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File: 15 KB, 261x342, 20-30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9667516 No.9667516 [Reply] [Original]

You should be able to solve this.

>> No.9667622

CBD at D' is 180-80-20= 80
thus, DEA at D' is 180-80=100
now we can calculate DEA at E':
all we need now is the other side of e:
CBE at E': 180-30-80=70
Now we can finally calculate x at CED
because x+ E at DEA + E at CBE = 180°

this was fun

>> No.9667630

This looks like world's hardest easy geometry problem.

>> No.9667639

I just noticed I made an error: I cant calculate D at DEA because I'm missing the middle part

>> No.9667640
File: 1001 KB, 640x480, 1462706737657.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9667751


>> No.9667772

try using the cross in the middle

>> No.9667947

That doesn't help, you still end up with 4 unknown angles and not enough non-trivial equations to solve them all. It comes down to x+y = 50, y being angle BDE.

>> No.9667990

I think x has to be 20 degrees because if both of the angles from the base were 25, DE would be parallel to CB, and so x and y would also both be 25. If you shift that structure around to how the figure actually is, x will correspond to the 30 degree side, and be 20, while y corresponds to the 20 degree side and is 30.

>> No.9668014

thats just an assumption, not a proof buddy

>> No.9668065
File: 234 KB, 1970x640, triangle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9668097
File: 323 KB, 2560x1080, trigworks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Trig is the way to go, though I may have flipped a fraction or something. Someone can check my work.

>> No.9668103

>using the angle notation clockwise

>> No.9668104


Oops already noticed an error. Copied wrong length.

>> No.9668121
File: 301 KB, 2560x1080, trigworks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fixed my error. I look forward to people finding others. But the technique is sound.

>> No.9668130

waayy too retarded and complicated

>> No.9668147

Also wrong. I did the simple geometric calculations and it ended up being 45 degrees. I will post the pic of my solution once my phone charges

>> No.9668159

Oops, I accidentally added to 190 rather than 180. The ACTUAL angle is just 40

>> No.9668168

also wrong

>> No.9668185

CDY is same as DEY

>> No.9668195


>> No.9668207


>> No.9668208

This is correct:

>> No.9668209

30 deg

>> No.9668213

60 nigs

>> No.9668214

How many dimensions is the triangle in?

>> No.9668217

ITT: people who don’t know the triangle sum theorem, vertical angles, and linear pairs.

>> No.9668218

Use \sin so it looks nicer.

>> No.9668221

>needing trig to do 6th grade math

>> No.9668238


I don't see you posting a solution. So stop trying to look smart by putting down those who actually know how to solve geometry problems.

>> No.9668239

x=20, I did it simply by calculating the other angles, though I'm pretty sure there are formulas to get it in a singler way.. but I don't remember them.


>> No.9668243


>> No.9668246


Angles don't match up.

>> No.9668251


Show your work.

>> No.9668259

I don't know

>t. MecE grad.

>> No.9668261

I would, but I have 2 problems:
- I'm not doing your homework, fagoot
- I actually forgot how I got one of the angles... the one that helped me solve it :/

>> No.9668264

>>9668261 for >>9668251

>> No.9668268


Forgot how I got one of the angles... So you didn't get it.

>> No.9668272

I did, I solved half of it by writing, the other half mentally, but then someone interrupted me and I forgot the process I followed to solve it.
in any case, you can do your homework by yourself, I'm pretty sure
and if you can't.. I don't give a shit, actually

>> No.9668277


You need to check your mental work then, cause the answer is not an integer. Nice try though.

>> No.9668280
File: 63 KB, 1366x712, trigtrigtrig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Following up with general solution.

>> No.9668302

>the answer is not an integer
did you watch >>9668243 ?
and yeah, I was wrong, looks like I pulled some number out of nowhere...

>> No.9668308

nevermind, the video shows a different case...

>> No.9668317
File: 612 KB, 2048x1536, 996ACBC6-52AC-4413-B76B-AB8A5444497E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9668319

angle A is both 40 and 20 degrees, this should have no solution.

>> No.9668321


Angle A is 20, check your work.

>> No.9668337

Yeah, I swapped two of the angles.

>> No.9668372 [DELETED] 

I already did you fukcing nigger, see >>9668207
And it’s correct btw.

