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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9671691 No.9671691 [Reply] [Original]

>IQ of 117 according to


>Took SAT and got 1150

What's it like to have an IQ of 100 or 140?
I think I only met two genius men in my lifetime.

I think I had a friend that was 100 IQ, and I loved him, but he grew to reject me.

I don't have very many friends, so I'm trying to place myself in a collective I've never really had. I had a white friend that said my intelligence level was ""Okay""

I've never been close to another human being before.

Can anyone tell me if the mensa Norway test is close to real? I waited two years and retook it and got 128, but I don't know if that's an inflated number.

I look at Puerto Rican DNA and this chart, and I kind of can't believe I'm smarter than 72 people in Puerto Rico. 1 in 14 sounds more accurate


>> No.9671697
File: 17 KB, 882x758, 1485361166599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw no 4 digit IQ

>> No.9672111
File: 112 KB, 672x712, 1515939206109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an 110 IQ and my answer is simply to stop comparing the worth of a person based a number.
People will start to like you more when you stop limiting them to something they have no control over
>"oh shit it's the IQ faggot again he's gonna come up and tell us how much of a brainlet we are, lets leave this faggot alone."

People dont like company of someone who degrades them everytime they're around

>> No.9672115

>Realize there are improbable odds that I was the sperm to inseminate my mother
>Realize I could easily have 128 IQ and be smarter than 72 people

I want to get a professional assessment.
I want to do it before I'm too poor to care about getting an IQ test.

I absolutely must watch this video before I die

>> No.9672116

>SAT of 1150
C'mon now you can get at least a 1300 with just basic algebra and logic

>> No.9672118

Took that test by just clicking on random answers fast, got a score of 125 IQ. That test is shit

>> No.9672126
File: 153 KB, 750x723, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High IQ wont automatically make you know the formulas for your test.
Being smart is not being some math fag, is knowing how to manage your shit right, take the right decisions and NOT FUCKING LIMITING YOUR ENTIRE CAPACITY TO A NUMBER THAT CHANGES ON DIFFERENT PERIODS OF YOUR LIFE.


>> No.9672127

>Hit random answers
>Get branded retarded

How are you doing that?

>> No.9672138

The Mensa Norway test isn't close to real. It is basically a Raven's Progressive Matrices test only. This is what people call Spatial IQ. The problem is that it only tests one skill and that one skill actually has the highest Flynn Effect (people today score much higher than people did when it was made).

You could be mediocre at this test and have a very high IQ still.

>> No.9672150

Puerto Rico certainly does not have an average IQ of 100 and its IQ distribution could also be different that the nation as a whole.

>> No.9672158

It has a genetic IQ of 93-96

Anything you pull-up on it is muddled by garbage educational system.

>> No.9672166

Retarded Rappers and Pop musicians are popular and loved by a lot of retarded fans.
But they still retarded regardless.

>> No.9672170

>Basic algebra
>Plot the function graph chart

It has some weird shit you need to be experienced in on it, or you'll fail.

I think Texas has the worst mathematics score on the SAT because of the way math is taught down here.

>> No.9672178
File: 232 KB, 979x832, 1514286408189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never heard of an algebra class that doesn't teach how to plot a function. Just how bad is it down there

>> No.9672183


Continuing >>9672166

A retarded can still become successful.

There are a lot of retarded yet popular Comedians, Rappers, Pop Stars, Porn Stars, Top Models, Sportsmen, and Modern Artists out there.

So it's possible to be successful as a retarded Brainlet

But they will still be regarded as retarded no matter how rich they become.

>> No.9672185

I just found my highschool, and the average SAT score was 906


>> No.9672191

Also, it's not a race thing


>> No.9672196

>Magnet high school
>Regular high school
come on, anon

>> No.9672201

You compared a selective high school in a high income area to a nonselective high school in a low income area. This is not a good way to go about fighting "racism".

>> No.9672215

IQ just means how quick can you develop or learn something, it doesn't give you knowledge nor gives you wisdom it just makes the path easier.

>> No.9672222

I'm not fighting racism, but I am displaying differences in educational standards.

I distinctly remember fucking off really hard back in math class. I didn't really have to learn anything, and I pretty much flushed it all down the toilet because the tests were easy and there was no real need to go beyond memorization and really learn the material.

The only way you would get it in your brain is through a vested interest, and there was none for me.

It resulted in a low math score years later.

