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9671416 No.9671416[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


According to stormshits, relativity is jewish science. Is that true?

>> No.9671438

Nazifags in Germany were trying to stomp it out. The smart professors just renamed stuff. Same thing happened in commie China during the revolution, anything discovered by Western "capitalists" was thrown out the window, but the smart professors were able to save the knowledge without getting executed

>> No.9671439

They are smarter than nomries who praise Einstein, so I guess we need to resurrect Nazi math and science to reach the stars.

>> No.9671440
File: 298 KB, 433x958, 1521244584275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are right about the plagiarist fraud part.


>> No.9671441

Does your GPS work? Yes? Ok relativity is real.

Einstein never copied anyone. Science is just a collaborating effort. "If I see further it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants." I could easily claim everyone working in physics today is plagiarizing Newton, since that was the foundation of physics.

>> No.9671443
File: 243 KB, 893x1158, proxy.duckduckgo (9).com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smarter than Einstein.

>> No.9671447

Both the USA and the URSS used nazi rocket scientists to reach space.

>> No.9671448
File: 10 KB, 268x326, Teichmuller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot smarter than Einstein.

>> No.9671449

Not just Jewish but also Jesuit/Masonic inspired.

>Does your GPS work? Yes? Ok relativity is real.

Bizarre logic there. GPS is land based triangulation + a smattering of weather balloons.

>> No.9671453

If you immediately assume everyone on the far right or far left is lying before they even open their overweight faces to speak, you'll be wrong a negligible percentage of the time; not enough to bother concerning yourself with it.

Neo-nazis are particularly hilarious because everything they believe is centered around vilifying Jews, so you can predict what their "beliefs" will be on any given subject or in any given context. For example, try to predict what neo-nazis think about [insert historical/current event], then google or keep an eye out for what they actually believe. There's an almost 100% chance that you will find them claiming the mainstream consensus is a lie, and "the akshual truth is:" [generic vilification of minority here]. So that's exactly what you're seeing in this video. The logical reasoning powers of extremists are very minimal.

The only real exception to this "reasoning" seems to be where Asian countries are concerned. So if you bring up for example the low birth rates on Japan, neo-nazis will generally stay completely silent because even they have the 60 or 70 IQ points required to realize they can't use it as an opportunity to shill against le jooz. But all it will take is one shilling neckbeard to create some ridiculous connection there and they'll all pick it up and it will be "the truth" and they'll put it in infographs.

>> No.9671456

Relativity has absolutely nothing to do with any GPS, commercial or otherwise.

>> No.9671457

False. Goddard did most of the work for inventing rockets. Von Braun even states multiple times his work would not be possible without Goddard's.

The US just wanted to stop the USSR from getting any kind of ballistic missiles, or any new technology really, at all costs. They were just as concerned with stopping the Russians from getting jet engines, but that doesn't sound as catchy.

>> No.9671459

Satellites do have to take into account time dilation or the accurate would drift drastically over time.

>> No.9671466

>Von Braun
Also smarter than Einstein and the only type of immigrant we shoudl accept.

>> No.9671501
File: 231 KB, 1200x1200, nikola-tesla-9504443-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Satellites do have to take into account time dilation or the accurate would drift drastically over time.

Time dilation is just aether drag on an electronic clock. There is no time dilation happening.

>> No.9671528
File: 40 KB, 850x400, quote-miss-never-trust-a-jew-nikola-tesla-272054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also smarter than Einstein.

>> No.9671558

Guys, it is antisemitic to say anyone is smarter than Einstein. He is the smarter person ever! He figured out gravity was curved space and that nothing could travel faster than light! Without him, the atom bomb would never have been built! What is wrong with all you antisemites?

>> No.9671649

This is a good post

>> No.9671661


Okay, now it's just sad. You're trying way too hard.

>> No.9671700
File: 208 KB, 800x933, 1518639857045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believing stormfags

>> No.9671758

That pic unironically describes me.

>> No.9671763

It is. Hail our Jewish overlords.

>> No.9671766

You can't plagiarize universal truths. Science exists by building off the discoveries of other people, and sometimes two people independently discover the same thing.

>> No.9671830

Tesla Time And Vedas 1/2

Tesla mentioned in his letters that existence is what happens when energy starts to move into a spiral this movement of energy generates physicality and all things. The rotation of energy waves generates electric and magnetic realties which have a expanding and contracting force. Which form time which is karma, existence. Karma is motion of energy. Ether vibrating at different rates of motion. Which forms density. Ether is what conducts the force we call electricity and magnetism. Ether is the element which connects everything and all things. Tesla knew such.

