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9663722 No.9663722 [Reply] [Original]

Dad: 6'2"
Mom: 6'0"
Me: 5'10"

I'm turning 19 in about a month, can any of you guys tell me how this is genetically possible?
(Before y'all say my Mom fucked the Gardner/Mailman i was artificially inseminated, and unfortunately I look a lot like my dad).

>> No.9663726
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inherited height is estimated to be 80% responsible for eventual height. assuming you're done growing it's probably due to not enough nourishment or resources. a common example of not enough resources is sharing a bedroom/twin bed with an older brother

>> No.9663729

Many possible causes. Either improper nutrition or lack of sleep. Or your parents could be heterozygous for tallness and you got all the short alleles. Another possibility is that you will grow to 6'+. It's rare but not out of the realm of possibility. You should ask your dad when he stopped growing and your mom when males in her family stopped growing. If there's a late bloomer trend, you might have inherited that.

>> No.9663740

I had more than enough nourishment and resources while I was growing up
My parents made sure i got enough nutrition and sleep
Also, my dad stopped growing around the same age i'm at now and all the males in my family are at least >6"1. There is also a late bloomer trend in family which I am hoping that passed on to me.

>> No.9663741

>There is also a late bloomer trend in family
Then there is hope. I'd still ask to find out the specific age.

>> No.9663747

>dad's 5'9''
>mom's 5'5''
>I'm 5'6''
When I was a child I was in the bottom 10% every single year when I got a checkup. No one bothered saying "hey maybe we should feed our kid". Nope.
Funny thing is we weren't even poor they just didn't make me eat. And now I get to live as a manlet for all of eternity.

>> No.9663751

My parents are the same height as yours, but I'm 5'9. I'm quite underfed, weight hasn't changed from 115 lbs since I was 14. I have to wonder if I'd be 6'+ if I'd eaten more, but there are no 6'+ males anywhere in my family tree. I know this post has nothing to do with yours, I'm just venting.

>> No.9663755

You still would have ended up as a manlet if you ate more. You weren't malnourished.

>> No.9663819

dude, even if you grew up to 6' thats only two inch difference, nobody cares
for example my parents are manlets (5'6 and 5'9)
and I grew up to be 5'11
still under the average height in my country for my age (183cm), however literally 95% of my friends (I only know two who are taller than me) are shorter, kek

>> No.9663868
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Dad: 5'11
Mom: 5'10
Me: 5'8"
Could be worse, faggot. You should be glad you were born normal, there's a lot of sad genetic freaks out there.

>> No.9663884

Dont blame your parents for that, its all about genetics unless they literally starved you and let you live with less than half the needed intake of calories. I also ate barely anything when i was younger because i didnt like almost any foods... but i grew up to be 6'3 regardless. The downside is that my bones are garbage and i will forever look like a skeleton, bulking up only makes me look more ridiculous and out of proportion.

>> No.9663974
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I bet both of them are heavy smokers/drinkers/junk food eaters/druggies, pick one or multiple.
Am I wrong anon?

>> No.9663978

6'2" here, constantly filing my 5'2" gf full of my cum.

Will my children be manlets?

>> No.9663981

I just saw this grill on Jewtube. Real sad that she's mentally completely normal but people (lefties) treat her like a child as they do.

>> No.9663983

>I had more than enough nourishment and resources while I was growing up
Was it the right kind? Were you a premie? Were you sick when young?

Shit happens, genetics ain't everything. Even identical twins can end up having fairly radical differences due to some chaos in the womb (not even terribly unusual for them to end up different sexes).

It's not destiny, just probability.

>> No.9664058

>be me
>Dad: 5'10", 100 IQ
>Mum: 5'4", 103 IQ
>me: 6'5", 151 IQ

How adopted am I?

>> No.9664060

Wait until you're 25, probably a later bloomer, that and I'm guessing a lack of height extending exercises such as basketball, swimming, running or ballet when you were 14.

>> No.9664062
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>151 IQ
>Goes on /sci/
Pick one.

>> No.9664066

You sound jelly, bro.

>> No.9664070

ask for a refund on your life anon, that shit clearly is bugged

>> No.9664073

The genotype:phenotype relationship between genes and height is not 1:1. Height is also super polygenic. You may have inherited atavistic height genes or something because of how your mom's/dad's chromosomes were shuffled during meiosis.

Do you also have a 9'' penis?

I'm 5'7'' dude. Stop caring so much about it that you make external attributions and
>just b urself!

>> No.9664074

I'm the same height than you, my gf is 5'10 one of the main reasons I always aim for taller girls is that I don't wanna risk my children being manlets.

>> No.9664076
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Out of curiosity, where did you get tested?

>> No.9664077
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Stanford-Binet test, Mensa.

>> No.9664080
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Then what the fuck are you doing browsing /sci/ fagget. Go develop next-gen AI or something. Shoo

>> No.9664082

>Do you also have a 9'' penis?
No. 7". But rather thick with an imposing GP.

>> No.9664226

Yes, you are wrong faggot
I was a premie, never had anything major when i was young if that's what you mean by sick, and It was the right kind of nourishment, i'm not stupid.
While I am a late bloomer, i was on the Swim Team all throughout High School.

>> No.9664235

>I was a premie
That'd do it. You're lucky you aren't shorter still.

