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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 14 KB, 474x354, itsover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
966589 No.966589 [Reply] [Original]


humans are finished

>> No.966613

really cool.

>> No.966637

That was just pure PWN!

>> No.966656

> random youtube link
get a blog faggot

>> No.966683
File: 47 KB, 688x473, armydk72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did that grab the cellphone?
I don't even

>> No.966689

I for one welcome our new machine overlords.

>> No.966708

suck it, cell phone tossing robots are SCIENCE!

>> No.966710


lol japanese putting all of those fast food workers out of business

>> No.966722

They sped up the video. Dishonest faggots.

>> No.966726

I saw this machine a while ago.

>> No.966729

how do you speed up gravity?

>> No.966734
File: 25 KB, 468x348, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the robots are taunting us

>> No.966736


>> No.966744

>implying the robot doesn't drop the cell phone 99% of the time

>> No.966746

Wait just a second here OP.. So your telling me, if i get a robot limb, it'l have reflexes programed into it?


>> No.966761


See :39 and 1:10

Observational skills 101.

>> No.966780

:39, maybe. but you haven't offered any evidence for it besides HERP ITS SO OBVIOUS DERP

1:10, no

like i said, the tennis ball reacts a certain way over time. you cant speed that up

>> No.966795


1:10 yes. Notice that they drop the ball into the robot's range at the very beginning. Notice how fast the ball drops.

Observational skills 101.

>> No.966820

whilst robots are busy learning to catch cell phones, meanwhile in humanland...


>> No.966835

look at the movement of the wires
look at the arm in the upper left corner and the ball drop

doesn't look sped up to me

>> No.966840


>> No.966848


humans are finished

>> No.966857


If you stop smoking meth your mental processing speed will slow to a normal speed 24 hours. You can quit! I believe in you.

>> No.966866

obvious troll is obvious

>> No.966870

I lol'd at 0:39.

>OK, Robot. Keep your camera-eye on the ball!

>> No.966874

Those guy are not doing this stuff for kicks and giggles! They are professional researchers and couldn't care less what you think about their robots. I guess they want into industry and what a better way to impress big company, than create discrepancy between hardware documentation and footage?

Anyway, people yelling 'fake' are trolls. Always have been.

>> No.966901


The glove looks handy.

>> No.966909


1. Realize that the ping pong ball in the video has non-negligible air resistance, meaning that it falls slower than an object for which air resistance is negligible.

2. Drop an object with negligible air resistance.

3. Observe that the object does not fall as fast as the ping pong ball in the video.

4. Realize that this is impossible if the video was running at an unaltered speed.

5. Feel dumb.

>> No.966908

Even made by robots that ramen looks disgusting.

>> No.966942

That was a bouncy ball..

>> No.966949 [DELETED] 

That was a tennis ball

How about you use some of those 'observational skills'

>> No.966963

Hint: You are being trolled

>> No.966977


Even so, it falls faster than an object with negligible air resistance, which is impossible(without an internal source of propulsion). See for yourself.

>> No.966991


I'm not trolling whatsoever. The object falls too fast and at :39 the swinging wand thing is moving much too quickly.

It doesn't mean their robots are junk. It means someone sped up this video.

>> No.967047

Hai guyz I just got a great idea
Lets make robots that can cook a severely limited range of foods, have them take atleast 10 minutes per dish and pay the maintenance people to replace their CO2 and fix them along with the additional power usage instead of paying Mexican and potheads minimum wage to do the same job.

>> No.967077

additional power usage? electricity is cheap
10 minutes per dish? citation please
replace their co2? what

labor is expensive. there is more than just the wage you pay them, numbnuts

>> No.967086


>> No.967089

maintaining robots and powering them costs less than minimum wage?
>there is more than just the wage you pay them, numbnuts
like what?

>> No.967111

>10 minutes per dish? citation please
Dude I just saw the video
A person would of done that omelet way faster

>> No.967126

taxes on your end, employee waste, employee theft, understaffing/overstaffing, soon: health insurance

have you ever worked at a restaurant?

>A person would of done that omelet way faster

Uh, no? The only hold was when it was cooking. The robot has nothing to do at that point anyways, do you want it to just move so it looks busy?

>> No.967161

disability pay
social security and other payroll taxes/fees
employee theft
worker's compensation

>> No.967194

not to mention regulatory compliance for human working enviroments (probably tied in with disability pay)

you own the robots outright. if they destroy themselves they dont have a family to sue you, etc

>> No.967196

Are we talking about a fast food restaurant or the government?
Fast food restaurant employees get minimum wage, that's it.

>> No.967205

Please stop talking, your stupid is showing.

There is much, much more to employing humans than simply their wage. And they've all been listed for you. ALL of those are applicable in even the shittiest of shitty restaurants.

>> No.967209

Dude my sister worked at a restaurant and she didn't get worker's compensation or any of that nonsense

>> No.967217

Was she injured? Did she apply for it? How old are you?

>> No.967218

My dog's sleeping, even he can tell you are trolling.

>> No.967232

Wtf is wrong with you guys?
Is it that hard to believe that a shitty fast food restaurant won't give you insurance/benefits or any that shit?

>> No.967250

The lack of extraneous benefits beyond wage still doesn't discount employee waste, employee theft, training, disability pay, worker's compensation and possibly health insurance depending on your jurisdiction.

Even if you get rid of all the legal shit (good luck with that, hows the lunch hour rush on the moon?). Human employees waste, steal, fuck up orders, infect your customers with disease, hurt themselves, etc

>> No.967303


Not to mention they can quit, get tired, get sick, die, be late to work, etc.

>> No.967334

the picture looks like it's catching a tiny top hat.

once they learn how to make robot barbershop
quartets THEN we're screwed.