>> No.9668410


>> No.9668412


>> No.9668464


Solutions have already been posted. Read them.

>> No.9668548
File: 131 KB, 1066x519, triangle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting x=17.87798714

No ugly fucking square roots needed.

>> No.9668605

No matter how hard I try I can't seem to get the angles needed to solve
I know CAE @ E + x = 110, but I can't find the angle DAE @ E or @ D or DEB @ D in order to solve.

>> No.9668640

I thought the trigonometric functions were restricted to right angle triangles, am I a brainlet or is this guy?

>> No.9668646

I see I was the brainlet all along. Go ahead, spit on me anons.


>> No.9668648

Law of Cosines my dude

>> No.9668652


>> No.9668687
File: 10 KB, 877x519, GeneralLawOfSines.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a general solution as well.

>> No.9668706
File: 58 KB, 544x552, solution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This can be dealt with easily using linear algebra by applying basic geometric rules.
It comes down to a system of 3 unique equations with 4 unknowns, meaning there are infinite solutions. This is easy to confirm. Apply a couple geometric rules till you are stumped and then observe how when you insert any reasonable value for x, try 20 then 30, the rest of the values balance out perfectly. It's that simple. Here, I even made a picture for you all because otherwise I will be ignored.

>> No.9668708

I don't know what the fuck you people are on about with general solutions when there are infinite valid values for x. I hope that mess of trig gives you a range somehow or it's simply wrong.

>> No.9668717

The infinite solutions is kinda what these anons were getting at

Based on the construction of the triangle you'd expect there to be a definite answer, though. The location of D and E depend on the angles at the base, and segment DE is what gives the angle x. Unless the angles vary with the sizes of the sides in some way that's hard to tell just by looking at it. Or the angles given can't actually produce the figure as drawn (it's already horribly out of scale) and OP is memeing us with an unsolvable problem.

>> No.9668718

This was my conclusion as well. There are 4 angles that cannot found that are dependant on eachother.

>> No.9668752

Yeah, I see this now. The closest we can possibly get to an answer is this:
X = (0,50)
All values between 0 and 50 (exclusive) satisfy the evil meme triangle.

>> No.9668765

Read >>9668548 and understand what is going on.
Literally just use the law of sines 4 times.

>> No.9668790

>fixed angles which means the triangle ratios for the big triangle are fixed
>fixed angles for the two lines in the triangle which means they always cross at the same place
infinitely many solutions!!!!

>> No.9668839

these are correct but waay to complicated
you can solve this with simple triangle =180° and angle relations for crossed lines

>> No.9668842

Please do show

>> No.9668975
File: 3.48 MB, 3992x4912, KMS_SeniorEngrStudentCantTrig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the puzzle, I stayed up too late hashing this out.

x = 16.355...°

>Solve using law of sines, and use sides DP and EP in terms of BC

CD = BC*sin(20)/sin(80) {Law of Sines with Triangle BDC}
DP = CD {Triangle CDP is isosceles}
DP = BC*sin(20)*sin(80)

BE = BC*sin(30)/sin(70) {Law of Sines with Triangle BCE}
EP = BC*[sin(30)/sin(70)]*[sin(60)/sin(50)] {Law of Sines with Triangle BEP}

>Triangle DEP
sin(x)/[BC*sin(20)/sin(80)] = sin(y)/[BC*[sin(30)/sin(70)]*[sin(60)/sin(50)]] {Law of Sines with Triangle DEP}
sin(x)*[sin(80)*sin(30)*sin(60)]/[sin(20)*sin(70)*sin(50)] = sin(y) {Prepare to use arcsine on both sides}
x*[80*30*60]/[[20*70*50] = y = x*(72/35)

x + y + 130 = 180 {Summation of angles with Triangle DEP}
x = 50 - y
x = 50 - x*(72/35)
x = 50/[1+(72/35)]
x = 16.355°
(y = 33.645...°, confirmed graphically with digital protractor +/-0.5°)

>> No.9668990
File: 29 KB, 788x660, imsorry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks it's right
anon, I...

>> No.9669025
File: 104 KB, 665x598, wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me find my flaw(s). I've checked and confirmed >>9668121 , but am having difficulty understanding >>9668548 on line

sin(y) = sin(50-x) = cos(x)sin(50) - sin(x)cos(50).