>> No.9664285
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>Yes, you are wrong faggot
Shit well then I don't know what to tell you anon, your circumstance seems as unlikely as it is unfortunate. My first though was that your development was disrupted by unhealthy/hazardous habits of your parents, because god knows research about those effects is blowing up lately.
As a follow up, how old were your parents when you were conceived?

>> No.9664319

39, though i don't see how age of my parents would fuck up my genetics

>> No.9664323
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>39, though i don't see how age of my parents would fuck up my genetics

>> No.9664325
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Well there you go desu.




>> No.9664343

Well damn, I shorter than my parents at 19 because they had me at 39
Fuck my Life

>> No.9664363

Dad: 6'0"
Mom: 5'6"
Me: 6'4"

It's tough being the outlier, OP.

>> No.9664406

The preemie thing is a much bigger factor. Pretty much all folks born early suffer from decreased height as adults. Of course, having a baby at 39 is more likely to result in said baby being a preemie, but at least it's not a genetics issue, so much as an issue with the physical fitness of the mother preventing bringing the child to full term.

Just be glad you didn't end up retarded, as that is one of the genetic issues that increases with the mother's age.

>> No.9664413

>i'm not stupid

posts on 4chan

>> No.9664418

Gfs height barely matters... if her father or brothers are manlets, you should maybe worry.

>> No.9664425

Mom 5'3
Dad 5'7
I'm also 5'7
What were the chances of me being less than 5'7?

>> No.9664435

Insufficient data for a meaningful answer. (Though you wouldn't have to wait for the end of the universe to gather enough.)

Health of mom, age of mom, age of dad (slightly), height of previous generations (on both sides, but mostly mum's), and sheer dumb luck all enter into it.

>> No.9664444
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>Of course, having a baby at 39 is more likely to result in said baby being a preemie

>> No.9664450

5'10" ain't so bad... I mean you could be this guy >>9664425 - but he's probably asian.

I'm 6'2" and my mum had me at 34, yet I came out two weeks late. She was 5'4" and dad was 5'10". So, *shrug*. Folks are having kids a little too late in life - though I'm part of "the lost generation", so I guess I'm lucky to be here at all.

>> No.9664464

So my dad is heterozygous cuz he's dad was 5'10, mom was short tho
My mom is homozygous for short from both her parents.
I don't wanna sound like a brainlet because I haven't done basic bio for like 4 years, but was there any chance for me being taller than 5'7?

>> No.9664465

>Dad 6'3", full beard
>LITTLE Brother 6'4", full beard
>Me 6'1", can't grow facial hair
I unironically believe it is low testosterone
I've had on off anorexic tendencies since I turned 13, couldn't have helped
It happens I suppose

>> No.9664475
File: 113 KB, 400x556, 1975443246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah It's all a matter of chance desu, just having a kid at near 40 doesn't guarantee it'll have defects, it's just that there's a much higher chance that it will, and with a large enough sample it will happen relatively frequently.
>Folks are having kids a little too late in life
That's how things end up in (post) industrial societies, hopefully technological solutions will allow us to mitigate the negative biological effects in the future.
>I mean you could be this guy >>9664425 - but he's probably asian.

>> No.9664495

maybe you're a butt baby

>> No.9664509

The reason I was a preemie was because i'm a triplet, my mom literally didn't have enough room for all three of us.

>> No.9664538

Of course there'd be a chance. There's far too many things that can happen to say otherwise, from the minor to the extreme. You could have gotten gigantism and ended up 7'2" (and short lived), or ended up a dwarf, or a preemie. Height isn't as straightforward as say, eye color, shit happens.

Seems you probably struck in the average range of probability though, maybe a little under.

Slightly higher chance, really. Better than 9/10 times, things still work out okay. Well, at least, on the birth end - there are other more inevitable consequences with parents being too frail to deal with you, dying much earlier in your life, etc.

>> No.9664542

Wow... You are lucky not to have all sorts of problems then. Was there IFV or some other pregnancy aid involved?

>> No.9664560

Pretty sure it was IVF, there was only like a 10% for one egg to survive if I remember correctly, and 3/4 of them did.

>> No.9664602

If being 5'10" is your biggest complaint, get down on your knees and thank your deity of choice, right now. You are one lucky muther fucker.

>> No.9664604

some fucking people man, others are balding at 18 and you're "hurr im average height :("

>> No.9664614

this guy gets it

5'10" is tall to most normal girls (not tinder sluts) anyway.

>> No.9664618

also this
there an app like yikyak (except nore popular and active and not gone) here, and basically all sorority girls hang out there when they are bored.
i once asked what they consider the perfect (not normal or acceptable, but perfect) height, and they either answered 180cm (5ft11) or 185cm
or just taller than them
mind you, this is in fucking germany, onr of the tallest countries. so even if you're """only""" 5ft10 you would have no problems unless youre an uggo

>> No.9664634

Well, 5'10" is actually half an inch OVER average height in the US - but I was aiming more at the fact that he's an IVF triplet preemie with no real resulting problems (just this manufactured one). That's pretty darn rare.

>> No.9664755

Well one of my sisters has dyslexia, but that's pretty much it
My problem isn't generally with my height alone, 5'10" is pretty decent. Its with my height compared to my Parents height.

>> No.9664833

>tfw when you are so insecure the people you are enivious of are your parents

>> No.9664838

Men keep growing until their mid 20s you dumb fuck. I grew 3 inches between 20-22