

So I should trust a random anon who says he is swiss over all the consistent answers I get by searching it? My interest in pronouciation and language is equivalent to some random amerifart ignornace and indiference?

>> No.9672795


>> No.9672798

>So I should trust a random anon
No, you should trust your own idiot intuition.

>> No.9672799

Mountain jew and Turkish jew.

>> No.9672802

amerifat, even tho the eu sound is pronounced differently, its not pronounced like "eww" but like a long german "ö".
>what are exceptions to the rule
its a fucking dialect, not a different language with pronounciation rules

>> No.9672832

I was merely describing what I heard on some video explaoning the pronounciation, which is much more close to the familiae "e-w" pronouciation without getting too technical. Also, I'm not a fucking amerifat, I'm Mexican and I can tell you that en español, palabras que se escriben igual se pueden pronunciar differente en distintas regiones/paises hispano-hablantes, y aun que el cambio es sutil y principalmente enfocado en la entonación, si es notable (in spanish, words written the same can be pronounced different in different regions/countries that use the spanish language, and even if the change is subtle and mainly focussed on tone level, it is still notable). So while I also cannot assume that how Euler and everyone around him pronounced his surname (and that it seems swiss dialect wasn't ussed for official buisness) it is still not as easy and universal, because language is not a fixes concept with rules that cannot be broken as you say. Also, look up the etymology, it comes from a word that doesn't has the "oi" prefix, and I can't find anything as to when the change could possibly happen considering how much the languange changed since high german.

>> No.9672837

In German and Austrian pronunciation, both are Oi.

>> No.9672969

>eu > [y:]
>Leute is pronounced "Lüüt" - [ly:t], teuer is pronounced "tüür" - [ty:r], deutsch becomes "düütsch".

this is actually most convincing.


>> No.9672979

because euler was swiss and his name is german. here eu is pronoinced like oy

so we dont say e-u-ropa, we say oyropa

>> No.9673013

i hope you doy in a foyer

>> No.9673104

>why do other languages have pronunciation rules unlike English

>> No.9673235

more of the girl?

>> No.9673282

the loyf of the woyf is ended by the knoyf

>> No.9673303

Greekfag here, "Eu" in Euclid was supposed to be read as "Eff". Also his Greek name has an ending -es (same as Socrates'). So it should've been Euclides, pronounced "Effclidees".

>> No.9673310
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English is a slutty language that allows just about any other language to indiscriminately inject their essence into the English vocabulary. As a result, English is full of mongrelized rules and exceptions.

>> No.9673323

but isn't it like that nobody knows today how the ancients spoke and pronounced their classical greek?

>> No.9673324

posting sexual pictures on /sci/ should be a bannable offense

>> No.9673338

yes, and there shouldn't be any excuses or exceptions, not even if someone actually posted Yourclid

>> No.9674058

Euler is a German name while Euclid is a Greek one, and the eu is pronounced differently in these languages. Normally they get imported into English with the same anglicized pronunciation ("yoo") but the German name gets corrected for some reason to be more "accurate," while the Greek one doesn't. If we use the same logic for the eu in Euclid then it's actually a diphthong of those two simple vowels, /eu/.

>> No.9674064

That anon is using modern Greek pronunciation actually, but that's valid too so it doesn't matter. Just don't say Oiklid.

>> No.9674105

True, but this is not how Greeks pronounce "eu". It's just that in English, Greek "eu" is traditionally pronounced as "you".
In ancient Greek it was pronounced as it is written. "eh-oo"
In modern it is pronounced as "ef" or "ev" depending on whether the vowel (or consonant) that follows it is voiced or unvoiced.

>> No.9674216
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I would like tom oil her clit if you know what I mean

>> No.9674234

Idk wtf the gay prununciation is but im prununcing it Gayler from now on lmfao.

>> No.9674244
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kek nice one nigger

>> No.9676113
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>> No.9676937

>using the world's less reliable idiom in phonethics to describe phonethics
lol. Leanr 2 pronounce english faggots

>> No.9677587

>irrelevant, attention-grabbing image
>one-line writing prompt one-post
>no source, argument, or context
>brainless trivia question easily answered by minimal research
Watch for, identify, sage, and ignore data-mining spam threads. Do not reply to bad OPs. Demand better content.

>> No.9677612


>> No.9677616

*eul her clit

>> No.9677659

fucking californians

>> No.9678014

Euler is not English, faggot

>> No.9678102

because Euclid was greek and Euler schweizerdeutsch

dang murricunts with no sense of language diversity.

>> No.9678110
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>> No.9678146

she's clearly underage


>> No.9678164

foyer is an classic KC meme

>> No.9678171

And it all feeds the Tarmogoyf.

>> No.9678200


>> No.9678204


>> No.9678219

No amerifat, your opinion on anything but mcdonald's is invalid.

>> No.9678259

Döktu Üüler isch üs dr Schwyz und du bisch nüüts.

>> No.9678277

Those characters you used as examples are not phonetic though. No language is phonetic. Use the IPA if you want to describe something, otherwise it's literally meaningless.

>> No.9678880

>No language is phonetic
WRONG. Most europeans languajes are 99% phonetic. Latin and slavs specially

>> No.9679235

>Turkish Jew
More like Gyro Jew or Zeus Jew.