What is the cos(x)sin(B) - sin(x)cos(B) rule?

>> No.9669039

>what are addition formulas

>> No.9669079

If I forgot all my geometry what textbook is the best for relearning it?

Seriously, how did I retain all my algebra and forget all my geometry, wth?

>> No.9669094

depends on what stage you were when you finished learning
our highschool curriculum only went up to basic shit like sine and cosine rules, thales theorem, basic angle relations in a circle, tangents, secants and passants all of which you could relearn in like a day

>> No.9669235


He can't. A mistake many are making is to assume this can be done without trig. It can't. Even the fellow who tried to use linear algebra won't get it. Look at the correct answer of 17.877, you wouldn't be able to get that using sums and differences. Its not even a rational.

>> No.9669268

is this an impossible triangle with those dimensions or am i retarded

>> No.9669276


It is an 80-80-20 isosceles triangle. It works just fine.

>> No.9669278

I figured it out. x is a negative angle.

>> No.9669441

X doesnt exist? The angle at centre is 50. The total must be 360 so the other to angles must be 260/2. So 130 plus 60 is 190 which means the triangle cant exist.

>> No.9669445
File: 19 KB, 299x373, evil meme triangle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Without knowing either y or z you cannot find out what x is.

t. got a C in high school geometry

>> No.9669488


Learn some trig. Then read the two correct answers that have already been posted. x = 17.877

>> No.9669490


Reexamine your angles. You mean to say 130 is the "angle at the center". And so 50 is the angle you think is 130. You have them swapped.

>> No.9669498

I did learn trig, but I'm just saying with simple geometry you can't find x without knowing either of those angles. Just not possible.

I'm sure if you included sin, cosine, and tangents you could find it, as some of the other anons here have done.

>> No.9669503


You didn't say simple geometry in your post.

>> No.9669605
File: 10 KB, 192x320, trirusso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the infamous Russian triangle from the world math Olympiad.
And OP's pic is wrong unfortunately.
This is the correct drawing.

>> No.9669606

Easily solvable with a bit of linear algebra

>> No.9669620 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 1152x648, vectors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im pretty sure solving it like this works can any other anon confirm??

>> No.9669657

X can be any angle between 1° and 50°.

>> No.9669672

yall got protractors?

>> No.9669684
File: 33 KB, 261x342, triangle-solve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got to this point just using basic angle relationships, and now x can be any real number between 0 and 50

>> No.9669710

If you change x, then the angles at the center point change. OMG

>> No.9669724
File: 26 KB, 193x320, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im at the same spot

>> No.9669800
File: 22 KB, 1152x648, traingle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fags are making it way harder than it needs to be

Solved super quick with vectors, you literally dont even need most of the triangle

>> No.9669808


>> No.9669822
File: 3.33 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20180413_231048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow so elegant

>> No.9670004

its not wrong retard
I made picked the harder one because your pic related can be solved pretty easily with almost any method

>> No.9670007

now solve it with polar coordinates of complex numbers

>> No.9670458


Then show us.

>> No.9670461


No, x has only one solution. The angles at the base fix all the points in the figure. Use trig, you'll get your answer.

>> No.9670539

The unfixed angles can vary whilst the known angles remain the same thus x being any angle between 1 and 50. The problem has infinite solutions because of the way its proposed.

>> No.9670559
File: 110 KB, 657x539, 1506788957455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the unfixed angles which result of the fixed angles can vary

>> No.9670712


Get out a protractor and go old school. Draw the shape out from the given angles. You'll see. You just have to try.

>> No.9670722

its a system of linear equations

>> No.9670734

are you one of those fags?

>> No.9670814

the lower quadrilateral is uniquely determined by the initial 4 angles, and because there is a unique line segment connecting the tops of the triangles, the angle x must be uniquely determined
you are missing a 4th equation :^)

>> No.9670983

R = (y^2+X^2)^(1/2)

R= Radians.

At this point you would want to solve for R with distance formula by using Y/X rather than Sine or other identities since they define themselves such as opposite over hypotenuse rather than actual coordinates on a graph.

>> No.9671348

Shit, /sci/ can't even in isosceles triangles proprieties.