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File: 120 KB, 500x498, lil-pump-and-smokepurpp-respect-women-so-much-they-buy-28421267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9670497 No.9670497[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Soundcloud rappers, beating your parents on live tv shows and making yourself look like a retard for the shake of others.
These are some of the skills required for someone to go viral on 2018 and 5 years back to get yourself rich.

Im asking for a theory someone might have as to how these individuals get richer than
any PhD hodler of science or astrophysicist will ever get in their lifetime. Do you really need knowledge to be rich?

Bright examples:

>lilpump,lilxanx,lildick etc: talk about snorting heroin off of cocks and make more money in a concert than someone make in ten years.
>Bhad baby(how bout dat): Beat her parents on live tv show. Prolly hasnt finished highschool yet nor she will, made her first million dollar in the first month after she came on a tv show. Sing scripted songs atm and makemillions
>Walmart Kid Yodeling: His singing sucks he has no talent,watch him make his first million cuz every manager look for a kid that goes viral, no brain no talent, just gone viral and gonna get him millions before he gets adult , from advertisement only.

Im looking for people's opinion of what they think about it. Even tho all the viral shit are mostly in Murica, the country of the most fucked up rednecks but some smart guys as well. Your PhD and 20 years of studding will never make you more money than a kid yodeling on walmart. How does it make you feel? The knowledge is money just stopped existing since the internet came up.

Whats your thoughts?

>> No.9670536

content creation is super valuable and saleable. People want to be entertained. One song sells to millions of people.
scientists are important, but not in the same way, and most day to day scientists are replaceable. I.e if one scientist that was about to discover something but doesnt because he decided to fuckoff, another scientist will discover it 6 months later. you might see this when you find out several people came up with big idea around the same time but only one gets credit for. Once the background data is there, the idea is emergent. Leibniz–Newton inventing calculus at the same time independently is a famous one, but there are tons of them. The most important people for progress are always leaders and social organizers though

>> No.9670541
File: 58 KB, 479x720, 1404059360151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like a butthurt fedora upset that other people are popular and you aren't. Get over yourself. Also, the Walmart yodeling kid was pretty good for being a little kid, yodeling is difficult.

It's also hilarious that you blame "rednecks" for dragging this country down when you know damned well who the real retarded leeches of this country are. Being able to do calculus or shit like that is not the most important thing in the world, the fact that you think book smarts is the only thing that matters is pathetic. Yeah, I'm sure a roughneck working on a rig in Alaska probably wouldn't be able to tell you how stellar nucleosynthesis works, but I can absolutely guarantee you that he is more useful to society and his friends and loved ones than you are. He also isn't on 4chan whining and bitching about how people don't like him even though he's super duper smart.

Get over yourself, faggot. People like you is why normies think scientists are pretentious.

>> No.9670545

you sound salty and mad he just asked for opinions get over yourself fat fuck

>> No.9670552
File: 57 KB, 500x500, Lil Pump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lil Pump and Marijuana are dope bruh.

>> No.9670555
File: 239 KB, 284x396, 1498965827246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jester archetype has been around for Millenia

Pic related

Some know they're doing it, but the best ones don't know.

>> No.9670558

This appeared to be pretty poorly written, but I'm interpreting your post as
"How do unintelligent men such as lil pump become so wealthy?"

The Gods Truth: Lil Pump and SmokePurpp are closely related to God and are rulers of the earth. It was planned, it was prophesied.

The "Truth": America is a shitty country where any retard with a catchy song can become famous and rich. Seeing them as failures is an absurd statement though. What did they fail?

>> No.9670560
File: 595 KB, 799x798, Doctor lil pump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9670497 >>9670552

Dr. Lil Pump is a Latino Doctor & Chemist specialized in making Drugs that increase Dopamine in Brain.

Harvard M.D. who prescribes medicinal Marijuana

>> No.9670561
File: 112 KB, 577x576, 1518468492299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doctor Lil Pump recommends a daily dose of Medical Marijuana.

Which releases Dopamine in your Brain & Nervous System that releases Pain & Anxiety.

>> No.9670566
File: 37 KB, 355x355, Lil Pump Marijuana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marijuana as Nootropic Drug

>> No.9670590

not him, but OP's insights on society are teenager-tier. you sound more "salty and mad" than he is.

this board really is shit, I need to start filtering these kinds of threads

>> No.9670599

>Do you really need knowledge to be rich?
There are different ways to get rich. Doctors, lawyers, and businessmen can make a lot of money with their knowledge. Being a good entertainer is a way to get rich that does not require knowledge. It requires being creative, unusual, and original. It all comes down to supply and demand.