>> No.9672239

never took an iq test because I’m not a fag but I got 1570 so bow before me brainlet

>> No.9672255

>out of 2400

>> No.9672260

i didn't know algebra or geometry when I took it and my score was similar to OP's lmao.
i did much better on the GRE, though.

>> No.9672261

Here's another one with even less white kids


>> No.9672274

Why do you care about your IQ? Are you afraid it's going to be a barrier to your accomplishments?

>> No.9672285

I've got nothing in my life that I'm blossoming into anything.

I'm going to work and then die.
I'm just curious if my thoughts are valid, and the best way to find that is through an IQ test.

I've got an anti-natalist perspective on this reality, and I'm wondering if it's the right answer and if I can even trust myself to answer that question, so I need to see how I stack-up against others.

>> No.9672287

>I'm just curious if my thoughts are valid, and the best way to find that is through an IQ test.
This is fallacious.

>> No.9672289

It is very high income and has a strange name (might be a selective high school). I don't know what point you are trying to make.

>> No.9672304

It's selective, but it's selective through a lottery.

I'm holding a belief in my brain about the world I live in that goes against minds faster than my own.

I need to see how I think and get my mind gauged before I can commit to something that flies in the face of so many people.

I might just be missing a piece of reality that other people see that I can't.

>> No.9672311

Lmao OP relax man. You sound young (which means your brain will become smarter and more retarded at different times in the future) and you're going to be fine.

Stop worrying about it. IQ is a meme. Take the LSAT if you want a better idea of actual (non-nerdy autist) intelligence. The LSAT is an IQ test, but it tests for a much more analytical intelligence than the Mensa scam or the fucking SAT (lmao, the SAT is retarded, don't worry about that at all). For math intelligence, it's like chess; you need to practice everyday, and you're probably not a super-genius at it. For science, it's a combination of math and curiosity. And curiosity just comes with wisdom. You'll be a better scientist than any research-school faggot if you actually start to question your surroundings. That's why so many of them go through cringey drug phases; 95% of scientists would kill for natural curiosity, because 95% of scientists have engineer/autist brains that are geared towards repetition and memorization (due to SAT/mensa/GPA academic system).

Don't spend any time thinking about IQ. It's a Jewish invention (look this up). It's designed to identify military officers who can interpret and follow instructions and mega-autists who can design missiles. These archetypes are important and commendable but lack in areas of much more importance than pattern recognition or whatever. Also the people who obsess over this shit are always super gay and heavily autistic and annoying (IQcucks are almost exclusively Redditfags who are universally detested). Also basically everyone lies about their IQ, and very few have had it done professionally.

If anything, IQ is just a measure of how easy the education system will be for you. Success in non-academic settings is much more chaotic, and those who get ahead don't necessarily have high IQs.

****Remember: Adolf Hitler's IQ was 125. You can do anything with your life OP!****

>> No.9672334

>Remember: Adolf Hitler's IQ was 125. You can do anything with your life OP!
125 IQ still pretty high compared to Op's IQ.

>> No.9672341

One standard deviation is 15 from 100, you're normal.

>> No.9672355

pffftXD give me a break, there are turbo-dweebs with 160+ IQ's that are slaving away for the Chad CEO at some aerospace corporation or for Professor Shillstein at Western Shithole University.

IQ discreetly measures for servility. In fact, it's an inherent aspect of the test, not to mention the history of the test's development. And servility handicaps people in the non-academic and non-military setting (the only settings where IQ is repeatedly measured). Notice I didn't say non-scientific! Like I said before, physicists are taught like engineers these days, which is why we haven't seen many fundamental breakthroughs that aren't 99.9% tied to technological breakthroughs (i.e. detecting gravity waves is a tech feat, not a advance in overall understanding -- quantum computing is a tech feat, based on physics that has been understood for 50 years -- non homogeneous supergalactic structures are a tech/optics feat, not an advance in understanding).

>> No.9672360

The ingredient in the sandwich of your post that I’m choosing to focus on is that you’re sad and lonely. So I’m choosing to write *hugs* and I hope you find friendship in the truest and realest sense and I hope you feel better and I’m sorry you’re sad.

>> No.9672363

>IQ discreetly measures for servility.
I think our school system is a much bigger problem. The end of "Boys Will Be Boys" has been disastrous for human capital.

>> No.9672644

I don't really understand what you mean. Anti-natalist...you're anti reproduction?