Tesla studied the Vedic texts you can see this in his letters the terms he uses. The Vedic word for time is Kala which means space and time. Space means the ether element. Because time flows from ether and thought ether by spiralling motion. This gives us the Phi spiral and the symbol of the swastika. Which shows how this spiral has mathematic ratio and the mathematical gives us vibrational templates which gives us laws of function or mechanic's. And existence.This is why certain shapes act as generator's. Because they are the vibrational template of the way the ether forms into that template. The Pyramids are an example.

>> No.9671835


can be no big bang as this all forms out of the eternal ether that can have neither start nor end. Because its above time and time is what descends out of it. Not the other way around.That is why there can also be no "creator god" either. Note all the physic's based off the big bang have produced nothing of value or meaning . Tesla's criticism's of mainstream physic's and what its result would be has been proven true. Now Tesla understood how existence functions and created a massive field of advanced and working technology as one man without much resources or agency. So who was right... Just look at the result. We are living in the 1950's with a computer.

Just who wants this worthless and false Big Bang around and the junk science its built an establishment around to maintain control.....Well a certain tribe of people went around calling any physicist who disagreed with the Big Bang an "anti-Semite." This false physic's is an agenda to give people a show but nothing real. So scientific advancement is then held back. Because as Tesla proved real science is spiritual science. This is also why Wallace who cofounded the theory of evolution with Darwin had his name removed from it. He went on to prove humans have spiritual abilities and documented this.

Jewish junk science literally can't even tell us how magnetism works.

>> No.9671839


That got cut out of first paragraph.

>> No.9671909

>Jewish junk science literally can't even tell us how magnetism works.

>> No.9671932

More on spiritual science? Unless you're gonna link me some new age occult crap

>> No.9671933


>> No.9671938
File: 44 KB, 550x404, tip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tesla mentioned
To the mental institution with you

>> No.9671957

Well they're right about one thing. You cunts can't meme for shit. Why the fuck wouldn't you use the nerd vs. chad layout. The statements are already in the right format you fucking idiot.

>> No.9672187
File: 74 KB, 627x550, Einstein 1921 nobel prize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>According to stormshits, relativity is jewish science.
Not watching your video.
SR was developed by many people, mostly Lorentz, Fitzgerald and Maxwell. Einstein did a paper on it that was a "yeah this" and it got a lot of Jewish press. You should note that his Nobel was not for relativity.
GR was done by Hilbert, who wrote a letter to Einstein saying his solution was about to be published. Einstein rushed to publication after Hilbert told him the solution.
So, if you mean it's "jewish" because it's stolen and attributed to a Jew, yes.
If you mean a Jewish guy developed it, afraid not.

>> No.9672190

>Einstein never copied anyone. Science is just a collaborating effort.
Not only did he get credit for work that was not his, he copied Theil and then plead that he didn't know of the prior work.
If I had done that in grad school, it would have been my ass. It's your job to know the prior work. Einstein got a pass on plagiarism.

>> No.9672197

I'm sad that Flat Earthers and other modern pseudoscience nutjobs don't try and invoke aether theories more often.

>> No.9672234
File: 56 KB, 645x773, 1505078839221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>memes were invented during the 2016 election

>> No.9672270

Flat earth goes hand in hand with an electric universe.

>> No.9672328

If you can get that system to work without relativity I will give you a billion dollars for real.

>> No.9672331


>> No.9672336

I don't think any of the conspiracy models are compatible or consistent

>> No.9672338

Shut the fuck up you false-flagging shill, you're probably a Jew yourself. 99% of fascists or neo-Nazis or whatever you want to call them do not disbelieve in science just because a lot of scientists were Jewish

>> No.9672683

>nonrelativistic derivation
You do realize that relativity is a vital component of the mass-energy equivalence? De Pretto was a brainlet whose work was expanded upon by Einstein.

>> No.9672765

>GPS is land based triangulation + a smattering of weather balloons
found the GIS101 "F"-student

>> No.9672770

Goddard's work was ignored by US Army and vilified by NY Times "science" writers.

>> No.9672790
File: 38 KB, 640x139, diethyl-ether.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that what you're huffing tonight?

>> No.9673176

>Does your GPS work? Yes? Ok relativity is real.
No. Read more.

>> No.9673177

No u


>> No.9673184

tfw the F student knows more than you.