>> No.9670615
File: 98 KB, 1080x1080, 25005326_206075343270855_6212013480279539712_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slander of the good Lilliam Pumpernickel, M.D, M.S, PhD will not be taken lightly. You will be contacted by his lawyers shortly.


>> No.9670667

Why’s he putting the stethoscope onto a bottle of lean

>> No.9670707 [DELETED] 

The most favorable position to be in for wealth/popularity in a capitalist society:
>low intelligence
>high physical attractiveness
>low (preferably zero) shame/remorse/guilt
In other words, the path to "success" is being the exact opposite of a good person in most respects. Even some traditional paths to success such as through business ventures simply require that you are a terrible person with no guiding system of values.

>It requires being creative, unusual, and original
No, it requires having the same terrible ideas that everyone has, but instead of discarding those ideas out of a healthy degree of shame and intelligence, you use them. Why does this work? Because the average person is stupid, and wants to see Kardashians talk about makeup shades or whatever. They want to see you scream at your screen while you play video games. Nearly half of the US believes the Earth is less than 10,000 years old. Really think about how stupid that is, and realize that there are around 200 million of those people, and they usually don't even overlap with the horoscope readers.

If this is something that you want, you can probably use tools such as cognitive behavioral therapy to file down your shame and other positive traits to the point where you can easily become wealthy by virtue of your new insufferable personality.

>> No.9670719


He never said anything about rednecks ruining america, he just wants to know what people think about everyone who's rich for basically doing nothing. Good job at attacking an irrelevant little point he made

>> No.9670761

The movie Idiocracy exaggerates it slightly but otherwise cuts to the core of what is a simple issue. When you have hundreds of millions of stupid (Christian) consumers with the freedom to act as they will, the wealthy -- as determined by supply and demand -- will generally come from the lowest parts of society. It really is as simple as the majority of people being dumb and having bad taste in entertainment/role models, having bad character and no principles, etc.

>> No.9670779

>There are different ways to get rich. Doctors, lawyers, and businessmen can make a lot of money with their knowledge. Being a good entertainer is a way to get rich that does not require knowledge. It requires being creative, unusual, and original. It all comes down to supply and demand.
> It requires being creative, unusual, and original.

Comedy fucking gold

>> No.9670788
File: 1.33 MB, 983x910, 20170608_013307[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you telling me people like this fucker are not those things?

>> No.9670804

Yes, that's what I'm telling you. I think you're mistaking shamelessness and stupidity for creativity and originality. Are you saying the reason you aren't a talentless dumpster clown or a Kardashian or writing terrible "song" lyrics for a living is because the ideas are beyond your capacity for creativity?

>> No.9670818

The point is there is always gonna be some stupid fuck that will get viral always. In a sense its like winning the lotto really. I mean you get fame for obviously doing something outside of the box, 99% of the time is something bad and you become a meme and you just gotta take advantage of it and get rich. Its simple. Your math PhD won't get you that. You need to get outside the box

>> No.9670824

Lol. Not in one line op mentioned all these shit you say. You sound mad as fuck cuz why? Bet your face screams rape and crime while defending with your keyboard your favourite raper or something, moron

>> No.9670869

You can argue that the content they create is trash, but the way they present themselves is original and captivating, otherwise they wouldn't have millions of fans and followers. For example, these soundcloud rappers are utter garbage, but before they emerged there weren't many hiphop artists talking about their feelings in such an explicit way. In this way they were original, and suddenly millions of angsty teenagers found popish musicians they could relate to (which is something that had been missing since the 90s).
>Are you saying the reason you aren't a talentless dumpster clown or a Kardashian or writing terrible "song" lyrics for a living is because the ideas are beyond your capacity for creativity?
No, because being a successful artist requires more than just creativity and originality. You need to fit the current pop culture zeitgeist and also incredibly amount of luck.

>> No.9670876

And the religion of economics once again proves itself to be complete and utter cancer.

>> No.9670880

I bet you also think its cool when some sleazy dirt bag fools a bunch of retards into buying into his ponzi, and gets out just in time.

>> No.9670883

Are you so fucking stupid that you think when this

it doesn't indirectly fuck over people who weren't even involved?

>> No.9670886

entertainers will be replaced with holograms and AI with low paid writers in the background

Also we will just have a low brow culture of 'youtube stars' where most only make a small amount of money

>> No.9670890

You need to get with the program and start mocking the sleaze and their retarded followers with the rest of us, instead of making excuses for them