Look, about this IQ thing: it can be used to predict some things, but what, are you expecting there are magic thresholds of numbers where people just know everything? The world doesn't work like that. The smartest person in the world isn't qualified to give you direction for your life. There are no storybook sages or wise men, there are no immutable answers to solving your problems, you need to figure shit out yourself.

I decided that if I'm going to work and die, I might as well work for the best goddamn goal I can imagine. What have I got to lose? If it's worth pursuing, why would I let anything other than the laws of the universe come and stop me? I'll worry about failed experiments and gaps in my knowledge as it's clear I'm not succeeding. It's not over until I give up.

>> No.9672653

>c`mon now you can score in the 90th percentile on a standardized test by trying harder
Are you retarded?

>> No.9672671

Wew in my country (Singapore) any score under 2000 is bad for SATs.

You Americans have it easy

>> No.9672684

>I can't score better than literal retards
I didn't prep and got a 1440. That was considered decent at best. My friends who took it seriously got 1500+.
New scale is out of 1600 now.

>> No.9672859

141 here. I find myself playing dumb a lot because i dont like when people obsess over my intelligence.
>woah how did you figure that out?
>you must be some sort of genius
>just ask anon, he knows everything
>why do you remember such weird stuff
How am i supposed to act/respond to these? If i agree i seem egotistical, if i disagree its hard to make it seem genuine and then there is an awkward stall in the conversation. At work it becomes a problem because they rely on me for EVERYTHING. If i say no then im the lazy asshole who just doesnt want to work. If i dont say no im doing 5 times the work as everyone else is for similar pay. Ive been downplaying my intelligence ever since i was a kid. I just wanted to be like everyone else. Still though, the only thing i would trade my intelligence for would be being born filthy rich.

>> No.9672864
File: 188 KB, 1200x778, Virgin vs Chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chadiness isn't Intelligence

As a Chad You can be rich, successful and fuck a lot of girls' pussies.

But being a Chad [math] \neq [/math] being intelligent.

A Retarded Chad would never be able do advanced Physics and math because He is RETARDED.

Retarded Chads will simply either Cheat or pay a Autistic Math/Sci-Fag to do It.

>> No.9672867

>tfw got 133
am i smart now?

>> No.9672873

>>9672334 >>9672355

You can still be successful, rich and powerful being a Brainlet Retard Chad.

But Chad [math]\neq [/math] smart

Chadiness (Charisma, Leadership, Intimidation & Strength) make people respect a Chad regardless how much retarded a Chad is.

Abraham Lincoln is famous for lacking formal education
He was a Leader who made History, but a Brainlet regardless.

>> No.9672877 [DELETED] 

Can you even take those online tests serious (even if it's test.mensa.no)?
Although the test told me that I'd have an iq of 123 I feel like I wasted 13 min of my life

>> No.9672999

>IQ of 117 according to test.mensa.no
My dude, that's bad. Real bad. Irl you're probably 105

>> No.9673447
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I would support an IQ of 105, but I have a SAT score that supports 117.

I got 128 on the OP test after I retook and bet my entire life on it, but I don't know if that's inflated.

I also don't remember the 117. I don't remember if I was serious when I took the test or not.

>> No.9675539

I don't visit /sci/ often but when I do there are 3 or 4 IQ threads up. Are these ironic? I really can not tell.

>> No.9675571
File: 72 KB, 1280x720, 70239847509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plenty of tards out there living kickass lives.
my first wife, was tarded
she's a pilot now

ITT OP seeking validation, rest is shit posting, except for the occasional LARP (>>9672859)

>> No.9677944

bumping based thread

>> No.9678066
File: 208 KB, 800x933, millenial_poltards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You compared a selective high school in a high income area to a nonselective high school in a low income area. This is not a good way to go about fighting "racism".
It's actually a useful data point against the /pol/tards that infest /sci/ spamming wild theories about genetics.
They spam meme images claiming whites from low income areas actually outperform minorities from high income areas. But here we can see that this is always not the case.

>> No.9678079

>What's it like having a 140+ IQ?
It's pretty boring, you just see everyone as apes and you feel quite lonely in the world, like no one really understands you. And you can't have true friends cause they'll all sooner or later grew to reject you, envious because of their own limitations.

>> No.9678092

That's a pretty average SAT score unless you need to take calc 1 in your first semester . Stop being insecure because you're not a genius and you'll be fine. Acknowledge your mediocrity. Nobody on /sci/ is a genius either, the ones who sound like they know what they're talking about are more disciplined than anything 9/10 times

>> No.9678316

God I wish I had an IQ of 1150